4t1t V w
4 mlP
Wisconsin Insurgent
Gould Says Fraternities
Must Report Offenses.
e&fratcrnity all to Be
in April; Budget Not
Exceed $1,000.
Unofficial information regarding
ic infraction of rushing rules was
csented last night by Howard
ould, '32, secretary-treasurer of
ic Intcrfraternity Council, at a
:eeting of this body held in the
rioi4. No official information has
cen placed in the hands of the
"T I
;ainst any iratrernity
ion of the rules.
s to Houses.
? to the Interfrater.
act as ferrets to dig
Gould said, "it is up
ties themselves."
rorden, '32, president,
who knew of viola-
them. "If there are
the rules and the of-
iot dealt with," he
(fce of the dean of
e forced to take over
at of ithe rules next
ie intensive rushing
plained at the meet-
.t was ,stressed that
oe made with fresh-
eriod until the eligi-
s out. Following the
ay put
.s they
at the
Associated Press Photo
Senator Robert M. Lafollette, jr.,
secking to boost prosperity, has in-
troduced a bill for a $5,500,000,000
issue of "prosperity bonds" for im-
me ate expansion of federal, state
an local building projects.
California Enjoys
Snow as North Has
Freak Spring Heat
(By the Associated Press)
A queer inocgepodge of winter
weather yesterday brought snow to
the desert, spring flowers to the
middle-west, and d e a t h dealing
tornadoes to the south.
Eleven died in tornadoes that rip-
ped through Alabama and Missis-
A new record January 13 warmth
was registered in New York, Chi-
cago, and other eastern cities, and
residents of Riverside, Cal., saw the
first snow there in 40 years. Sacra-
mento had its fifth snowfall in the
last 18 years.
. Near the head of California's Im-
-perial valley, normally one of the
warmest spots in the nation, snow
covered the ground.
Travail lay in the wake 1of the
floods and tornadoes in the south
and an 8-mile gale that struck
Boulder City and Las Vegas, N. M.,
Tuesday, wrecking the Hoover dam
tent city.
Spring shrubs bloomed in Ohio
and snow mantled great areas in
the west. Ohio also was visited by
a windstorm that injured two far-
mers and damaged dwellings.
Thermometers read 65.3 in New
York. It was 32 below zero at
Drumheller, Alta., below freezing in
usually balmy climes of the south-
west and sub-zero with heavy snow
in the western Dakotas.
What Mysthrjous Influence Do
Women Use on Professors
Is Question.
Debating on the subject: Re-
solved: That Women Receive their
Grades for other than Scholastic
Reasons, Alpha Nu and Zeta Phi
Eta, both forensic organizations,
will meet promptly at 8 o'clock to-
night in the Alpha Nu room.
The contest will be judged by
Beach Conger, '32, editorial director
of The Michigan Daily, Edward
McCormick,'32, president of the
student council, and Miss Kather-
ine Koch, '32, president of the
Charles Rogers, '34, John Huss,
'33, and Robert Thomas, '32, will
uphold the affirmative side fdr Al-
pha Nu, Dorothy Davis, '33, Alice
Schleb, '32, and Mary Pray, '35,
speak for Zeta Phi Eta.
Cl ancy Apparently
Heas RealLwdown
Excessive undergraduate tip-
pling at the University of Michi-
gan as exposed by the.Robert H.
Glancy outburst of day before
yesterday certainly seems to be
well established after a consul-
tation of the records. ys
The student directory reveals
the fact that the student body
contains three Barrs, a Ginn, a
Champagne, two Beers, and a
Belcher. Not to be outdone the
faculty also boasts a Belcher.
Resolutions to Enforce Wearing
of Pots' Adopted at
Fraternity house parties may be
held on the same nights as class
dances and other class functions.
This stand was re-affirmed last
night at a meeting of the Student
Earlier in the semester, the
council decided that if class parties
cold not stand by themselves, they
Were a worn out tradition. In spite
of rumors to the contrary, they still
maintain this idea, it was said.
Plans were made to secure men'
prominent in various industries to
come to Ann Arbor to speak to stu-
dents on vocational fields. + Noel
Candler, '32E, and' John Denler, '32,
were appointed on a committee
which will investigate the feasibility
of this and submit plans regarding
their findings, to the council.
A resolution regarding the wear-
ing of 'pots' by freshmen was drawn
up and passed unanimously by the
All of Michigan's general frater-
nities at the Interfraternity council
meeting held Wednesday night
unanimously voted to support the
following Student Council resolu-
"Resolved: That all fraternities
and the representatives of the stu-
dent body, the Student Council,
shall definitely enforce the wearing
of 'pots' by freshmen."
