2 -w THE MICHICAN DAILY SUNDAY, -Published every morning except Monday during the UniiAty 47*5Z by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is eclusively entitled to the use ftor Te- gubieation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise 'edited in this paper -and the local news published berein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, -as seeovl s ss matter. Specia) rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmster GeneraL. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.60 Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, W higan. Phone: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGIN EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN City Editor ................................... arl Forsythe a.litorial Director ................,..............Beach Conger, Jr. 'News Editor ..,,,. ...............David M. Nichol bortcEditor ..............................Sheldon 0. Fullerton Women's Editorg...-.................... Margart. i. Thondpson Assistant News Editor ...................Robert L. :Pierce featured player ranks, has been of a quality that leaves little to be desired in the juvenile line. In this latest production his handling of one of the most'difIcult situations conceivable in the retinue of the child actor-the expression of tearful emotion in the presence of tragedy-is so nearly flawless that we feel almost justified in terming it perfect. Ob- viously acting 'of this type reflects a very high degree of .direction, aild in this connection the work of Norman Taurog, director of "Skippy" also, deserves much praise. The story is frankly sentimental, but, with the exception, perhaps, of the acting of the few adult members of the cast, the entire production impresses the audience with a feeling of sincerity that lends a quality of realism to nearly all its situations. The show is eminently worth seeing, it is rather a pity that Jackie Cooper cannot remain a child indefi- nitely. Two other children in the show worthy of mention are Jackie Searle and Robert Coogan, both of whom do good parts in support of the Cooper boy. Robert Coogan is better in this show by far than he was in "Skippy." K. S. Modern sculptors present their bronzes and their I . ... . .. ....a TODAY IS APPRECIATION OF LITERATURE DAY ..1 W I L DL C I I .o. os er r ~r~v~ I B N 'S T A T E HIGH GRADE REPAIR SEARVICE Diamonds, Watches, Clociks,.Jewelry NIGHT EDITO J. Cullen KSello( eS Trank B. Gilbreth J .Roland A. Goodmian Kari eilert Wilbur J. Myers airiau Jones Rtanley W. Arihelm iawsoin E. Beckor EdwardL C. Campbell C. Williarms Carpenter. Thomas Connellau Samuel Q. Ellis Dorothy Brockman Miriam zCartier Beatrice Corlin Louise Crandall si Fe lman Prudence Foster Sports Assista John W Thomas REPORTERS Fred A. Huber Norman Kraft Roland Martin iHenry Meyer Albert11. lNewman E. Jerome Pettit Geosia Ge lnan Alice Gilbhrt Martha Littleton Elizabeth Long Francce Mancheste Elizabeth Mann oily Jame a ngli4 Jerry E, osenhal George A. Stauiter nts John S. ToWmend charles A. Sanford John W. PritcharO Joseph Renihan n r C. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker R. Snyder G. R. Winters Margaret- O'Brien Hillary Rarden Dorothy Rundell Elina Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFF T,*lephone 21214 CHARLES T. Kline.........................Business Manager NORRIS P. JOHNSON ......................Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising...................... .............Vernon lBishop Ad-ert iig Ciitrat..........................:Brry R. legicy Adve.tising.Service........... ................. yron C. Vedder Publicationsg..................................William T. Brown Accounts...... .......... ..........Richard Straterneir Women's Business. Manager... ................. ...Ann W. Verner Orvil Aronson Gilbert E. Bursley Allen Clark Robert Finn Donna Becker Martha Jane Cissel Genevieve Field Maxine Fischigrund Ann. Gallmeyer Mary Harriman Assistants Jlohn Hi( ser Arthur . Kohn James Lowe Anne Harsha Ratharine Jackszon iDorothy Layin Virginia AcComb Carolin Mosher tlelen Olsen Grafton W. Sharp Jonalo A. Johnston_ Don Lyon Bernard H. Good I I May Seefried Minnie Seng Felen Spencer K~athiryn Stork Clare Unger Mary Elizabeth Watt& NIGHT EDITOR-JA;dES INGLIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1932 India and Gandhi 'T HE British government apparently is not go- ing to permit a liberal rule in India. Before Lord Willingdon assumed the role of Viceroy, the conduct of government in India was one of alter- nate civil strife and truce, a policy which gave to Gandhi the right to question acts of the British government set up as retaliatory measures for the, civil disobedience campaign of Indian extremists. Two years ago the civil disobedience campaign was started by Gandhi following the salt-making expedition to the sea. For encouraging the viola- tion of governmental ordinances he was thrown into prison. Today he is in the Poona jail, not because of any violations, but because he insisted ,on questioning the authority of Lord Willingdon in extending to the important cities its ordinances outlawing the all-India 'Nationaliset party, led by; the jailed Mahatma, forbidding all contributions to its fund, and prohibiting demonstrations and peaceful picketing. Since the plea for self-independence was made by Gandhi two years ago, his:position has mater- ially lessened. At the start of his campaign, it