..RDAJNUR ,1:FT E MC.1GN~AL An ----- - __..W.... ... Three Day Tryout Period for Junior Girls' Play to begin Today . CMMITTEE HEADS TO AIT AS JUDGES Tryouts Start at 3:30 o'Clock in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre?' MUST BE ELIGIBLE Health Certificate Necessary; Dues Must Have Been Paid. First tryouts for the Junior Girls' Play will begin today and will con- tinue Friday and Saturday. They will be held from 3:30 to 6 o'clock today and tomorrow and from 9:30 to 12 o'clock Saturday morning. ' Women who were nt able to make appointments may do so to- day either by calling Margaret Ferrin at 7117 or coming to the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre at 3 a'plock today. hShould Bring Music. pach performance~ is to ,last no longer than three minutes. It is requested that the tryout bring either her own accompanist, vic- trola records, or sheet music. A health certificate from Dr. Mar- garet Bell must, be shown and also the receipt of the play dues. If this has. not been paid the tryout may giv* her dollar before the perform- ance. Special costumes are not nec- essary. Eligibility is essential and it should be checked by the time of the 'tryout. Miss Harriet Brazier, director of the play, Margaret O'Brien, authoress, Margret Scher- meek and Margaret Smith, dance chairran, and Vinselle Bartlett, chairitnan of music, as well as other membes of the central committee, will act as judges. LANGUAGE GIVES MENTAlIIMAGES Learn Nine or Ten to A void Confusion, Says flootkins. By Beatrice Collins Each lang age has its owit dis- tinctive individuality, and after one has mastered several foreign lang- uages, one does not confuse them" stated Mr. Hootkins, of the French department recently. "The first two or three languages are confus- ing, he continued, "but after one has studied the ninth or tenth, one can readily differentiate between them." "It is strange," he said, "but each language presents its own peculiar mental image to me 'as I speak, or read it. French gives me the im-. pression of a .well dressed woman who knows precisely where she is going. Each movement is clear'ut and distinct." "Spanish makes me think of a very dignified gentleman, who is always on his honor, and will take offense at the slightest provoca-. tion." . . "Italian does not present to me any human figure. Though the language is a personal one, I hear in it, only the smooth rhythm of nTusic. German. when I read it, calls to rmy mind, the picture of a regiment, which is marching along at a steady pace." "Poetry is different," he continu- ed, "French poetry is harsh and masculine; German is feminine; and Spanish is affable, and good- natured°"J "In Hebrew, I hear sometimes the rolling of thunder, and again, ,the swishing of water. It is rhyth- mic, dignified, sloW, and gives me the impression of ome one pacing up and down in deep thought. Ara- maic makes me visualize a child running quickly to arid fro.", "Language is always the result of the people who speak it. Of course English is my own language; there- fore, I cannot judge it fairly. How- ever it presents to me the picture of a man'hammering, rapidly, con- Stantly." F: TO APPEAR HERE Vera Hurst as Lucy , a j Vera Hurst, famous English ac- tress, who will sing the role of Lucy; Lockit in Sir Nigel Playfair's pro- duction of the popular satiric mus- ical play, "The Beggar's Opera," by John Gay, which is being present- ea tomorrow and Saturday in the Lydia 'Mendelssohn theatre., i Lockit Will Appear Here This, Week End Miss Vera Hurst will play the role of Lucy Lockit in Sir Nigel Play- fair's production of "The Beggar's Opera" which is to play here Fri- day and Saturday nights and Sat- urday, afternoon. Her lively por- trayal of the role is making her dear to theatre goers where ever' the production appears. Siheb its first performance, at Lincoln's Inn Field Theatre, Lon- don, on January 29,;1728, "The Beg- gar's Opera" has been popular both as a literary achievement and as a vehicle for production. It was a direct satire upon the government of Sir Robert Walpole's ministery and Italian Grand Opera and made its author, John Gay, immortal as one of the greatest satirists of all times. It has made both theatrical and political history as well as literary. Lavinia Fenton, who was the orig- inal Polly Peachum, achieved fame over night as one of England's greatest actresses, through her work in that part, and the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr was said to have been brought about by the