THE MICHIGAN DAILY' I ._ ... . -.. t: _ !~in ar Russian Chorus to -Give Concert, march p U1J. IIU iJLV LII ~ N{{ Tuesday; Notables I cam en a Dmoqtic omine.ifire&, edc resses New York T The seco'nd hralf of' the Choral priest leasaur.Union concert series ;011 't deair * way January 13 when te Dn Cos-I and d W'ILL AS ' i. BUSINESS . ack *chruis, vWLih eige Jarff con- ton cc -lar-- d}tyW od 4-adctig, will offer a cncert in Hill . xli. ,; yW ulHv x' uitrun This is the second carpe rsni , econiz£N strafis>ht ycar the chous qi .aer and s Baaner~thi rvr~ in and In resonsc +to ar _ -. > <: u. r u~rcr srquest xwil fing a ntm- vild ' ,T Y , Jani l ('-IP-Ad- ber of their famou songs a; well trucks ng islc Yok 1 gislature as new ones. I trek, S, - ~i n flU Asey- Apparling fo tiirst tine.i benea n today, Gov. Franklin D. Roose- ._.An*rbr D. Seel o din ~cl declared for a new s cial ,or- +iaN igri inste at n rbrtD.idofSigl I~chh 66r~sed& siesof P1ilytact i a ~e"beggar's German conducto, will lead the ui in l (y "be ~na rietW ead- Op ,, el1 it s.t riow for etrit Symphony orchestra in its s were ,hip whi w chlp them~ and at a t ,.day r ii at the Menfessohn vecond and final "concert of the year buld x same tihe4've kefite recogi- theatre,n hisre n aur 2.~~ a ii tany . ie eonther icel will conduct he oraniii t"t'every in dividual tp make Cgue 1t con- A ' tPb ies O1A~S, I.~~vL~~ ductor and it is expected that on n0ot oisevpsai "'VIre thin twof . the basis'o' his reputation, a not- as-i p; xs havene ,,a d i e leaders Yo~ __isw governmxent and .iui'ess have vy ale concert will be given wn us few plans es .or the recon- ___YhiMeu, sisational oy' cehttrc i~c~o 6 abeterorerd ivi- E Y~~,aa.6i ,ideyviolinist, who has been acclaimed M ill~ ir1* which the ..ecirnoixc S. I~nz was la~ie t ay, 'on the b\ eastern critics as the "wonder of ersc Pcd m $ofP , e incivi4 al ywill:,le verge of Opp rer'tly rtai i defeat the age," will give the third coneet iiiae toid." is, disc1,sion of the tpa'n fosome tie. Foe the rub- on second half on February 4. This whic e s situation an'd his rec im- bars "in whiic1hComira )er Winfield will be the first time the youthful ously tdatloi s for "rem'odeiing" the Ligg tt jr., hs sat. opp6ite him prodigy has ever been heard in Ann( The orde -w~resjg4Thnt ~e- n p~.c qfOsk.ld Jz's be, 7 iesin-Arbor. ar sIg~nskded q e f the ed, the ,lxs of ,n' iei h Pery Grainger will be another of fo Wn~ can dates ,f e mo- great cntract =bridge inatch,.was atti acton appearing here :for ,the pred il esid i oral no tion. 2,665#; ith 3 rubbers left tio play.: second straight year, having p- trip. si his mr .rbb opeigsentence the ex- 1)4g ht? lpf WhichI.enz and, Liggett i mdscheduled for Febuary Y19.Hest. a five " ed.: for ak holiday. on Won sixr only intensified, the gen- The final' concert of, the seao pai: r ics, declaring ,the 'don-e~tic ea1 expectation of neutrals, that and .the one which is exeted to.A Ss"'calls tor; a " unity 0t leader- ~ uhrsnwl i ady climax the entre series will .be t at j a nd ac tidn as coiplete as if Trhe match ends Friday night. give n by Rsa Pnselle, nZoted prima werpe engaged 'in wtiar." T here will be, no session, tonight. donna of the Metropolitan Opera G & ot nice t1e, dark days. of the upward, chenkenl will bie Culbert- company. Her. concert here .oi 1es; hmve pegpe cf tlh. state son's partner Thu- day night. Marh 7 wil'be the only one given EA; rzinr ,taped . proble si as The