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January 08, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-08

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proe an ofyor.raes ndevn sav of ailir I .

ry norning exce'pt'Monday 'furing the University ' Ie
CGontrol of Student Publications.
he Western Conference Editorial Associatt
ed Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
til news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
paper and the local news published herein.

prove many of your grades and even stave off failure
in some instances.




ed at the Post Office at':Ann Arbg, Michigan, is second
tter. Speci4al rate of pottage~ granted by Third Axeulkant
er Geneal-
ription by carrier, $4.00; bF mail, $4.6
x: Ann Arbor .Press Building, "Maynard Street, A m krbeo,
Phone: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

There really isn't any reason why the fact that
Marian Marsh is "Under Eighteen" should call for
all the ballyhoo that this picture has enjoyed-that
is, the exhibitors have ballyhooed it; the patrons

r....rnl.%eat t.'lr


merely feel somewhat nauseated and let it go at that.
It was a remarkable bit ofyasting that 'put Anita
AGGICHARD TOBIN Page 'and the Marsh girl in the same show. In our
ty Editor .. ... ... ...... . ar orottestiimition the former is the only person in pictures
vtoiriai Director.. ....... ............ .......Sa l ;d~ er.
S. ,tor................ -- .Da-- ,.orwho can even approach Miss Marsh's unusual capa-
city in the matter of being cloyingly sweet-so sweet,
t. Editor ................Sheldon'0.--Fu-lertonin fact, that it is not uncommon to see audiences
'omen's Editor ........ .................Margaret :1. ' honmpon
sistant News Editor.........................1obert71.Pieree withe in the beams of her honeyed smile. Remem'ber
NIGHT EDITORS her part in "Five Star Final"?
ank B. Glbreth J. Cutlen Kennedy Jamnes ini The worst of it is that, in spite of her youth, Miss
oland A. (.oodraan Jerry 'E. hfoentrbaI
Karl itlelfert George A. Stanter Marsh has quite a considerable degree of ability,
Sports Assistants which; in those brief moments, when she is not being
ilbhr. J. Myers John W. Thomas John 'S.'Townsend perfe'tly darling, she displays to remarkable ad-
C jtaI'lf A. Sanford vantage. In this picture, in which she plays opposite
anley W. Arnhelm Fred APORTERS John W. Prltehard Warren Williams and Regis Toomey, she has one
wson E. Becker Norman KraftI Joseph Renihan scene 'in which she lashes out with- a demonstration
ward C. C anpbell Roland Martin t. Hart 'Schaaftof that bears uch promise for her future in
villiims Carpenter Ilenry Meyer / Brackley' Shaw o temperp
komas Connellan AlbMt H. Newman Parker ,R. Snyder the emotional fireworks line.
Lruel G. Ellis E. Jerome Pettit G. R. Winters
Warren Williams, as the naughty, naughty butter-
rath Carver Aian Geogiaert Iiiaae,'ra Ben and-egg man, is without doubt the most acomplished
atrice Collins Martha Littleton Dorothy flundell actor in-the picture. His speech has a pleasant qual-
onise 'Crandall Elizabeth Long ELma Wadswqgrth
sie Feldman Frances Manchester JotPlbin Wo dhbms l ity of the genteel about it, and the manner in which
rudence Foster liabeth Mann - /he "reads -his lines, together with his easy bearing
BUSINESS STAFF and iffectious goodhumor, constitute avery satisfy-
TA . ephoneT2124Bsiness Manager ing screen personality. As the millionaire rounder of
)RRIS P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager Park Avenue he doesn't once say, "Heh, heh, little'
Department Managers girl, I have you in my power," either literally or by
vertising.............Vernon Bishop the manner in which he accomplishes his seductions.
tvertising ontracts......................r-y-)- Begler Regis Toomey, who is the humble little delivery
blications. ...............'. . illiam T. Brown boy with $800 in the bank and a big desire to protect
co ' .nts.. . ... ...............NRichard Strateeir
'omen's Business Manager .. .................'Ann w. Verner tlte heroine from the ravages of those dirty -hounds
;,v,+1, ue t h+nlghuu ~iuu n"^o ne u t.iviuwuiig mc

AronsonJoh Reyser
CE. Burecy Arthur F. Kohn
Clark Jamles"t~owe

Anne Harsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Caroln eMoher
Helen Olsen

Grafton W. Share
Donato A. Johnston 1
Don Lyon
Bernard 1i. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer.
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
,wary 'Elizabeth 'Wtt.


in the nignt clubs, while not a howling success, nas
a straightforward manner and a true-to-life way of
saying things that make him seem real, rather than
just another actor. It is in just this point that Anita
Page and Marian Marsh fail so miserably. Both read
their lines just as if they we're reading lines, rather
than as though they had something to say.
We recollect that about four years ago when
"Broadway- Melody' hit the screen -as the first all-
talking musical comedy, Miss Page suddenly sk'y-
rocketed to a high position much like that now occu-
pied by Marian Marsh. Today she is almost forgot-
ten. People get tired of such large doses of sweet-]
ness, if, indeed, it can be said that they ever had
a taste for the ga-ga school of screen love. We notice,
incidentally, that Greta Garbo and Joan Crawfort
are both doing very nicely. Maybe that's because
they're bothi over eighteen. K. S.

