ti 4
XLII. No. 77
. ..
_ -- _'_
es Literary Exam
After Hour's
er Possibility of Regular
manent Program for
er an hour's discussion
lty of the literary
hedule of final exam-
he first semester were
ast night by Dr. Dan-
ector of classification,
the program, and is
a plan that would!
the publication of a
xamination schedule
Aer the consideration
y college committee
hanges were made in
schedule submitted by
a the faculty met yes-
0 o'clock to consider
program. The revised
ies of which will be
ter in the week, is as
ciology 51.
business administra-
Jan. 30, P.M.; classes
day at 11 o'clock-
A.M.; Tuesday at 1,
education B20-Mon.
Monday at 9-Tues.,
conomics 51, 52, busi-
,ration 101, music B-
Charles G. Dawes (left), ambassador to London and head of the.,
Interfraternity Council P la n s
to Clarify Preferential ]
Bid Ruling.
Houses Must Send Delegations
to Discussion at Union, ]
States Gould.
Preferential pleigig will be ex-
plained to all heads of houses and
rushing chairmen at the January
m e e t i n g of the Interfraternity
Council which will be ;eld at 7:30
o'clock tomorrow night, in the Un-
As there has been much misun-
derstanding conce'ning the rules
regulating the acual process of
predging freshmen,' it is imperative
that every fraternity have two dele-
gates at the meeting, according to
Howard Gould, '32, ecretary-areas-
Violations Not iscussed,
Violations of rushing rules will.
not be discussed at this time be-
cause they are dealt with by the;
judiciary committee of the Inter-
fraternity council. To date, offi-
cers of the Council officially know
of no violations of the rules except
that of making dates in advance
for the concentrated rushing per-.
iod. The dates were declared null
and void at the las meeting of the
judiciary committee. No further
action was taken because it was
believed that the dates were made
without knowledge of the rules.
Gould admitted that there have
been rumors of the infractions of
the rules and urged that anyone
wishing to m a k e a complaint
against a house file a notification
with the judiciary committee.
Plan Ball.
Plans for an Interfraternity ball,
\Which will be held in conjunction
with the Union, will be discussed
.t the mee intomocrrow night. Dis
&usson wirl als be held on the i
advisability of having the Wednes-
day night dinner of January 20
end at 7:45 o'clock so that the
freshmen may attend a smoker
sponsored by the Student Council,
which will be held at 8 o'clocl in
the Union.
At the smoker, the freshmen will
receive their instructions as the
rules of preferential pledging. A
program of entertainmenthas been
arranged by Gould a4 Joseph F.
Zias, '33, who areathe Student
councilmen in charge Gould last
night urged that it be made clear
that freshmen cannot pledge a
fraternityunless they have at least
11 hours and 14 honor points. Un-
der no circumstances may a fresh-
man on probation be pledged. Cases
Ion the border line will be decided
by the judiciary committee and
petitions in the form of letters
should be presented to the secre-
tary-treasurer a least two clays
before this body meets. r'
At 12:15 o'clock, January 20, pres-
idents of all general and profs-
sional fraternities will meet for the
monthly luncheon at the Unio .
Prtde 38, Wisconsin 22
lltinois 30, I ndianja 22
Northwesytern 32, Iowa 26
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Jan. 11 i)
Purdue University jumped back
into the Big Ten basketball cham-
pionship picture tonight by wallop-
ing Wisconsin, 38 to 22.
The Boilermakers, de.feated by
Illinois Saturday, returned to their
home floor to unleash a fast piass-
ing and dribbling game in which
Eddy, Kellar and Wooden were the
principal cogs, that proved toor
much for the Badger defense.
Council Provides for Committee
Eveland S
in Second'
Comes L
to Win.
Are Victorious
By Sheldon C. Fullerton
Minnesota's hitherto undefeated quintet, -outed as o
strongest teams in the Western conference, was forced
Michigan last night, 3o-25, when the Wolverines rallied to
a four point handicap and score a brilliant and sensation
before a wildly cheering crowd of over 6,ooo fans.
In stopping the victory streak of the powerful Gophe
"Cappy" Cappon's Wolverines renained undefeated in the
and continued to share the top berth of the Conference wi
western and Ohio State.
Led by the brilliant basket-shooting of Hank Weiss an
est Eveland, a rejuvenated Maize and Blue combination
itself as. one of the outstanding contenders for the Wes
tar in Brilliant
to Consider
of Questionnaire.
Approval was given yesterdaV by
the Literary College to a resolution
Feb. 3, A.M.,
eech 21, 32-
esday at 9-
lerman 1, 2,
stration 161,
Feb. 4, P.M.
