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January 08, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-08

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Dale "Red" Jackson, St. Louis
flier and holder of endurance and
stunt records, who was killed Wed-
nesday at Miami, Fla., when the
plane in which he was stunting fell
3,000 feet.
,day's Gargoyle Sale
Results in Sell-Out1


Selfridge Pilot's Body Is Found
in Mountains; Missing Since
Before Christmas.
Bobbit Was Killed Going Home
to Spend Holidays With
His Parents.
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 7. - UP0) - One
too many insi(e ioops is blamed for'
the death of Dale "Red" Jackson,
26, St. Louis flyer and co-holder of
the unofficial endurance refuelling1
flight record.
He fell 3,000 feet, apparently un-
able to extricate himself from a
plane whose wings failed to stand
the ,strain/ of aerobatics, as he
stunted above Miami Municipal
Airport Wednesday on the eve of
I the fourth annual All-American Air
Holder of the record for 417
aerial barrel-rolls, Jackson took to
the air in an amphibian plane to
practice for competition for the
Freddie Lund cup,rdonated by the
city of Miami for proficiency in
aerobatics at the air meet.
He lopedi, rolled, and went into l
an Immelman turn. Then specta-
tors saw him wing into another
inside loop.
While the gaze of hundreds was
held skyward, a wing of the amphi-
bian tore loose and spun towardI
the ground. Another wing fell away
and the plane hurtled down.-
Jackson's body was found in thel
pilot's seat. A finger of his right
hand clutched the ring of his para-
chute cord.
Fellow flyers said they believed
the bending of the wings pinched
the fusselage too tightly for Jack-
son to free himself.
TT nTr l t xv r -- 7 £ m\ -A. .

Another complete sell-out for
Gargoyle was the result of yes-
terday's sale of the January issue
of the publication dedicated to
the faculty. Featuring a seven
color cover and numerous ar-
ticles on the facul y, the issue
proved to be exceedingly popular
and late yesterday afternoon, it
was hnnouncd by Harcourt S.
Patterson, '32, business maniager
of the magazine, that there were
less than 100 more copies to be

Ticket Sale for 1933
Tickets for the 1933 J-Hop to be
um and" John Mott, Convent Gar-
afternoon at the side desk in the
Union lobby, it was anounced yes-
terday by Kenneth Yourd, chair-
man of the ticket committee. This
weekend and next *eek will be ,set
aside exlusively ,fr junior sales
and after next wedI, the sale will
be openrto the re ainderof the
student body.
The price for the tickets this
year is seven dollars, the lowest in
the history of the affair. Upon
purchasing each ticket the stu-
dent's nane, and t 0 nuber of the
ticket will be r corded. Favors,
which may be obtairied by presen-
tation of the stub,'may be obtained
in a few weeks at-Balfour and com-
panys store on Sputh University.
Faculty Men Lead in Discussion
and Decide Literary College
Not Ready for Plan.
4n' affirmation of faith in stu-
dent honesty, with the reservation
that the literary colege will not be;
ready for the honor system until
a greater unanimity is apparent in
support of it, came out of Sigma
Rho Tau's open forum discussion
led by faculty menbers last night.
Virtual proof tha he honor plan
is nearly perfect insoperation in
the engineering c "ge was pre-
sented by Prof. A, . Moore, head
of the honor syste committee in
that school. The only type of person
on whom it is inffective. is the
socially maladju ted oie, and these
individuals are destined to be un-
successful in school andl ut any-
way, he said.,
Both Professor Moore and Prof.
Robert C. Angell, who gave the lit-
erary college aspect, agreed that it
is conditions within the literary
college which prevent its successful
applicatirn there present. Pro-
4essot Miexe -po \amt that ta
definite statement of what is ex-
pected under such a system must,
be made, or the students will not
be able to live up to it.
Faculty co-operation is necessary,;
he showed, and it must be realized
that prevention of cheating is not
the sole objec~t. Dean Joseph A.
Bursley, who soke on the general
topic of student conduct, affirmed
this point, stating that honesty and
good breeding in all affairs, in and'
out of classrooms, should be a part
of every university student's equip-
ment. The dean said the Michigan
student body has the highest stand-
ards of any group he has known.
Continuity and leadership must
be developed in the literary school
before the honor system can work
thre, Professor Angell said. It is
the student body which has always
fallen shrt in these respects pre-
viously; he said, for the faculty has
always shown itself willing to co-
operate. .



