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January 10, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-10

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4 41


VOL. XLII. No. 76





Michigan Cagers

Famous Iconoclast

Capture Opening
Big TenContest)

Defeat Badgers 24-18
by'Concerted Last
Half Drive.'
Purdue Falls Before
. Powerful Illinois'
MADISON, Wis. Jan. g.-+.(A)
-A second period rally that net-.
ted wive baskets in rapid succes-
sion gave Michigan a 24-18 vic-
tory over Wisconsin here tonight.
T h e Wblverines presented a
strong defence that invariably
wrecked the Badger attack. Gar-
ner, at center, proved too much
for the Badgers on both offense
and defense, getting three baskets
and halting numerous Wisconsin
shots. Eveland and ,Weiss also
played strong offensive games.
Nelson Scores First.
Wisconsin led at the half 15-14
and Nelson, Badger guard, was the
first to break into the scoring col-
umn after the start of the second
period caging a goal to widen the
discrepancy. However,Michigan cut
down the gap with a rush, Garner,'
Eveland, and Daniels, who s'ub-
stituted fdr the lanky center at this
point, accounting for five goals
between them.
As soon as the Wolverines gained
41-,oir~~ ~ ~ 0-ro id lnr -07.111

point iea, t eyam
.ng themselves with a
of defensive play that
ge'rs at their mercy. A
y Poser just before the
uhded was the only
Scounter of the period.
s, Garner Star.
ner, and Eveland di-
honors for Michigan
askets each, but high
for the evening went
Poser, who accounted
als . and one foul toss l

Upholds Claim.
Missouri Man
Is Jesse James
By Norman F.Kraft.
Claims ofnan aged Missourian
that he is Jesse James were sub-
stantiated here yesterday by Charl-
es Price, 85, a 'local resident, who
Worked as a wandering cowpuncher
in th' old West and was acquainted
with Jesse's brother, Frank.
tPrice has contended for years
that the man who was shot by Bob
Ford and was buried as Jesse James
was not the famous outlaw but a
member of James' gang known as
Tom Howard.' This also was the
contention of the Missouri claim-
ant. James, Price said, went under
various names among them that of
Howard and this resulted in the
confusion which attended the Ford
"Of course," Price said, "I can-
not say that this man who claims
he is Jesse James really is Jesse
James but I am inclined to believe
it. It rings true. I do know how-
ever that Frank James, at his trial
two years after Jesse was supplosed
to have been killed, offered to pro-
duce Jesse as a witness if necess-
ary. Later ,while I was working on
a ranch in Montana I came in di-
rect contact with a man named
Frank Percy who it was confided
to me was the real Jessie James.
"After Frank was elected Mayor of
St. 'Louis h went out of Missouri
and was never bothered. I met him
years afterward in front of a sa-
loon in Arlington, Oregon. It was
a windy day and when the wind
blew back his coat once I noticed
he wore the badge of a United
States marshal.'
The. Jamnes boys, according to
Price, were not as bad as they are
pictured. They were saints com-
pared to the modern gangsters, he
First Snowstorm Finds Ann
Arbor WellPrepared.
Weeks ago, Alfred J. Paul street
commissioner swore that never
again would a sudden cascade of
snow catch thie city of Ann Arbor
unawares as has happened in past
years. For weeks city officials scan-
ned the horizon for hopeful signs.
Rain fell by the thebarrel but no
Yesterday, however, Mr. Paul
arose and with feelings ofMjubila-
tion, rushed to the city barns. He
realized that there wasn't so much
snow so he ordered out truckfuls
of sand instead of the plows. Eight
unemployed men were given work.
The city's brand new trucks went
into action. But, alas, when the
fighting forces arrived on the scene
of action the snow was already
melted. To maintain the morale of
the city department, they threw the
sand on, anyhow.
lost Temper Tantrums
in Boys, Doctor Claims
old suspicion is confirmed. Little
boys have temper tantrums oftener
than their small sisters. Dr. Flor-
ence Goodenough, child welfare re-
search expert at the University of
Minnesota, has found proof that,
while little boys will average a tan-
trum a day, their sisters will aver-
age two in three days.


to Steen and
for three go,

' areWisconsin (18).,
Steen, (rf).
RWenif ..........
Oakes, c.
Poser, lg.
Nelson, Ig ........