Feb. 5, A.M.;
'eb. 5, P.M.;
eb. 6, .AM.;
eb, 6, y.M.;
'eb. 8, A.M.;
ation C-1-
Monday at. 10-Tues., Feb. 9, A.
.; Monday at 3-Tues., Feb. 9, P.'
.; French 1, '2, 11, 31, 32, 41, 71,
.1, 112, 153, 154-Wed., Feb. 10, A.
.; Monday. at 2-Wed., Feb. 10,
Psychology 31, mathematics 1, 2,
4, 5 7-Turs., Fb. 11,T A .,
olitic~al scien~ce 1, 51, 107-Thurs.,
eb. 11, P. M.
0110 K
American Geneva arfns conference
one of the delegates, are shown at
plans with President Hoover for/ the
Performance Is Second Annual
Concert Here; to Present
Varied Program.
Appearing for the second time in
as many years, the Don Cossack
Russian chorus will give a concert
at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow evening
in Hill auditorium. Serge Jaroff,
fiery Russian conductor, will again
lead the organization.
The Russian chorus, pronounced
by critics as the finest organization
of its kind in the world, is com-
posed of expatriated soldiers who
have remained together ever since
1917. The chorus has toured near-
ly all over the world and its con-
certs have run into the thousands.
Tomorrow night, in addition to
the works that have brought them
fame, the chorus will offer a num-
ber of songs never before heard in
Ann Arbor.#
Following the concert, a reception
will be held for the chorus in the I
ballroom of the Union by the Worn-
exn's and Men's Glee clubs. All
three organizations will entertain
at the event, the two glee clubs
with songs and the chorus with
dances for which they are equally
Dale A. and Dalton G. Seymore,
'33L, twins, who starred on Michi-
gan track teams for three years,
again narrowly escaped serious in-
jury last night when the car in
which they were riding collided
with a car driven by Edith Forsy-
the, 420 South 5th street, on the
corner of Monroe and Tappan. The
accident occurred at about 8:50 o'-
Last winter the twins crashed.
into a telegraph post on Packard
St. and although they were cut
slightly by flying glass, neither was
seriously hurt.
Michigan State Whips
Canadian Wrestlers
EAST LANSING, Jan. 11.-(P)-
delegation, and Norman I1. Davis.
the White House. They discusseV
approaching arms parley.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1l.-(P)
-The Senate tonight passed 1
the $2,000,000,000. reconstruc-
tion corporation bill.
The vote wis,63 for the bill
and 8 against.
Hawaii Affairs, Beer Legislation
Hearings Occupy Place
in Session.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. - (IP) -
Reconstruction was the dominant
theme in Congress today but varied
events, including recent happen-
ings on the Island of Hawaii, got
Quintet, 30 1
passed at the, last meeting of the
University council providing for the
appointment of a committee to
consider , possible revision of the
administration questionnaire which
seeks to learn of the amount of
time spent by faculty members..
The resolution, one of two out-
lined by the Council, was passed
as the means of settling the contro-
versy betwelen the administration
and the. Literary College in regard
to the questionnaire. The second
resolution states the belief of the
Council in the value of such a ques-
tionnaire, pd instructs the form
to be filled out or the information
be communicated to the adminis-
tration in some other manner.
Revealed Last Night.
Passage of these resolutions did
not come to light until last night,
thus giving a new angle to the mat-
ter. The -resolutions unanimously
passed, closed the incident, it was
officially stated.
Along with the discussion center-
ing on the Council communication,
the literary college gave its approv-
al to t h e current examination
schedule, and at the same time
announced that a permanent
schedule was being drawn up.
This schedule, Dean John R. Ef-
finger, of the literary college, said,
is so designed as to work automati-
cally. It is being prepared by Dr.
Daniel L. Rich, director of classifi-
cation, and Prof. John F. Shepard,
of the psychology department. The
nature of the new plan will not, be
made pu ,'.ie until approved by the
Literary College.
Opposes Questionnaire.
Opposition to the administratioml
qluestionnaire, which, among other
things, sought to learn the maner
in which faculty members of the
college were apportioning t h e i r
time in respect to the number of
hours spent in preparation of class-
es and lectures, student conferen-
ces, personal research, faculty and
committee meetings and other de-,
tails, was voiced in a resolution
adopted Jan. 7. The resolution in-
structed the delegates of the col-
lege on the University Council to.
raise the question/before that body.
Cap Night, Track Meet Featured
on Program Beginning
May 6.