appeared that he had a united India behind the movement. But at the second round-table con- ference in London, it was disclosed that Gandhi did not have this factor. For one thing, there is too much strife between the racial elements of the heterogeneous sutb-continent. ,Again, since the advent of the civil disobedience campaign, rule in both India and Great Britain has changed. Lord Irwin is no longer viceroy and, although Ramsay -MacDonald is still premier, the government is not a Labor government but one of a decided Conserv- ative elernnt. The temper is harder, the atmos- phere more strained. Naturally, Great Dritain is not as patient as it was two years ago. drawings at the Exhibition on view at Alumni Mem- orial Hall. The Division of Fine Arts has brought it here and it Will be on view until January 24. Most of the sketches, about 136 altogether, are studies or working drawings, a few are landscapes 'or scenes. Fourteen pieces of statuary are shown and every sculptor who is represented by a statue has several drawings. Work done by Frenchmen, Americans, Italians, Russians, Englishmen and Germans is in- cluded. The predominating characteristic in the show is the close relationship of method shown in the drawings and the sculpture of the artists. Bourdelle's "Figure of a Boy" is that of a lively youngster, in which the pose is admirably expressive of the feeling. From the plastic standpoint it is very satisfying. Kolbe has a lovely "Standing Nude." Her hands are folded a bit 4tiffly yet she has a harmony of face and body, beauty of expression of a rare sort. Chana Orloff's "Head of Marie Lani" is a sophisticated study. The smooth, shining surface df this statue is especial- ly lovely. Malliol has "Standing Nude" which is ivery pleasing in profile because of its unbroken lines. Hisj drawings are thoroughly related to his sculpture. The same kind of outlining and modeling is common to both. Perhaps loveliest of all is Lachaise's "Head" of a woman. She is mature, yet has an unlined,,clearly chiseled face. Her features are in repose, her eyes are closed, and her calm beauty and delicacy full of a compelling, yet subtle, charm that makes one return to her again and again. Most people find abstractions difficult to under- stand, to say nothing of enjoying them, and to me Lipschitz's "Running Figure" comes in this class. His sketches are careful studies in the composition of ab- stract form. Degas is represented by his "Dancing Figure" as well as a realistic charcoal study of legs. Frank Dobson's "Seated Nude" is typical of his com- pact, rounded forms, unified both in outline and feel- ing. His watercolor studies are splotched with vivid colors and are definite in linear values. In regarding the sketches and drawing it is neces- sary to remember that these are not finished produc- tions in the sense that they are sent out for exhibi- tion purposes as are paintings. They are merely the sculptors' working drawings and were used to study a pose, record an action, catch an exikession or note an idea. Some are masterly in their economy of line, the sureness of the brush or pen stroke and must be counted as achievements as such. A few of them are carefully finished, as Harold Cash's splendid studies of backs and hishead of a negress. Malliol's drawings have much the same feeling for form and outline that his bronzes do. They are quiet, full of dignity, beauty and skill. Wheeler Williams makes a. finished picture. Deftness and surety are shown in Milton Horn's outline studies, although the forms are distorted. Kolbequickly records pose and actions in his wash drawings. Calder's "Tiger Pursuing Zebras" is very clever and amusing indeed. The line of the horizon runs through the zebras and the tiger is transparent, but the result is quite convincing. Darde gives us four effective, wash drawings, portrait stud- ies that .are analytical. For clear line andl distinct shading Eric Gill offers three sketches which are satisfying. With absolute precision Lachaise draws figures. One, number 74, is don in fifteen lines. John Skeaping, an English sculptor of prominence, has a crayon drawing in which he builds form as he would do it in modelling. He creates his figure as a mass, then adds lines' to, accentuate it, the effect is just like a bronze statue. Archipenko cuts out part of his figure from a piece of colored paper and pastes it on to the background of a different color, .and completes the outline. The modelling is very carefully done, although realism is not his aim. Bourdelle has two very attractive water- colors of imaginative charm, figures of men and wo- men who terminate gracefully in leaves and branches of olive trees. Modigliani is represented by a strange v"Caryatid." Mahroni Young gets a great deal of action in his laborers, called "Two Men." Above all, one must bear in mind that these stud- ies are not final but that they show our most promin- ent sculptors at work, they are the things one woul turn up in their studios and they reveal the fact that these men are skillful draughtsmen as well as being gifted in plastic 'art. Harriet Dyer Adams. Poor old Oscar the Wonder Horse studied so late last night that he was all tuckered out this morning and we distinctly hear his brain just rattling around in his head. Oscar is like that. At any rate it gives us a swell chance to give the student body something just a lit- tle bit different, something just a little bit