THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JA TH ICIA DIY AhR V3 STUDENdTS IN FAV19fl Ar iy, Navy, Planes to Wage Tactical 'War' on Hawaii to Test Western Defense of U. S. OF ARAMNCUTI Vote Shows Majority Opposed to Compulsory Military Training. i WASHINGTON, fan. 8.-P)-- Feverish clays and nights lie ahead at the crossroad of the Pacific. For Uncle Sam's lads in khaki and blub are going to "war" in the first joint army and navy exercises of major character at the Hawaiian ¢.Reduction in armaments and the islands since 1925. Icadership of the United States in The "war," to be waged February} this move are the sentiments of a 6-11, will test the westernmost de- majority of the 24,345 college stu- fensive outpost of the United States dents who were polled on a straw whose fortifications are unrestricted vote pertaining to the disarmament under the Washington treaty of recently on 70 campuses through- 1922. out the country. In the figures To Test Hawaii's Defenses. which were released yesterday by The jo nt exercises, foc'using on Luther Tucker, of Yale university, ti e island of Oahu with its prin- chairmen of the Intercollegiate cial city of Honolult will attempt cauncil, it was revealed that 92 per to determine the effectiveness of an cent of the students polled favor a surface, and land attak .reduction in arma~ments, while 63 agamsnt -Hawaii and the adequacy Winsten Chv.rchiill, whot, 1 lecture here Mar. 1, shown with his per cent would urge the United of air, surface, sub-surface, and wife as they 'called recently at No. 10 Downing St., the most famnous States to take the lead in this step. land defenses to repel invaders. Political addre s in London. Mr. Churchill is accompanied on his trip Third Favor Full Reduction. The attacking force, commanded to this cdintoyby lies ik and youngest daughter. Further revelations of student by Admiral Richard H. Leigh, will - - - - opinion pshow that one-third fa- have 55 ships composed of eight vor a 100 per cent cut in disarm- battleships, three light cruisers, 24 S hurtzilI .Has P rturesque, ared aments, providing all nations agree destroyers, two aircraft carriers, to the same ratio, while one in sev- and a train squadron.I Career; .W il L ectpre Here M ar. 1 en advocate a 100 per cent cut for Airplanes nominally carried total the United States without regard 186.e to other nations. The defenders, commanded by Winstcen Churchill, distinguished Cuba during the Spanish-American Compulsory military training in Maj. Gen. Briant H. Wells, will have British statesman, who is to speak War. beginning his adventurous ca- colleges was given a decided set- 17.submarines, four minelayers, two here Mar. 1 on the lecture series reer when still a boy. In the same back in the vote as 81 per cent of minesweepers, aproximately 100 herte Mar1onthealsctreerie s year he served in the British army the students favored a repeal of active planes, troops, and fortifica- of the oratorical Associationhas in India in the Malakand and Tirah compulsory military training in tions,- had a picturesque and varied ca- campaigns, besides being present colleges. On the other hand, the Troops of the regular army there reer. at the battle of Omdurman on the figures show that only 38 per cent number 733 officers, 96 warrant of- For more than 20 years he has Nile the same year. favor the elimination of military been known as "the stormy petrel In the Boer war the youthful training from American universi- of British politics." While still in Churchill acted as correspondent ties. his fifties, he has been a member for the London "Morning Post," Of those voting, it was revealed of the British Parliament for more and was taken prisoner but escaped that only one-seventh had had mil- than 25 years. He has held almost from Pretoria. He was pr sent in itary training. every front rank administrative the battles of Spion Kop, the relief American adherence to the World post in the British cabinet during of Ladysmith and the capture of Court on the basis of the Root pro- his time in Parliament. Pretoria. It was in this war that tocols was also favored in the poll He is a member of a distinguish- he first attracted world-wide at- 74 per cent casting their vote in ed British family. In England there tention.- support of this measure v are families, like the Cecils and the Has Held ManV Posts. Stanleys, that have devoted their After tie Boer war the still youth- Although nodefinit fiurson. ere energies to their couItry for gen- ful Chu'chill got himself elected released showing the attitude of etations, even centuries. Churchill to Parliament, and from that time Michigan students on the question- belongs to such a family. John until now has held many of the naire, general statistics show that Churchill (1650-1722) was for his highest administrative offices in pr ctically all the colleges taking pre-eminent military deeds created the government. prt voted in the same proportion, the first= Duke of Marlborough by As an author, Winston Churchill few extremes being noted.r