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October 02, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-02

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Ut itit

'ublished every morning except Monday during the University year
hie Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ted in this paper and the local news published herein.
intered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; byr mail, $4.50
)ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
igan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

Telephone 4925
Editor ......................... ......David M. Niehol
lal Director............................Beach Conger, Jr.
Editor...................................Carl Forsythe

rts Editor ..........................Sheldon C. Fullerton
men's Editor ..... ............ ...Margaret M. Thompson
een Re4etions..........................Bertram J. Askwith
istant News Editor.... ...................Robert L. Pierce

rank B. Oilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy
oland Goodman Denton C. Kunze
Karl Seiffert George

Jerry E. Rosenthal
A. Stauter
John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford

Iber J. Myers
a Jones

y Arnhelm
n E. Becker
a Connellan
R. Cooper
M. Harrison
n Helper
h Hoffman
'ine Woodhams
to Cummings
y Brocknman
rie Thomson
a Geisman

Sports Assistants
john W. Thomas
James Krotozyner
Robert Merritt
Henry Meyer
Marion Milczewski
Albert Newman
Jerome Pettit
John Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
Beatrice Collins
Ethel Arehart
Barbara Hall
Susan Manchester
Margaret O'Brien
Louise Crandall

Alfred Stresen-Reuter
William Thal
G-. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Shaw
Ford Spikerman
Parker Snyder

Cile 'Miller
Elsie Feldman
Eileen Blunt.
Eleanor Rairdon
Martha Littleton
Prudence Foster

Telephone 21214
ARLES T. KLINE.........................Business Manage
RRIS P. JOHNSON..... . .. .... ....Assistant Manage
Department Managers
ertising ................ .Vernona Biso
ertising ..... .... ...................Robert B. Callahal
ertising ................. .............William W. Davi
vice...... ........ ..................Byron C. Veddei
blications .... , ... ............. .... ...William T. Browv
culation..................................iharry R. Begle
counts ...........................Richardstratemeie
men's Business Manager......... ..............Ann W. Verne
7 'Assistantsr
il Aronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts
bert E. Buraley HerbertGreenstone R. A. Saltzstein
lard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke
en Clark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp
tave Dalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch
bert E. Finn James Lowe
hryn Bayless a .Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen
ma Becker Ann larsha Marjorie Rough
evieve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
xine Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin


T H E appearance of yesterday morning's
DAILY led several people to protest against
the "sensationalism" of thejissue. The fact that
three banners were used, something which ha
not occurred since the student riot at the time
of the Wisconsin basketball game three years
ago, was taken as an indication of "tabloidism."
The editors of The Daily wish to state at this
time that they never have, and never will, permit
the paper to be,-guilty of sensationalism. The
Daily has the bet interests of the University at
heart, but does not believe that such interests can
be fostered by suppression of facts. The fact that
three excellent news stories all broke at the same
time, namely the Buildings and Grounds story,
the taxicab story, and the post-season football
game story, necessitated an adequate presenta-
tion of the news. The Daily will continue to
print news and facts of interest to students.

