t THE MICHIGAN DAILY .., Published every orning except Monday during the Univeiity 7la! v the Board in ConroI of Student Publicationis. Member 91 the estern Conference Editorial Aspociation. The Aslated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- Publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news ;published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann 'Arbor, Michigan, as second lass matter. Special rate of postage granted! by Third Assistant, Postmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.60 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, WMhlgan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21814. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD LETOBIN City editor ............. .............. ......Car osythe Ultorial Director ... «.................... . Beach Conger, Jr. Yews Editor .... .......«. ....... .."' .....David M. Nlohol fyo its Editor «..................... . ........ Sheldon 0. Yullerton omen'a Editor . . "................Margaret M. Thompson sslstant News Editor ..........................Robert L. Pierce B. Gilbretb A. Goodman Karl di5efert NIGHT EDITO J. Oulen Kenn RS iedy James Inglis Jerry E. aentw George A.. Stauter r J. Myers Jones Sports Assistants John W. Thomas John S. Towhiend Charles A. Sanford Arnheim* Becker Jampbell Carpenter REPORTERS Fred A. Huber Norman Kraft Roland Martin Henry Meyer Albert H. Newman E. Jerome Pettit, Georgia Geisman Alice Gilbert Martha Littleton Elizabeth Long Frances Manchester Elizabeth Mann John W. Pritchard Joseph Renihan 0. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker . Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Rarden Dorothy Rundell Elma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams by Brockman n Carver ce Collins Crandall Feldman nce Foster BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. Kline . NORRIS ,° JOHNSON ... .. ..... . ......Businss aae .Assistant Manager Department Managers tising.. ................................. Vernon Bishop tising Contracts. .................Harry R. Begley tising Service ... ....... .................Byron C. Vedder :atians...y..................... W1illiamn T. Brown zts .................... ... . .............. Richard Stratemneir n's Business Manager ..................... ..Ann W. Verner Aronson E. Bursley Clark Becker Jane Clsel eve Field e Fischgrund xallmeyer Harriman Assistants John Keyser Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe Anne Harsha Katharine Jackson Dorothy Layin Virginia ,McComib Carolin Mosher Helen Olsen Grafton W. Sharp Donalo A. Johnston II Don Lyon Bernard H. Good May Seefried Minnie Seng , Helen Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare Unger Mary Elizabeth Watta' NIGHT EDITOR-FRANK B. GILBRETH WDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1932 Press 4n Prohibition W HEN attempts are made, and prove success- ful,,in wresting from an adversary thp posi- tion he has gained, the one in danger of losing that; position usually turns to other channels to curb, the onrush thalt seems to further push him into the background. And so we find in the utterances of Sen. Brookhart, of Iowa, an analogy to the gener- alization just made. Charging the press was giv- ing "too much attention" to the claims and agita- tions of the wets, this astute gentleman would be- gin an investigation in an effort t6 curb such stories unless the situation was remedied. Such a step is as unlikely as it is absurd. Above all, to curb freedom of the press would be uncon- stitutional, a contravention of the fundamental law. True, editorial matter is, to a degree, a re- flection of public opinion. If, then, the agitation is more on the side of the wets than on the side of the drys, why should the opinion of one side be suppressed in favor of the other? News stories and editorial matter have given attention to the ques- tion, in the interests of both alignments. Agitation for prohibition reform has increased rapidly during the last few years. The force of this momentum has made itself felt in introducing into Congress the question which up until now has been turned away from its sacred portals. Before that, the drys held sway. Now their position is becoming precarious and, aware of this, such men as Sen. Brookhart feel it their duty to utter every once in a while ridiculous statements. Such as the one above., tor enters upon which the voter must make his decision. This factor is the personality of the candidate. It plays the all-important part in national nom- inating conventions, it plays the same part in the followingelections. We vote not upon what the man would or should dIo in office, or the stand of his particular party upon an important issue-the balancing of the budget, for instance, or conserva- tism of national loans-we vote instead upon the personality. So long as such national policies in regard to elections are followed, so long will our entire so- called system of democracy fall short of its avowed purpose. So soon as we recognize the factors which make an English election a successful, rep- resentative voice of the people, and one of our elections merely a protesting murmer of' the few citizens whom politicians can interest in our elab- orate system of voting, so soon will we reach one of the faults of American democracy. CA]MfPUS OPIRNIION Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon re- quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con- fining themselves to less than 300 words if possible To The Editor: Following is an Esperanto