_________ T'FE MTCHTGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the. Unierit ye the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. Te ,Associated Press is e~xclusively entitled to the use for re- lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise dited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as aecond s matter. Special rte of postage granted by Third Asistant tmaster General-.. Subscription by cardier, $4.00; b mail, $4.6!) Offies Ann Arbr Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, bigan. Phone'i: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STA F Telephone 492.5 certainly not destined to compare with Mr. Gersh- win's other works. The cleverly photographed back- ground nmakesthis interlude the highlight of the picture however. There was another interlude, something about a Mr. Ellis of Ellis Island and a lot of chorus men dressed up as police and Uncle Sams and it was all a dream and it was awful anyhow and-and-and . . . Maybe we would have done better not to even mention the episode, and maybe they should have left it out. -F. A. H. B0OOKSII AMER: Ferber. (Review Bookstor ICAN BEAUTY, by Edna (Doubleday, Doran) $2.50 Copy Courtesy of Wahr's e). TO MENDRUGS onlyl N o NEED to park a "Girls Keep Out" at the top of This advertise- ment. They'll shy off quick enough when they find out what it's about. For it's a strictly masculine privilege -solace, satisfaction, retreat, call it what you will-the joy of smoking a pipe! Kr A Review. By John W. Pritehard IUE rn d- DRAMIA MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN Editor .. . .... arlForsythe rial..................I.............Beach Conger, Jr. Editor........................... .......David M. Nichol : Editor......... .... ....Sheldon O.. Fullerton uan Editord............................argaret M. Thompson ant Nlews Editor ........... ..............Robert L. Pierce ink B. Gilbreth land A. Goodran Karl Seifert NIGHT EDITO J. Oullen Kenn RS edy James Inglis Jerry E. oseathal George A. 8tauter nts John S.A Townsend Charles A. Sauford3 Wilbur J. Myers Mrian Jonesr Stanley W. Arnhein Lawson E. Becker Edward C. Ca mpbell C. Williams Carpen Thomas Connelian Samuel G. Ellis Dorothy Brockman Miriam Carver Beatrice 091mm Louise Crandall Elsie Feldman Prudence Foster Sports Assista John W. Thomas REPORTERS M Fred A. Hu~ber Norman Kraft teRoland Martin ter Ilenry Meyer Albert H. Newman r E. Jerome Pettit Georgia Geinman Alice Gilbert Martha Littleton Elizabeth Long Frances Manchester Elizabeth Mann John W. Pritchard Joseph Renihan U. Hart Schanaf Brackley Shaw Parker R. ,Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary harden Dorothy Rundell Jlina Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ARLES T. Kline...... ...............Business Manager IRIS P. JOHNSON........ ..............Assistant Mlanager Department Managers ertising'..................A.................Vernon Bishop ertising Contracts.. ........... ....hrry It. Begley ertising Service.s........................Ilyrou C. Vedder lications........... ..... ......... .WX~illiam '.T. Brown t .................................Richard Stratemeir nen's Business Manager ... . .......Ann W. Verner The School of Music of the University of Michi- gan, Charles A. Sink, President, and Earl V. Moore Musical Director, is planning a May Festival on even greater proportions than those in preceding days, ac- cording to tentative plans which have just been re- leased. The Festival which will mark the Thirty- Ninth consecutive event, will take place on Wednes- day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 18, 19, 20 and 21, and will consist of four evening programs with matinees on the afternoons of Friday and Sat- urday. Earl V. Moore will be the Musical Director while'Frederick A. Stock, will wield the baton over the orchestral programs with Eric DeLamarter assist- ant. The Children's Chorus, will be led by Juva N Higbee. The University Choral Union, will sing in com- memoration of Haydn's 200th anniversary, the "Cre- ation" and will also perform Strawinsky's very at- tractive work, entitled "The Psalms." The Choral Fantasie by Gustav Holst will be provided with the composer serving as guest conductor. Mr. Holst was brought to America eight years ago by the Univer- sity Musical Society, as guest conductor, at which time a number of his works were performed. The outstanding choral work will be the American premiere of the monumental Russian opera,* "The Legende of Kitej" by Rimsky-Korsakoff. This work published a number of years ago, has not been per- formed in America. It has been given in Paris, and possibly in other European