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January 06, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-06

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Published evey morning except Mfonday durin
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial
The~ AsSoclated Press is exclusively entitledi
Oublication of all news dispatches credited to
credited in this paper and the local news publisl
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Class matter. Special rafe of postage granted
Postmaster General.
bubscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.6
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildiug, Maynare
JChigan. Phone: 3: Editorial, 4925; Business,
Telephonu 492F
City Editor .............................
Ldltorial Director ...........................
hews Edtor ................................
Sports Editor ...........................
Women'si Editor . .... ....... .M!
Assistant News Editor.......................
lltiGtlHT DI / s tji

crank B. Gilbreth,
JIoiafl(1A. Goodman

J. Cullen Kennedy

Wilbur J. Myemr
or)4ara Jones

Stanley W. Arnheim
Lawson E. Becker
Edward C. Campbell
C. Williams Carpenter
Thomas Connellan
Samuel G. Ellis
+ Dorothy Brockman
Miriam Carver
Beatrice Collins
Elsie Feldman
Prudence Foster

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A. Huber
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
Henry Meyer
Albert H. Newnman
E. Jerome Pettit
Geordia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann


By far the most progress that the band has
made has been accomplished in the last seven
r years since Nicholas Falcone took over the direc-
g the Univcrsity re torship. To his credit has gone a more efficient
Association, organization, a more skilled musicianship and a-
to the tr no .t larger better trained band than has ever existed
it or not otherwise
hed herein, here before. It is principally to him that most of
Michigan, as seonl the credit for the high place the band has reached
by Third AWitwtunt must go.
Monday, Mr. Falcone announced that the band
__ _, would be cut to 70 members next fall from its
'd sreet, Ar, Arbor, present membership of ioi making it one of the
smallest bands in the western conferenc. This we
look upon as a backward step for certainly a re-
duction in size, though it may not detract from
the musical ability of the organization, certainly
......Carl Forsythe, will lessen the glamour and attractiveness of it.
....BecConger,:r. Falcone explains his action on the rounds
....Dai . NIohol
that the men in the band are too unreliable-that
.Sbeldon C. Fullerton they do not report for drills and rehearsals and
araret hi. U'hompso that there are not enough reserves to fill their
places. This, it is obvious to see, makes for ai
.ames' li1s ill-drilled, badly organized band and this is what
Jerry F. RoseitUh Michigan had although to the observer it appeared
to be nearly as good as that of 1930.
John &. Townsend We agree with Falcone in the respect that a
Char,;jA. Sanford good band cannot be had if the men are n'ot inter-
hnested enough in it to report for drills and rehear-
seph Reuhan . sals. If Michigan is to have a large band, a large
Hart Sebaaf number of men have to turn out for it and enough
ackley Shaw
rker R. Snyder men must be kept in reserve to fill any vacancies
R. Winters which occur. Otherwise it is foolish, as it was this
rgaret O'Brien year, to attempt a loo-piece organization out of a
rothy RUndell total of Io4 tryouts. The band must be madeI
fl) Wadiiworth ..
sephine Woodhams eresting to .musicians if it is to maintain itt
reputation or else fail.
Other colleges in the Big Ten have large bands
principally because they are R.O.T.C. bands in
.. sns nagr schools where military drill is compulsory and the
band may substitute for this drill. At Michigan,
......Vernon Bishop band drill is given no credit whatsoever except for
...Harry it. Begy R.O.T.C. which, here, is not compulsory. Besides,
...R3yron C. Vedder . ...
..William T. Brown eligibility requirements are necessary and it is
Richard Strateneir through this that ,many good musicians are lost
..... ~Ann W. Verner go;uscin
to the ,organization.
aton W. Sbarp If Michigan is to have a large, colorful, well
ialo A. .Johnston If drilled band, there is only one solution-obtain
'nard H. Good more men and eliminate the present unnecessary
y Seefried obstacles which confront them in participating. A
en Sencer publicity campaign in the Michigan high schools
thryn stork should be established as is done in other univer-
re Ungegr
ry Elizabeth wattssities, some sort of reward for service in the or-
ganization should be given and perhaps Michigan
will again be able to have the band it really should
ILBRETH have.-

Dean Henry M.