Norman M. Thomas.
Wrestlers Score 32-0 Win Over
Toronto Team in Season's
Opening Match.
In what was probably the most
.one-sided match ever staged in
intercollegiate mat circles Michi-
gan 's Varsity wrestlers scored a
complete shut-out over the Univer-
sity of Toronto, 32 to 0, before an
opening night crowd of approxi-
mately 1,500.
Only six of the eight bouts on the
season's inaugural card were car-
ried to a decision or a fall. Toronto
had no entry at 155 pounds and
forfeited the bout to Miehigan,
while in the heavyweight match
Stoddard held a good advantage
over the Canadian entry, Watts,
when an injury to the Toronto
grappler caused him to concede the
bout to Stoddard.
The Wolverines scored two falls
in the six matches and the other
four bouts were won with big time
advantages. In the evening's opener
Texiera, the Hawaiian Wolverine,
threw Phillips after holding the
advantage throughout the five min-
utes and. eighteen seconds of the
118-pound bout. Wilson scored the
other fall, throwing Zachanko at
165 pounds in 9:38..
At 126 pounds Aldinger gained a
decision over Johnson in an over-
time bout with a time advantage of
5:54. Aldinger came from behind
in the last few minutes of the regu-
lar period to force the match to
extra time.
Bo b elliwell took a decision over
Fletcher at 145 with a time advant-
age of 4:10. With less than a minute
to go Al Reif almost pinned Shute
in the 175-pound division, but the
bout ended with Reif holding an
advantage of 5:42.
Students Will Grade
Northwestern Profs.
EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 9.-(P)-A
great day is coming for undergrad-
uates of Northwestern university.
For years the professors have
been grading the students, but now
the undergraduates have decided
to grade the professors.
"We are asking the students to
grade course and instructor in the
regular fashion-from A to vF," said
Robert Palmer, managing editor of
the Daily Northwestern, student
The results are to be presented
to a faculty committee later. I

Norman M. Thomas to Lectute
on How America Lives'
Monday Night.
Prominent Author Was Socialist
Presidential Candidate
for 1928 Election.
The "Gentleman Socialist" is the
way the Rev. H. P. Marley, minister
of the Unitarian church in Ann
Arbor, described Noman Thomas,
prominent socialist who will speak
tomorrow evening ;a~ 8 o'clock in
Natural Science au rtorium. Mr.
Thomas is no disappointed man
turned against society, Reverend
Marley said of the man whom Com-
munists hate, but he has arrived at
his views by intelligent and very
thoughtful' study.
Mr. Thomas will speak on the
subject "How America Lives--the
machine age" and it is expected
that he will review the present con-
ditions in the light of political and
social conditions. It is in this field
of politics an political-social writ-
ing that Mr. Thomas is best known.
Author of Books.
In his latest book, "America's
Way Out," stated Reverend Marley,
who is president of the Council of
Religion under whose auspices'Mr.
Thomas will speak, he proposes as
the best solution of the problems
that confront modern America,'
whether it is in the throes of de-
pression or not, a reorganization of
standards along socialist lnes. Mr.
Thomas has put forth othrs of his
views in his articles for the "Na-
tion," the "World Tomorrow," and
the "New Leader," as well as in his
books, most prominent of which are
"The Contientious, Objector in
America," "Is Cons6 ence a Crime,"
and "What Is Indu trial Democra-
Considered Prgminent.
Norman Thomas is considered by
most people "the most- prominent
American socialist," and is is to be
greatly admired, it . was said, for
his persistent attempt to convince
the country that his doctrines are
right. Because of the sincerity of
his views and his personal popu-
larity, he was nominated by the
Socialist party for president in
1928. Before that he had been the
nominee of his party for governor.
of New York, and for mayor of
New York city. The increasing size
of his party pays compliment, it
was said, both to his views and his
ability as a leader. '
At present Norman Thomas is
executive director of the League for
Industrial Democracy and contri-
buting editor of several magazines.
He has been making a lecture tour
of southwestern United States.
John N. McCormick to Deliver
Talk to Students Tonight
at St. Andrews.
The first concerted group of ser-
mons since the holidays will be giv-
en today in Ann Arbor churches.
At St. Andrew's Episcopal church,
communion will be held, with the
services, both morning and evening,

preached by the Rt. Rev. John N.
McCormick, D.D., bishop of the
Episcopal diocese of western Mich-
igan. Communion will be given at
8 o'clock this morning, with church
school service at 9:30 and morning
prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock.
Bishop McCormick will speak to
students at 7 o'clock in the evening.
During the World wvar, Bishop
McCormick was bishop in charge of
the American churches in Europe,
and represented the war commis-
rsion of the Protestant Episcopal
church in France: He also served
as major in the American Red Cross
in charge of the Red Cross chap-
lain's bureau.
The morning worship at the First
Congregational church will be
preached by the pastor, Rev. Al-
lison Ray Heaps. His topic is "The
Adventure of Life as illustrated in
the career and service of Albert
Schweitzer."At 6:30 o'clock Dr.
Robert Hall, of the geography de-

