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January 06, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-06

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Ai1 CL

XLII. No. 72



_ _ _



atel Included Among
nt Men Caught
Drag Nt.



Mahatma, in Poona Jail, Urges
Use of Homespun Garments
and Spinning Loom.
$OMBAY,; Jan. 5.-(P)-The Brit-,
hb government began a sweeping
undup of India's Nationalist lead-
s today under extraordinary pow-'
's to meet the menace to its rule
rer thecountry.
Vithalbhai Patel, former presi-
mt of the Indian legislative as-
mbly, ad others prominent in
e outlawed Nationalist Congress,
ere arrested by police, who moved
ickly from place to place.'
The government previously had#
Mtended to four important cities
id to the entire Madras presi-,
ency its repressive ordinances out-
wing the all-India National Con-
ess party, led by the jailed Ma-
atma Gandhi, forbidding all con-
ibutions to its fund and prohibit-
.g demonstrations and peaceful
Congressmen Held.
Among those taken into custody
ere K. F. Nariian and Nagindas
aster, president and vice-presi-
ent respectively of the local Con-i
'ess' executive committee. Nari-
an is a prominent'member of the
arsee sect.
Bombay, Calcutta, New Delhi, andt
ner, Rajputana. are among thet
ties affected by extension of thet
rvernment's stringent measures.
1 Calcikta alone 45 organizations
ere placed outside the law by the"
:tension of theyemergeacy ordi-

S hedules for Final
Exams Are Finished
Tentative schedules for final
examinations have been com-
pleted, it was announced yester-
day by Dr. Daniel L. Rich, diec-
tor of classification, who said
that the program will be sub-
mitted to the Univrsity faculty
M o n d a y for approval, after
which it will be printed and pre-
pared for distribution immed-
T h e .two-weeks examination
period will begin Saturday after-
noon,. January 30, classes con-
tinuing until that time, Dr. Rich
said. Employees in the registrar's
office were busier yesterday than
they had been at any time since
the beginning of classification,
as tardy students took advantage
of the last available week to se-
lecthcoursesafor the .second se-
Gathers Data to Aid in Disputes
Concerning Naval
WASHINGTON, J a n. 5. -(/P) -
Driving mainly to get beneficial
economic legislation into f o r c e,
Congress at the same time today
accumulated data for guidance on
such disputes asaid to the jobless,
naval building and Muscle Shoals.
The House found work to do on
the first routine appropriation bill
allotting $125,000,000 to meet gov-
ernmental bills. Senate members
were free for committee-concentra-
tion on the administration program
to loosen. industrial and agricul-
tural credit.
Before long, the group with the
$500,000,000 reconstruction corpor-
ation in custody reached agreement.
Senator Watson, Republican leader,
feels }there is a chance for Senate
passage tomorrow.
Heavy Flood Results
From Levee Collapse
GLENDORA, Miss., Jan. 5.-(/1)-
Twenty feet of levee on Cassidy's
Bayou, at the Aubrey Falls planta-
tion collapsed today before the
roaring Tallahatchie River flood.
A sheet of water was sent over
the countryside near Albin, south
of Webb and north of Swan Lake,
in Tallahatchie County.
The Yazoo and Mississippi Val-
ley Railroad embankment is pro-
tecting land on the west side of
A two-inch rain in the Talla-
hatchie River valley last night
brought a new peril for 10,000 flood
sufferers just at a time when the
region, was passing through its sec-
ond major flood crisis in three
Ruthuen to Lead Open
Conclave on Thursday
Speaking on the subject, "The
Student and his University," Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven will
lead the annual all-campus open
forum which the Student Christian
association will present at 4:15
o'clock Thursday afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium.
Students will be allowed to ask
questions on-any phase* of the Uni-
versity administration and activi-
ties. Severals topics of recent dis-
cussion are expected to be brought

Sigria Rho ;Tau.