Manifesto on Man- churia, drawn up by 20 Chinese societies, and ad- dressed to foreign countries. Because of the large number of students from foreign countries on this campus, I feel it would be of interest to them: Due to and concerning the provocation and mili- tary invasion of a Japanese army in Manchuria be- ginning September 18, 1931, the undersigned groups, representing all the Esperantists in China, from a peace loving and humanitarian standpoint sincerely Ceclare themselves and advise the people of the world, principally the Esperantists, who necessarily have a firm desire for wold peace and human justice. The Japanese-Imperial Army, on' the pretext that Chinese soldiers had destroyed the railroad of South- ern Manchuria which the Japanese government had' constructed by force in our country and then guard- ed, suddenly began to attack the city of Mukden on the night of September 18 and completely occupied it at six-thirty the. following morning. All public buildings were occupied; several officials arrested. The Japanese army even ordered Colonel Dohibara (A Japanese) to be the mayor of Mukden and coi- fiscated many airplanes on the pretext of following the 53rd 'arficle of the military regulations conven- tion of the Hague of 1907. Probably according to a previously arranged plan, the Jap4nese army mob- ilized very rapidly; it occupied the cities Antung, Yingkow, and Chanchun on the 19th, Kirin, the capi- tol of Kirin province, on the 21st, Chanhtu on the 22nd, and Singchen on the 23rd. In other places the Japanese military aviators dropped bombs on our country, even attacked the mowing trains (which carried only completely de- fenseless war refugees) of the Pepin-Mukden rail- road with damdam-bombs\ More, than 200,000 inhabitants left the region of terror and traveled west through Shan-hai-kwan. The 8th of October, thirteen days afterwards, when the Japanese delegate to the League of Nations officially announced his intention of withdrawing the Japanese army from the occupied region, the Jap- anese officers, instead of ceasing their campaign, again attacked Chinchow, the teryiporary seat of the provincial government of Liaunin. Twelve airplanes dropped, bombs and attacked with machine guns; large numbers were wounded and killed. In addition to that the Japanese government, having promised to avoid all military operations, has now menacingly sent more than thirtywarships into Chinese waters, According to Japanese papers, the establishment of a Chun-Hou state, entirely independent of China, has been started in the trritory occupied by the Japanese army. "Chun" is the first word of Chun- kuo (China); "hou" is the second word of "Da hou" name of a Japanese race). It is aimed to make Man- churia a second Korea. It seens as clear as day that such a Chauvinistic act of the Japanese Imperial governmnt is an un- principled oppression of China; and therefore a great menace to world peace/ Asa result, the great catas- trophe of 1914-1918 would happen again in the world on a more vast and terrible scale and would throw mankind and his culture into darkness. Although we are friendly and believe the Japanese people to be our brothers just as others, still we do not hesitate to resist and are fully ready to fight against all Chauvinistic and imperialistic shameful attacks that menace world peace and dishonor the history of mankind, in addition to torturing our peoples. We await expressions of sympathy and support from the people of all countries, especially from the honest Japanese. To The Editor: What is war? War is the old savagery in the new civilization; it is the Cain and Abel story all over again; it is Christian country against Christian coun- try; brother aainst brother. The last war-the World War- has left in its wake not only death and whole- sale destruction in its immediate fields'of action, but also the present world depression with its *accom- panying unemployment of millions. It is well known that 99 out of 100 wars have their roots in economic rivalry, that is, in greed; or better still, that they arse murder for profit. But murder for profit does not always prove profitable. While in the United States, as elsewhere, many individuals reaped a large harvest during the holocaust, our country as a whole is liable. to lose something over ten bililon dollars of war debts-by way of default. This leaves unmentioned the sorow and the tears caused by the loss of thousands of young Americans. And where are we now as the result'of that war? .,M. Levi, Professor Emeritus. OTED RLL NATURALJ HISTORY FOR ALL Yesterday afternoon we made a remarkable discovery.. .yes sir, it was remarkable. We were sitting around looking out of our window at the glories of nature, represent- ed at the moment by an unbroken sea of mud extending out as far towards the horizon , as the eye could reach, when all of a sudden we saw a bevy of squirrels. This in itself is not particularly note- worthy, but, would you believe it, those silly squirrels thought it was spring. They really did. They were frisking about and things like that and chattering and, well anyway they thought it was spring. Now, what we're trying to get at is that we think it is spring too. Did you ever see a squirrel make a mistake?. . .Well, then. A n d not 3nly that, but my Aunt Ellen just wrote me that her Lilacs were be- ginning to bud already. Just a minute-I think that letter is right here-yes sir, here it is, listen... Dear Nephew Oscar: The Lilacs are beginning to bud here. Think of that! Yours Truly, Aunt Ellen. Well, now, to