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January 09, 1932 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-09

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ication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
ie University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
President until 3:30; 11:39? a. m. Saturday.



No. 75



Presidnt and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from four to six. o'clock
the firt two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the
ulties, their friends, and other residents of Ann Arbor.
University Loan Committee: The Loan Committee will meet Tues-
r, Jan. 12, at 1:30-p. m., in Room 2, University Hall. Students who
re led applications with the Office of the Dean of Students should
I at that office for an appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
To All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at
end of, the present semester are hereby reminded that according to
University Agreements they are to inform the householders of such
ntion at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester, that is
January 29. It is advised that notice of such intention to move be
de at once.
Students are also reminded of the Regents' ruling that no unmar-
i male student may live in an apartment unless he has obtained
cial permission to do so from the Office of the Dean of Students.
F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean.
Householders: Householders haying rooms for men students avail-
e for the second semester are requested to list them in the Ofice of
Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, at once. Dial 6115.
Available light-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also be
ed. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean.
Sociology 245: I will.not meet the class Saturday, Jan. 9.
Theophile Raphael.
Ice Hockey: More than a dozen teams are already entered in the
ramural Ice Hockey Tournament. Entries close this week ad play
start on Monday of next week. Hockey is an All-Campus sport and
group may enter a tean.
Zeta Phi Eta: Picture will be taken at 3 o'clock at Dey's Studio.
eyone be present.
Masonic Students: Meeting of Craftsmen Club at 7:30 p. in., Masonic
ruple. All Masonic students invited.
"Upper Room" Bible Class meets in the "Upper Room" at 7 p. in.
University men are cordially invited.
Actuarial Examinations: Students interested in the actuarial exam-
tions to be held next April /ill meet in Room 3011 A.H., at 4 o'clock
ruesday, Jan. 12.
Aeoly es: Meeting, Monday, Jan. 11, 7:30 p. in., Philosophy Office.
Bahm, "The Meaning of Truth."
Cercle Francais: Michiganensian picture will be taken Monday,
10 p. in., at Dey's.
Tan Beta PI meeting Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 5:30 in Dey's Studio for
lure. Dinner meeting at 6:15, at the Michigan Union.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Picture will be taken Sunday at 2:30 p. in., sharp,
tentschler's studio. Dues must be paid before the picture is taken.
Triangles: Meeting at 4 p. in., Sunday, Room 302, Michigan Union.
Social Dancing Class-iJniversity Men and Women: The last meet-
of the Intermediate and advanced classes in Social Dancing will be
i on Monday evening, Jan. 11, at 7:15, at the Women's Athletic build-
, Both sections will report at that time.
University Symphony Orchestra: Important rehearsal Sunday at
) a. in., Morris Hall.
J-Hop Committee: Meeting at 5 p. in., Sunday, Room 302 Michigan'
BuF;alo Conference Delegates are reminded of the important meet-
in the Committee room, first floor of Lane Hall, at 4:30 p. in., Sunday.
hillel Players: The .rehearsal scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 10, at 2
t, will be held at the League: Consult League bulletin board for room.
Religious Forum: Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 4:15 p. in., Rev. Duncan Mann
:he Episcopal Church of Ann Arbor will lead the sixth Lane Hall
igious Forum. His topic will be: "The Church in Art." This promises
a very interesting discussion.
,St. Andrew's Church Services: Sunday, 8 a. in., Holy Communion;
Sa. m., Curch School Service; 11 a. in., Morning Prayer and Sermon;
l p. n., Evensong. The Rt. Rev. John N. McCormick of Western Mich-
i will preach at the morning service and will speak at Evensong.
Harris Hall: Mr. Lewis's class "The Christian Philosophy of Life,"
meet Sunday morning at 9:30 at the Hall. Supper will be served at
p. m., and Bishop McCormick will speak to the students at 7 p. m.
Dr. Robert Dexter, of Boston, will speak on "The Destitution in
thern foal Fields," Sunday evening at 7:30-Liberal Students Union
Jnitarian Church.

Hindustan Club: The epoch-making events in India call upon the
s and daughters of India to rally their forces to free their mother
d from the British. yoke. Some plans by which students can serve
cause best will be considered I_________________
he meeting Sunday at 2 p. m., SUNDAY'S SPECIAL
Lane Hall. All Indian students Try Our SOc Chicken Dinner
requested to be present. Dinners .,...35c and SOc
Luncheons..... 25c, 35c and 50c I
eserve Officers: An important B;I RN E Y'S
ting of reserve officers in the B I1R E Y s
room of the Fort Shelby Hotel, 516 East Williams