charms of the "Polly" then playing in New York. Its first production outside of the British Isles was in Jamaica in 1733 and it yas brought to the United States, then the colonies, seventeen years later. Its success at that time is appalnt from the fact that since that time i has enjoyed 750 per- formances in this country and that it was George Washington's favor- ite play. The musical numbers used in it embrace over sixty old airs mostly of English, Welsh, Scotch and Irish origin. Some of them were written by cuch great figures as Hanel, Purcell,. and Dr. Arne. /zv WeR// TEAGUEMEETIN6 .,... ,_.._.,~ .m.. . -I' Helen DeWitt to Speak on AlhAlpha Chi Omega. AlphaChi Omega is having a tea N.S.F.A. Conference at First this Sunday in honor of -severall Open Meeting. faculty members. Talisman roses and tall gapers will be used in the A report by Helen DeWitt, '33, decorations. who served as a delegate to the Na- Alpha delta P1. tional Student's Federation Asso- Alpha Delta Pi entertained Miss ciation conference at Toledo from Harriet Brazier, director of the 1932 December 27 to 31, will feature the Junior Girls' Play at dinner Wed- joint meeting of the League board nesday evening. Blue and .white of directors and board of repre- tapers and white roses completed sentatives which will be held at 4 the decorative scheme. o'clock tomorrow in the Grand Ra- pids room of the League. All mem-:, Alpha Gamma Delta. bers of the League are invited to Alpha Gamma Delta wishes to attend. announce the pledging of Miss Ar- Miss DeWitt will speak on the lene Howard, '33, of D e a r b o r n, progress made by the Congress at Michigan. Pledge services were held its annual meeting, and her report Wednesday. promises to be of much interest to Alpha Omicron all women on campus. , Al Omicron . Other features of the meetings AlphaOmicron Pi entertained will include reports of the finan- the Detroit alumnae of their cor- cial results of the Mardi Gras and poration at dinner Monday eve- Sophomore Cabaret by Ruth Du- ning. hme, '34, and Alice Goodenough, '34, the respective treasurers. Barbara Capes, Scarf Cotars Braun, 134, treasurer of the League, will also' give a resume of the of Panther and Other League's finances. Enid Bush, '33, social chairmen ew urs A e Smart of the League will explain some of Scarf collars and elbow length the entertainments planned by her committee for the rest of the se- capes introduce great variety iri6 fester, and will give a report of the one's wardrobe, and may be used activities so far. Evelyn Neilson, on many occasions. The cape usu- '33, assistant chairman of the Mar- ally fits very snuggly and contri- di Gras will present a plan for ab spring formal dinner dance to be butes to the small "pinched" shoul- given sometime ni e x t semester. der effect. While the committee has heard the Black sealskin, Persian lamb, as- project before, it is believed that trakan, and lapin are particularly women will be interested in any suitable for cape and scarf wear. discussion which will follow on the Panther however is one of the veryI proposal. latest furs to win favor. r r l Alpha Phi. Alpha Phi wishes to announce the engagement of Miss Lucille Mc- ClIeland, '31, of /Detroit, Michigan, to Mr. Robert Whitworth, '30, of Grand Rapids. The chapter also wishes to announce the engage- ment of Miss Harriet Howard, '31, to Mr. Clifford Domke, '31. Miss El- la and Miss Margaret Hanson are guests at the chapter house. Alpha Xi Delta. Alpha Xi Delta will entertain{ Miss Margaret Harris, of Toledo, Ohio, Miss Laura Codling, of Royal' Oak, Michigan; Miss Amie Lambie, of Birmingham, Michigan, at 'the chapter house this week-end. Delta Zeta. The chapter wishes to announce, that Professor and Mrs. Wesley H. Maurer. have become patrons of the sorority. Tuesday night before va- cation, a Christmas party was given for forty-five guests. Patronesses present were: Mrs. Wilber Humph- reys, Mrs. Briar; Miss Nora Hunt, Mrs. Rousse, Mrs. Lov, Miss Marian McClench. Several of the alumnae chapter were present. ),osher Jordai. Mosher hall will hold their first formal supper dance of the new year Friday evening. Unusual pro- grams in blue and white with a pic- ture of Mosher hall on the front cover will be furnished. Bill Mar-' shall's orchestra will furnish -the music. Patrons at the affair will include Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven~ Dean Wilbpr R. Humph- reys and Mrs. Humphreys, Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Miss Alice' Lloyd and Miss Ethel A. McCormick.