Editor's note: This is the seventh
of a series of articles on outstand-
ing menbers of ,he University fac-
ulty. Others will appear in this
column each week.
By E. Jerome Pettit
When Elbert H. Gary, who later
became active in the organization
of the U. S. Steel Corporation, was
first practicing law in Chicago, he
was aided in his courtroom work by
a young clerk associated with the
same firm. This clerk performed
the minor duties of providing hand-
kerchiefs, glasses of water f o r
Gary; he also. kept the proper
places in the books, at the same
time keenly watching the activities
of the courtroom.
Now that former clerk is the
guiding hand of the "University of
Michigan Law School, Dean-Henry
Moore Bates.
While he was still practicing law
in Chicago, as a partner of John
Maynard Harlan, one-time mayor-

Telephone 21214
CHARLES T. Kline...............
NORRIS P.TJOHNSON...... .............
Department Managers
Advertising Contraetq.........................
Advertising Service ... ......................
Publications ........ ....................
Acconts.......- .. ..... -.....
Women's 1Business Maringer...... ..........

Orvil Aronson
Gilber~t E. J3imajey
Allen Clark
Robert Finn
Donna Becker
Martha Jane Ciesel
Uenevieve Field
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann Gallneyer
Mary Harriman

.ohn lioyser
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
Anne Itarsha
hatharine Jackson
Dorotly Layin
,Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Helen Olsen

Gr a
.:il rr


Honor in
Deferred Rushing

T xas come to the attention of the DAILY that
several fraternity houses have been cheating in
the conduct of their rushing under the new de-
ferred rushing regulations.
While the IDAILY does not favor this new
plan and has not hesitated to say so, nevertheless
we believe that now it is in force- it should be ad-
hered to in every detail. It can only be proved:
bad, or good, by a fair triag.- Those houses which
are giving a very liberal interpretation to the rules
are defeating the only chance the plan has of a fair
trial, and will make it practically impossible to
form a quick judgement as to their merits. And:
a quick judgement is what we think is needed.
Among the, offences which have come to our
attention are the. following: givng freshmen
pledge pins to be carried in the pockets, keeping
freshmen at the fraternity house until ii o'clock
after the Wednesday night rushing dinners, taking
freshmen tQ moving pictures after these dinners,
installing a bar in the house with all kinds of free.
refreshments, issuing invitations for the intensive
rushing week, and telling the freshmen that they
won't get a bid unless they accept all of the fra-,
ternity's invitations for that week.
When it comes to the freshman himself, there
are two salient facts which should strike him
forcibly if he is at all observant.
In the first place, a fraternity that resorts to
questionable practices must be very hard up for
acceptable candidates. They are practically ack-
nowledging that they are afraid they will not get
the freshmen that they want when judged on their1
merits alone; consequently they have resorted to
what must be called crooked tactics.
It will be well for the freshman to remember'
that a fraternity that cannot, without the aid of
backhand inducements, convince him that it is a
good one for him to join, in other words, one that
is afraid to be judged on its merits alone for fearl
that it will not stand comparison, is not worth con-