ed that
een set


Covernment Displays Annoyance
at Defiant Attitude of.
Crisis Is Reached in Manchurian
Situation; Nine-Power
Pact Invoked.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-(/) -Re-
peaeed American protests against
occupation of Manchuria were cap-
ped today by a direct notification
that the United States would stand
on its rights under International
agreements, including the Nine-
Power Treaty and the nellogg-Bri-
and Pact Against War.
A note was dispatched to Tokio
reaffirming the American postion)
in tle face of continuing Japanese
operations which now have virtu-
ally completed the conquest of the
Manchurian provinces.
U. S. Takes Lead Among Powers.
Officials would not discuss the
subject in any way. They declined
for the time being even to specu-
late on the steps which may be pos-
sible now that Washington has
taken the lead among the powers
toward an invocation of the treat-
ies considered applicable.
The Nine-Power Treaty, negoti-
ated at the Washington Arms Con-
ference in 1922, pledged the Nations
having interests in the Far Eat to
"respect the sovereignty, the Inde-
pendence, and the territorial integ-
rity of China." Those who signed
that pledge, in addition to China,
were the United States, Japan,
Great Britain, France, Italy, Bel-
gium,- the N+eeerlan s and Prtu-
gal. Five other Natio s have since
adhered to this reaty... .
Japan Signatory to Both.
The Kellogg-Biand P a c t, ,to
which Japan and most of the other
renounces, war. "as an instrument
of National policy.",
Neither ox these agreements ever
has led to actual concerted action
and it has been a matter of specu-
lation just what action might be
taken under them. Both lack def-
inite statements as to what would
happen in case of violation.
While officials here have consist-
ently refrained from comment on
the developing trouble in Manchu-
ria, news dispatches have showri
clearly the war-like character of
the Japanese advance t h r o u g h
these Northern Chinese provinces.
This advance began in $~ptember
when Japanese troops stationed
along the South Manchurian Rail-
way, where they had a right to be
under treaty agreements, began at-
tacling various Chinese communi-
ties outside the railway zone. They
speedily captured Mukden, the cap-
ital, pushed on to the North, and
finally returned to complete their
occupation by taking Chinchow, the
Southern gateway.
Advanced, Despite Protests.
There has been repeated fighting
between the Japanese armies and
the Chinese, and the United States
and other powers through t h 0
League of Nations, have expressed
fear that Japan not only. was de-
stroying China's administrative in-
tegrity, but was resorting to war
as an instrument of national policy.
Twice, at' least, Washington has
notified Tokio it would look with
much apprehension on the capture
of Chinchow. The Japanese replied
that they had been forced to begin
the advance because their railway
troops were harassed by Chinese
bandits, -and forced to continue it
because these attacks continued.

Gov. Albert C. Ritchie of Mary-
land, who last night definitely an-
no44need his candidacy for the Dein-
ocratic presidential nomination.
Governor Will Try to Secure
Nomination From
BALTIMORE, Jan, 7.-(/P)--Gov.
Albert C. Ritchie, for many years
spoken of as a possible Democratic
President nominee, tonight threw
aside his cloak of reticence and for
the first time openly spoke of him-
self as a candidate.
He denounced what he called the
"Republican evasion, inaction and
blundering in Washington," and
declared he "would be proud" to
carry the banner of Democracy to
victory in the elections next No-
Standing before) . a'atherinv of

Selection of Either H
Gilbert and Sullivan (
to Be Made Next W
Six Organizations to Ba
Tryouts Open to
Six leading campus a
musical organizations wi
in the piiesentatioi of, a
ately planned light operat
tion of Gilbert and Sull;
age, it was revealed last z
Varsity glee club, the
Glee clubs, the Girl'. G
Play ,production, Mimes,
University Symphony
will all contribute talen
production which is ber
Funds are being raised
the project and plans
submitted from the six
tions chosento pakticipat
present indications point
h austive effort whichsh
in a production of suche
ing and singing as to ou
union operas in their mc
ate period, it was state
Follow Minnesota I
A similar production
opera is being done at
sity of Minnesota, wh
Kileen, formerly' of the
School of Music is directi
The name of the show,
probably be citIer a Victc
or a Gilbert and Sullivai
as the date and the place
show will be presented w
vealed next week, .it w




English Revival Cast to Present1
Show in as Near Original
Mood as Possible.

ent and continu-
they should give
and Restraint.
raint on student
ing to President,
ed only because of
parents of many
demand that the
a controlling in-
activities of their
asked the purpose
Uice records, Dr.
i that parents ofi
re continually de-
d evidence of the
rk of the studentsi
the solution for
university control
activities may be
on Page 6)
d to Quit,
Lion Reveals
,Jan. 7. - (/P) -
f Wisconsin Ath-
tested George Lit-
rector of athletics,
>mmittee investi-
c department was
ely an hour late
amittee gained an
etic affairs at the
has been only a
ture for the past

