Tonight's encounter will be the
first real test that Coach Keen's
men have had this season. This
same group of grapplers which last
year came to Ann Arbor and were
able to -take only one out of the
eight bouts are given an exception-
ally high rating this year with
every chance of taking the Wolves
down a peg. In the only matches
which the two teams have had so
far this season Michigan whipped
Toronto, 32 to 0, while State shut
the Canadians out, 36 to 0.
Coach Is Confident.
Coach Keen has refused to be
baffled by this high rating given
the East Lansing matmen and al-
though he considers the State ag-
gregation as one of the toughest
that his men will, have to meet this
year, he is highly confident of vic-
Fenley Collins, the Spartan men-
tor, has his last year's tean back
practically intact, only one man,
the 155-pounder, is not ranked in
'the veteran class. The two coaches
of the rival teams obtained their
mat training under the same tutor
while teammates at Oklahoma A.
and M.
Put on Finishing Touches.
The Wolverine grapplers put on
the finishing touches for the State
engagement with a light workout
yesterday afternoon. Coach Keen
and his men will make the jaunt
to the Capital city by motor, leaving
Ann Arbor this morning.
Michigan ill be represented in
tonight's battle by the same men
which turned back Toronto a week
ago. John T xiera, the Hawaiian
Wolverine, will be matched with
the Spartan veteran, Austin, in the
fl-poulI class. The little Maize
and Blue wrestler has displayed a
great amount of mat ability and
knowlet ge in his previous bouts
this season and should have enough
of an edge on his opponent to take
Aldinger Meets Ball.
At 126 pounds Eddie Aldinger will
tangle with Ball of the Spartans.
In his first bout of the year, Ald-
inger was forced to go into an over-
time session in order to gain the
decision. Aldinger was a member
of the Wolveritie .mat team two
years ago.
Blair Thomas, the Michigan flash
in the 135-pound class, will have
a tough job on. his hands in at-
tempting to dispose of Captain Byal
of the State matmen. Bob Helliwell
and Stoner, Spartan star, will meet
at 145
Mosier at 155. -
In the 155-pound bout, Art Mo-
sier, one of MichigaU's outstanding
sophomores, will make his intercol-
legiate debut against the only
member of State's team who is not
ranked as a veteran. Slim Jim Wil-
son, who is Michigan's double-
jointed grappler, will enter the ring
against the veteran Marsa at 165.
Al Reif, stocky 175-pounder, will
do battle with Leopard. The Maize
and Blue wrestler is competing in
his sec9nd year as a Varsity mat-
Man and will have a hard task in
attempting to take his opponent.
Michigan will rest its hopes on
Stoddard in the last bout of the
evening who will be matched with
the Spartan heavyweight, Reavely.
- Tonight's match is the last on
the wrestling card until the next
semeAter when the Big Ten season
gets underway.;
Intramural Officials
to Stage Gathering
of Independent Men
Plans are set for a big get-to-
gether of the Independent of the
campus at the Intramural Building
this afternoon between two and
three o'clock. The idea which was
announced earlier this week will be
carried through with the coopera-
tion of the entire staff.
All the basketball floors of the
main gymnasium will be available
for Independents during this one
hour this aftetnoon. All who show
up will be organized into teams and
given a chance to play a bit before
the period is up. Such teams as are
oranized at that time will he nut
Plenty of work is in store for
Coach John Johnstone's aggrega-
tion of fencing experts this week-
end, for after the rather stiff op-
position afforded them at Toledo
last night they are scheduled to
entertain a capable group of stars
in this ancient art from Michigan
State in the only athletic event for
the evening on the local program.
The meet is scheduled for 7:30
tonight in the auxiliary gymnasium
at the Intramural building; admis-
sion is by student coupon.
Fencing has been gaining consid-
erable interest on the local sports
calendar in the last few years, and
this season Coach Johnstone has
one of the largest turnouts for this
sport that he has seen in many a
lean year. He has picked out a
team of seven men; Captained by I
the veteran DeStefano in the sabre garner
event, which he will pit against the right: 4
best that State can produce. State s
Other starters as announced by _____
the mehtor include Little to pair
with DeStefano in the sabres; Bron
Winig and Nahrgang in the epees;
and Mayer, Barlow and Lovell in
the foils. These men have trained, P
to a fine precision and accuracy in
the past few weeks and are eager LAMS
to get into some real competition. Monnet
The Toledo meet last night and the halfbac
meet tonight will constitute the victory
pre-Conference schedule of the as they
Wolverine swordsmen. Chicago will as the
come here next Saturday in the the am
curtain raiser on the Big Ten pro- t. boxi
gram in this sport. cision t
Very little is known of the cali-.mason
bre of the State swordsmen as thus mazoo.
far this season they have engaged
in no outside competition. They -
will arrive here this afternoon for
the meet. Coach Johnstone is ex-
pecting a successful local debut by
his proteges.