Profs. Moore
Also Give

Matters Pertaining to Student
Duty to Be Discussed by
Dean of Students.
Honor systems and the standard
of student conduct will be discussed
by Dean Joseph A. Bursley at an
open meeting of Sigma Rho Tau,
engineers forensic society, at 7:30
o'clock, Thursday night, in Room
320 of the Union.
Dean Bursley is planning to con-
sider matters of interest to stu-
dents such as the auto ban, dating,
fraternity rushing, and smoking on
the campus and in the university
buildings insofar as they relate to
the students sense of honor. In
addition, he will discuss the honor
system in relation to examinations,
commenting upon its present use in
the engineering school.
Angell Will Speak.
Professor Robert C. Angell of the
Sociology department and member
of the board in control of stutent
publications, will open the meeting
with an address titled, ""Why the
College of Literature, Science and
Arts has no honor system."
Prof. Arthur D. oore of the de-.
partment of Electrical Engineer-
ing will reply to Professor Angell in
an address titled, "Why the College
of Engineering has an honor sys-
' Dean Bursley will then take the
floor and deliver the final faculty
talk of the evening. Following this,
there will be an open discussion
during which questions of personal
interest may be offered by members
of the audience.
Al May Attend.
Earl C. Briggs, '33E, president of
Sigma Rho Tau, who directed ar-
rangements for Thursday's open
meeting, announced yesterday that
if student interest in the discussion
seems to warrant, it will be moved
to quarters large enough to accom-
modate everyone who wishes to
The much discussed honor system
and its relative merits and defects
will be freely aired with a view to
future argument concerning its
Churchill to Lecture
Despite Auto Accident
Winston Churchill, British states-
man, who was struck by an auto-
mobile in New York three weeks
ago, has sufficiently recovered to
resume his lecture tour of the Unit-
ed States, Henry Moser, faculty
manager of the Oratorical Associa-
tion, said yesterday.
Mr. Churchill is to appear, here
on the lecture series of the associa-
tion on Jan. 27. It ip unlikely that
a postponement will be made, Mr.
Moser said.
The address to be given here will
be one of 50 which Mr. Churchill
will make during his Stour of the
country. He is known as "the
stormy petrel of British politics"
and has held many important ad-
ministrative posts in the govern-

and Angell Will
Talks Before,

ernment mobilized
ombat the Nation-
lowers of the Ma-
their end of the
g their boycotst on
i obedience to the
imprisoned leader.
ia jail, Mr. Gandhi
iL for the support
is of India, urging
he, spinning wheel
garments, and to

Isham Jones and Johnny Hamp
Orchestras Are Being
Lowest' TicketPrice in History,
Seven Dollars, Is
Agreed Upon.
Plans for the largest social func-
tion of the year, the J-Hop, took
definite shape last night when the
committee in charge of the dance
met in the Union to consider pos-
sible orchestras, favors, and decor-
The Ho will be held from 9 to
3 o'clock, Friday nlight, Feb. 12, in
the Intramural gymnasium. Tickets
hav been reduced to, seven dollars,
the 1owest- price in the history of
this affair. They will be on sale at
the main desk in the Union lobby
where they may be obtained only
by juniors until the end of next
week. After this time they may be
secured by members of the other
To Choose Bands Soon.
Orchestras that are being con-
sidered for the dance are Isham
Jones, Johnny Hamp, and several
others. The committee will make
the selection of the band within
the next ten days. Campus senti-
ment seems to favor Isham Jones
over the other orchestras that have
been suggested.
As has been customary in the
past, fraternities and groups of in-
dependents may secure booths,
which will be set up on the sides
of the dance floor. They will oc-
cupy these with their guests dur-
ing intermissions. The booths are
at the present time being assigned
to the various houses.
Favors Are Selected.
Favors have already been select-
ed. They will be imported Floren-
tine book covers of-genrine- leather
done in various colors and of suffi-
cient variety to suit all tastes. They
will have, "J-Hop of 1933," inscrib-
ed on the face. Balfour and Con-
pany, who secured the contracts
for these, are at the present time
working on them.
Decorations for the affair have
not as yet been decided upon. The
J-Hop committee expects to take
this up in the next few days. It is
expected that the auto ban, as in
former years, will be lifted for the
week-end betwen semesters. Last
year it was removed at noon on
the Friday of the dance and did
not go back into effect until Mon-
day morning at 8 o'clock.
Men Admit They Were in Easton
on - Night of Fatal
NEW YORK, Jan. 5.-(IP)-Three
men arrested in connection with
the investigation in the nation-
wide search for perpetrators of the
Easton, Pa., bomb outrage, tonight
admitted, authorities said, t h e y
were in that city the night of the
explosion that killed two postal
clerks and a bomb expert. -
The men found in the lower New

York East side were being question-
ed at the general postoffice.
The arrests were made in con-
nection with the investigation of
the bombing last week, in which
three men lost their lives, and the
finding of a dozen other bombs
there, and in numerous other cities.
The bombs had been sent to prom-
inent Italians and Italian-Ameri-
The identity of the suspects was
guarded closely, as also was the
chain of circumstances which4 led
to their arrest.
From unofficial sources it was
learned the arrests were made on
information obtained by s e c r e t
service men and postal inspectors.
They had followed a trail from Eas-
ton to Dobbs-Fe ry, where they
learned the dynamnite used in the
bombs had been stolen.
From'Dobbs Ferry, the trail led
to a house in Summit, N. J., where
it is believed the bombs were man-