effect in the habIts and outlook of the student gener -
ation'0 m LGRAVEL
We hear that students are becoming more serious,
are attacking their studies with greater determina- '// /- KILLEN'$ GRAVEL
tion. We hear that, wonder of wonders, they are MORE RESULTS J
beginning to think about social problems, instead of 3N CAMPUS BEAUTI COMPANY
prospects in football and crew. And we hear that INQUISITION
they are departing from their extravagance in social Telephone 7112
display, actually learning to live without gin and Ever since the big furor about tie
cars and dances. publication of their first report, thej
Looking back over the past three years, however, Rolls Investigation Committee has
we see no striking changes. Nineteen thirty was also been hard at work trying to find
a Year of the Depression. But there were countless more and better evidence to sup-
expensive cars on the campus, and few houses passed port their statement that the aver-
up their customary parties. .If a number of men had age of feminine beauty on the Uni- BROWN-C R E SS
to give up the automobiles they had expected, they versity of Michigan Campus is de- & ompany inc.
burned their daylight lamps no more assiduously. As plorably low. We have been tramp-
for reading and thought on the fundamental weak- ing the streets night and day, -
nesses in our policies and attitudes that lie behind night and day, since yesterday, in- INV EST M EN T
our present international distress-the revival of terviewing freshmen, asking them
prosperity in Mr. Dobie's and Mr. Wray's businesses their personal opinions on the stat- S E C U R I T I E S
effectively checked any of that. us of campus beauty. We are here-
Among the non-fraternity men harder lines could with publishing their sworn state- Orders executedson allex-
be distinguished. There were not enough jobs to go ments, absolutely verbatim. We had
around; some had to leave college for the year; and a pretty hard time of it, because changes. Accounts carred
many had to forego dessert with their dinner. Here many of those interviewed seemed on conservative margin.
I frequently, as in the fraternity stratum occasionally, to be skeptical and a bit shy, and
individuals have been shaken into new paths by seemed to think we were trying to Telephone 23271
economic distress. sell them something. One fellow ran
But always the change has been individual, per- away, which hurt our feelings very ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG.
sonal. No new standards, no new attitudes likely to much* L st FLooK
endure have sprung as yet from papa's deflated * * * *
pocket-book. WHO ASKED .........Freshmen.
WHERE ASKED.. . On the campus
To The Editor: YOUR HOME TOWN?
wihr aeecpin oasaeeto yusi rm1Inmne ih:"ueIn fairness and respect to the American Legion, Alfred Kress; 510 E. Jefferson; D la
r nfins n epc ot eA eia ei n lrd K es 1 .Jfesn I wish' to take exceptions to a statement of yours in from kienominee, Mich.: ''Sure, I Dl a
the Michigan Daily, and copied in today's issue of think they're just as pretty."
n the Detroit Free Press. C. Fred Thomas; 613 E. Huron: in the WALK-OVE
I quote: "Respectable citizens were afraid to ven- "Well, I'm from Springfield, Mass.
n ture into the heart of the city while the loyal de- and Springfield, Mass., is conspicu- beauty, too-wond
r fenders were engaged in their annual brawl." ous in the beauty of its girls so it
r I went down-town, alone, Monday evening, walked wouldn't be fair to say. At least I ooker and great
up Wodward Ave., and through Washington Blvd. can say this, even if the Eastern
The only "rough stuff" I saw came from high school girls are more beautiful in the face, Just look at her
boys out for a good time. due to there being so much infan-
Had the Legionnaires been in the condition you tile paralysis in the East their legs companion for an
Insinuate, they could not have given us that magnifi- aren't as good as they are out here
cent parade the-following day. in the West."
It is not improbable that we may some day have Refused name and address; from a U R
another war., You who are now students will then Charleston, West VaB:'"Well, it's
be called in to defend the flag. When you come harletony Wes "We it's Wk -O
home-if you ever do-will you want some college hood to sayn There's some bpretty W alk-O
editor to criticize you? Those boys saved our coun- good ones in Chollston, but AhI 115 South n
try, why not give them a cheer instead of a kick? haven't seen any heah yet. Nah I
MARGARET M. COX. won't give you mah name. Ah'm the
only freshman this yeah from
My Dear Miss Fitt: Chollston and I'd get too much no-
So I must address you who wrote the very pedantic toriety.fa e
article about the recent Legion convention in Detroit. Mc. K I e' e ry mq ny.
I do not feel it is my duty to write you thusly but ch nIhavent seentvery mny
realize that like a number of other aspiring young a n
journalists you are prone to be one of Voltaire's scrib- any girls in my classes, but I guess
blers 'who feed on filth and vermin" and regurgitate they are about the same." (Editor's
it in the wrong receptacle because you have in your 'Note: Mr. Knuusi got very wary
purblindness no one to direct your actions. You must after having divulged his last name
remember that the collegiate desire to show off is and refused.-.o give his first name
a very strong impulse and often times impells you or his address. And we were rather
to adopt viewpoints which, are not founded on a curious to know what Mr. Knuusi's
broad and deep experience with the subject matter. first name was, too.)'
Narrowness of thought is a handicap to one who Donald Lewis; 910 E. Huron; from
strives to mould the opinion of his public and that North Tonawanda, N. Y.: "Why,
one will find among his legions only those whose from what I've seen I'd say yes."
thioughts are encompassed by the same rustic and (Editor's Note: At this point Mr."
worm-eaten barriers. Lewis paused for reconsideration).
It would be distasteful to me to analize (sic) your "Of course I know about two pretty r0".
editorial-you can do that well enough if you are good ones, but the rest don't seem
serious in your avowals. I would however advise so good."y
you to try Olivers "Little Liver pills for your phleg- Bob Henoch; 608 Monroe; from
matic condition before the hammer falls. LaPorte, Indiana: "Yeah, I'd say Modes
F. H. AMED. that they were."
Clark Schell; from Detroit, Mich- Kotex,
To The Editor: r}igan: "Sure they're a lot prettier. 35c O
Michigan or R. O. T. C. Band? An open letter to I never saw so many babes in allf60c Q
the director of the University of Michigan Band. my life. In Detroit'they're terrible." 50c D
Mr. Nicholas Falcone Winston Fisher; 514 E. Jefferson;
Der"i"s from Scottville, Mich.: "I think the60N
s I am sending a copy of this letter to the campus Michigan girls are more beautiful. 60c N
opinion of The Daily because I believe that we are There aren't very many girls in $1.00
n here concerned with a matter of general interest to Scottville." 30c K
the students and alumni. Refused Name and Address; from r0cK
1 - You may remember me as an enthusiastic mem- Charlevoix, Mich.: "No;, I haven' 60c F
ber of the band when you first came here. I am back seen a good looking one yet. Of 50c Pc
again at Michigan, but I have to say that moral ! 50c 'm fr
a _ oure Im fom Charlevnix a sum- 5