useful, and get away from the ordinary run of slobber that fills these columns (plural). * * * LITERARY TID-BIT NO. 1. THE DRAMA CLASS READS EUGENE O'NEILL Professor, entering lecture room: "Brr! . it's cold!" Class: "Brr! .Brr!" Prof. (Aside- "God, that I were' a tree. ..:..Emperor .... er, Mr. Jones! " Jones: (Aside "What can he want ofone ... I am so young and inexperienced ... he is so young ... We are all so young!) Yes, sir." Professor: "What do you think of O'Neill's pew play. (Aside: Who cares what he thinks of it... or what I think of it .. .. what is life anyway but a burnt-out cigar? .... ah, Life is an ash-tray of burnt- out cigars) .....Well?" Jones: "It was so morbid, sir.... I so cold and inexorable! Brr!" Prof. (Putting on his coat): "Brr !" Jones: "There was so much Death ....murder and suicideI....I felt that even I should commit suicide .Brr!" Prof. "Brr! This class will be dismissed... .For next time... .brr. . .read something by Mae West . ...rr!"7 Class: "Brr! Brr!" Bell: Brrrrrr. from the Natre Dame Punch Bowl, Dec. 1931) Opportunity .. ri1r Ia PERMANENT WAVES Take advantage of or 'low end-of- season ' special prices. All waves complete with: shampoo and set at no extra charge. WAVEOLINE SYSTEM-A real wave at a popular $3.00 price............... MARCELINE OIL WAVE-a recondi- tioning oil X4.50 system ................... CURLINE PROCESS - Our very, best . $60 wave......................... Shampoo, Finger Wave, Arch, Marcell, Manicure, Facial, Hot Oil, any one Soc, any two 15c PUBLIX BEAUTY SHOPPE 2o0 E. Liberty St. Phone 234 "~Fo®r Your Water K4 Sp1ofte r f None better. For °l make ofwater s'fteu- eprs, S-- HERTLER BROS. 210 So. Ashley Phone 21713 °; I If you are inore or less ,"broke in this erg of reputed hard times,,it you 'are not satisfied with your present room, orsif'you've lost your dog---don't sit an Mope" about it. There is a way, simple, nxpen sive, and without trouble to you, to rid yourself of all LITERARY TID-BIT NO. 2 A recent perusal of "Tristram Shandy" unveiled a wonderful phrase that might very well be adopted as a motto by a number of organizations we can think of. "Vive la bagatelle." We thought you'd like it. your worries. : 0 ;- Use the I. -' I I EADUcrnRuAL COMMENT, I ,, : 10 w RADIO IN EDUCATION (India Daily Student) Much has been said and written about the use of the radio in schools and colleges. The .nation- 'wide radio chains,, certain individual: stations ands soVeral stations operated by the schools themselves now include educational features in their program's. Some time ago a certain merchant dealing in musical instrunents employed a teacher to broadcast piano Although we do not wish to align ourselves with tHie mosbacks, we do reserve to ourselves the right to be a'ong the congervatives, and to hesitate to hail anything as a revolutionary step until it has been made ab olutely perfect from the mechanical stand- point and has been subjected to thorough going tests. To date, the radio offers neither of these. So long as human nature remains what it is, little Johnny probably will switch off his lesson in "arithmetic whenever mother is not watching. So long as the radio remains without enormous improvements, can you imanine the effect should the entire third grade of the United States for any given year miss the grammar lesson on the double negative because of an unusual atmospheric disturbance due to the Aurora borealis? ......... f TORT?9Th TOM19WSIW V 1iMWRC-q LITERARY TID-BIT No. 3 And now we leave the ancient liferary works of Laurence StCrne and consider something that hasn't even been published yet, the Presi- dent's Report for the Year 1930- 1931. (The President of the Uni- versity of Michigan). The new vol- ume is still at the printers but will I be on the streets in a few days. And speaking of the President's Report, wasn't that a whale of an article on the President's Report in the last Gargoyle? We thought it was ;reat'! (Editor's Note: You ought Uo, apple-polisher. You wrote it. I thought it was terrible. ATTENTION! MR. JENNEY, Am. BILL JEI'NNEY!......Well, we said we would, didn't we?' There's another literary event that we havten't taken due notice of yet: The Examination Schedule. Last year or the year before we would have been' afraid to look at -he awful thing for fear we would get all of our examinations on Sat- urday, Monday morning and Mon- day afternoon. That happened to us once. We're getting used to that kind ' of 'thing, and we don't care anymore. Here is our artist's con- ception of the new examination schedule. (This is Tuesday morn- ing at 9) CLASS[FLED COLUMNS The circa-1ation of the Michigan Daily covers praC- tiCall the entire student body and faculty as well as hundreds of residents of An Arbor. Here is a rich field with unlimited possibilities for results from Classified advertising, a field that no other publication covers half so completely as the Daily. Why not be- come One Of he many regular users of the Classified section-one trial and the results will convince yoU for A FACT all. time. A DAY New Hampshire's highways date back to 179( when legislators passed an act incorporating a coim- pany to build the first turnpike. A single district of New Brunswick, Canada, plans to export 1,000,000 -Christmas trees to United States for Christmas this year. Ernestine Hickey, 4, daughter of the .Rev. S. W. Hickey of Decatur, Tex., has been a radio singer for r Sir igan :Da4j' ['liii