get back to what we were talking about, did you ever hear of a Lilac, making a mistake -it would look pretty silly would- n't it? What would all the other Lilacs say? Well then, you can just bet that all those Lilacs that are budding now have looked the situa- tion over very verry carefully and are sure of what they are doing. / TODAY ONLY SALE of HATS We are offering part of our stock of felt hats and softies at tls great reduction today only. You will surely find something to please you in this large selec- tion. Robert's 604 East Liberty * * * And when you get the Squir- rels acting as only squirrels- and an occasional member of the Gargoyle Staff-can act in Spring, and on top of that the Lilacs start budding, there is certainly something in it. Prob- ably a lot of grief for the Squir- rels and Lilacs. Anyway, to get right down to business, if any of the rest of you silly people agree with the Squir- rels and Lilacs, the reason I brought this all up is 'that I have a swell spring suit that is just right for Campus wear, and I would certainly enjoy selling it to somebody. You see, if Professors don't hurry up and develop a sense of humor, I'll never have an occasion to have a sUit for campus wear in springtime, and the chances are 'that a couple anyway of my readers will. *. * * Which naturally c n o U g h brings.up the question of who thought up that examination Schedule the Michigan Dilly Published the' 'other day? 'As nearly as we can figure, most of our exams come either in the middle of the ight of the second Saturday of November, or else something terrible has happened to the departments that teach the 'courses. We'll have to drop around to class one of these days and see, un- less a legible announcenient is made pretty quick. DAILY POEM Feb. will bring examinations Wormwood to our mouths- and gall. Oh, well, maybe the faculty will forget to give any- It's a fine world after all. Our mendacious contemparary the Gargoyle has announced an- other sellout. There are a couple of weak points about that. The firste is that this merely means a technical sellout - or, in other words, there are still a lot of them around on newsstands in town. The second point is that anybody who cares to can get a sellout by call- ing Professor nasty names.-Oh I couldn't, eh? Well, you come around to the office any day and I'll take you on, nasty name for nasty name for any stakes you want to men- tion. Of course, we don't do that sort of thing in print because we don't think it's nice... and besides, we want to keep on printing. * * 4. Nevertheless, we think that the Gargoyle is an old sissy for. piking on the poor old Pro- fessors who never did anything to-or for-anybody in their lives. Why don't they pick on President Hoover or somebody? PERSONAL NOTE.. .Will the bird who made a nest in my hat over last week-end kindly come and remove both it FORESGH Pays Dividends of Great Satisfaction Start Today, for Next Christmas Maintaining' a Christmas Club, does not xpake heavy demands upon your income. A small deposit each week insures you against financial wiorry next Christmas, gives that added satisfaction of being able to say- "and they're all paid for." There iS a wide selection of Club groups to meet your own particular desire. It is an easy, logical, profitable way of meeting your neieds of next Christ- inas. Member Federal Reserve System a SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY North Main Street TYPE WRITERS PORTABLE Noew, Seoon&-Hand& Reb il t, 3riittb-Coiona, No3seless, Underwood, By, Reming ton. S-014-2-red. S. State St., Ann Arbor. Ieavy Shoes Repaired by Experts AT LOW PRICES State Shoe Repairing 3012 South State Next Wagner's South State kStreet t III, ' I 1 . ,r d A MOMENTOUS SALE OF NEW SPRIING FROC(KS' EW spring crepes, a new clinging silhouette, unlike auy you've seen before, date them definitely 1932! These dresses are all high fashions for the coming season-smart, gay, and individual at an unmatchable price. 4-DAYS ONLY-4 I I .: ~' a* R.., t x ' t I 1ssues and Candidates A EVERY four years the American people set aside a period devoted to a discussion of so- called "ptesidential campaign issues." During that time the members of the commercial organizations of the country allow their business to live in 0 state of coma, telling themselves and each other that after the coming elections things will begin to pick up, business will be on the rebound, and credit will have a different slant. Then they amuse themselves by aligning their interests on one side or the other of the issues, the planks of the party platforms, as advocated by the opposing parties. To those who have viewed the results of such, platforms and subsequent elections 'in the past, with an unbiased and unprejudiced viewpoint, with an open mind, if you please, the whole affair is very amusing. A review{ of past campaigns will show that once in a great while an issue of importance haA appeared upon which one or the other of the two leading parties of the country have taken a definite stand, but such a case is the exception and not the rule. Leading political scientists of the University were recently questioned upon the subject by a representative of the Daily. They were 'first asked what they, as individuals, thought the leading cam- paign issues for 1932 should be. Next they were asked what the issues probably would be after party conventions had named their stands. With few exceptions two entirely different sets of issues were named by those questioned. and nractically ., 1111! f w :;:\ fill