ro , Queene Anne. As a military corn- is lnown wherever English is re&d; Mount Holyoke college, where mander and strategist, he ranks ,as an orator of brilliant attain- Mary E. Woolley,grecently appoint- with the greatest of all time, Alex- ments he has world-wide fame. e y e. ofe Unted a t- ander, Napoleon, and Wellington. ClAdemembertoof tthe forUniteding diStates Mother an American. Glee Crde-eton fhe r ha s een Grandson of a Dukp of Marlbor- iee ub up pear armament conference, has been ough, son of Lord Randolph Chur- in Two Concerts Soon president for 31 years, voted 3 perhn chill and Jennie H. Jerome, of Bal- nt against any disarmament, 19d i es timore and New York, who became Two concerts for the latter part per cent against any reduction by Lady Churchill, Winston Churchill l of the month were anounced yes- example, 37 per cent for total dis- is an Anglo- American. His father terday by Gayle Chaffin, '32, presi- amament if all nations agree, and room, or if ,21 per cent for total disarmament I d was one of the brilliant statesmen dent of the Men's Glee club. The example. f m of his day and the youthful Win- first one will take place Jan. 21- by example. stol was reared in an atmosphere in Port Huron. The second will be WASHINGTON, J a n. 8. ( P)- Iope. about of politics and statecraft. He was the -following day in Detroit. ' Foreign trade of the United States educated at Eaton and Sandhurst, Preparations for the show to be in November resulted in a favorable entering the army in 1895. put on with other musical organ- trade balance of $43,835,630 Total siI, and wi He acted as newspaper corres- I izations and dramatic societies lat- value of exports was placed at'sve adW tho pondent with the Spanish forces in er in the year have already begun $193,553,921 and imports at $149,- --__by the club. 718,291. ficers, and 14,054 enlisted men. To Strike at Coast. The fixed fortifications are at Pearl Harbor and the terrain over- looking it and at Honolulu Harbo. Fixed anti-aircraft forces will be used in harbor defenses and mo- bile anti-aircraft with the regi- ments. There will be other mobile guns. At the conclusion of the exercises,' t4e navy will engage March 8-23 inr a problem in which the battle force steaming the 2,000 miles from Hawaii will attempt to seize a foot-, hold on the west coast of the Unit- ed States. This inter-navy "war" will in- volve 125 ships and 316 airplanes. The attacking force, under com- mand of Admiral Leigh, will be' composed of 54 ships and 108 planes. * ev. Mann Will Speak at Lane Hall Forum "The Church in Art" will be dis- cussed by Rev. Duncan Mann, stu- denit pastor of the Episcopal church at 4:15 o'clock next Tuesday. in Lane Hall, under ,the auspices of the Student Christian Association. Up to date all forums have been held in Lane Hall, and the attend- ances have been small. Next se-' mester forums will be held in 'he Natural Science auditorium at the same hour. ABOT ANNOUNCES BROAD9 0CAST CHA9NGE Saturday Night Hour in Future to Go on Air From 8:30 to 9. Saturaay evening broadcasts from the University radio statiin will be from 8:30 to 9 o'clock in tho future, Prof. Waldo Abbot, director, announced yesterday. This change has been made necessary due to the scheduling of a feature program by WJR at 8 o'clock. The program this evening will be dedicated 'to the School of Music. It will be presented by a ,facul y trio consisting of Prof. Wassily Bes- ekirsk-y, Prof. Hanns Pick, and Prof. Josephine Brinkman. Prof. Arthu" Hackett will be the soloist Mr. Besekirsky, professor of vio- liii, was trained at the Moscow Conservatory. He has appeared as soloist in many continental citics, and also with the New York Phil- harmonic, Philadelphia Symphony, and Rhode Island trio in this coun- try. Mr. Pick, professor of violoncello, is a graduate of Karlsruhe and Bu- dapest. He was formerly solo-'cel- list with the Philadelphia Symph- ony orchestra. Mr. Brinkman, as- sistant professor of piano, was graduated from the American Con- servatory of Music. 51 1 °1 ry a 7 A , ,< //M 11 ,,i _ , STODAY. Continuous 1:30 to 11:00 P.M. FILMLAND'S MITE- IEST STAR with all his pals and play mates, in a brand new thriller about SHANTYTOWN! your worries. ticilly the entir hundreds of rc field with u i Classifid adve CQvers5 ha If so 4 coon ae of thi a11 time. , . re or less broke" in this era of rep u'e you are not satisfied with your present you've lost your dog-don't sit und it. There is a way, sinipe, ine, )ut troubleto you, to rid yourself of all Use th n of the Michigan D ly -coves prac- re student body and fa1plsyas w ll as sidents of Ann Arbor0 'Here is a rich mit ed pcssibilit es for resuits from rtising, a field that no other publiction completely as the Daily. Why not be- e many users of the Classified ial and th Lresults will convince you for a Qaramount 9ictzle, iR CKW Kl~ sc~k h een'to 11 01)ER ~ mg ,:tc~rbd uu E s~~o real y o't ! ll11 w ante to ,l " i1=,t , 4 rJ 7 L."1II ing ihc scree;i1r.0 )GAN. THZ STAR OF "SKIPPY" AND "THE CHAMP" EXTRA Arri DPDI U