\Aash ingon
By Kirk Simpson
WASHINGTON, Jan. "7.-It must
have been with mixed feelings that
"those war-worn democratic veter-
ans, Jamea 'M. Cox of Ohio, John
W. Davis of West Virginia and Al
Smith of NewYork, accepted invi-
tations to come down to the Jack-
son Day dinner and touch off the
opening oratorical guns of the 1932
As standard bearers of their party
respectively in 1920, 1924 and 1928,1
they were the logical keynoters to
sound off for 1932.
Two of the three, Cox and Smith,
paticularly Smith, are figures in
the preliminaries of the 1932 race
for the democratic nomination.
Davis, despite the fact that he led
the forlornest hope of the lot in
1924, has not even been speculated
about as a 1932 possibility.
Long 'Awaited Chance.
But the thing that stands out
this year as not at any time since
the first Wilson nomination in 1912,
is that the democrats believe that
a real chance of sweeping their
man into the White House is at
Al Smith may have had moments
of supreme confidence in the cam-
paign of 1928; but" the other two
defeated but not dishonored stal-
warts probably suffered no great
surprise when d e f e a t overtook
them. They must have seen it
Certainly John Davis did. If ever
a democrat was drafted as a sacri-
fice to the necessity of keeping the'
party organization going, however
hopeless the outlook, he was.
With the roaring and discordant
echoes of that prolonged deadlock
of the 1924.convention in old Madi-
son Square Garden still rumbling,
he could hardly have had a mo-
ment in the campaign when he ac-
tually expected to enter the White
When the trio #ather at the Jack-
son Day festive board this year,
however, they must be less than
human not to reflect how different.
might have en their political
destiny had the call for standard
bearer service been deferred to 1932.
The very atmosphere of that din-
ing room will be surcharged with
a wholly cIiferent excitement from
anything any one of them could
have known as party nominee.
For the first time in all those in-
tervening years democrats are in
the saddle in at least one branch
of the government, the house. And
all the maneuver/ng to push intra-
party conflicts out of sight is an-
other tangible evidence of how
democrats 'feel about their 1932
Cox, Davis and Smith-any of the
trio may, of course, be recalled ,as
1932 leader. Yet each must know
that his chances would be brighter
had he not served before. That
sounds ironic, but it is true.
il i



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SCEVERAL laudable things can be said about
the administration of the Student Council for
this year. Pep meetings, class games, dances, and ]MUSand DI1A]A
freshman smokers, have been supervised and car=
ried out in a very efficient manner by this body.
They have secured a co-operative- faculty advisor, The Dori Cossack Russian Male Chorus, which will
Prof. John S. Worley, of the engineering school, make its second Ann Arbor appearance in the Choral
and are at the present time working yin harmony Union Series, on January 13, reached America a few
with the administration. days ago and opened their tour of 100 concerts-at
However, when they attempt, as they did at Carnegie Hall, Tuesday night, to a housecompletely
their last meeting, to enter into the selection of' sold .out, including all possible standing -roomi. This
ther head varit chernter, e annot elt but group consisting of 37 expatriated former officers in
the head varsity cheerlader, we cannot help but .
fiel that:they-are .getting entirely out of the scope the Russian Imperial Army, conducted by their
of their power. dynamic leader,. Serge Jaroff, scored a triumphant
In the past, the head cheerleader has always ovation. The Cosshcks were forced to sing over twelve
been elected by a committee of the four mahagers encores and when they closed the performance with
and captains of the major sports, football, basket- one of their rollicking soldier songs, wilst two of their
ball, baseball, and track, and the retiring cheer- number performed typical Russian dances, the house
leader captain. The council are petitioning to have was in pandemonium.
two delegates from their body appointed by Ed- "The singing Cossacks had found themselves much
ward J. McCormick, '32, president;.to serve on this" in demand by concert audiences last season," said
committee. The delegates will have one vote be- the Herald-Tribune, "and the capacity house trey
tween them. faced last night suggests that the demand has not
the reason given by the council for their desir- .abated. Their popularity has its reasons. Unity and
ing a vote in this election was that the captains precision, responsiveness to their leader's direction,
and managers often take little interest in the meet- is to be expected of any well trained chorus, and
ings of the electing committee and hence are easily Russian choral singing was often heard here before
influnced by the retiring cheerleader had, who is Mr. Jaroff's choristers first crossed the ocean. But
often politically prejudiced. still, this remains an exceptional organization, in the
For the, council to attempt to eliminate politics complete amalgamation of the individual voices in
in any election is in itself absurd. More than likely an artistic unit, the spirit of its performance and
if they are represented, politics will only play a the convincingly national savor inherent in its inter-
much greater part. pretations. The chorus showed mastery of a wide
If anyone ever had any doubt that the Student range of moods and a variety of tonal timbres."
Council was a body free from political influences, "They offered a unique contribution to ensemble
that doubt was completely expejled last fall when singing," said the Times, while the American said,
Boss McCormick met with his four cohorts, held "They again thrilled an'd amazed their many listen-
an election in which all but one of them were ers with an unusual program and an unusual manner
named as officers, and then proceeded to fill the of presentation. These men have been sb finely
council roster with nine men that were all ap+1 trained and are so perfectly attuned that their com-
pointed by the original five.p bined voices suggest the vibrations of a single, sensi-
tive'musical instrument. Their marvelous pianissimos
in a group of sacred songs, the surprising effect: be-
...--- - - -- -- ~ gining with a veritable thread of sound gradually
EDRT0RHAL. COMMENT increasing through, every shade until a stupendous
climax is attained; the concerted tenors and bari-
tone deftly superimposed upon the diapason of coun-
THE TESTI<NGMNTH ter-basses; melodic figures ingeniously interwoven;
(Indiana (Daily Student) beautiful hummed effects like muted tones in a

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The freshmen are now entering the most trying
month of their college career. Ink many cases the,
month of January will be a turning point upon whichi
hinges the. furtherance or the end of their college
With final examinations less than a month away,
sports and all extra-curricular activities should be !
relegated to the background in view of the import-
ance of "hitting" these final tests. If past years are
any indication of the average, there will be a parade
of homeward bound first year students immediately
following the compiling of first se'iester grades.
There seems to be no adequate remedf for this situ-
ation, its solution resting with the individual in prac-
tically every case. However, it might be well in or-
ganization houses and halls if the upperclassmen
would deviate from the usual procedure of merely
warning the freshmen, and demonstrate the serious-
ness of this period to them by encouraging every man
'in the house to get down to work. Such an example
would probably do more to promote study than any
amount of lecturing could possibly accomplish.
The freshmen of 1932 will be the leaders in the

gobelin tapestry, these are but a fey of the vocal
delights that impressed those attending the event.
Conductor Serge Jaroff, though of diminutive figure,
is a giant in musical stature."
The Don Cossacks left today for a long tour of
100 concerts to the Pacific Coast and return, most
of the trip to be done by auto bus. They appear here
on January 13. in the Choral Union Series in Hill
Auditorium at 4:15 o'clock.
Louise Nelson, of the piano faculty of the School
of Music, will give, the following program, Sunday'
afternoon, January 10, at 4:15 o'clock in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. The general public with the ex-
ception of small children is invited but is respectfully.
requested to be seated on time as the doors will be
closed during numbers. Miss Nelson is a graduate
of the School of Music under Professor Albert Lock-
wood and after teaching for some time at the School,
spent a year in Europe for special study. A year ago
she returned to resume her duties at the School and
won distinction through her public performances:
Fantasie and Fugue in G Minor .......... Bach-Liszt
Snnnt-FantasiO D1n 10 No 9 . Scrinhine

By Mark Barron
New York-For many years this
nosey meande er has been trying
to decide whichtoffers the best free
show in New York-Coney Island
or the Aquarium.
Coney still is the most exciting,
but for good human interest drama
among the fishes, you have to go 1
to that circular building on the
Battery which once served as a'
concert stage for Jenny Lind.
An inquiry into the Aquarium
tanks revealed that fish have prov-
ed what men have been trying to
prove for. centuries-that the fe-
male is more dumb than the male.'
Take the' salmlet, for instance.
There is a fish, indeed.
The frau salmlet is so lacking in
brains that she lays her eggs on the
bank outside the water. Wherewith,
old pappa salmlet, in his wise and]
reproving way, comes along and
with his tail brushes the eggs into
the water so they can hatch..
Careful Courting.
It's a different story in the tank
of Florida mosquito fish. The fe-
male is about seven times bigger
than the male, and the latter needs
to be very careful when he comes
around courting.
For, if he isn't of the choice of
his favorite Amazon, then that lady]
is very likely to hand him a slap
in the nose that will roll him into
Ptarn i t


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