ESTABLISHED 1890 t ,r , L i * 4aiij MEMBER' ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLII. No. 73 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1932 * PRICE FIVE OENTS COUNCIL ATTEMPTS, TO SECURE A VOtE[ Action Taken to Eliminate Any Politics or Prejudice From Elections. FROSH FROLIC DATE SET 71Committees Appointed to Advise Freshmen Officers and to Plan Smoker. Believing that politics and the whims of the head varsity cheer- leader influence the selection of the cheerleader . captaik for the coming year, the student council last night voted to petition the group of managers to allow them to have a vote on the selection in the future. The cheerleader captain has in1 the past been elected by a/ commit- tee consisting of the managers and captains of the four major sports. and the retiring head ceerleader. In the past, it was stated at the council meeting, the retiring cheer- leader\ has often influenced the other members of the committee to -vote as he advised. Two to Represent Cduncil. It was charged that the captains' and managers often took little in- terest in the election, sometimes falling to appear at the meeting.. Captains,, moreover, frequently do not know the merits of the men that lead the cheers because they .themselves are playing at the time oft the cheering. The motion passed by the coun- cil provided for two men to be ap- pointed by Edward J. McCormick, '32, president, to have one vote on. the electing committee.' Frolic Will Be March 11. The council decided that the date for the Frosh Frolic would be on March 11. Tickets, as was the case of those for the Soph Prom and the J-Hop, are to be reduced in price. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, has turned cver the work of advising the Frolic committee to the council, it was announced. John Denler, '32, Richard Norris, '33, and oseph Zias,'33, will serve as the advisors , ',r The time of the freshman smoker was postponed:until 8.o'clock, Wed- nesday, Jan. 20. It will be held in the assembly room of the Union. Howard Gould, '32, Joseph Zias, '33, and Allison Mitchell, '32E, will serve on the committee which will supervise this. James North, -"32, and Louis. Colombo, -'33, were appointed to fomulate a program on the policy and constitution of the council. LEADER JAILED Faculty Discussion of Honor System at Union Tonight Arouses Comment Impending discussion of the hon- or system by members of the liter- ary and engineering college facul- ties at the open meeting of Sigma Rho Tau at 7:30 p. m. tonight at the Union has aroused much com- ment upon the campus. ' Persons long associated with the University recall the stir created five years ago when there was a movement on foot to establish the honor system in the literary collegel At the present time engineering s t u de n t s, especially members of Sigma Rho Tau, are firmly convinb- ed of the worth of the system and have advanced it as a substitute for the proctor system now in use in the literary school. Dean John H. Effinger of the lit- erary school has'reaffirmed his pre- vious statement which said, in re- gard to the adoption of *he system, "It has to be started and run by the students themselves or it is not Latest Gargoyle, on Campus Today Satirizes Faculty By Herbie. Mahatma Gandhi, Indian nation- alist leader, who was sent back to jail when he prepared to renew his' civil disobedience campaign. BRITAIN ATTEMPTS, TO SBJECT INDIA Government O u t I a w s Many Have you ever heard the story about ,Professor ? Nationalist Organizations . If you haven't it is very probably in Sweeping Decrees. in the January issue of the Gar- goyle which will make its appear- BOMBAY, Jan. 7. - (P) -India ance on'the campus today. At any was in what amounted to a state rate, there are a lot of stories of siege today as the British gov- about the faculty. ,t"These things are really all in ernment's extraordinary summary fun," Gargoyle says but continues, measures, dealing with every phase "we should love to present each one of Nationalist activity, became im- of the professors with a lovely rosy perative. pple-right down his dirty neck." New and sweeping special decrees It is in this issue also that there outlawed 500 Nationalist organiza- is published what Gargoyle claims In a special meeting called last is the first authentic- picture of a night for the purpose of adopt- draft of the President's report. This ing a definite attitude on the is coupled with the demand, All present conditions in India, the Right, Ar. Treasurer, Produce That Hindustan club of the University Live Stock," in an article under the, unanimously passed six resoluh title, "Your Money-Where Is It? tions condemning the British The figures upon which this selec- government fdr arresting and tion is based are