Brothers In The West, by Robert Reynolds.
(Harper- and Brothers) $2.50. Review copy cour-
tesy Wahr's Bookstore.
A Review Dean Henry M. Bates
By'John W. Pritchard
alty nominee for Chicago, he was
It is difficult for this reviewer, who has discussed selected by Dr. Hutchins, then Dean
the book with but one person, to gauge properly the of the Law School, to become a
sort of reception that "Brothers in The West" has member of the law faculty here.
been given by the public. That single opinion wasj Seven years later, when 'Dr. Hut-
somewhat unenthusiastic; and it is quite probable chins became President of the Uni-
that readers in general, unaccustomed to the aimless, versity, Prof. Bates succeeded him
nearly plotless, character of the novel, may regard as head of the legal department.
it in the same light. Nevertheless, it would require As Tappan Professor of law since
considerable courage to deny that the strong delin- 1903, Dean Bates has forever been
teation of character, the vibrant dqscriptive writing, an ardent supporter of everything
the constant thread on- continuity, and the unique worthwhile connected with the Uni-
point of view of the story go far toward adding to versity. In the earlier history of the
that significance which is already attached to the Michigan Union, he became one of
book by its choice as the Harper prize novel for 1931. its charter members and its most
The remarkable angle, which makes "Brothers in firm supporter on the faculty. His
The West" different from any previous "western", was the imagination large enough
and raises it above the common level of such nar- to foresee the immense value of
ratives, lies in the fact that the two brothers, during such an institution as the Union,
the forty year span which the story covers, pursue and he unceasingly devoted his
a purely nomadic life, with no purpose in the world time to supporting the club and
except to revel.together in that rugged natural beauty raising the funds for the new build-
which reflects themselves like a mirror. Further, ing.
such an intimate band of sympathy exists between It was he who made most of the
the two that one regards them almost as one person. negotiations with the late W. W.
The character of each is perfectly complimented by Cook for the huge donations made
that of the other. to the University.
A thread of continuity has been mentioned. Of The story is told that upon one
course, in many cases the presence of the same char- of his contacts with the wealthy
acters and a fairly well-defined (though often rather lawyer, Dean Bates was told by Mr.
hazy) plot throughout a book, is sufficient for the Cook, "I have been watching you,
purposes of unification; but here, where such a plot young man, watching you like a
is lacking, there must be some further tie to prevent hawk, and I like what you are do-
the story from falling to pieces entirely. Reynolds ing. I'm going to give your school
supplies this in an ingenious manner. At the outset, some money."
the brothers, David and Charles, are wandering Dean Bates was in his early fif-
alone; David, taking unto himself a mistress, raises ties at the t i m e, though to a
their number to three; and thenceforth, through a stranger he would appear today as
series of perfectly natural occurrences, the cavalcade one of the younger members of the
grows until it has reached the number of thirteen, faculty. His wavy grey hair, above
and continues to grow, forming the nucleus for. a a clear forehead, kindly but clear
small colony. And then, with the swiftness of a eyes, and a general appearance
thunderbolt, catastrophe falls; and the brothers, by suggesting activeness, all give him
silent agreement and almost by instinct, wander the air of a "young man."
away, once more alone. And, indeed, his work for the
Intimacy as complete as that which exists between University has always been that of
David and Charles somehow would seem rather a most ambitious youngster, striv-
empty if forced to turn upon itself throughout the ing to accomplish things, working
course of such a history. Fortunately, a most ade- with tireless energy and unceasing
quate link is supplied in the person of Karin, David's loyalty for its every interest.
mistress and later his wife, who is equally loved by His high ideals of legal education
both brothers. Yet no jealousy arises between them have forever been an inspiration
to mar this admirable triumvirate; none is needed. to Michigan's law graduates; he
Such a device could do nothing but harm the chron- has established an "esprit de corps"
icle, as it has harmed countless other stories, world among the faculty and among the
without end, until at last it has become trite and students of his department that is
useless. I'remarkable.
Herein have been mentioned only a few of the deft For one year, while he was on a
touches which have made an artistic work of a theme leave of absence from the Univer-
which is unusual and difficult to handle. One must sity, he taught corporation law at
bear them well in mind if he would set out to attack Harvard Law School. But for twen-
"Brothers in The West," which surely cannot pro- ty-odd years he has remained loyal
perly be criticized according to the standards of the to Michigan, giving a single-hand-
modern "psychological" or "realistic" novel. ed devotion and loyalty to its Law
If one prepares himself to judge the book accord- School.
ing to a criterion which it established for itself, one \ He used to enjoy taking Sunday
will find himself breathing in its invigorating at- morning walks with the la.te Prof.
mosphere with real joy, which is augmented by the Van Tyne; he has sought other
rare pleasure of discovering a book with an unusual companions and still enjoys his
theme. weekly strolls. His Michigan inter-

Secondly, nost freshmen would have nothing
to do with a man who cheated at a game of bridge
or poker. Would a freshman then want to affiliate
himself with a group of men who practice under-
hand tactics of the same sort as a matter of policy?
If, in one of his first introductions to a house, they
went against the rules of the game, would he want
to join them knowing that dishonesty was part of
their code?
-If the freshman is the sort that believes that in
competition anything is fair, then he belongs to
the unscrupulous crowd and the other houses have
suffered no loss. However, if he believes in living
dishonesty in rushing demands his most serious


Th .Band!.

E VER since football became the show and spec-
tacle that it is, university bands have played
a large part in the entertainment of the spectators.
In fact, it has been surmised by many that thous-
ands of people go to football games not for the
game itself but for the color attached to them and
it is this that the band gives. There is something,
we have seen, in a large band playing spirited
marches and executing clever maneuvers between
th halves of a football game that peculiarly cannot

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