Entertainment plans for Spring
Homecotning, to be held on May 6,
7, and 8 were drawn up yesterday
at a meetingof the Homecoming
committee which is composed of
student leaders, Joseph A. Bursley,
dean of students, T. Hawley Tap-
ping, of the alumni asosciation.
Cap night will be the first feature
on the program. At this time
the freshmen class burns its 'pots';
at a bon fire built in Sleepy Hol-
low. This will be held on Friday,
dVay 6.
A dual track meet with Jllinoi,
will be the main attraction on Sat-
urday. On the same day the Union
will hold a fathers and sons ban-
quet and the League will hold a
mothers and daughters luncheon.
Spring Homecoming, which was
held for the first time last year, is
sponsored by the Union. Its pur-
pose, according to Hugh R. Conk-
lin, '32E, Union president, is to give
the returning alumni an opportun-
ity to see the University under nor-
mal operating circumstances, some-
thing that they cannot see at Fali
Homecoming because of the excite-
ment of a football weekend.
E. R. Gomberg to Give
Press Talk .at League
Members of the Student Press
club will hear E. R. Gomberg, Ann
'Arbor representative of the Hearst,
interests, speak tonight at 8 oclock
in the League. Gomberg, who is a
senior in the Law school, will speak
on "Reportorial E x p e r i e n c e in
Paris." Gomberg spent two years,
in the French capital as a reporter
after his graduation from the liter-
ary college.
attempt at a Minnesot
Endeavoring to capit
improved playing of E
ner, who starred again
last Saturday, and at ti
use his brilliant scorer
iel, , Coach Cappep,
vamped lineup on th
proceeded to show th
that a Michigan team 13
on the home court
Daniels paired with Ev
forward positions, Gar
center,. while Weiss an'
handled the guard pos
lineup on the court th
far outclassed the Go
final half, with Garne
the tipbbettor than
been able to do in
ference crown. Ivy V
'Michigan's other guar
ished high up among
scorers, sinking two ba
quartet of charity thro;
It was diminutive I
who stole the show e
second half, sending th
shots through the net
First Introduced by Nye
in December; Passed
by Committee.
A bill prepared from a draft writ-
ten by Prof. James K. Pollock, of
the Political Science department,
providing for regulation of expenses
in all Federal ele'tions, is to be vot-
ed on in the United States Senate
within the next two months, it has
been learned.
The 441was first introduced by
Senator Nye, of North Dakota, on
December 19, 1931. The Senate
committee on campaign expendi-
tures, to which the bill was refer-
red, made its report on December
21, recommending the new bill in
its entirety.
A part of this report, as set forth,
in the Congressional Record for De-
cember 21, refers tp the bill as
"based upon a draft prepared at
the request of the chairman byI
Prof. James K. Pollock, of the Uni-
versity of Michigan."1
It is understood that the new
bill now awaiting consideration on
the floor of the Senate is the most
complete and comprehensive regu-
lation of the subject ever presented
to Congress.
a good deal of attention.
\ In one of these, the Senate
directed Attorney- General Mitchell
to investigate conditions on the
islands which havc expressed them-
selves in an assault upon the wife
cif a naval officer and the subse-
quent killing of one of the men
charged with the attack.
Prohibition hearings on beer were
continued before a Senate com-
mittee and coming from them,Sen-
ator Brookhart, Republican, Iowa,
charged the press was giving too
much attention to the claims and
agitations of the wets. He said an
investigation was likely unless the.
situation was remedied.
Before the committee, Dr. Wil-
liam Gerry Morgan, former presi-
dent of the American Medical
Association, advocated 4 per cent
beer, asserting it would help' condi-
tions generally.
The House took up the $2,000,000,-
000 reconstruction corporation mea-
sure only today but the Senate has
had it under consideration for sev-
eral days and worked late in its
effort to get a vote.
Mindful of their promise to pass
the economic rehabilitation bill to-
day, the Senators kept their seats,
as opponents of the proposal did
most of the talking. Senator Blaine,
Republican, Wisconsin, assailed it
in a lengthy speech.
One of Blaine's objections to it
was that it would not provide relief
for farmers and the Senate added
$50,000,000 to the measure for farm
Other economic measures are ex-
pected to follow disposal of the bill
which President Hoover has earn-
estly urged to help business.
Norman Thomas Tells of Conditions
Among American Working Classes
By Norman Kraft .
Extraordinary contrasts between
the living conditions of the rich,
and poor; 10,000,000 unemployed,,
one third of the national popula-
tion indecently housed.