Organized Agriculture to Insist
on a Program of Relief
for Farm Property.,
Hoover's Plan Expected to Bring
in 1,700,000 New Income
Tax Payers.-
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, - () -
Whether Congress adopts the Hoo-
ver-Mellon plan of federal taxation
to meet the national deficit or the
one being drafted by the Demo-
cratic majority in the House, or-
ganized agriculture will insist on a
program of relief for farm property.
Although there is no federal land
tax and none contemplated, the
:farmer's broad acres pay such a
tremendous portion of state and lo-
cal taxes that his income scarcely
can be asked further to bear fed-
eral government costs.
Farm Incomes May Be Hit.
National farm groups offer no op-
position to the present scale of fed-
eral income taxes, but are not sure
how far agriculture can go in sup-
port of the administration's sugges-
tion that exemptions be lowered.
The president's scheme is expected
to bring in 1,700,000 new income
tax payers-many of them farmers.
The average farm incone in 1930
was only .$598, and is expected to
be lower this year, compared with
$887 in 1929. That figure however
includes the earnings of a vast ar-
ray of small tenants and by no
means represents the net returns!
to freeholders whose property is
heavily taxed because it is capable
of =yielding a sum sufficient to fallJ
into the income tax bracket.
Urge Estate Tax Rise.
In some stats there are state
income taxes as well as federal and
agriculture is concerned lest the
farmer's income be subjected to-
duplicated assessnent.'
Generally, farm organizations in-
sist that taxes be levied in propor-
tion to benefits received and ability
to pay. They favor an increase in
the federal estate tax with the
states allowed to retain more than"
the present 80 per cent.
To relieve the drain on farm
property for state and local serv-
ices they say a substantial propor-'
tion of the federal corporation in-
come tax should be returned to the'
states, the individual paying both
a federal and state'income tax be-
ing allowed to deduct from his fed-
eral tax a considerable portion of
his state income tax.
Sales Tax Opposed.
There 'should be a federal and
state gift tax, they say, to prevent
evasion of the purposes of the
estate tax. They urge that luxury
and privilege be forced to bear a
part of the cost of government to
relieve the burden on farms, homes,
and business.
While the collection of a limited
tax on luxuries is favored, anything
resembling a general sales tax is,
almost sure to be bitterly opposed.
Tishing' Expedition
to Hunt Cancer Clew
ITHACA, N. Y., Jan. 8.-U)-A
c a n c e r "fishing" expedition to
search for a promising clew in can-
cer study in rare Mexican fish was
announced at Cornell univeisity

Detroit, Michigan,,at 11 a. m., Sun-
day, JaA. 10.
All reserve officers who are inter-
ested in their commissions as such
are urged to attend.


Associated Press Photo
I. .
Third party talk is back in the political wind in Washington. Unconvinced of their ability to block
Mr. Hoover's renomination and dubious over the outlook for an acceptable Democratic candidate, the Re-
publican independents of the northwest are seriously considering a third party movement. The name of
Senator George W. Norris (center) is that about which third party discussions revolves mostly. Other names
also heard are those of Senators William Borah (left) of Idaho, Hiram Jhnston (upper right) of Califor-
nia, and Gov. Gifford Pinchot (lower right) of Pennsylvania..
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -. - - - - - -


SOUTH HADLEY, Mass., Jan. 8.-
UP)-For years Dr. Mary Emma
Woolley, president of Mt. Holyoke
,college, has advocated world peace.
Now, as one of the three members
of the United States' delegation to
conference on arms limitation at
Geneva opening February 2, shel
will have an opportunity to fulfill
a lifelong ambition.
Apprised of her appoiptment byl
President Hoover, Dr. Woolley said:
"I have been interested for years
in the substitution of international
understanding and arbitration for
armed forces."
As long ago as 1907, while attend-
ing a peace congress in New York
City, she said in commenting on a
forthcoming naval and military
"If we really wish to develop the
spirit of mercy rather than that of*
Tuberculosis Curable
When Treated Early
"Tuberculosis in infants and
children, diagnosed early and treat-
ed competently, almost always be-
comes arrested and heals complete-
ly," said Dr. Daniel Budson, the
instructor in the Medical School
yesterday afternoon over Station
"If the treatment is allowed to,
go on to an advanced stage,Dr,"
Budson added, "treatment becomes
more and more difficult and often
becomes quite hopeless."
Tuberculosis is transmitted in the
child in two ways, Dr. Budson stat-
ed. The child may contract it by
contact with some one who has the
germ, or bj infected milk from tu-
berculous cows.
No absolute syptoms are present
when the child has tuberculosis of
the lung, which is the commonest
form, said Dr. Budson. For the
adult, however, certain warning
signs have been discovered. The
most common are night sweats,
afternoon fever, persistent cough,
and bloody sputum.