- The guests will in- clude Miss Inez V. Bozorth,-Miss Is- abel W. Dudley, Mlle. Eveiine Four- nier, Miss Lois Failyer, . Miss Sara Lutes,. Mrs. Mary Buffington, and Miss Holmes. The committee in charge of ar- rangements for the atair- is head- ed by Norma J. Brown,.'32. She is- assisted by %Mary Phillips, '34Ed, and Dorothy Middlebrdok,: '35,:in charge of decorations;- Elizabeth Mendenhall, '35, in charge, of tick- ets; , Lenore LeGendre, '34, and Miriam Beller in charge' of house arrangements, and Avis Fitts,.'33, in charge of music. Supper will be served at midnight. Mosher Jordan residents are en- tertaining at the first tea of the* new year this afternoon; iii: Mosher 'hall. Miss Isabel W. Dudley, assistant director of Jordan hall, ard Lucille Priest, '32, president of Mosher will pour. Charlotte Etzold, '32Ed, isin charge of the student assistahtis. The students hostesses ar etelen Loomis, '35 Mary Louisetuttisey, '33, and Polly Walker, '33. The wo- men who will assist in.,serving are Hazel Ireland, '32, Harriat Ed6 - stein, '33, Jean D.imond, '34, Eileenf Putman, '35, Louise Shaw,, '33,- Alumnae House.. Mis Edith A. Barnard,. social di- rector 'of Alumnae' House;e f , tained at a buffet supper: Sunday evening in honor 'of the dormitory people and the deans. NOTICE . ...Society ATHENA PLANS -FORH DEBA9TE ON0DTING Margaret Jondro Named to Pick Team Which Will Engage Adelphi Orators. At the, meeting of Athena, wo-1 men's speech society, held Tuesday night in the Athena /.toom of An- gell hall plans were made for the debate which is being held next Tuesday night between a team from Adelphi, men's speech group. and representatives of Athena. The jubject to be discussed is whether college sudents spend too much time on ocial activities. Margaret Jondro, '33, is to have charge of the women's team. Election of officers will be held in two weeks. Dorothy Daniels,''32, president,: appdinted a nominating committee on which are: Lucille Oldham, '32, Eleanor Rairdon, '33, and Isabel Bonicave, '34. Discussion was field as to the program for the last meeting-° of the semester. Home Furnishings Can Ba Rejuvenated at Moderate Outlay Homes and home furnishings that have grown old and shabby can be rejuvenated and redecorated in an individualized modern taste more economically and attractively to- day than at a'y time in the last twenty years. Ross Crane, one of Anerica's leading interior decorators, is au- thority for the statement that Ihe time has never been, and may not again be so opportune for the home owner to replace peeling paint. failing furniture, shabby upholstery and tthveadbare rugs. They all agree that it is uneco- nomic to neglect the home, thrifty to improve it. Keeping it up to a standard helps the occupants keep pace' with modern thought, and th- advancing social plane. Replace- ments and improvements are owed to the younger generation so that they may develop a sense of pride! and affection for home life. Redecoration of the home is an adventure and creates a new in- terest, in living. Freshening the walls with paint, calcimne, or new paper is the first step. A new rug. for an old one often helps in es- tablishing an entirely fresh and new color scheme. The existing pieces of furniture that have good "lines" should, how- ever, be the nucleus, of the rejuven- ated home. Faded or shabby cover- ings must be replaced, of course,' and usually it is advisable to call in an experienced upholsterer or dec- orator. Note e " F. ) -1 i ' t There 'will, be a meetini of the Freshman Girls' Glee club at 17 o'clock tonight in the League. All' who have Michigan song books arc requested to bring theM. ' _ A dashing new creation, designed to capture the fancy of the smart moderns in their demand for some- thing entirely new .... you will at once recognize the many different features of this new style.. itssmart and dainty perforations . . . the novel lacing effect which insures a snug fit at instep and heel .... come in today and be the first of your crowd to wear them. 'I. WIDTHS AAA to .595 ORDER BY MAIL Jacobson 's THE HAT BOX 0 H H H Iw [.H 0 I am . so used to Perf ection that only a hat made by The will do. Hat Box We hear this phrase '.from 0 x Myi H 0~l x y. co many of our cus- 1 _..__ ..-.. January Sale Of Robert's Hats tomers. Southern wear now ready. Robert's Greets the New Year. with sensational Mil- finery values! Hundreds of hats go on sale today tremendously underpriced . . . Softies, felts, hat and scarf sets . . . all headsizes. $100 0 I 0i