taken directly imprisoning without trial the na- from the' President's report of the tional leaders of India. University for 1929-30. The club also heartily con- An exclusive statement to the demned the suppressive) meas- Gargoyle from Grantland Rice, not-. ures of the Viceroy which he has ed sports writer and selector of. the used -especially in the police All-American eleven, explains the powers, and went on record to 'reasons for Maynard Morrison's se- favor the complete independence lection as center on this year's of India recognizing the All-In- team. dia National Congress Working The choice of the 1931 Mythical committee as the present gov- All-Faculty Banqueting Team is also ernment of the nation. announced in the issue under the Besides t h e aforementioned title, "Michigan Gushers Win." Four resolution, the members deny well-known members of the Michi- that any British officer has the gan faculty are found to have been power to speak, for the people included in the winners. of India and finally issued an in- Dr. George A. May, diminutive' a vitation to the world to condemn trainer of freshmen, is the subject the actions of British govern- of this month's "Enocomia." "Per- ment and authorized that the haps we shouldn't be quite so severe press be furnished copies of the on the Doctor," Gargoyle says but six resolutions. gives a number of interesting de- The )Hindustan club of the tails of his existence. University is one of the largest The issue is completed by a num- groups of Indian students in the ber of minor articles with the reg- United States and has more than lar "Campus Talk" section and the once gone on record in opposing exchanges. the British Government. - likely to work ,at all. There must also be such a moral sense- among a majority of the students concern- ed, that they would be unwilling to tolerate dishoniesty once it was discovered." Dean Emeritus,'Mortimer E. Coo- ley of the engineering school said yesterday, "I have no occasion whatever to change my views on the honor system. While of course it is not perfect, it has in my opin- ion done much to elevate the standards of manhood in the col- lege of engineering. After fifteen years' trial I would not see it changed." Assistant Dean Alfred H. Lovell of the college of engineering is highly in favor of the honor sys- tem. "In all my15 year's teaching experience under the honr sys- tein," says Dean Lovell, "I have not had a single case of dishonesty in my courses. "The system certainly develops character. We could never go back to the proctor system in our col- lege." The open meeting tonight will bring out the opinions of Professor Robert C. Angell of the sociology department regarding a change from the proctor system in his school; of Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineering college, who will defend the honor system, and of Dean Joseph A. Bursley, who in speaking of "Standards of Student Conduct" will touch upon the honor system. Sigma Rho Tu has issued spe- cial invitations to the open discus- sion to Adelphi, forensic society of the literary school, and to-members of the honor committee of the en- gineering school. Arrangements have been made for the Univesrity Glee club to sing a few songs at the opening of the meeting. LOCL ARTISTS IN S TTE XHIBITION Prof. Slusser Calls Group the Largest Ever to Sh&w From Am. Arbor.. University and Ann Arbor artists play a most important part in the annual exhibition for Michigan art- ists being held this week in Detroit, it was revealed last night in -an in- terview with Prof. Jean Paul Slus- ser, of the architectural college and one of the exhibitors in the event. Members of the faculty, students and Ann Arbor residents have work in the exhibition. Besides Professor Slusser, Earnest Harrison Barnes, Prof. Myron B. Chapin, Prof. A. M. Valerio, and Fred H. Aldrich] Jr., of the College of Architecture, along with Prof. Avard Fairbanks and Carleton W. Angell are the faculty members repesented. Local residents include Dr. War- ren P. Lompbard, Mrs. Everett1 Brown, Miss Mina Winslow, Mrs. John Bradfield, Mrs. Ross Bittinger, John J. Clarkson, John Koch, Mrs. Hobart Coffey, and Harry R. Gam- ble and Leon A. Makielski both for- merly of the Architectural college. iAmong students and frmer stu- dents who are exhibiting are Ruth Abrams, Dan Buell, John Alexander Marshall, Ruth Cooper, Herbert P. Watts, Louis Redstone, Thomas H. Reed, Jr., and James House, Jr. This is the largest group of local artists ever to show in Detroit, and although no prizes were won by Ann Arbor residents, Professor Slusser explained that there was still quite an honor connected with being represented in the exhibit since only about 300 out of more than 1000 work submitted were ac- cepted. "The Ann Arbor group