Contract Players Can
Enter Bridge Tourney
Apparently there are almost as
many auction as contract bridge
players on the campus. Last week
they Union began registration for a
contract tournment, with the
add d provision that if there were
eno gh entries there would also be
an auction match.
To date there are almost asmany
teams signed up for the old
fashioned game as there are for
the newer one. At any rate, teams
may sign up for the tourneys at
the main desk of the Union for the
rest of this week and all of next.
Cancel Reparations,
Mussolini suggests
MILAN, Jan. 13.- (P)-Premier
Mussolini advised Europe in an ar-
ticle in his newspaper, Popolo d'Ita-
lia, today to cancel reparations as
the first step to the world economic
The article, which was unsigned.
but was known to be from I Duce 's
pen, said this undoubtedly would
leave the United States in such a
position that it would have to fol-
low suit by cancelling war debts.
It was Mussolini's second pro-
nouncement through h is Milan
newspaper within three -days of his
personal views and therefore of the
official policy of Italy.
Old Chief Given Same Position
as Well as Foreign
Pierre Cathala Will Succeed
Laval as Minister of
PARIS, Jan. 13. - (/P) - Pierre
Laval again was head of the French
government as premier in the re-
organization of his cabinet tonight.
He also tok over the poitfoio of
foreign minister, held for so long
by Aristide Briand, and induced
his old-time friend and predecessor
in the premiers4ip, Andre Tardieu,
to accept the post of minister of
war, vacated by the death of Andre
Thus M. Tardieu will go to Gen-,
eva as France's principal represent-
ative to the disarmament confer-
ence on Feb. 2.
Succeeding Premier Laval in the
important post of minister of the
interior -is young Pierre Cathala, a
disciple of Laval and Tardieu.
To succeed Tardieu in the agri-
culture department, which controls
and cares for France's great rural
population, the premier selected
Achille Fould, young former under-
secretary, who was'given minister-
ial rank.-
The French cabinet crisis, one of
the briefest in the ,history of the
Third Republic, thus was terminat-
ed at midnight. Premier Laval said
he had urged M. Briand to partici-
pate in the work of the new cabinet.
in whatever capacity he felt able-
presumably as minister witout
Onetime Professor in Residence
Here, Pulitzer Winner Is
Again Honored.
Robert Frost, former Michigan
resident professor and twice win-
ner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry,
has been awarded by the unanim-
ous vote of the National Institute
of Arts and Letters the 1931 Rus-
sell Loines Memorial Prize f o r
Frost took courses here in 1922,
was a poet in residence here from
1921 to 1923, and a Fellow in Let-
ters, 1925-1926.
The books which have earned
him the high place he holds in
American letters are "A Boy's Will,"
"Mountain! Interval," "N o r t h of
Boston," "New Hampshire" (Puli t-
zer Prize: 1923), and "Collected
Poenis" (Pulitzer Prize: 1930).
The Russell Loines fund was col-
iected by friends of the well-known
lover of poetry at the time of his
death; an amount which is large
enough, to warrant the awa~rd of
one thousand dollars to some writer
of poetry every three or four years.
The conditions of the awards and
the magnitude of the prize make
it one of the most important liter-
ary honors in this country. Frost
is the first recipient of the prize.
ComedyClub to Hold
BanquetJanuary 21
Comedy Club will hold a banquet
for the purpose of initiating new
members, at 6 o'clock Thursday,
January 21, in the League.
Persons who have not as yet se-
cured reservations for the banquet1
should get in touch immediately
with Stanley T. Donner, '32, whose
telephone is 4295, it was announced
by Robert C. McDonald, president.
Gradate Students
to BeEntertained
Students in the graduate school
are to be entertained at a. recep-
tion from 8:30 to 12 o'clock Satur-
day night in the Women's Athletic
Association building. This event is'
part of the plan to provide means
of social contact for graduate stu-
dents who do not live at sororities
or fraternities, it was stated.
Following the reception there is
to be an informal dance in the ball-
room. Bridge tables are to be plac-
ed in the committee rooms for
Steel Chief Resigns
Assoca ted Press Pme
James A. Farrell, whose rise in
the world of steel over a period of
nearly half a century has few
equals in fact or fiction, now will
retire April 18, as president of the
United States Steel corporation, a
post he has held for twenty-one
Mutilated Bodies of. Rich Widow
and Maid are Discovered
in Cottage.
MIDDEBURG, Va., Jan. 13-/P
-Among the rolling hills of Vir-
ginia's famous fox-hunting coun-
try, police tonight sought a Negro
ex-convict in connection with the
killing of ,Mrs. Agnes Boeing Isley,
40 years old, wealthy sportswoman,
arid her maid.