Culbertson pl §,was, reduced by a women singer this season ex- Fruit %e, situ~tioans c ifficiut, stffe;. Tuesday, night by X2,660 to 14,15.' cept possibly for the May Festival.., as seyere. ; .e ecaxopios of The; rubbers won becami e 73 for Although no definite plans have ,aarmj lerica ar indeed of the-whle Cul ertsoni and 64 for; Lenz, the been annqincd as-:yet for the May fall ",out j ocet;qny cahe eto~ta~ints 116,320 and 102,145, staltoworkha aleyben ac ~W~i a d c nceted car re~petiyly.stated toarrange.entative pro- 'T hec 'Men , themh,.For the fist time in the match gams and the Choral Union will ars 1Qs n r teret rs Qubrttoxi hkad a partner awho comnmenc reheasas son i rep-,";ed, ecoo~ ,Iietylo t d0-=aedo contribute ,to the plus of aration for its share in the event. Th 1,,s ben s, ' ~ p1issd H asMcalGottlieb, -cal o i~ o riidustr1 grNe ot ely broker, atallFIGHT F R LEVI; E secti( ~endxxd ittu , qn, aid ,has han-dsome youth whom Culbertson t 0ta tipe nn i Oye r oily regards as, a str. of. his, team of IS WON B Y I VER nrnI~s , ihe Wbpo e ~ chine is in 'perfect "strlhigbeam " Both T'ed Lightner ,,, "to M hes °ted, i~-al? Waldemar. von, Zedwitz pre- Flood-Fighters' Albandon Villages fis".I. A sk ax Increases. , ,., viou pthej ,are t 1I,.nd t'iin . W kngw now from rbitt~rex- Gttlieb played billantly on thetoR rngW es.te fence °t a t "'th £iery trhat a defensive but Lenz and igett had -T' -A Mss. an t-4Pe- 'Ip L~ulldhf itse, f ?up by it, on big.. cards, of which they failed to Bari~ flao.-fi tites tday.~ 7.n-A l rjswas to i6id; that ani t~ke Tell. avantage., The only lit-dneGedo'sIveo h1am igt resl1o e~r of a1t~ih.te' s f.the ,sesion vas made ienofrang'llhcietef 'v6f owr that weal,th cotrols 'by Culbertson; .Lenz 'and irng ofrLggeTtt:hache h ii tthiaen , river, a fte r exhaursting effort at e u e 1it,urantsee an vtlirtor each could have made one without r isngtie- vlf e :ruefta vvat ha owr=trul.Gottlieb:irmade several py-ifieetaant iigtd fpun tr hie~ ta~tiealho pwr"tr lwater. ~jth cntie, "tie Amnerican chic bids ,that made mninr trouble Are udsptoldt ans 1.miii ec nomlcis arxd governl- for LL . C bt ona ariid ,,Qpll. tsn hered an d a old h a t ¢Is everasting. e slould rift made onehimself that kept his op-d"tE. the .~t ihisrc Iin and way to ;destroy or ear v~ents out of game. Culbertson iosofiefuilds f show~ to On-except to. re Flace unisoundl thought most of the breaks were wr naiat~oliprgon teral' weith new. Let us retore Q with hi Op 70pponents.lersn a-as soon e ,a breakl, is dscvere. ~ ttesm iermdl" Qnhn 8 ubrsn on Ail 'uesay night water coursed 'e 'governor asked for an in- ;vented that an opening 'three bid taru Y bredl s at lin and fpr- ae iptaxes on heavy motpor unlder Lenz's system shut..out sla ther south .in Marcel levee, near icele ind '"busses; on personal in- contracting. Liggett contracted for Charleston, spreading over acr e of. iies; gasoline and *stock sales, four spades and made six. land., Observers said the river, will _________________continue to, rise a foot or more. 1 4 ~ r ~ ,~~ ~The situation around Philipp ue r/IS za { tn2 *am, 3wOep Inow facing the jilebrdn' 0 crat s B rokeLawtx Middle Westein Ar~a waters from Tal hatchie, anola Iand Qutman l counties, .gave 'the S W ;YORK Jan. Q,-(A1)-United KANSAS CITY, Jan, 6. - ( 1 - Mood-fitesgaecnr. Levees s .Attprney. George Z. Medalie, Heav~y snow and rain in the jlins, there have been ,pounded for :days ,*t y. said; the