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January 16, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-16

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in nYin ,n Total Eclipse of Sun Next August ".: nrmit

ir or' T

When the tornado, was through with Hamilton, Miss., most of the
homes resembled this tangled heap of wreckage which is shown with its
former inhabitants. Five counties of Alabama and Mississippi were

When the moon fasts its shadow
for a brief moment over northeast-
ern United States next, Aug. 31, the
University of Michigan eclipse ex-j
pedition#Fwill be at. Freyberg, Me.,
to observe it, accord ing to a state-
ment by Prof. HeberD. Curtis, di- .
rector of the University observa-
tory. The expedition is made pos-
sible through a grant from the Fac-
ulty Research Fund Committee.
Besides the Michigan expedition
under the direction of Professor
Curtis, Lick Observatory is plan-
ning to locate also at the small
town of Freyberg. Numerous other
American observatories will have
stations in New England or south-
ern Canada. 9r. Curtis will start
they work of sdtting up the instru-
ments about Aug. 1.
While the complete program of
research is not yet decided upon in
all its details, a number of instru-
ments will be installed to use to the
fullest extent the minute and a
half during which 'the moon will
cover the disk of the sun. The larg-
est instrument will be a canera of
40-feet focal length, giving large
scale photographs of the corona,
with the disk of the sun nearly
four-inches in diameter. Dr. Curtis
is constructing a large interfero-
meter which uses etalon plates
nearly five inches in diameter, per-
haps the largest ever made for this
purpose. With this he will attempt
to secure further data on the na-
ture of the principal chemical com-
ponent of the solar corona, which
is called coronium, but is probably
some more familiar element mas-
querading under strange colors. He
will also study the "flash" spectrum
of the corona in the infra-red re-
gion using a grating spectrograph
which he constructed while' at Alle-
gheny Observatory.
Dr. Dean B. 1cLaughlin, of the de-
partment of astronomy, will observe
the same flash spectrum, but in the
visual region of the spectrum. The
honorary curators of the observa-
tory, Robert R. and Francis -C. Mc-
Math, and Henry S. Hulbert, of De-
troit, are also planning to be pres-
ent for the purpose of taking movie
films of' the -phelnonena - of the
(Continued on Page 6)
'Rare' Match Boxes
Reward Local Man's
'Research' Efforts
Running the gamut of places to
eat, places to sleep, and things to
sell from Maine to California is the
match bo'x collection containing
665 "rare" specimens of which Mack
Stribley, 628. W. Huron St., is the
proud possessor.
Located in Stribley's garage on'
No. Ashley St., the collection covers
the better part of a partition which

Call 2-1214 For Scores
The score of the Michigan-
Northwestern basketball game
will not be available until 10
o'clock tonight. Call 21214 af-
ter that ,time. A special opera-
tor will be on duty.
Representative Claims in Letter
That He Was Misquoted
by Newspapers.
Representative Robert H. Clancy,
in letters to The Daily and Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven, yester-
day denied having made the state-
ments that drinking conditions at
the University of Michigan were
"horrible" and that athletes were
drinking, "every one," as were
credited to him by press dispatches
'in Detroit papers.
Representative Clancy's letter in
full-was as follows:
"Enclosed please find copy of my
telegram to a Detroit newspaper
which was in reply to a telegram
asking for further views from me
on college drinking and particu-
larly at the University of Michigan.
"The request was made because
I testified on January 12th before
the Senate Manufactures Commit-
tee and devoted several sentences
to a comparison of the effect of
prohibition and anti-prohibition
upon college students in Canada
and in the United States.
"I also said that I had spent two
weeks at Oxferd University, Eng-
land, and found the students not
demoralized by drinking beer, ale
and other drinks which were easy
of access there.
"Referring to newspaper stories,
I did not say that drinking condi-
tions at the U. of M. were "hor-
rible," and particularly was care-
ful .not to say that "athletes are
drinking, every one."
"I have always been particularly
anxious not to condemn a whole,
class on the drinking problem or as
practicing any vice or delinquency,
as in every group there are some
good and some bad. I have been so
friendly to athletes all my life that
it would be absurd for anybody to
say that I specifically referred to
them in a derogatory manner.
Moreover, my experience has been
that athletes are more abstemious
than thet average student and that
practically all of them areabstain-
ers during training season.
"The last thing in the world I
want to be is a falsifier, as that is
one of my chief complaints
against professional drys, an when
I make a mistake in a heated de-
bate or in writing anything my rec-
(Continued on Page 6)


separates a store room from the re- -
mainder of the shop. . Flint Heiress Begins
As far 'as the local field is con-
cerned, Stribley says his collection Sentence For Murder
is virtually complete and that any PLYMOUTH, Jan. 15.-(P)-Helen
further efforts will be directed Morgan, Flint heiress, entered the
chiefly along national and interna- Detroit House of Correction today
tional lines. Already his collection
claims an almost exhaustive "re- to begin a 20 to 25-year sentence
search" into Mexico City match for murdering her sweatheart, Les-
boxes with a collection of 23 repre- lie Casteel. Her mother, who ac-
sentative specimens. companied her as far as the recep-
Although the garage mechanic's tion room, said she would fight for
research has extended over less a nehr trial.
than two years he has obtained
,boxes from over half the states ex-
tending from New .York to Cali- Economists Agree Upon
fornia, from Canada to Florida, and utine Program; Sha
O tiePorm h jrepresenting various extremes.

Plam to Aid Business;
rf man Member of Group

Score of Legal Representatives Mentioned
for Supreme Court Seat; Include Michener

'Impartial' Attitude of Public
Blamed by Former Marine
for Ineffectiveness.
(Special to The Daily)
YPSILANTI, Mich., Jan. 15.-
Public antagonism to "strong-arm"
tactics was blamed for ineffective
law enforcement by Gen. Smedley
Butler in a talk tonight in Pease
Gen. Butler told 1,800 listeners
that the methods employed by ma-
rines in America's insular posses-
sions would be frowned on were
they adopted in the United States
as a means of enforcing law and
order. Commenting on his experi-
ence in taking over law enforce-
ment in Philadelphia a few years

NEW YORK, Jan. 15.-(W)-A
group of the leading economists of
the United States, after two months
of interchange of opinion, have
agreed upon a program of econom-
ic action which they believe should
revivify business, restore values, in-
crease employment and' strengthen
Warren M. Persons, prominent
economist, in an exclusive inter-
view with the Associated Press, to-
day, said the. program has been in-
dorsed by trade associations, con-
gressmen, government economists,
farm organizations and prominent
individuals. Its success, he said,
depended upon wide co-operation
of important interests, particularly
industrials and bankers, and that
it seemed assured.
Program Simple.
Their program is relatively sim-
ple, and, Dr. Persons explained,
represents the least common de-
nominator of effective platforms
upon which agreement seemed pos-

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