is becom- ing larger each year and is begin- ning to have some significance,' particularly- in water color work," stated Professor Slusser. The exhibit is on display at the Detroit Institute of Arts and will be open to the public until Janu- ary 31- Fisher Will Lead Dry Meeting Here Today A luncheon meeting of dry lead- ers of Washtenaw county, led by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the First Methodist church and Dr. M. S., Pittman of the Michigan State Nor- mal college of Ypsilanti will take place this afternoon at the Michi- gan league, at which plans for a rally of dry forces in the county in support of the Eighteenth amend- ment will be mtde. A mass meeting of interested stu- Registration Opens for Bridge Tourney Proponents of the comparative merits of the Lenz, Culbertson, and Official contract bridge systems will have an opportunity to try their skill in the annual Union bridge tournament. \Registration of teams will commence today at the main desk in the lobby. In former years, the Union has always sponsored an auction elim- ination contest. This year, believ- ing that there is more interest in contract on the campus, they have decided to change to the newer and more popular game. It is possible that an auction tournament, for those who still prefer this game, will also be spon- sored if enough requests are made. The number of rubbers to be played by each pair of contestants has not as yet been decided. The match will be based on elimination and, as is customary, the Winning team and the runners up will re- ceive cups P G OF FINANCE RELIEF B6LOCKED BY BLA1IE JULIUS ROSENWAD109'FAMOUS' BEEFCTR DIES5 OF HEART ___TTACK A9FTER LONG ILLNESS Donations of Honored r' Philanthropist Were Huge. TWICE MARRIED . Children to Continue Charities Begun Father. Wisconsin Senator Scores Bill, Makes Re-considerati'n Necessary. OPPOSES BIG MAJORITY Claims Plan Favors the Banking InstitutionsOver Farm, Indtstrial Groups. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-(/P)-A dominant senate majority ready for swift passage of the $2,000,000,000 Reconstruction Finance Corp. was balked today by the objection of one Republican Independent. This major measure of President Hoover's emergency relief program was laid before the chamber inmre- drafted form by the banking com- mittee and promptly' picked up both Democratic and Republican support. .; Blocked by Sen. Blaine. Sen. Blaine, of Wisconsin, abrupt- ly ended an attempt to give it im- mediate consideration. He protest- ed against "rushing." Under Senate1 rules, his objection made it neces- sary that the measure be deferred until tomorrow. Walcott, Republi- dani of Connecticut, who is in charge of the legislation, will call it up then. Early action is in prospect. Refusing t.o yield to importuni-' tiss from both sides of the House, Blame declined to withdraw his ob- jection. He asserted the bill is de signed "to help the banks which are responsible for the depression, and to bolster up the stock mar- ket." Attacks Banking Interests. In addition, he critized Presi- dent Hoover forhnot calling a spe- cial session of Congress to enact relief legislation. "There is not a mouthful of. food or a job in this ball," he asserted. "All it does is come to the support of 500 or so banking institutions which have exploited the public through stocks and bonds." The Wisconsin senator predicted a worse plight for the country's financial institutions unless relief is. given industry and agriculture. Sen. Glass, Democrat, Virginia, arose to ask if the corporation should avert the failure of any in- dustries or banks, thereby protect-, ing the depositors "wouldn't that! put bread in the mouths of the de- positors and keep men at work." Julius Rosenwald, wealthy&hica- go philanthropist and director of the board of Sears Roebuck, wlo succumbed to a I long illness last night, is shown here as he looked several years ago before he was affected by, the fatal illness which incapacitated him so long. '31H, REIEW STUDYi URGED IN CONTEST Attention Called by Prof. Brown to Sumtnaries for Participants in Times Contest. , The attention of students intend- ing to participate in the New Yorl Times current\event contest to b' held either March 1 or 2 is caller' by Prof. Everett S. Brown, of thC Political Science department, to th( excellent opportunities for thor- ough review of events occurrig during tne nast year affdrded b; summaries published in January: issues of leading newspapers, in- cluding especially the New York Times. A first prize of $150;, second prize of $75, for freshmen and sopho mores only; and a third prize o $25 will be awarded students of th, University of Michigan. The bes paper submitted here will be for- warded to New York for competi- tion in the intercollegiate