federal. corupt area from the Rocky mountains and water is rising rapidly toward L ieO act, had been, violated: in east to the Mississippi "river valley the crest. a o; the Demhoratic nation- hack aisritd traffic today. crak-up of Twilight, Matthew ~comm-ittee's annual, report for Two' deaths, both in Oklahoma, bayou and Grassy lake levees would 8, which was signed-by James were attributed to the, elements. A p1~oYC a ,hazard that this;town of 1rax7d, as treasurer. . coroner's jury found that exposure 00 inhabitants n the sotern tip rosecutio~a, jhowever, Medalie to cld caused the death of William of the ,food area could nolt hope ;to ~is _barred by: the three-year M1icFarland of Kellyvlle. ,The wreck- withstand. Squads o f workmen to- .tt0,. .of limitationis, the ,three-'ing of a Kansas City Southero pas- ;ay were strengtening-the weak- r ,perio0d prescribed by law hayv- senger train near Sallisaw, Okla., ;ened,Tippo levees, also a menace to ."end4ed Suday,_Jan. 3, wone day killing Engineer E. Benjamin, was Philipp., ier Jaob. Rosenblunt; asistanit attributed to ,lan dslides caused by itt, States attorney,. e ifirm'red heavy rains,, No .livestock, loss -was SPECIAL THIS WEEK mrts-that proper returns had not ,re'or ed,,although generally ,,nld I ~.* an made., tenperatitres 'iof ,Tuesday ,dropped SuiA.)Presse, 25.t wits leaned 4in a ower during the night. Biting winds E'resseci, 50c, Alterations at, cost. (O5 sowtodrfthihe Frmrsin~'res from~ the, northwest caused the New fall samples. Custom made, 25 I ldt. ctol Students' Kansas and Texas said the precipi- CH4A S. DOPKA"S M -tationk would bring needed moisture 1319 South University I :r~sponse, t several inivitations to wheat.- f-n. 41glhschopols Ira,,NM. mith,-- - -- --- ----- ,4isar, will be in Chicago to .in- vie w , pr ospe ctive students of th e i y f M ch g n o J a . 1 ,D ly t J ual ".olgeNgt of th~e Deer- 3:aily hi~li school of IHighland Park, 7:0 Sveral other schools. in the 90 inty 'hearing that he was to be Now! -90 ak to students in their., schoolsA, o. ~are p]lanning to attend the 4 i~rsyand, as a, consequence) ;ilremain iChcgo for two Corsages and TIablde Deco rations'Al Most WIT~- Artistically ,Arranged EL HkENDEL-L GIS MORAN at f "i~~ast EXTRA, ADD lE rt ord.ew. a I "Fast and Furious" Has oudNw BLESS ARMY QF 12,000 RESU1MES UNGER MARCH~ TO NATIOMS' 3CAPITAL TINT~ON Pa., Jan. 6-(. P) ' others talking ,of the-, Lip. bivouac ,with hung~er ending Meanwhile, word came in of mis- brainyS dawn, th obes ry for~tunes that; befel the army's ting to Washington broke izgad atri etPts burgh. There were not enough ma- today to move southward., chines to take the entire army and d,e ~ aa it a hun~dred camp i many attempted the.trip- on Ifot. ,he 12,000 nen following al,- Thousands of these are stranded t othe caitltopla frttday in towns as far east as Al- t_ aialt la fo ona. -The ..-Savation Army in m'unfched all thie sandwiches Johnstowvn estimated it fed 4,0900 drank all the coffee Hunting- meni Tuesday night. > u nJredIs of', oufd produce. others soSAkht tood in homecs andI tsa s ih r tdey; tossed . n ipolice stations. Many were given Assds of worn-out tents' shelter. ;toes n~lbqrd~ atth~far i x men received injuries as the sonesta d o r~d s atL1 far-caravan moved up the mountains. ine found a 'haven in t~he ia- Sevetal fell from~- trucks, two ,were isomie slet in cars an , struck by miachines as they tramp- si others, w~eary fr~om a long