0' Three Be Liquor Question Simple. , dents, and clear thinking requires However complex and controver- that the school be not credited with sial the general subject may be, the "evils" which in reality represent liquor question in colleges is a unfortunate social c o n d i t i o n s simple one. Education should ad-) against which it must strive. mittedly teach respect for law and order. For better or worse prohibi- British Party Leader tion is ad constitutional amendment. College students should be encour- to Confer With King aged to have their own opinions as to the wisdom of the law and to LONDON, Oct. 2-(AP)-Final ar- work- for its continuance or repeal, rangements for a general election but it is a monstrous thought that next month were being made by they should be taught, or even per- all parties today in the belief that mitted, to disregard it while it ex- the dissolution of the present gov- ists. We know full well that an ef- ernment was inevitable. fective method of abrogating a law Prime Minister MacDonald hopes is to ignore it, but disguise it as we to have a final auc'ience with the may this is lawlessness closely akin king Saturday before making a for- to crimes to which we give hard mal announcement. He went to names. The college student, no less Seaham Harbor this morning to than others, must learn that there face his constituents tonight for are approved methods of unmaking the first time since the formation as well as of making laws. Regard- of the nationalist ministry. Their less of individual opinion and with leaders have repudiated 411s poli- the full knowledge that they will cies and asked'him to resign. have that horrid word paternalism _ hurled at them, the colleges must both teach and enforce respect for Forensic Association the prohibition laws as they would r teach conforhnity to legislation against the forging of checks, thiev- Meeting Tuesday night for the ery, and other unsocial acts. first time this semester, members of Restriction Needed: Adelphi, student debating and for- In the consideration of anything ensic association, decided to hold having to do with student welfare their annual smoker next Tuesday we come finally to the old question night in the Adelphi room, fourth concerning the "extent to which the floor Angell hall. college shall stand in oco parentis This smoker, which is the society's to the student." Independent think- method of introducing itself to the ers in the student body, theorists, new students on the campus, is and smart critics to the contrary planned with the view of giving not withstanding, the answer is "to those who attend a chance to meet the extent demanded by parents." the members of the club. Since the Furthermore, from the standpoint debating clubs are the only activ- of education alone it is necessary ities open to freshmen, the smoker that restrictions be placed upon the should be attended in great part by student to insure proper attention the first year men. All students, being given to study,-restrictions however, are cordially invited. Prof. which are not so much limitations James H. McBurney, varsity debate of freedom as conditions under coach, will deliver an address. which students are permitted to enroll. No inteligent person will ar- Love lives on hope, therefore few gue that freedom to develop one's cases of hopeless insanity can be own individuality means license to attributed to it.-Detroit News. Eschelbach Marke 202 East Huron Phone 4159 Cube Steak, per ab............35c (with its delicious avor is always tender and juicy) Little Pig Pork Sausages .........25c Cream Cottage Cheese, 2 lbs. for.. 25e Beachnut Coffee3............. 7c Couplete Line of Home-Made Sausages Ann Arbor's Leading Market -_=== =-===