An effort to d1pture the spirit of
the original production will be
made tonight when Sir Nigel Play-
fair's revival company opens "The
.Beggar's Opera" at 8:30 o'clock at
the, Mendelssohn theatre..
The cast which took part-in the
revival given at the Lyric theatre,
Hammersmith, London with few ox-
ceptions will present tlohn Gay's
eighteenth century musical comedyI
tonight. Among the most well
known of the cast are Sylvia Nellis
who plays the role of Polly Peach-
um land John Mott, Convent Gar-
den star, who plays the part of an
eighteenth century gangster. {
The story of the'production, the
primary purpose of which is to bur-
lesque the Italian opera of the pe-
riod, deals with the marital difficul-
ties of a prostitute and her hus-
band, a well known highwayman
who finally winds up in jails only to l
marry the daught'er of the jailer.!
Play production is sponsoring the
appearance of the Beggor's Opera
company in accord with its policy
of bringing to Ann Arbor the best3
theatrical work which is touring
the country, according to Valentine
B. Windt, director.
Youths Are' Charged
With Murder of Eight
First degree murder charges were
placed against two boys in the 'teen
age today for t'e confessed murder
'of eight persons, trapped in a log
cabin"'arid burned to death.
The boys, Albert Ramer, 15, of
Gallipolis, and Ellsworth Mowyer,
17, of Buicyrus, 0., were brought,
here by county authorities tonight
from Lancaster where they were
serving terms in the state boys in-
dustrial school for auto theft.
Motivated by revenge against
James White, 59, for parental ob-
jection against Ramer's attentfns
to his daughter, the boys nailed up
the windows and doors of the White
cabin last April and set it afire,
cremating White and seven of his
eight children, according to the
confession to Sheriff C. H. Swan-

UELKINS, W. Va., Jan. '.-(-A
rinonely pine-covered knoof gran-
ite in the Cheat mountains has
giv6n up the secret of the disap-
pearance of Lieut. E. 1j. Bobbit't, jr.,
army air pilot.
Bobbitt's body, sitting in the
cockpit of his burned plane, was.
found late Wednesday by a farmer
and a trapper. They had scaled
Pool's Knob to look out over the
surrounding countr for the miss-
ing plane.
The ship had struck a'.,tree and
burned at the very peak of the
The aviator disappeared Christ-
mas day while en route from Se-
fridge Field, Mich., to his home at
Hot Springs, Va., to spend the holi-
days with his parents.
The flyer apparently was killed'
by the crash, and not by fire that
followed. The throttle of the ship
was wide open. Bobbitt's watch
stopped at 1:10, apparently in the
afternoon, since he left Union-
town, Pa., shortly after, noon on
Christmas day.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 7.-(/P)
-Gentry Shelton, St. Louis, today
reported that Mrs. RuthStewart
and Mrs.. Derbie Stanford were
killed instantly when their plane
crashed on Bowers mountain late
Monday' afternoon.
Shelton, who accompanied the
women from Pittsburgh in a second:
plane carrying Mrs. Stewart's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Woer-
ner, said Mrs. Stewart, the pilot of
the ship, had been crushed by the
engine when the ship dived, nose
do'wnward, ijto' the rain-soaked
mountainside. Mrs. Stanford was
caught in the wreckage at the same.
Shelton, reporting at Harrisburg
Airport after a flight with Woer-
ner as a passenger, said he had
recognized Mrs. Stewart's red coat
in the plane wreckage.
Other States to Honor
Michigan Car Licenses
(Special ±o The Daily)
LANSING, Jan. 7.-Michigan mo-
torists may now drive in other
states with 1931 license plates,
without fear of arrest. F. D. Fitz-
gerald, Secretary of State, has been
assured that Ohio, Illinois, New
York, Wisconsin, Indiana, Pennsyl-
vania, and Ontario will honor the
old plates until March 1.
Attempt to Intimidate,
Serf orlad rrF'rirrr

"There is no room for false mod-
esty on my part and I say 'of course
I would like to be President, Who
would not?'.
"Let me add that as a Democrat
my first aspiration is, to see the
Democratic Party win. Should the
mantle of party leadership fall up-
on the shoulders of any of the dis
tinguished Democrats who have
been mentioned, or should the con-
vention's choice be still another,
then cheerfully and wholeheartedlyI
it shall be my part to -fight in the
rankgs for him.
"New forces and strange ten-
dOncies have steered us far from-
safe moorings. By sheer Federal
usurpation and supine irtdifference
we have seen powers and responsi-
bilities of the states surrendered,
rights and privileges of the indi-
vidual; destroyed and the func-
ti1ons of local self -government
steadily and progressively n-
"I believe the collective wisdom
is for minimum of government and
a maximum of freedom, and that
it is against publio ownership ot,
utilities," ho continued. "M os t
of all, I believe it, is against Com-
munism, Socialism, Sovietism, Hil,-
lerism, black shirts, red shirts and
all other isms that are running
amuck in Europe."
Crowley May Be Next,
Iowa Football Mentor
CEDA RAPIDS, Jan. 7.--(P)-



Nationalist Attorneys to s
Review of High Body o8
Writ of Habeas Corpus.'