cruelty, to exalt ,reason rather than
violence, why not depict the entic-
ing splendors of peace instead of
the splendors of war?"
In 1922, referring to the work of
the China Educational commission,
of which she was a member, she
told a collegiate' alumnae associa-~
tion in Boston:
"All political questions must be
approached from the point of view
of the largest human welfare-
Christian emphasis on human val-
She supported John W. Davis for
the presidency in 1924 because of
his stand on international-relations.
"We did not complete the work
we began by going to war," she told
newspapermen. "By serving all re-
lations with the outside world we
have made it difficult for Europe to
readjust itself. Our entry into the
League of Nations is tg.e direct way
in which we could help make an-
other war impossible."
Once when asked about the value
of ethical instruction in college she
"The pity is that so many of
young people lose the ideals that
they received in college soon after
they leave.
"We must depend upon our 15
per cent of college graduates and'
others who maintain their intellec-
tual curiosity and spiritual fire.
"It's so in everything. At dinners
I sit beside men who don't care a
bit how the rest of the world goes
so long as their own business is
Dr. Woolley's collegues on thie
Ameiican delegation to Geneva are
Char les G. Dawes, ambassador to
I Gres t. Britain, and Senator Claude'
I A. Swanson, ranking member-of the
committee on foreign affairs.

Chancellor's Followers Refuse
to Accedetto Demands of
Hitler's Faction.
BERLIN, Jan. 8.-(P )-A possibil-
ity that large groups of Chancel-
lor Heinrich Bruening's present
I followers may balk at any proposal
to "deal" with Adolf Hitler, or to
give, the 'National Socialists 'posts
in the, cabinet, was predicted in
political circles and by some-Berlin
newspapers today.
The Socialists paper Vorwaerts
said that while the Socialists favor
retaining the veteran Paul von Hin-
denburg as president they will not
permit a "bargain" between the
government and the Rightists to
keep him there.
The Morgan Post said it learned
the Nazis have denianded two cabi-
net posts as the price of harmony.'
With this situation in mind poli-
tical observers hesitated to guess
what will be the result of the chan-
cellor's attempt to obtain a "stand-
still' agreement begun when he
conferred with Hitler Thursday.,
The purpose of the suggested
agreement was taken to be the
uniting of various political parties'
to secure the re-election of Presi-
dent von Hindenburg and to pre-
sent a united German front to the
world on the eve of important in-
ternational conferences.
Conferences with Socialist lead-
ers also were held -by the govern-
ment Thursday. Without the as-
sent of two-thirds of the Reichstag
the clause which limits the ,presi-
dent's terfn to seven years cannot
be changed.

Instruction in Curbing Menaces
of Fire Will- Be Given
January 13.
Effort Will Be Made to Maintain
Ann Arbor's Record in
Residence Fires.
In an effort to make possible the
continuance of Ann Arbor's record
in recent years in the matter of
residence fires, the Michigan State
Fire Prevention association, by in-
vitation of Mayor Newkirk, the
Chamber of Commerce and the city
fire commissioners, will make a fire
inspection and survey of all Ann
Arbor homes Wednesday, Jan. 13.
Particular attention will be paid
to warning housewives of the most
commen fire menaces and the best
methods of overcoming them.
Electric Iron Dangerous. .
Chief among these, they say, ,is -
the electric flat-iron, which is
responsible for hundreds of fires
every year. It is a comon practice
to leave the iron on the ironing
board ,while answering the tele-
phone or door bell, and it is easy
to forget it and leave it until the
board bursts into flames.
Another common trouble is ama-
teur ejectrician-work. Particularly
dangerous is the pratice of substi-
t"ting a coin for a blown-out fuse,
it is said. The fuse, they say, is k
safeguard against dangerous cur-
rents, and when it blows out it is
an indication that protection- is
then needed most. The association
urges that all wiring and electrical
work be left for an experienced
electrician. Incautious use of gaso-
line as a cleaning agent and for
starting fires is also warned against.
Gould Leaves Faculty;
Accepts New Position
(Continued from Page 1) ,
also hps delivered tliree lectures
in Ann Arbor, the only time he
has spent here.
Recently Gould was made a fel-
low in the.Association of Americai
Geographe-s and in the Geological
Society of America. He is a member
of the famous Explorer's. Club, and
in November, 1930, received the
David Livingstone medal of the
American Geographical Society.
He graduated from the University
in 1921, having spent two years in
the army durirg the war, seeing
duty in France and Italy. He is a
member of Phi Beta Kappa and
Sigma Xi.
Continuing his studies after his
appointment to an instructorship
in 1921, he received master's and
doctor's degrees in 1923 and' 1925
respectively. He has been assistant
and associate professor since 1925.
The Board of Regents will pass
upon his resignation at its meeting
the latter part of the month.
Suits Pressed, 25c. Suits Cleaned and
Pressed Soc. Alterations at cost.
New fall samples. Custom made, $25
1319 South University


, . . 1



Mendelssohn Theatre

. . . . .,. 3:15
.}. 8:30

"That Gay and Racy Old Musical Play"
Popular Prices: Evening 75c, $1.50; Matinee 50c, $1.00


!! , .ii



All Parties and


For your office comfort we are prepared to supply
anything ypu may need in
' rvI MIVrnFUene UUIV I i f TUUW riT WU! Wrl



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