Big Ten Cagers to Have Games
Tonight as Race Nears
Fourth Round.
Topped by the struggle between
Noythwestern a n d Michigan at
Evanston, the Big Ten basketball
race enters the fourth round to-
night when eight of the conference
teams engage in competition. Only
Purdue and Illinois are idle, Pur-
due having clsed their basketball
schedule until after the examina-
tions when they open again against
Ohio State on February 8.
After tonight's games, there will
be two, and possibly only one, un-
defeated team left in the race.
Northwestern and Michigan will
decide -which one will be considered
the logical contender along with
Purdue after tonight, and Ohio
State will attempt to maintain its
clean slate against Iowa.
The battle between the Buckeyes
and the Hawkeyes will be the sec-
ond contest between the teams in
seven days. It was just a week ago
tonight that the Ohioans managed
to stave off a.last half rush by the
Iowa sophomores to win, 10 to 17.
Tonight the Ohio quintet will be
playing on an unfamiliar floor as
this is the first invasion that the
Buckeyes have made to the Iowa
field house in three years. Coach
Rollie Williams in depending on
Moffitt, high .scoring sophomore
forward, and Koltow and Rodgers
to erase the stigma of the three
point defeat. With the additional
experience of the Northwestern
game last Monday, the Hawkeyes
should give their rivals a great bat-
At Minneapolis, the Gopher quin-
tet will entertain Indiana in the
first of four home games before
they have to invade foreign terri-
tory. The Hoosier five is virtually
out of the conference race as a re-
sult of their three defeats, and will
probably not give. Coach MacMil-
lan's charges a great deal of trouble
Brad Robinson, out of the Michi-
gan game due to illness, is due to
get into the game tonight, and
with Wright and Sochacki, will
present a high scoring threat. The
rugged defense of the Indiana five
will cause the Gophers a lot of
trouble, but the vengeful mood they
are in since the Michigan game,
should carry them to victory.
Wisconsin will meet Chicago in
the Windy City in the final confer-
ence battle. The Maroons have not
given much concern to any of the
opponents they have met so far
and Coach Meanwell's five should
win quite easily.
Regular Scrimmage Won
Ft st Y<ar Men by Score
,of 12 to 8.
In an abbreviated game last
night, Coach Ray Fisher's fresh-
men basketball team defeated the
junior varsity in a hotly contested
game by a 12 to 8 score. Led by
Oliver, forward from Pontiac, the
yearling cagers proved a little to
amuch for their more experienced
opponentr despite so m e sloppy
Although they were without the
services of one of their best guards,
Paulsey, the yearlings displayed, a
fine brand of defense. Black, di-
minutive forward from Canton,
Ohio was especially adept at break-
ing up the offensive drives of the
jayvees. The young Ohioan, de-
spite being the smallest man on the
basketball tc tn, is characterized
by Fisher as being a regular "ball
After the regular scrimmage be-
tween the first teams, another "B"
team composed of Kimmel, Barta,
Wistert, Bohnsack, and Barnard
smothered a pickup freshman team
under a barrage of baskets, win-
ning by an overwhelming score of
27 to 4. Wistert's ability to control
the tip-off, and his excellent work
under the basket on dog-shots,
made him the outstanding player
of the game.
There is considerable room for
improvement in the shooting of
the freshmen cagers, especially on
dog-shots and foul throws. lack
was especially poor on free throws,
missing four in a row at one time.
Line-up of the first game:
Freshmen Jayvees
Oliver........LF.......... Barta
Black..... ...RF.....Kiserwell
Seeley.........C.......... Allen
Hosler .........LG......Petoskey
Swartz ........ RG.......Doden
The Kansas City Blues will train
at -Urange, '.Lex., nex6 spring, in-
stead of ac Lase Charles, la., Gheir
usual spring quarters.