Whereas a good part of the
will be recruited from the si:
ganiz ions participating there
be an opportunity for tryluts d
ing to do non-musical or mi
acting and also students inter
in the technical phases of the
sentation. d
Both men and women stuc
who are not members of the
organizations will bc asked to
out. The musical scores hav
ready been given to the va
Glee Clubs, as well as the orch
so that work on that phase o
production has already st<
Previous experience will nc
necessary for those wishing to
Speakers Propose Prohil
Refe endum, Meet Wit
Poor Response.
A county-wide dry campaig:
launched by Washtenaw supp
of prohibition. at a noon lun(
yesterday afteroon at the
gan League building.
While sentiment for a ref
dui was expressed by-speaker
general attitude of the auE
showed that this move did not
with approval. There was a n1
let-down in the enthusiasm c
group when the matter of a
qnduni was first introduced.
Dr. Marvin Pittman, Ypv
Normal college professor and
Democratic leader, li;ted the
culties facing those charged
enforcement of the Ary law
groups demanding repeal an
ways in which 'the dry pause
be advanced.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pas
the local Methodist church;
ed the moral and social aspe
prohibition. He stated that 4
cent of the traceable liquor
in the United States center
Chicago. Liquor and crime, hE
go hand in hand; He pointe
that the annual liqfr bills o:
many, France, Ital and Er
would amply pay their debts
United States.

learned that the council took a
w ballot on which Glenn This-
hwaite, head football coach, re-
red the five - faculty votes for
ctor, and that Dr. Walter Mean-
I basketball coach, received two
es. The committee also was told
t Irwin Uteritz, the new director
intercollegiatei athletics, repre-
ted a compromise between the
ilty and alumni members of the
xculty Fails to Reach
Decision on Question
o decision# was reached last
ht by members of the faculty in
iscussion on the questionnaires
ently issued to them asking the
r in which they spend their time.

BOMBAY, Jan. 7.-(P)-The le-
gality of the arrest of Mahatma
Gandhi, leader of India's Nation-
alists in their struggle for indepen-
dence from British authorities, will
be tested in the courts.
Nationalist attorneys announced
today they would apply Jan. 11 for
a writ of habeas corpus which'
would call for a high court review
of the Mahatma's arrest under an
1827 law.
. Meanwhile, all India remained
tense. In Calcutta five live bombs
were discovered in a first class com-
partment of the Darjeeling Ex-
press. t
Attorneys backing the legal fight
to release the Mahatma said he
could not be held indefinitely in
prison under a regulation they con-
sidered antiquated and vague. The
1827 law empowers the government
to "place under personal restraint"
without the formality of trial any
person whose arrest is considered
necessary to prevent "internal com-
Mr. Gandhi, who was admitted to
the bar in London years ago, prob-



Zeta Phi Eta, Alpha Nu
Subject for Debate.

, E

, ---- ,
"Resolved: That coeds receive
grades on other "than scholastic
Having agreed upon which high-
powered and deeply significant sub-
ject, Zeta Phi Eta, women's, and
Alpha Nu, men's campus forensic
societies yesterday went into one-
week of training in preparation for
their annual gab-tangle, to take
place on Thursday, Jan. 14.
Innuendoes of vague secrets at
last laid bate are rumored to be ris-
ing before the mind's eye of more
than one staid professor, more than
one dazzline oed.n as the' subhi ect.

Jim Crowley,' head football coach
at Michigan State College for the i
last three years, stands a favorable
chance to become head football
coach at the University of Iowa,
according to the Gazette,
Crowley, one of the Notre Dame
Four Horsemen, professed to be
unfamiliar with any prospect of
taking the Iowa job the paper said
he would be receptice to an offer.
Jim Crowley, Thursday night,
denied having received any sort
of an offer from the University of
"I spoke -with Dr. Lauer, Iowa
athletic director, at the Coaches'
meeting in New York several weeks
ago," Crowley said, "but no men-
tion was made of the coaching job."
Contemplate Pardon'
of Pontiac Prisoner
n. A' 1 n~T~r T - c+ -te - n tI N' -n -

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