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January 15, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-15

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lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
he University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

,. XLII.


No. 80

To the Members of the University Council: The next meeting of the
acil will be held on Monday, Jan. 18, at 4:15 p. in., in Alumni Mem-
1 Hall, Room "B". Louis A Hopkins, Secretary.
A Comprehensive Professional Examination in Education required by
School of Education will be held on Saturday, Jan. 23, from 9 to 12
he Auditorium of the University High School. All undergraduates
are candidates for the teachers certificate in'February are required
ake this examination. Graduate students who are taking their
ter's or doctor's degree are the only ones excused from this exam--
Lon. C. 0. Davis, Secretary, School of Education.
Qualifying Examination for Directed Teaching: All students expect-
to elect Education D100 (Directed Observation and Teaching) or
(Correlated Course in Education) next semester are required to
a qualifying examination in the subject matter in which directed
king is to be done. This examination will be held in the Auditorium
he University High School from 9 to 12 on Saturday, Jan. 16, -1932.
ents writing examination in English required to come from 1 to 3.
se expecting to engage in directed teaching the first semester of
next school year should plan to take the examinations from 9 to 12
aturday, May 21, in the Auditorium of the University High School.
C, 0. Davis, Sedretary, School of Education.
College of Architecture: All students registered in the College of
Litecture are requested to call at the Office of that College, and fill
a blank giving the names of instruct'ors for this semester.
Classification, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School
ducation, and School of Music: Classification in these three units
ze University will cease Saturday Noon of this week, until after the
of the examnination period.
Summer Session Abridged Announcement: Copies of the revised edi--
may. be obtained at the registration offices beginning tomoirrow
ping, Saturday, Jan. 16..
University Women: All women students who intend to change
es at the .end of this semester should advise the househead and
Office of the Dean of Women of this intention before Saturday noon,
16, (four weeks before the beginning of the second semester).
Alice C. Lloyd.
Engineering Students: All students in the College of Engineering
Id report conflicts in time of Final Examinations to C. H. Fessenden,
n 333 West Engineering building, at once.
Organization Presidents: Today is the fixial- date for payment of
space in the 1932 Michiganensian. Space unpaid for after today
be declared vacant.

Defective Wiring Heads Hazard
List; State Fire Marshal
to Enforce Rulings.
While stating that fire menace
conditions were not found to be bad
in Ann Arbor, J. J. Hubbel, secre-
tary of the Michigan State Fire Pre-
vention association reported that
many hundreds of suggestions for
improvement of conditions had
been made as a result of the city-
wide inspection tour conducted on
Wednesday by members of the as-
Defective wiring~ headed the list
of hazards. Out of 213 business
establishments inspected, 143, or
nearly two-thirds of them, were
found to have defective wiring. The
stores proved to be the worst
offenders among the various busi-
ness houses, with a total of 445
recommendations. Minor defects
were found in every school build-
Detailed, reports of dangerous
conditions will be submitted to state
authorities at Lansing, who will
later communicate with property
owners, giving suggestions as to
what should be done to remove the
hazards. While it is erpected that
most owners will welcome informa-
tion that will aid them in prevent-
ing fires, if any ignore the recom-
mendations of the association they
will be turned over to the state fire

Edward H. Kraus
(Continued from Page 4)
will conduct his famous class on1
Gems and Gem Materials.
The Michigan Academy of Sci-
ences elected him president in 1920;
the Mineralogolical S o c i e t y of
America selected him for the same
office shortly afterwards. In 1925
he became president of the Ameri-
can Association of Colleges of Phar-
His favorite toy is the valuable
Frederick W. Stearn's Collection of
Gems, now in possession of the
University. Due to " the immense
value of the collection it is not onI
public display; those who have
seen it tell of their -experience with
wide eyes and gasps of breath.
Dean Kraus is a member of six
Greek letter societies, most of them
honorary. His publications a r e
numerous and his scientific society
memberships are equally numerous;
and widespread. Each college year,
brings new duties and further re-
search to justify the title his friends
have adopted--"Michigan's Handy
University Belongs
to 56 Associations
The University of Michigan is
one of the world's champion join-
ers, belonging to 56 societies and
associations, according to t h i s
week's Alumnus.