id 2long the highways. A Johns- were satisfied to: seek sleeptown. hospital sent. an automobile ~.tha srin offreht cars or;icruising ,along-, the road .tQgive aid. ttlp 'It brought back 13 foot-sopre, weary at itesrstallsno and sheds on the [ marchers, five of whom were given nds. bds inhospitals. t Vhere were, thusabeds he in unable ~ rxdit h group of men stranded at Del- ling or to find shelter from the mont , Westinoreland county, organ- ized a company, elected officers and v. ame R. Cx,'pato, o du gh prepared to. move on to Washington Ptiks chuirch, Pitsur h hrsday. These men were stopped ngtemarch "'o prove., t ~i by a sleetstorm. They found shelter a< gesture of radicals,'' issued# at farms. 1 Lppeal for, f ood. His plea, was ered b~y Rev. 0. B., Pou]lson, DETROIT COUNCIL- )r of the Methodist Episcopal VOTES WAGE CUT ch in Huntin~gton. -___ " Pou~son'salPed together mm of hi~s congregation a~nd they M~unieipat Emplosyees Wilave the sandwyiches and the coffee e'en Per Cent ,Slash. h the marchers ate so raven- this morning. DETROIT, Jan. 6.-A')--Pay °cuts ~ mra]~e f te amy as o fo all municipal ,employes-rang- pened. by the rain or thelack igfo 0prcn nslre gd, Father Cox s aid as he pre- fo 0prcn ilslre d for the resumptiorn of the under $4,000 to a maximum of 17 per cent-were voted by the city, :sday night mo1st of his army council Tuesday night as an emer- O~ou th capfirs - ~sme ency m~easure to tide t e city over ing harmonicas; others singing, a financial crisis. Doctors' Ye'ars Are. Doctors do not "practice what thvi preach. The amen to whomn we turn to prolong our life are a compari- tiveWY short lived race, according! tan article of the peter Bent Brigham Hospital, which appears in a recent issue of The Diplomate, the puiblication of the National Board of Medical Examiners. 'A. doctor," writes Fitz, "on grad- uatino from the medical schoc' 1, can~ look forward with reasonable PLANS fflMR fNE D E@ Meitibership Lu Be CoMposed of Those Not in Concert Annonceentwas made yester- day by Nicholas D. Falcone, direc- tor of the, Varsity ban, fthe formation of a reserve and to bx c;omposed of those members ofth football band who, are nprti~ci- paigin the concert b~and's activi - 1I I coxifidentie to some 35 years of ac- ties, Th~is band1 will consist of.close tiv~e work, barring, of ccurse, acci- to 30 nmusician~s and Wil plray; for dents. About 4,500- enter the pro-i fession each year from the doorsl several of the minor basketball and of the medical, schools and about hockey games during the season as 2,800 'go out of it each year by dy- well. as train. for the annual Easter ing. If one divides physicians into concert in April. , age~ groups,. ... a third are less than This announcemient follows the 44 years old, about: a half are be- statement made Monday in which tween. the ages of 45 and 64, and Falcone declared that next year's only about a tenth_ live to be, more football band will be cu~t to 7~0 men than 65. On the. whole, we are not from the 101 which comprised the so long lived, a race as perhaps we membership this year. The 1932 re- should be in view of our knowledge serve band, however, does not effect anal training. At least we do not this statement.. appear to demonstrate any strik- The first mneeting of, the reserve ing ability to. live longer or morej band will take place next Tuesday com'fortably than. do people un-~ evening, in Morris ,hall, ,Falcone trained in the