"A,. faculty issue to end faculty
This is the dedication of the Jan-
uary number of the Gargoyle. It
will make its initial appearance for
the new year Thursday morning.
"To anyone who feels hurt, we
read, "because we have omitted
their particular gripe we say that
we had something worse to say
about all those left out than we did
about the ones we used. We just
couldn'thprint it, that's all."
There is again the "Hmph of the
Month." This time it is about the
"daughter of a certain professor
hereabouts," and there is also a
little story about some members
of the speechdepartment faculty
and a convention in Chicago some
time ago.
A "Mythical All-Faculty B a n-
queting Team," is among the other
selections of the issue along with
an article under the title, "Profes-
sors," which contains some familiar
names and some than are not so
familiar. "Research," is another of
the articles.
"All Right, Mr. Treasurer, Pro-
duce that Live Stock," one - of the
articles under t h e title, "Your
Money, Where Is It?" demands. The
figures are taken directly from the
President's Report for 1929-30.
Grantland Rice writes for the is-
sue an exclusive statement /to the
Gargoyle upon the selection of May-
nard Morrison as center for the
1931 All-American football squad
and there is a story about the well-'
known Dr. George A. May under
the title, "Encomia."
There ar also articles about,
"News," and "The Square Peg," in
addition to the regular section of




renounce drink.
As an act of reprisal against the
arrest of the Mahatma and other
leaders, the Nationalists decided to
boycott the three committees of the
Round Table conference due from
London late in the month.
Late Wire Flashes

Tuesday, January 5, 1933
(By Assuciated Press)


NEW YORK, Jan. 5. - (!P) - Ely
Culbertson's side was 16,835 points
ahead in 'the great contract bridge
match today, with only 21 rubbers
remaining of the 150-rubber, series.
LANSING-Rep. Frank P. Darin,
of River Rouge, announced today
he? would be a candidate for the
Republican nomination for Con-
gress-from the new 16th district.
He said he would advocate prohi+
bition modification.
SEATVE, Wash., Jan. 5.-(/P)-
After a twenty-year search, 'Mrs.
M. A. MacLeod, of Grayling, Mich.,
has found her son.
Mrs. MacLeod revealed that she
had found her son, Kenneth Pur-
cell, 23, serving a six to ten-year
sentence for robbery in the Wash-
ington State Prison.
FLINT-A jury was selected to-
day to try Miss Helen Joy. Morgan,
heiress, for the murder of Leslie
Casteel, her garage mechanic-
sweetheart last' April.
CHICAGO, Jan., 5.-(1P1)-A notor-
ious bank robber and gangster to-
day restored virtually all of the
$2,870,000 loot of the greatest bank
robbery in history.
Agents for the Lincoln National
Bank & Trust Co., of Lincoln, Neb.,
were handed negotiable securities
worth $538,000. Gus Winkler, the
bandit absolved of any implication
in the robbery, has already supplied
proof of the destruction of regis-
f.ad hnwna, 'Iifh a h a. f 1t 917 -


Daily, Gargoyle, 'Ensian Tryouts
to Report at Press Building.
Freshmen will report for work on
publications for the first time Mon-
day,' February 17, at the Press
building on Maynard street, it was
announced yesterday by editors of
the Daily, Gargoyle and Michigan-
ensian staffs. The work on the pub-
lications is open to any freshman
who receives at least one B and
three C's in his courses.
On each of thepublications work
is offered on both editorial and
business departments for men and
On the Daily, freshmen "tryouts"
will receive instruction in news
writing and routine work around a
newspaper office and later in the
Voaor wrill h,-a osioynedrpL lar beants

Those trying out for the business
staffs on each of the three will also
receive instruction in the routine
work to be dlone and later will be
given work in advertising, accounts
and circulation.
Following the freshman year,
each publication gives its sopho-
mores certain required work' at
which the student will be expected
to specialize in and in May of his
sophomore year will be appointed
through competition to Junior posi-
tions on his respective staff. It is
during this year that he receives
compensation for his work.
.Through another degree of con-
petition, in his Junior year, the
senior appointments are made con-
sisting of the editors, business man-
agers and special department man-
aear& of the publications:.,


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