Their bodies with skulls crushed,
were found -today by Pault Boig,
Mrs. Ilsley's brother, in a cottage
on her 200-acre estate ,
Mr. Boeing had spent the night a
few yards away at the - massive
Colonial manor house which Mrs.
Ilsley had leased until Sunday to
Miss Katrina McCormick, daughter
of Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick,
former Illinois representative in
When Mr. Boeing entered the cot-
tage for breakfast, he found the
body of his sister, widow of Spencer
Ilsley, Milwaukee banker, on the
floor of her bedroom. She had been
beaten down apparently, in the
midst of a desperate struggle.
In a nearby room he discovered
the body of the maid, Mina Buck-
nr 60.
McClusky Will Talk
at S. C, A. Forum
Prof. Howard Y. McCluskey of
the psychology department of the
school of education: will discuss
"Russia and World Affairs" at an
S. C. A. forum at 4:15 o'clock to-
day in Natural Science auditorium.
Professor McCluskey toured Eu-
rope last summer with Sherwood
Eddy. He was able to spend. con-
siderable time in Russia.
"Professor McCluskey should be
able to discuss his subject very
well," Gordon ,B. Galaty, '33, stated.
(See text of resolution at botto Pof page.)
Definite action on taxicab rates seemed in immediate pros
last night, as representative student organizations and owners sw
into virtually unanimous support of compulsory meters.
,The Student Council concurred last night with The Dail
stating a definite policy on the taxi question, including the
desired and the chief arguments being set forth by students.
Though precipitated yesterday by a sudden price war, the
question has been slowly coning to a head since The Daily rene
the battle for fair treatmen
students, earlier in the semesi
Onera Candidates I ActionT Dlae
to, Try Out Today
Tryouts for the principal parts
in "Robin Hood," the operatic
productior being 'sponsored by
the newly formed combination.
of campus musical and dramatic
societies, will report fror 4 to
6 o'clock this afternoon, and
from 7:30 to 9 o'clock this eve-
All who report are required to
have a continuous reading of
twenty lines or more for drama-
tic exercise, and those desiripg
to take part in the singing should
have a song prepared. All selec-
tions should be chosen to show
the tryout's voice to its best ad-'
Technical tryouts are also ask-
ed to report today.
Fovr Americans Held as Interior,
Navy. Departments Offer
to Aid Inquests.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-()-
The investigating arm of the jus-
tice department pushed quietly but
reluctantly today into legal justice
in Honolulu while four Americans
awaited trial for the killing that
riveted attention here on crime
conditions in the island territory.
Amid offers of help from the
navy and interior department and
a House committee's report blam-
ing Gov. Judd of Hawaii for condi-
tions climaxed by the murder of a
nativeaccused of attacking a white
woman, Attorney General Mitchell's
assistants silently dug into official
reports on law and enforcement.
Sen. McKellar of Tennessee mean-
while introduced another resolution
for directinvestigation by a spe-
cial Senate committee.
It was said at the justice depart-
ment a preliminary survey under a
Senate mandate might be com-
pleted within about ten days.
Lower Michigan: Cloudy and con-
siderably colder Thursday; Friday
probably snow.
It was urged that all fraternities
let the freshmen go at 7:45 o'clock
n e x t Wednesday, instead of 8
o'clock so that they may attend' a
smoker, sponsored by the Student
Council, at which the rushing rules
will be explained to them. This
meeting will also be open'to frater-
nity men who wish to attend.
It' was decided that the special
lunheons for house presidents be
abolished as little interest w a s
shown in these in the past.
P 1 a n s for the Interfraternity
Lull1 were discussed and the body
voted to have the dance some time
in the mnoth of April. Worden
stated that the dean's office had
;tPntatively approved a budget for
the dance that was not to exceed
1,000 dollars. The Ball will probably
be held in the Union.
A resolution was passed to the ef-
fect that the Interfraternity Coun-
cil ;;o on record as being in favor
of the pot tradition and permission
was given to the Student Council
to inform the freshmen that the
body took this stand.
State Bulletins
(B# Assoated iress)
Wednesday, January 13, 1932
PAW PAW-Undersheriff Charles
Wade and State Trooper Floyd
Peters left today for Vandalia, Mo.,
to question Bessie Brown, 14-year-
old adopted daughter of Mrs. Maud
Brown, who was taken from a
rural school near here Monday by
her father and two other men.
Officers here said they wished to
learn whether, the girl had gone
with her father willingly.