recognition, and added. andI will rmeet every Tues- management of disease." day night from then on. In the younger group Fitz finds No 'definite plans for ,the~ concert infection, and trauma, taking the season have been finnouned4 . s ye3t heaviest toll, with vascular disease for the badbut it is xpced ,ta totaling high, The older groups ! the organization will inaKe several are more susceptible to cancer, but trips to Detroit and other nearby vascular troubles take the highest cities for concerts as well. as :play toll. for major basketball and hockey games here. While Houston, Tex., firemen - - were stamping out' a grass fide a The record barge-load of cotton house ignited' by the. same fire to reach Mobile, Ala., from up~state burned Ito the ground unnoticed., this year was 2;'500 bales. ;.. :: { "i , he crisis, as depicted by City! ri't drovers aiixm * qoitroller G. mall Roosevelt, in- rtii to Be Uiifosandred cluded the impossibility of meeting payrolls falling due between now ST LANSING, Jan. 6. -(IP)- and Jan. 30. t grwer whZ hae beome New :York financiers, he said, had ~ied oer he n~uualy ml'dguaranteed loans to cover all pay- ned ver he uusualy, ildroll, expenses. until"'June 30 if the and , wintr eater may:s~t1 salary cuts were voted. in. their chairs undisturbed. Offcials, expect to save $1,300,000 condition is nothing to be wor- by Tuesday. night's, ordinance..A .over, like sum is to be :saved by the board ove, * of education, which is...considerin g ie mild weather has been typri- asking all teachers to serve without d normal temperatures for that pay during the last several weeks on of the country 300 or 4001 of the school year. -fv - hi;an, accordingI Mayor Frank Murphy also is to mnak'e public next..Week further de- Tichigan Sta/te college pfloio'. tails" of a far-reaching. economy G'rowerthere are .produicing .program. It was. reported 4 ei~a ame or similar fruits and va-, th'at he will proppse su'spensions of as as in 'virgn the recreation department, which lviinigii.has 300.. em'ployes; closing of .the fish lived 33 yea rs in ,a water- art museum.; abolition of, the.-rapid tank for horses and cattle at transit and .city "plan coimissions; - sharp curtailment of the dental and (ar ,oa. ake, ren-school services.. of _the board of 0., attaining a weight of four health and wholesale dismissals ! ids. froxpi. the city engineer's staff,.. Without The 0D2 of 'thell) baiggest hits in town! 'he Joys Of The :rese t Soriows 0~A FPst I NEWS Warren William Anita Page i All St. John Comedy -I V -f-&A -77 , t A Doces Advertising Pay? [ a i Hmere ithe A f i4 Sheda u~e o 0 M ichi~a n Student... He rises in the morning, washes with a good soap, forader tisemnents say that it is, puts on, a wveld advertied suit, eats break- fast insa wll adve rtised spat and 'udern~eatih an advertised coat and on mu~ich Pdbli~cry proclainmed sho"es he attends classes. Itere iie pushes an advertised pen or reads an equally well broad- casted book. After the day full 'of uses es ofwell advertised cord- mo dities he goes to sleep on a mattress pronounced as workhV o'f hi's rest. ty t a' w r ." I I ,i it is true that advertiming pays. Students arc always on ie ,lerc 'o purchase only those articles which can and are fearlessly Lpresented to t, inarke t. Merchants who have something meritorious o sell should watch the colle'ge student and see rhow li~e purchases that which is publicly proclaimed. /ULA t u W-iw SiAgnNat