Assooted Press Photo ,
Dwight F. Davis.
Theodore Roosevelt Appointed
by President to Succeed
Governor General.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. - (R) -
Dwight F. Davis resigned today as
Governor General of the Philip-
pines. His successor' will be Theo-
dore Roosevelt, now Governor of
Porto Rico. After conferring with
President Hoover, the Governor
General said there was no under-
standing as to 1when this resigna-
tion would take effect. The Presi-
dent sent Col. Rosevelt's name to
the Senate for confirmation.
Mr Davis plans to leave this
country shortly to visit his wife
and daughter Alice in Paris. Mrs.
Davis' illness was one of the rea-
sons given-for his resignation.
"There is nothing in it," he said.
when questioned. as to whether he
would seek a seat in the Senate.
He indicated he was through with
Mr. Davis has been Governor
General of the Philippinesy since
1929. He served as Secretary of War
under President Coolidge from 1926
to 1929.
Secretary Hurley said that his
report on the Philippine question
would be withheld, possibly indefi-
Mr. Hurley made an exhaustive
study of the Islands recently, and
after a verbal report to the Presi-
dent, the latter announced imme-
diate independence was not wise.
The Sec etary explained that his.
written r port would be withheld.
because it was thought better to
outline the Philippine situation be-
fore Congressionaldcommittees..
Mr. Hoover, said Mr. Roosevelt
had been fitted for the new post by
his work in Porto Rico where, he
had administered island affairs
"with marked ability and success."
"The Englishman in 18th century
French literature" is the' subject
of the third of a series of lectures
in French being given under the
auspices of the Cercle Francais; it
will be presented by Prof. John W.
Eaton, head of the German depart-
ment, sat 4:15 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon, in room 103, Romance
Language building.
Professor Eaton shall endeavor
in his lecture to illustrate with ex-
amples from 18th century French
literature his proposition that the
English in foreign countries always'
retain a characteristic individuality
and independence.

Will Leave Manila

Ms.. Lacey Stanton Succumbs
After Tragic Accident
on Icy Street.
Slippery pavements last night
cost the life of one Ann Ar-
bor resident, Mrs. 'Lacey Stan-
ton, 421 So. Division St. who
was struck on William St. near
her home about 11 o'clock by a
car driven by Keith Isaacson
of Ann Arbor. Head .injuries, a
crushed chest and two broken
legs caused her death shortly
after admittance to St. Joseph
Mercy hospital.
Accompanied by' five other
high school students Isaacson
driving a Buick sedan was pro-
ceeding' down William St. be-
tween Thomas and So. Division
when blinded by the glare from
the icy street his car struck
Mrs. Stanton who was crossing
in tie middle of the block. Wit-
nesses of the accident, Neil
Staebler and J. R. Rosino, stat-
ed that the car was not speed-
- The other occupants of the
car were Billie Carr, daughter
of Professor L. J. Carr, Estelle
Standish, daughter of Dr. D. E.
Standish, H.rriet Kanouse, the
daughter of Harry W. Kanouse,
Nesbit Haas, and Dick Lorch,
son of Prof. Emil Lorch. The
party was on the way to a
dance at the Michigan Union,
it was stated.,
Mrs. Stanton, 65, is survived
by a daughter Laura and a son-w
Coroner Fred 3. Heusel was
immediately called and after
examining the body stated that
he saw no cause for an inquest.
Continuation of Administration-
Faculty Controversy
Is Likely.
Continuation of the faculty-ad-
ministration controversy relative to
the division of faculty time will
likely be made on Monday at the
January meeting of the Literary
A communication from the Uni-
versity Council, whih last month
went on record as opposing the Lit-
erary College resolution protesting'
against giving of information re.
garding faculty apportionment o
time, will be read and discussed, it
was said yesterday.
It is understood that the Literary
College, contrary to council stipu-
lations, will take up the question
and oppose the filling out of a
questionnaire seeking information
as to the number of hours instruc-
tors and professors spend in prep-
aration of classes and lectures, stu-
dent conferences, research, and
other items of routine.
At the same time, the informal
report of the administrative board
will be continued. Other business to
come up is the approval of the cur-
rent examination schedule and the
proposed procedure for final exam-
ination schedules in 1932-33.


French Minister
Meeting Usele!