HILLSDALE - Leonard Baton
pleaded guilty in circuit court today
to a, charge of murder for the slay-
ing of Undersheriff Harland 0.
Woods in October, 1930. Circuit
-Judge Blaine W. Hatch sentenced
him to life imprisonment.
ST. JOSEPH'S-Berrien county's
board of supervisors named a new
road commission today, succeeding
the one whose three members were
indicted last week by a one-man
grand jury along with 13 highway
in Unanimous Support
Definite Act ioi
on Taxi Chargser
of Meter
Michigan Daily, Student C
*t.'V4llYJ1 5.~t5q4J ~.
At that time no agreement co
be reached, and the Common co
cil reserved action on a change
the city ordinance until the vari
interested parties could thresh
matter out. Illness of two memo
of the ordinance committee also
layed action.
In this interval all regular
operators met together and agr
upon a standard rate which v
higher than any for several ye
although well within the legal m,
imum. At the same time Daily a
council representatives started
vestigations,of conditions, and v
able to reach an agreement in
resolution passed last night, wh
consolidates student opinion,
One Holds Out.
In their discussions the own
found that all except one of
important owners were willing
support meters. Meeting with
operators, Edward J. Mc~orm
Student council president, soun
them out and discovered this to
mon meeting ground.
The Comon council is'understi
to have been waiting for this p
tion to be reached, to make a pe
anent 'decision. Now that they 1
a clear understanding of wha
wanted, action is expected v
The only question to be settle
that of rates. The students favo
charge of 20 cents for the first I
mile, and five cents for each ad
tional quarter mile.,It was indica
last night by Student council m
hers that they thought this cha
a little high for the students
comparison with rat'es in 01
cities, but allowing a fair profit
operators withotit unduly tax
cab riders.
Rate War Continues.
Matters seemed no nearer a 1
in the taxi rate war last night,
though predictions of immedi
victory were made by both si
xKennet~h Martin - and Fren
'LeBeau, partners in the Arcade
company, who started the war,
serted that they could hake mo:
at the 25 cent price and were :
pared to stick to it,.
Berle Walker, operator of
Yellow-Checker company, speal
for the combined opposed own
said, "We don't see how any
company can be run permane
at such rates for any profit.
believe we can stick it longer t
the Arcade people, and we're gc
to fight it out. Look for the
to be over in a few days."
If the Common council passes
ordinance requiring meters, the
is going to be cut off very s1
however, and there will be a scr
ble to acquire them.
First Soiree Dramatique Will
Presented Jan. 19.
Free Dating Plan of A.A.H.S.
Boys Hits Strong
By It. Glen Winters
There's no questionabout it-
college students simply must take
heed as to the example they set
before their little brothers and
sisters in high school.
Take the case of Ann Arbor High
for example. Rteading about the ex-
periments conducted during the
past months in several universities,
east and west, in which campus
Unfortunately for the cause, how-
ever, it takes two to make any bar--
gain, especially such a bargain! To
say that the damsels of Ann Arbor
High disapproved of it doesn't be-
gin to tell the story. Witness this
outburst from the columns of the
"Optimist", their weekly:
"Poor, weak-minded, and puerile
youths! Can you imagine-a great
number of misguided males are
agitating for a "sponge week."
Humph! Sponge week indeed! They
think that just on their feeble plea
A committee of The Michigan Daily and the Student Coun-
cil, having conducted' an investigation of the taxicab situation
over a period of more than three months, beg to present the fol-
lowing resolutions to the Common Council of Ann Arbor:
Whereas the investigation of rates, by The Michigan Daily
and the Student Council, in cities of the size of Ann Arbor
shows that so-called standard rates adopted here are higher'
than the average,
Whereas the so-called standard rates may be raised at the
discretion of the driver on rainy nights and week-ends,
Whereas under the preseni regulations there is no accurate
method of measuring distance traveled or time waited, many'
studnts complain that they have been arbitrarily overcharged.
by drivers,
Whereas owners of taxicab companies agree that the only
method of solving the problem as it exists today is by means of
RESOLVED that We, The Michigan Daily and the Stu-
dent Council of the University of Michigan, petition the Com-
mon Council to amend section ten of ordinance entitled AN
First of the two Soirees Dra
tiques given annually by the C
Francais, honorary Freich ro
will be presented next Moi
night, January 19, in the Lal
tory theatre. Three plays, the
of one of which- shall be made
of faculty members, will be off
The names of the plays and
casts are as follows:
Une Lettre Chargee .... by Ge
Monsieur La Brige ....Prof. A:
L'Employe ... Prof. Herbert Ke
Un Arriviste ... by Miguel Zam
George Ambroise .....Paul B: