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January 13, 1932 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-13

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Skating Club to Combibe'With
Cooking and Ramnbler Groups
for Large Party.

First Year Outdoor Program Has
Been Comp~leted; to Be
Repeated Monthly.
Outdoor activities will continue
this week with another party, the
nature of which has not yet been
determinec. If the weather is suit-
able the skating club under Martha
Boehmer, '32Ed., will be held as
scheduled. Women will meet at 2
o'clock, Saturday, at the Palmer
Field house.
This is the second of the individ-
uial clubs party. Last week the cook-
ing club under Marjorie Elsworth
32, met and organized. 'Next week
Elizabeth Shull, '34, will lead the
Rambler's club and Jan. 30. the
three clubs will combine for th
large party of the month.
To Continue Parties.
This. outdoor program will be re-
peated throughout the year, ac-
cording to Glendora Gosling, '33
outdoor manager. Every month
there will be three club parties anc
then a large party which will be
typical of that month. An ice carni-
val, is being planned for February
the proceeds of which will probablN
go to the fund for the W.A.A. cabin
Definite plans have not as yet beer:
made, however. In March a kite
day will probably be held and in
April there will' be another evept
which typifies spring.
Plans Cabin.
The cabin committee at preseni
is formulating a campaign. Other
colleges where there are cabins of
this sort have been written to and
it is expected that a good deal of
information, will be gathered from
this source..,GlendorajGosling, is ir
charge of estimates and CatherinC
Rentschler, '33Ed., is in charge of
" location. ':
Program Comfplete.
This is .te. first year that th
outdoor program has been so com-
plete. It is under 'the auspices of
the .Women's .Athletic Association.
Members of the executive board are
Dorothy Elsworth, president; Jean
Bentley. '33, vice-president; Mar-
jorie Hun , '32, secretary; Agne:
G r a ha n 132, treasurer; Helen
Townsend;'32, intramural manager;
Clara Grace Peck, '33, point record-
er; Annette Cummings, '33, publici-
Vty; Teresa Romani, '33, hockey;
'Betty Gardner, '32, speedball; Leo-
nore Caro, '32, dancing; Corinne
Fries, '34; dancing; Elizabeth Coop-
gr, '34, riding; Jean Porter, '34, ten-
nis; Jean Perrin, '32 golf;. Lydia
eymour, '34. a r c h 6 r y;. Gladys
chroeder, '33, bowling; Glendora
Gosling, \'33, outdoor; Susan Ian-
chester, '2, A.C.A.C.W.; and Miriam
Qarey, '$3, rifle.
I' nramurci
Continuing the intranural bas-
ketball tournament " four games
were played Tuesday afternoon. In
the first game Alpha Delta Pi lost
heavily to Ga'mma Phi feta, the
score bein 17 to 0. Dorothea Lane,
'32, forwa d, played well for the
winning team, scoring most of the
Mosher Hall defeated Chi Omega
21 to 20. The game was close, both
teams, playing well, Violet Canberg,
'32, forward, scored heavily fdr Mo-
sher Hall. For Chi Omega Jean
Berridge '33, and Margaret Mc-
Donald, 32, both forwards, made
the highest scores.
In the third, game Jordan Mal
defeated Zeta Tau Alpha by a large
score, 37 to 6. Lelia Hendricks, '33,
was the min scorer for Zeta Tau
Alpha. FoK Jordan Hall, Cissy Place,

'34, and G rtrude Morris, '35, were
high scorers.' Florence Bonestee
'33, guard, and Dorothy Davidson,
'33, guard, showed s'ome nice team-

Ohio Dean Denies Superiority
of Sorority Women. .
(wfla rTan A CU'S.Senr'i")- -
COLUMBUS, Ohit, Jan. 12.-Ob- Aspirants to Meet Tomorrow
serving that sororities and frater- .
nities are merely curious but char'CmfRc
acteristic outgrowth of the peculiar , of League.
American social order, Dean Esther
Allen Gaw of Ohio State Univer- AspirAnts for lead parts for thet
sity sat behind her broad mahog- Junior Girls' Play will meet for sec-,
any desk this morning and attemp-antrosat4'cckomrwk
ted to dispel some of that strange end tryouts at 4 o'clock tomorrow
glamour in which secret organiza- in the committee room of the
tions wrap themselves. League building.
"sorority women are no better Final elimination of leads will
than non-sorority women," she probably take"place Friday after-
mused. "They are not prettier, not noon. Second tryouts for choruies
better dressed-or even different." will be held at 1 o'clock Saturday.
And, according to the dean, the Cards have been sent to those wo-^
average Ohio State co-ed does not men who are to appear at the times
belong to a sorority. "Are there mentioned. Those who receivedZ
iot give independent women to cards for leads should see Miss Har-t
very affiliated woman?" sh asked. ret Brazier, director, some time be-
However, it is true, Dean Gaw fore tomorrow. She will be in her
admits, thatsorority women have office from 1 to 6 o'clock every day
set themselves up as -a bit super- this week. There also will be sev-
lor to other students until even eral copies of the play manuscript .
when they wish to associate with in Miss Brazier's office and it ist
independents, they are unable to suggested that those who may get
bridge the gap. leads look over the manuscript andx
get an idea of the characterization.
Distinctive Styles A reading group will be the na-{
tu'e of the second tryout for the
in New Rain Coats leads. All women for one part wil
- * take turns reading lines from thei
Shown This Season play. According to Miss Brazier, it
will also be necessary to have aa
Rainy days bring i r k s o m e song prepared and probably a{i
thoughts of rhin coats and umbrel- dance.
las and zippers and things, however, Those' who received cards for
if one has a new trench coat or a lead tryouts are assured of a part,
.new zipes, ino in the play as those who will be
Iai oo theser eliminated for leads will have first
o bad after all to have anoppo choices in the choruses. Chorus
uity t eare gradually becom- tryouts will not be in one group
ing a little more distinctive, some but in several. If they are any wo-
inf t at least, than they were men who were unable to attend
:f them, 'atonstgh.'W e wery first tryouts and would like to par-
a few seasons ago. We saw a very tcpt ntepa hysol e
striking white one recently which tiipate i the play they should see
lead a silky finish, and when worn Miss Brazier immediately.
with a black enamel chain belt,
3nd a tiny black turban made one Newest of Specialists
not too sorry that it had rained. .escribes False Teeth
A black one of this same type of
soft leather was also very distinc- to Match Personality
tive looking.
A beige trench coat of a heavier MILWAUKEE,.Wis., Jan. 12.-(P)
material was most attractive. By -Add unusual occupations: "Tooth
the use of these 'pew wool and silk specificationist."
combination mascot scarfs, -a note That's what Elsie Obermann is.
of color may be introduced even on tier job is prescribing the size, col-
a dismal day. - or .and style of false teeth so that
Zippers have actually changed a each individuai will hive "teeth toI
trifle, and with an improvement. match his personality, complexion
However, they seem to have been and general aspect."
intended for a colder winter than "You'd' be surprised," she says,
the one which we are experiencing "how many men and women think
for they are lined with bands of they want tiny, pearly teeth and
fur which add a trimming feature how difficult it is to convince some
as well as adding to the comfort clients that they would look better
of the wearer. with teeth not so tiny and white."


thena Team Gains
Decision in Debate
With Adelphi Group,

By Beatrice A. Collins artha Cook
(See story on page one>)irhaCo
(Seestor on age ne)Thursday evening Miss Alta B.
"Resolved that the average stu-1ThrdyenigMsAlaB
dent in the U. of M. devotes too Atkinson, director of Martha Cook,
great a portion of his time to so- and Miss Margaret Smith, social di-
cial, rather than intellectual ac- rector, are entertaining a number
tivities" was the subject of the an- of guests at dinner.
nual controversy between the mem- These guests will include Miss
bers of Athena and Adelphi last Edith A. Barnard, social director of
evening. The men took the affirm- Alumnae House; Miss Isabel W.
ative. side of the issue, and were Dudley, assistant director of Jordan
defeated by the consensus of opin-" hall; Mrs. Florencr W. Tousey, di-
ion of the majority of those pres- rector of Helen Newberry; Miss Eu-°
nice Van Camp, assistant director
The speakers of the affirmative of Helen Newberry; Miss Sara W.
attempted to say that social activ- Lutms, assistant director of Mosher
ies were injurious mentally mor- hall, and Miss Helen Bradley, social
ally, and physically. In fact, they director ofi Couzens hall.
even went so far as to say that Friday evening the residents of
these who participated in dancing Martha Cook will hold their winter
q.nd other social activities were formal dance. Mabel McCutcheon,
lunatics, tea-sipping men, and so- '32A, is the chairman in charge of
da-sippers,h although admitting all the arrangements. She is assist-
later that they themselves did par- ed by Lucile DeBoe,' grad., Anna-
ticipate in such activities on rare belle Larges, '32Ed., Jeanne Whit-
ocason.man, '3,Mary-Alice Tos,'33.:
Adelphi members arq ed that wo- an Mr, m i '32,d3
men only came to the university to and Missarjltaorie B.Sm Atkinson, director of
get a man. However, the Athenat mitory. ankissadrt
debaters calmly admitted the point, the dormitory, and Miss Margaret
and added that if their opponents Smith, social director, will be the
wpre - more honest they would ad- chaperones.In the receiving line
nu~,t the same thing, thereby quitei there will be Miss Atkinson, Miss
nicely turning the tables on the Smith, ,/abel McCutcheon, '32Ed.,
men. "Since th~is is an accepted social chairman, and Betty Lidy,
fact," they argued, "students should '32, president of the dormitory.
engage in as many social activities ° The decorations will be carried
as possible in order to make the out in blue and silver. Programs,
wisest choice." designed by Leonore Caro, '321.,


>>Sot I ETYT'Y

College Girl Can Havej
Entire Outfit for $375
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-(A')--A
model outfit f r the college girl
shown here includes:.
A black velvet evening frock with
lace yoke, an eggshell satin after-
noon dress, two light wool dresses,
one ',raccoon trimmed coat, one
badger trimmed coat, one suede
jacket, brown hat, the b'rim faced
with mahogany silk, turned up at
one .side, and ornamented with a

will serve as favors. The design on
them is a half moon and a' star
above it, both in silver and placed
on a blue background.
Supper will be served from eleven
to twelve. The music for the affair
will be furnished by Lundquist's or-
Adelia Cheever
This afternoon the residents of
Adelia Cheever house will be "at
home" for their regular weekly
Wednesday afternoon tea. It is the
first tea the house has had since
the residents have returned froi

small bunch of variegated feathers, Alpha Chi Omega
scarf to match stitched in green, Alpha Chi Omega entertained
mahogany and tan. Miss M rgaret Starr of Flint, Mich-
ETfFYLsE h. DICKENS Exclusive Fashions The Michig
I-For Every Occasion FetepIh
Dial 21129 620 East Liberty Street
~ - -------___--- - - ---- -





Starting Tomorrow-Mack's Great
January Clearance
of Women's High Grade

For Little Women
For Wednesday and Thursday Selling


These Coats


Values to $09.50
If you'rc smaller than average size,
a wonderful opportunity awaits
you ,t Jacobsons. These coats for
s M' a II e r women, are values to
$69.50. In brown, tan and black,
trinimed in beaver, caracul, fox and
marten, they're a real bargain at

A sale of shoes that you can't
afford to miss, Shoes that arc
well known for their good qual.
ities . . built for c-omfyrt and*
freedom, but embodying all the
best fashion details of the season
-so new, in fact, there's no rea-
sou why they can't be worn the
r'est of the Winter and all through
(he Spring! The selection of
styles and sizes is tremendously
varied now, but with such low
prices, we'll not vouch for a big
assortment after the{ first day of
the sale-so if you're wise-you'll
get yours early!


175 Pairt of Women's Better
Values to $10.0





to 50 % Discount

on Remaining Stock
46 Dresses
2 for '$5.00
at $4.95
Other Sensational
$7.5 $12.95 $16.75


'these Materials-
Black Kid
Brown Kid
Blue Kid

These Styles-

Values to $10.00

Brown Suede
Black Suede
Bronze Kid

One Straps

Foot Saver Shoes
$9.75 Values

RmaI KiA

L Yfr.i

1 11 , 0U

3 T ota*x* NIG ^.xrouLLs


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