centers. Emil Cooper, one of the conductors of the Chicago Civic Opera Association personally conducted it in both opera and concert form at his American premiere. The work will be given in English, the translation now being prepared by Lila Pargment, talented linguist wife of Professor Michael Pargment, of the civision of French in the University of Michigan. Negotiations are pending for the engagements of a list of distinguished soloists, both vocal and instru- mental, which will compare in importance and inter- est with the choral works announced and with the great casts which have characterized Ann Arbor Festivals in seasons past. n#l Assistants John Keyas.r !Arthur F. Kobn James Lowe Anne Harsha Katharine Jackson D~orothy Layin Virginia Mc omb Carolin Mosher Helen Olsen Crafton W. Sharp DohnaldA. Johnston IT Don Lyon Bernard H. Good May Seeried Minnie Seng Helen Spencer Kathryn Stor'k ,Clare Unger Mary Elizabeth Watta Night Editor-KARL SEIFFERT TUESDAY, JANTARY 12, 1932 NBomb THIRTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS a bomb. Walking through the Arcade yesterday after- noon our attention was called to an anti-war league poster bearing these words. The message they in- sinuated was forcefully, dismally a propos. Ten minutes before we had been conversing with the secretary to the dean on the possibility of obtain- ing a loan from the University to cover part of our next semester's expenses. We had been informed that the loan committee, so willing to aid deserv-1 , ing students, was finding itself in an increasingly difficult situation. It had been called upon heavily. Something could probably be worked out in out case, the secretary said, but it would take tirme. She was glad to file our application. Less than a tenth of the sum of money that disapp ears in a puff of smoke-disappears irretrievaly, forever- every time a large size demolition bomb explodes, less than a tenth of that sum was a1l that was de- sired. $I,300 a bomb. We gazed acros the room-at a group of fellow students, standing in a knot- forlorn, somehow-about the employmenit direc- tor's desk. "No," we could just hear a quiet, kind voice saying, "No, I'm sorry . 1 .Nothing today, I'm afraid ... Yes, I know ... Won't you come, again next week? Perhaps then ....." $1,30ooa bomb. We bethought ourselves of De-. troit, forty miles away. Thousands of men walk- ing the streets. No work. Distracted near mad looks in some of their eyes, betraying grief- stricken, futile thought of homes and wives, and, little crying babies. Hunger and Cold. No, not' Hunger and Cold,-not in Detroit,--not in our United States,-impossible in our 1932 world. Destitution. Need. $I,3qo a bomb . .. SCREEN IREILECTIIONS AT THE MICHIGAN Love once again triumphs over all for that sac- charine pair of love-birds, Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell, in. their latest talkie, very well mis-titled "Delicious." The little lass who won her way into the hearts of film followers with a brilliant performance in "Seventh Heaven" some years ago is certainly unlike the demure Scotch miss portrayed by Miss Gaynor in her latest infliction. Not only does this lady of the plaid waver from an American to a Scotch accent and then back to the old United States jargon regu- larly, but, she is given her usual opportunity to sing,, this time to the accompaniment of a musical decan- ter, and the result is "Somebody from Somewhere." The story of the girl who eludes the immigration officials. is told in the worst possible manner, being almost wholly unconvincing, for even if Larry beau- mont, ably misplayed by Mr. Fhrrell, were the inspira- tion to all American youth that the Fox lilm corpo- ration would have made him, still one could not fail to overlook the sterling qualitied of the Russian piano-player, Sascha, played by Paul Roulien, a new- comer to the screen, a gentleman wh? is a very good piano player, and an equally poor actor. i Sascha, madly in love with Heather, the name given to Miss Gaynor to help bolster the failing Scotch brogue, even gets as far as the wedding cake before an accident in a polo game proves the eventual means of uniting "the romantic lovers of the screen." Allan Bacon, Organist, at the College of the Paci- fic, will give an organ program in Hill Auditorium. Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 13, at 4:15 o'clock as guest organist, taking the place of Palmer Christian. Mr. Bacon has been head of the organ department at the College of the Pacific since 1922. Formerly a resident of St. Louis, he received his early instruction in organ under Rodney Saylor and Charles Galloway, and was organist and choir director for four years at Kings- highway Presbyterian Church of St. Louis. In 1919 yielding to a long felt desire to identify himself witl- the life and activities of a college, he accepted the position of head of the piano and organ departments of Parsons College, Fairfild, Iowa. In 1922 he yield- ed to the lure of California and accepted the position of organist at the College of the Pacific, then located at San Jose but now located since ,1924 at Stockton With a magnificent four manual Estey organ at his disposal, his annual series of recitals at the College Auditorium have attracted the attention of music lovers and people of culture generally throughout northern California. Press notices from the leading rewspapers over signatures of distinguished critics. a're very generous' in their words of commendation and" it is obvious that Ann Arbor music lovers will enjoy hearing this distinguished out of town per- former. Mr. Bacon will play the following program: Prelude and Fugue in C Minor .'.. ..........Bach. Prelude in D Minor ....... .........Clerambault Chorale-Prelude, "In dulci jubilo" ............ Bach Choral Improvisation, "In dulci jubilo" ...Karg-Elert Choral in A Minor .............. . .... Cesar Franek Symphony No. 2...... ........ . ..... Louise Vierne Requiescat in Pace ... . ...... . .........Leo Sowerby Spinning Song....................Mendelssohn Intermezzo, from "Storm King Sym-, phony". .......... . ...........Clarence Dickinson Angels............... . .. . ...... .Richard Wagner The Ride of the Valkyries ............ . . Carl Ruggles Health Education "VINCENT'S INFECTION" (Health Service) The synonymous terms "Vincent's Infection" and "Trench Mouth" are comonly used to designate a contagious, ulcerative disease of the mouth, tech- nically known as "Ulceromembranous Gingivitis." This disease is most frequently found in the mouths of people between the ages xof sixteen and twenty-five, although age is not a limiting factor. It is prevalent among students, due to crowded living conditions and the intimate associations of student life. Being of bacterial origin, it is readily trans- missible and may be contracted through personal' contact, eating utensils, drinking cups, towels, etc. In its more severe manifestations it is not confined to the mouth and is accompanied by serious systemic disturbances necessitating confinement to the Infirm- ary or Hospital. The onset of the infection is sudden and is char- acterized by the appearance of a dirty grayish-white membrane on the surface of the gums or mucous membrane lining the mouth, which may be distri- buted throughout or limited to small areas as be- tween teeth or on 'tonsils. Beneath this membrane the tissue is infiammed and sensative, often painful, and bleeds readily. These local manifestations are usually accompanied by a slight fever, unpleasant breath, salivation, swollen glands, loss of appetite This story, says a brief review on the cove, "catches the long surge, the color and significance of Amer- ican life." If this be American color - and significance, we wish to regis- ter a devout hope that the Ameri- can people will begin now on a de - - liberate process of race suicide. Miss Ferber, it seems, has an un- - fortunate tendency to sully even the fine themes that she selects- 0 in recent years, at least. Witness s "Show Boat"; even the motion pic- ture version did better justice to the theme than did the book. But when she deliberately chooses a theme that is unnecessarily sordid, . the full brilliance of her genius shines forth; and every word, every phrase, is bent toward the perfec- tion of crudity, resulting in a book that is so thoroughly drab and sor- did as to be utterly distasteful. Such a work is "American Beauty." The title is ironic. There is American beauty in two delightful chapters near the beginning, deal- ing with life in the Connecticut of the early eighteenth century. Here we find Orrange Oakes, aristocratic American pioneer, founding what promises to be an illustrious line of American Oakes. But then, with one of those weird leaps in time which are so characteristic of the Ferber novels, Orrange and his re- markable "Judith amiable consort" are left far behind; and when the dust clears away there emerge the debilitated scions of that grand family, living in the mouldy rem- nants of a manse that once was imposing. Then, from 1890-19301 the steady downfall of the' thinned Oakes blood and its replacement by a Po- lish population is traced. It is here that the sordidness of the book's treatment is brought out in a man- ner to "blastthe eyes of the devil." Whole sections are in incorrigibly bad taste. A few excerpts will ill- ttate : '"The Polish women kept their children at the breast until they were, three or four years old and running about in the yard... A Po- lish farm child often was kept at he breast until it drew blood and pus for nourishment." "As she turned the handle of the door and-entered the unaired room where the dead woman had lain for two days, the stench was like a physical blow." Whether Miss Ferber's drab style is purposely adopted or is simply the best she can do is an open question. An unfortunate phase, however, is to depart from this sven tenor in a sudden and start- ling use of a childish phrase or a seven dollar word. An example of the former: "Not in vain had Rozia studied Laura Lovely in 'Make Me. a Bride.' And of the latter: "The boy, Orrange, had the dolicocepha- lus English head." Never having been in Connecti- out, we are not qualified to say whether that state is in the shock- ing condition of disrepair that one s led to believe, in "American 3eauty." Certainly we have had no previous second-hand knowledge of that sort. Be that as it may, Edna Ferber's book Is, throughout most of its content, a great gob of un- pardonably bad taste.$ The Modern Library, that pub- lishing company which offers you the more or less recent popular sel- lers at only one dollar each, has just announced its list for spring and summer of 1932. To give you some idea of what's coming, let us list the following: for February: Sister Carrie, by Dreiser; Dracula, by Stoker; Short Stories of Anton Tchekov. March: Sanctuary, by Faulkner; Tess of The D'Urbervil- les, by Hardy. April: The Complete Poems of Longfellow and The Au- tcbiography of Benjamin Franklin.; May: A Farewell to Arms, by Hem- ingway. June: Victory, by Joseph Conrad. July: The Innocent Voy- age, by Hughes. August: Eight Fa- mous Elizabethan Plays. In addi- tion, March will see the publicaticn of two volumes in the Giant series: The Complete Poems of Keats and Shelley, with Mrs. Shelley's notes, and Plutarch's Lives, the Dryden translation, c o m p 1 e t e and una- bridged in one volume. Many ideas for the espousal of which Nicholas Murray Butler was made a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, are contained in his new book, "Looking Forward: What Will The American Peonle Do About It's the smoke "for men only," any girl will agree-one of the few rights the women haven't crowded us on. And the only smoke for men, many a thoughtful smoker calls it. For the deep consolation and rare comradeship of a mellow, richly She likes.to see himaged pipeare some- smoke a pipe thing every man does well to know. And you taste the rich satisfaction of pipe smoking at its best when you fill up your boWl with Edgeworth. There's a tobacco, that's made for a pipe.,Cool, dry, slow-burning. Blended of fine, mellow, full-fla- vored burleys. You've a rare smoke com in'g if you've never tried Edge- will find Edge- worth at your tobacco deal- . er's. Or send for special free sample packet He need his pipe if you wish. Address Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Virginia E DGkEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys, with itsrnaural savor enhanced by Edge- worth's distinctive and exclusive elev- enth process. Buy Edgeworth any- where in two formsI Edgeworthkeady- jVEXp 1" Rubbed and Edge- IRionGe worth PlugSlice. All BB sizes, 15 pocket package to $1.50r pound humidor tin. y aq p 'II $1 .00 VALUE FOR '. 0 & 0 Finger-tip Test Your mrro can't tell .you about the in. viaje dandruff ap clogging the poresoyour eRip, and stifling the lowth of your hair. Find aut now. Gently scratch your scalp-- theleSo,09at your finger-tips. 1 ic andruff Reover Shampoo 4i.. qsolesan removes every particle of loos and encrusted dandruff in one application, "nde a Money-Back Guarante. aainse ca ihard or soft water. As good for blondes as for brunettes. S Dandruff Rem over Shampoo 75c AN OLD RELIABLE PRODUCT RECOMMENDE BY DOCTORS AND NURSES FOR ITS GERMICIDAL AND ANTISEPTIC PROPERTIES. I .anrf'F ith's Remover Sham poo and Fch's Idoeal Tonic Calkinls-Fleteher Drug Co. 3 fpejndable Stores I I 324 So. State St. 818 So. State St. I 1101 South University Ave. We Have Served Ann Arbor and Her Citizens for 45 Years CANDIES SODASf READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Outla Wear, for so long the pitfall of the laurdry has been conquered. The discarding of all frictional methods from laundering has' in- creased greatly the life of the ordinary gar- ment, and led to the predominance of the commercial machine laundry over the old fash- joned home laundry. Phone 23123 For Call and 'Delivery Service I } ._- -----.y_ a r : ' / ' _ .,. II U.i I