Professor Says Russians Favor,
Disarmament; Communism ;
Is National Religion.
Common Articles Emphasized
in Five Year Plan; Food
More than 300 people gathered
yesterday afternoon in Natural Sci-i
ence auditorium to hear Howard Y.
McClusky speak on "Russia and
World Affairs" under the auspices]
of the S.C.A.1
"I am often asked 'if I believe]
that Russia is a commercial men-;
ace to the world," said Professor
McClusky. "I say no, because shej
consumes so much of her own pro-j
duce. She dumps wheat only
when she must have money.
"Russia is not in a position to
wage an offensive war. Every man,
woman,, and child is given military
training. We saw little girls learn-
ing to use the rifle. However, con-
ditions arc too poorly organized tot
seriouslyinj ure anyone. She would'
be nearly inpregnable on the de-
fense, I believe," he declared.
Favors Disarmuament.
"Russia is sincerely in favor of?
disarmament. She feels that ifI
governments disarm, the people will
have an easier chance to over-t
throw them, and establish socialist
regimes. Russians expect revolu-
tions in China and Germany first..
'At present the Conmunists would
rather look on a war than partici-,
pate in one. ]
"I got the impresion that com-l
munism is a religion to the people.'
They have their, saints, martyrs
and ritual as much as anyone, but
they call it communism. Churches!
are kept only as works of art, or to
use as "anti-religious" propagan-
da. A lot of their propaganda on
all subjects struck me as stupid,"
said McClusky.
"From now on the Five Year Plan
will emphasize the common things
that people use, instead of large
projects," he continued. "Finer
things of life are appreciated by
everyone. Great crowds gather at
the art galleries and government-
owned theatres. I saw some excel-
lent motion pictures, and some that
were rotten. Every one wears drab
work clothes to the affairs. Food
is uneven, but oftenaexcellent.
Refrigeration, however, has not
progressed with the Five Year

Alumnus'Features- QUIZ ONOURSE
Thomas C. Spaulding, M.S.F. '09,future Teachers Give Unsigne
is the most enthusiastic alumnus in Opinions on Curricula.
Montana, and one of the most
prominent. While working for his In the School of Education, thre
Bachelor's Degree at the University questiosntudents snc e distribu-
of Montana he spent his summers estudeot93,incudinglter'
with the United States Geological ester of 1930, icluding last year
Survey in Montana and the South- summer session. These question
west. In 1906 he joined the United naires, bearing queries on the effect
States Forest Service and served on students of various courses, rep
until 1915, with the exception of his resent an attempt by the schoo
year at Michigan. He went to the to evaluate its courses from thi
Border as Engineering Officer with student'angle.
the Second Montana Infantry, and It was definitely stipulated tha
thin eond rldn a In r a Indno student was to sign his nam c
during the World War was in and the results in some cases wer
France two years as Lieutenant and startling when tabulated. Extrem
Captain of Engineers with the First frankness characteried the an
Army. In 1915 he became Professor swers in most cases. Some of th
of Forestry at the University of queries were:
Montna ad in1923wasamed "Do you find your schedule to't
Montana and in 1923 was named heavy? In what particular course
Dean of the School of Forestry. In have you found yourself overloadet
addition to his duties at the Uni- with work? Was the additiona
versity, Dean Spaulding is Forester work worth-while to you? Wha
in charge of protection work and courses in Education have prove
forest protective associations in unusually helpful? Modratel:
Western Montana. He is a member helpful? Disappointing? How migh
of the International Board of Di- courses which were disappointin
rectors, Order of Hoo-Hoo, has have been made more helpful."
published numerous papers and The questionnaixe, which cover
articles, and his memberships in general information, fou o'cloc
various organizations include the conferences, the Educ tion clu
Society of American Foresters, Phi and recreational activities, ha
Sigma Kappa, Rotary, Sigma Xi, been called a device'ofi great as
Phi Sigma andt Druids. sistance in planning curricula.
Albert E. Sawyer, .'29L, interrupt-
ed his law course for two years to
revise the business system of the
new University Hospital. While ac-
complishing this he worked' with' T
the faculty of the School of Bus-
ness Administration and prepared BIG SA LE
several lectures and one monograph
on the business organization and of
management ofinon-profit institu-
tions. Mr. Sawyer was born in Eng- V
land, coming to this country when Par SUitS
he was eleven. He first entered thea
University with the Class, of 1920, and
dropping out at the end of his first
year to do cost accounting, and re-
entering again in 1923. He beganrc
the practice of law with the firm of at
Cadwalader, Wickefsham & Taft,
in New York, and after a ;fewS
months Mr. Wickershamrassigned
him to work with. the Nationalw
Commission on Law Observance .g0
and Enforcement. He became as-
sistant to Henry S. Dennison, the IS A R 2AL MONEY SAER
Commission's consultant in mat- al MNeS AVR
ters relating to the organization, Walk A Few Steps and
personnel aid methods of federal Save Dollars
prohibition enforcement. At the
conclusion of this work Mr. SawyerTct a s nLh e
nison Manufacturing Company Tofii4i r Oe
accepted a position with the U
Framinghai, Massachusetts, where
he has been afforded an unusual Young Men's Clothes
opportunity to use his training and Shop
study in legal and business analysis. 116 Past Liberty Se
He is married and has one daugh-
~Check' Upon Your