contest' of which the first prize will be 500- Any one not having completed our years college work is eligible.' Twenty colleges. are this yea- competing in the contest, whict was conducted for the first time it 1926. The University of Michigan has participated each year. Rolanc Goodman, '32, was the winner o the first prize in the last contest. A list of itypical questions ant their answers for the month of De6 cember is printed on pa ge four o. today's Daily. NOTICE Invitations to freshman for datesduring the.intensive rush- ing period may not be issued prior to the publication of the freshman eligibility lists about two weeks after the opening of 'the second semester. Any such dates already issued are null and void and their issuance is a direct infraction of the regula- tion of the Interfraternity coun- cil concerning deferred rushing. CHICAGO, Jan. 6-(P)-Julius Rosenwald, numbered among the greatest philanthropists of -Il1 time, died today. The ravages of arteriosclerosis and kidney ail- ments, that had .kept him bedfast for months, overcome his vweak- ened heart and he succumbed in his sleep. He would have been 70 years old next August. The fortune foundled on the growth of Sears,:Roebuck & Co., of which he was chairman at hi hleath, Mr. V o s e n w a 1 d pitted' against racial and religious intol- erance, ignorance 'nd poverty and his benefactions t humanity total- ed more than $40,000,000. Personal Gifts Huge. His personal contribution, so far as they could be tabulated from in- complete records since the begin- ning of the century, reached $21,- 568,A0. In addition he had created t lfe Rosenwald Foundation' through 'an endowment of 200,000 shares of Sears, Roebuck stock worth $20,000,- 700 at the time of the gift. Public men, merchants, employes, aumanitarians, friends all, offered high tribute as they learned of his passing. More than once in the last yer he ageing merchant's family had .aurried to his' bedside as heart at- tacks menaced his life. Finally they '1ad assembled year ended to :emain with him. AtTie fighfri'id TrI liiiierwee his wife, his sons, Lessing J. and William, and three daughters;, Mrs Mdith R. Stern, of Ravinia; YI's MAarian R. Stern, of lw Orleans, ind Mrs. Adele R. Levy, of NeW York. The first Mrs. Rosenwald died hree years- ago, and. the philan- -l4ropist married Mrs. Adelaide 3oodking, of St. Louis, in 1930, set- ling upon her $1,000,000. She ,vaived further rights to his estate. Children Assume Charities. Upon the sons and daughters falls ;he mantle of his business and >hilanthropy alike. Only a fortnight ago his children 7ouchsafed their intention to carry )n the benefactions of their father, establishing the Rosenwald Family 'ssociation as the new generation's match of the Rosenwald Fotmnda- ion, Julius Rosenwaid made of philln- ihropy a business. He stipulated hat the vst endowments he creat- rd must be fully spent within 2 Tears after his death. He seldom ;ave 'the full amount needed for a benevolent project. Each of the 3,500 Rosenwald schools received mnly perhaps one-third or one- ti, t h of their endowment from inim. The rest, required, must be supplied by the beneficiaries of those schools and the taxpayers. Clarence Darroy sail: "He was a man of broad ideas and humani- Marian instincts, He did a great deal of good amid was on the Way o going a great deal more, because he was giving his whole time to it. the world regrets his death." Born in Springfield, Ill., in 1862, r. Rosenwald founded his fortune n the clothing business. He was a clothier's clerk in Springfield at 15, )wner of a Fifth Ave. shop in New York City at 21, and a manufactur- er in Chicago at 23. Opposed Fund Perpetuities. In 1895 he purchased for $70,000 a half-interest in the company through whose success he realized his greatest desire, to battle against racial and religious intolerance, and to educate and rehabilitate the poor of many lands. Twenty-five years from now the many millions which Mr. Rosen wald established in trust fund, prin- cipally the one bearing his name for the education of Negroes in the South, must be spent. His opposition to perpetuities as well known and influenced man t other public benefactors. He b'e- " lieved in "taking the hands ofthe dead off the money they gave," anc Late Wire Flashs Wednesday, January 6, 1932 (By Associated Press) DETROIT-A package found last night on the doorstep of Anthony G. Ennari and believed then to con- tain a bomb, was opened gingerly by police today. It was filled with sand. MUSKEGON -,Sheriff's officers said today they had frustrated a jail break plot with discovery that bricks had been removed from the jail wall in two places. KALAMAZOO - Announcement was made here today that Rock Fleming, recently resigned as Kal- amazoo chief of police, has been appointed assistajit director of the state police school at Lansing. IONIA-Four i n m a t e s of the Michigan State reformatory have given up at least a week of freedom to participate in a minstrel show to be given here Jan. 12 and 13. They were paroled while rehearsals were in progress but declined to ac- cept their liberty until' after the last performance. Their n a m e s were withheld. ' RICHMOND-Posses were search- ing today for Theodore Plagens, 69- year-old tobacco shop proprietor, who disappeared Monday morning. An airplane was pressed into serv- ice. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-(A') - Party leaders tonight looked to Saturday's meeting of the Demo- Icratic national committee w i th 'strong hope that wounds left by bitter debate over prohibition'had tions, including such institutions as anti-drink leagues, spinning schools and boys' boarding schools. All citizens were warned that, without trial, they might be sen- tenced to two years of hard labor for peaceful picketing, persuading anyone not to pay taxes, boycotting British goods or public servants, or contributing finds to the National- ist cause. Other ordinances, operative in all India, empowered the authorities to fine even children for Nationalist activities., The 'authorities may make ar- rests, raids and searches without warrants, or order the imprison- ment of persons without trial. They' may control public utility services,' p o s t s, telegraphs, railroads and steamships, and exercise the right of confiscation of property and em- inent domain. Virtually every prominent leader of the All-India National Congress .has been arrested. hf Casualties thus far in the conflict include three dead, one at Benaresl and two at Allahabad, and numer- ous injured, especially at Cawnpore. THE WEATHER Lower Michigan: Occasional snow flurries Thursday and F r i d a y; colder. RUSSIAN EXPORTS BELOW PRE-WAR LEVEL, SAYS ARTICLE BY STUDENT Although we frequently get an impression of Bolshevist Russia'as "a giant, thrown off the shackles of the old Czarist regime, rising to great strength and power," the fact is that her steadily increasing ex- ports were, in 1929-30, only 65.9 per cent of the pre-war totals, points out Stella K. Margold, a graduate student at the University, in a signed article published in the Journal of Commerce, New York, on December 24, 1931. Miss Margold, who is now work- ing in the political science depart- ment, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1931, with high distinc- tion. "Soviet Russia's unusual way of exporting, by throwing a large con- signment on the market at prices "The U. S. S. R. explains that her major purpose in exporting as much as possible is to raise suffici- ent to buy the necessary imports of machinery and other equipment in order to carry out the five-year plan (1927-28 to 1932-33) for the purpose of industrializing the U. S. S. R. to manufacture sufficient for her own requirements that she may not depend on foreign capital and may finally attain her goal of 'pure communism,'" it is stated. The difficulty of transforming a primarily agricultural country into an industrial nation within the space of a few years has meant that "in proportion to the money invested the results thus far have not been as contemplated." Although the'e seems "little to be feared" from Soviet exports of PRESENT DAY VERSION OF 'BEGGAR'S OPERA' HARD, SAYS MARCKWARDT . Modern day produotion of John in any production of an eighteenth Gay's "The Beggar's Opera" pre- century production, Marckwardi sents many serious obstacles in re- said. Besides this the talent en- s seer o tiousnostesmorindgaged which is almost the same a,, spect to adaptig the humor and took part-in the original revival in music to the tastes of present day London makes the music worth- audiences according to Albert H. while for this reason alone, it was Marckwardt of the English depart- stated. Special praise ought, to bc ment. given Sylvia Nelis, playing the part The satire which is the chief pur- of Polly Peacham, according to pose of the work and from which Marckwardt who stated that her most of the humor is derived can- voice had an especially sweet qual- not be appreciated as heartily by ity. twentieth century theatregoers as it One of the best executed songs ceuld by eighteenth century thea- ever attempted by an ensemble tregoer, o were familiar with the choral group is the drinking song over el.e ,,t and pompous Italian "Fill Every Glass," in the opinion opera of the day at which the -satire of Marckwardt. is directed, he said. The music also It is a question among critics just has lost some of its appropriateness how much of the "Beggar's Opera' since the time of the original writ- can be accredited to John Gay