Coal miners living in miserable
huts unfit to be the habitations of
animals, one fourth of the popula-
tions of our cities living in dilapi-
dated firetrap tenement houses,
apartment renting for $75,000 a
That was the picture of how
America lives painted by Norman
Thomas, head of the American
socialist party, in his lecture at
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre last
night. A capacity crowd attended
the lecture which was transferred
at the last minute from Natural
Science auditorium and even then
hundreds were turned away.
"In 1928 I would have needed to
explode the myth that America was
living well," Thomas said. "I would
have needed to point 'out that, al-
though our average living stand-
ards were higher than those of any
nation in the world and higher than
any in history, we do not live on
averages. They would then have
find the worker looking ahead with "
dread to old age. We find factories off
evading old age benefits by turning a f
out older employees and hiring one
younger men. When the workers in toe
the West Virginia coal mines come cats
to get their wages they find that mu
they are actually owing the coi- han
pany for house rent, doctors' fees, Ind
for groceries purchased from the ed
company for scrip, thirty to fifty upo
per cent above current prices.
"In the depression year of 1930, wh
income tax returns showed that for
there were 149 incomes of over $1,- lyo
000,000. We are faced with an en- toX
tirely new condition, the poverty of don
overproduction. The only hope of his
the country lies in the destruction say
of wheat and cotton. The greatest Ru
discomfort is the feeling that it be
need not be. ban
Mr. Thomas, in an interview con
after his lecture last night, stated can
that the Socialist party contem- pro
plates as vigorous a presidential lap
campaign as possible. "We are tal
planning to hold our national ne
nominating convention in April, we
this preceding by several months W]
I the other party caucuses," he a u
There is a widely-diffused hope
peace," Thomas continued, 'but,
eeling that war is imminent. No
believes that there was a war
end war.' This general feeling o)
astrophe is a thing which .e
st control. The cloud of war
ngs over Germany, Manchuria,
lia, Poland. A people unemploy-
does not look so unfavorably
n war.
"What is there that's right and
at's wrong? We can't even en-
ce our own standards. Apparent-
all that Al Capone did was not
pay his income tax. Most of us
n't think that's' so bad. He got
while the getting was good, we
Y. He just did what they all did.
thless perhaps but you have to
ruthless in , business. Privat,
ndits are offered for sale~,
We cannot cure matters by dis-
ntent," Thomas concluded. "Wc
nnot face the future without a
ogram. We must not have a
pse between the fall of the capi-
istic system and the rise of a
w one. Government ownershil:
arked during the World War
hy can't we do the same thing ir
war against poverty? Let us forn-
E veland Gows Good.
While Eveland, Williamson
Weiss were pacing the Mic
teani in droppinig in points,
pher forward, Sochaki, captur
scoring honors for the night
fore he was forced out on fou
in the se c o n d
half, the Minnes-
ota flasbh sent four
baskets and three
through the nets
f o r 11 p o i;n;t<s,
beating out his
team-mate, Licht,
by a ir o char-
ity tosses.
M i n n e s o ta
jumtrped away to
a..n e arl1y lead E E .
when Licht sunk E
afol throw cal led on Evelari
SUcceSsive baskets by Wii
and Eveland placed the Wolv
back in the lead. From tha
on the game seesawed barc
forth, with the score being t
less than four times before tl
of the half. A foul throw on
Sochaki made good just befe
gun gave the Northmen the :
From the middle of the,,
period to the time of the fin
the improved offensive att
the Maize and Blue cagers, cc
ed with a sturdy defense thr
in the region of Michigan's
kept the Gophers at bay and
itely decided the issue in fa
the Varsity.
Eveland, 11 ..... ... 5 0
Petrie, rf . 0 0
Danmelsrf .........1
G a(,ner, c .......... 1 0
Williamson, Ig.... .. 2 4
Tessmer, lg ..,...... 0 0
W eiss, rg ........... 3 1
Shaw, rg ..... . ... 0 0
Michigan State's powerful wrestling
lanPlaKapa team scoredi-' whitewash victory
Education Open Forum over the University of Toronto
grapplers here tonight when they]
Scarcity of positions for menn
trained in education will be dis- ran up 36 points to deal the Cana-
cussed at a forum meeting of Phi dhan team its worst defeat on its
Delta Kappa tonight at 7:00 o'- current United States trip.
clock in Room 302 of the Union. Toronto b o w e d to Michigan's
Leaders of the forum are Dean J. team, 32-0, at Ann Arbor last Sat-
B. Edmonson of the Education urday, and tonight's victory for the
school, who will speak on the gen- Spartans raises their hopes for a
Total . . ... ....
Sochaki, If........
Engebretson, lfI.....
Wright, rf-c ........
12 6
Clerks Investigate
S - ** . . n .