Phi Delta Kappa: Luncheon meeting at the Michigan Union, Satur-
day, Jan. 16, at 1 p. m.. The speaker is P. T. Rankin of Detroit and his
subject will be, "Character Education-A Preview of the 1932 Yearbook
of the Department of Superintendence."
Reception for Graduate Students: There will be an informal recep-
tion, followed by dancing and bridge, for Graduate School students at
the Women's Athletia- building on Saturday evening, Jan. 16, from 8:30
until 12 o'clock. The wives and husbands of married students are also
invted. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged to help defray
Soiree Dramatique of the Cercle Francais will take place Monday
evening, Jan. 18, promptly at 8:15 o'clock, at the Laboratory Theatre
(former Mimes). On the program are three one-act French plays, one
of which is to be played by Members of the Faculty of the Romance
Languages Department, and the others by students in French. French
folk-songs will be rendered by a group of students in costume of Bre-
tagne. Free admission to those presenting at the door cards of associate
membership in the Cercle Francais. These cards can be procured from
the office of the 'Secretary of the Romance Language Department, or
at the door at the time of the performance.
Congregational Student Fellowship meets at 5 30 Sunday for a social
half hour follow'ed by the Fellowship supper at 6 o'clock. At 6:30, Pro-
fessor Ella M. Wilson of the Geography Department of the Michigan
State Normal College will give an illustrated talk on the subject, "In the
Land of the Sphinx and the Scarabs,"



ersity Loan Committee meets at 1:30 p. in., in Room 2, Univer-
. Students who lave filed applications with the Office of the
Students should call at that office for an appointment with the
rterdeck will meet at 12:35 noon at Spedding's Studio, Liberty
,te St., for 'Ensian photograph.
iese Students: Flecton of new officers at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Kwei
sent his plan of a "Volunteer Air Corp," and discussion will
s presentation.
ey Players will present "The Flattering Word," a satire, by
Kelly, and "Who Killed Cock Robin?", a farce by Charles Mat-





A ekes .ge an Porteble
Sold. Rented bbd. epR aired
Large choice stock. mytems.
0. D MR RI L L,
~W~~S.Ann Arbor



Little Theatre in Wesley'

Hall. Curtain at 8 o'clock.

gy I: Bluebook at 9 o)clock.
gy 3j: Make-up bluebook at
in Room 3056 N.S.
y Department luncheou at
ichigan Union.
cape Club: Short meeting
Jan. 18, at 7:30 in the de-
t rooms. Discussion of vari-
hods and mediunis of rep-
pine-Michigan Club meet-
ane Hall' at 3 p. nM., Sunday.
0 Students Union: Sunday
Miss Elsie Wulkop of Bos-
speak on "Social Signifi-
f Birth Control." Unitarian,

Goldens Pure Preserves, 1 lb. jar .. 22c
(Cherry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Peach, Apricot)
Beach Nut Coffee, 3 s..... ... :$1.00

and his



Liver Sausage, 2 lbs.... .
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Little Pig Breakfas Sausages
Hone Made, Frecsh Daily)
Honey Brand Smoked Hams ...
4 to 5 pound Chunk, Whale 18c


... .25c

. . . 19c


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Be thrifty, buy only,
quality meats, and you
will be paid dividends
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Don't forget our Hot Noonday




Over Radio Station


This Week

Making their

Hub Sandwich Shop


Second Appearance

Michigan Theatre Building


ationery Specials 490 each

Saturday, January 16th
9 tille 1
in the


To Order

0 *


III -a K e - * . T _ ._

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