1 0
0 1
-1 0

Germans Are Una
to Make Further
Claim Reparations I
Delaying Econoirpi
PARIS, Jan. 9. - ')-- Pi
Flandin, French Finance- M
ter, said today that it was us
to hold the proposed reparat
conference at Lausanne in ;
of Chancello- Bruening's ou
of the German position on r
The German Chancellor,
ports ,from Berlin said, infor
the British Ambassador yes
day that Germany cannot gc
with reparations paymentsr
and will not be able to do so
a long time to come.
Bruening Asks Let-Up.
BERLIN, Jan. 9.-(M )-Char
lor Bruening has informed G
Britain that when the Lausa
Reparations Conference convi
Germany will tell the world
her ability to pay reparations I
an end.- He told Sir .-Horace IA
bold, the British ambassador, 1
not only for the present but for
indefinite time to come Germ
will be unable to pay.
The German delegation to
tausanne meeting also will ar
he said, that so long as the pre
reparations policy continues,
nomic recovery for Germany
the world will be impossiblQ.
This notification wa given
erday, but the foreign - ofic
nounced it only this aftertlpon a
reports had come from other El
oean capitals that Dr. Brue
had said Germany would refus
accept anything at Iau~anneec
'oinplete cancellation of reps
"It would have been sheer n
ness for the Chancellor to lay .d
any such ultimatum," said the
eign office spokesman.
"What happened," the spokesm
said, "was that the Chancellor
the British Ambassador had a fr
talk on the whole lnternatl
situation, in the course of w
the Lausanne meeting was
Reconstruction Corporation
Fails to Pass in Senate
During Week.
WASHINGTON, J a n. 9.-(
Street lamps were glistenig on
wet pavement tonight - as the Hi
passed the Democratic tariff
The Senate had gone home
the reconstruction c o r p o r a t
measure still unpassed...
- The measure designed to -re
ize business is of passage Mon
Widely ranging debate and ac
on two amendments consume
much time that the Senate de
to defer a vote.
Both amendments were bes
Vice-President casting. the de
ing vote on the first after a tie v
37 to 37. It would have permi
loans to drainage, irrigation,
rectamation districts. The se
was for loans to shiping con"
The future for thet rill
uncertain despite House -app
by a vote of 214 to 18.

The Senate probably will pa
but a White House veto seems
tamn. One of its most import
previsions is to take away the :
idential power of raising or loN
ing tariff rates. While sen
Bingham, Republican, Conn., to
Senate committee that his mea
to permit the manufacture of 4
cent beer would create a bi
dollar industry, Senator Tydi
Democrat, Md., praised the
nomic result of such a move in


Michigan (24)
Eveland, rf.
Petrie, lf............
Garner, e............
Daniels, c............
Weiss, rgg...........
Williamson, 1g......




Total ................. 12 0 4'
Score at half, Mich 14; Wis. 15.
Referee John Schommer, Chi-
Umpire Dale Miller, Indianapolis.
Illinois Beats Purdue, 28-21
CHAMPhAIGN, Ill., Jan. 9.-(IP)--
Illinois tonight accounted for a
stunning Big Ten basketball upset
by defeating Purdue's high favored
five, 28 to 21.
The Illini, playing a slow, close
guarding game, made their shots
count in the first half and built up
a margin the Boilermakers were
unable to break down. The contest
was rough, Illinois losing George
Fenl and Hellmich and Red Owen
by personal fouls, and Purdue los-
ing Dornte and Eddy, by the same
$200,000 Is Bid for Democratic
National Convention; Set
Date on June 27.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.--(A)
'-Chicago today won the Dem-
ocratic National Convention.
The Convention date was fix-
ed as June 27.
WASHINGTON, J a n. 9.-(.P)--
Chicago gained strength rapidly to-
day in its contest with Atlantic
ri.-mnm,. myhair- tf Tmnertie



Equipment Sufficient to Supply1
-City for 30 Years Will
Soon Be in Use.
Now that the Washtenaw County
drys have begun their effort to put
Ann Arbor on the water wagon
they should feel encouraged at the
co-operation offered them by the
city water department. Six million
gallons of - our national beverage
will be available for Volstead setups
within two or three weeks as a re-
sult of the completion of the new
city water reservoir on Sunset road.
'The irsrvonir which cost$ 5. -

will never again suffer from a water
shortage such as occurred during
[the hot weather last summer. Water
for lawn sprinklers, automobile
washing and similar uses will never
be denied.
In answer to inquiries as to
whether use of the new equipment
will improve the present objection-
able flavor of the water, city offi-
cials stated that there would be
substantially no change in the
chemical analysis of the water, ex-
cept insomuch as its longer stand-
ing in the large tank would allow
mor e fnely disnersed organic mat-

Hosts and Guests Will Entertain
With Russian Dancing Acts
as Special Feature.
A reception in honor of the Don
Cossack Russian chorus, which will
offer a concert here Wednesday
night in Hill auditorium, will be
given iyn the Union ballroom,. after
the concert,. it was announced yes-
terceTy by officials of the Women's
and Men's Glee clubs, who are
sponsoring the affair.
All three organizations will con- a

faculty and other patrons will at-
tend the affair as well as the three
The Cossack chorus will be mak-
ing its second appearance on the
Choral Union concert, having given
their Ann Arbor premier a year ago.
By popular request they were sched-
uled again and along with the
numbers which established their
success last year, they will have an
equal number of new numbers in,
their repertoire.
Serge Jaroff. the leader of the


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