g:~o 111111 V1C1CV1, US.
scruples prevent me from participating in the band mer resort town, with a winter pop- 50c P
e which has (unfortunately, as it seems to me) changed ulation of two thousand and a sum- 50c Ip
its essential character. We used to have a Michigan mer population of thirty thousand.' 40c Sc
- Band fairly representative of the University in per- Richard L. Tobin; 915 Oakland
, sonnel and spirit. I remember the talk at that time Ave; from Niles, Michigan: "I think 50c clo
- of bringing the band under the R. O. T. C.-by giving the Michigan Co-eds are glorius A25c A
g a small University credit for R. O. T. C. training, the never saw such a bunch of girlsb
boys could be required to attend drill; a better march- esally in hof" Wests
ing band was thought essential. Perhaps this has John Sherf; 9i5 Sybil; from Cal- 50 Ze
now been attained, but it would be hard to beat the , gy$1.00
maneuvering we used to execute under "Pack". u.et r Michiga " g ys. ( Ers$1.0
it was ote : After much urging Mr. Sherf.....":........2 &
When this change was proposed, however, it was consented to add, with a broad 25c S
not geenrally understood that the whole band was smile, "Some are better.") 35c D
e to lose its Michigan character to become a mere George Johnson; Doorman of the
- military unit. But I return to find that from uniform Michigan Union: "It's the homeliest $2.50
e to name the band has shrunk from a Michigan to bunch I've ever seen, and I've been 50c Li
an R. O. T. C. project. Perhaps the new uniforms are hI a goo r man
a bit more snappy, modern and military in their cut, 'here a good many years. My eyes $1.00
e but what a loss in discarding the picturesque capes but I'm quite observing ofnthe fe- $1.00
a of blue, flung back to show their golden lining! It males, and I've only seen two that $ 1.00
used to look like a Michigan band. The changed uni- I admire."
form is perhaps the touch that most shocks alumni *mr""
returning to the game. $1.00
The serious loss, to me however, comes in substi- Professor James K. Pollock 75c N
t.. happened to stroll along while
tuting a R. O. T. C. for a Michigan project. I was happenedotr50c.
abruptly offended to see great letters, "R. O. T. C." we were out on the street ac-
Sacross the head of the drum, with "Michigan" quite osting people and he was $1-00
obscure. Others, too, I know are offended. wearig such a bright, happy 50c -
May I ask now that you make an effort to restore smile that we asked him the 50c F
the Michigan character to the band and preserve the fatal question before we noticed 35c It
Michigan fighting spirit? That may be done while that he wasn't a freshman atuhd
you remain connected with the R. O. T. C. formally, all."Well, laughed Professor
but not in spirit. But there are some, like me, who Pollock, "'m a married man
must stay away as long as there is even a formal and my home is here in Ann Palmo
connection. My moral position against all war or Arbor so I'd better not say." Woodi
any form of murder would not allow me to belong Lux, 1
to a military society. My suggestion would be that The Rolls Investigating Commit-
if University credit is desired, it could be given direct- tee isn't through with this matter
ly by the University or perhaps through the School of by any means. Within the next few.

erful lines,

a fine

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picture-a fitting
y young fellow-
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r Baby"
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The prcblem of where to eat vitally concerns every one
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vince you.
Lunch and Dinner (per week).. $5.50
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YOUR skin is precious; so is your purse! Don't
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Play safe; stock up now!



(The Ann Arbor Daily News.)
AN ATTACK on "exorbitant taxicab rates" ha
been launched by the Michigan Daily.
"Free Lance drivers are operating on Anr
Arbor streets, and it is they who fleece the stu
dents each week-end and . especially on footbal
days" says the student newspaper..:...
... If such conditions exist something is wrong
with the taxicab situation in Ann Arbor, generally
speaking. We believe some companies and some
"free lances" are trying to play fair with the stu
dents, and endeavoring to make a reasonable profit
but the municipal government should seek to de
termine the identity of those engaged in gouging
and take whatever preventative steps are neces
The companies and the drivers should be a:
interested as the students and the community't
citizens to provide regulations to insure fair treat
ment for taxicab patrons. It is the right of those
charging legitimate prices to insist that all operat
ors be required to conduct their business on th
same basis.I
Ann Arbor's citizens owe it to the University
to make transportation available at reasonablE
prices. Accommodations for the students are a
natter of interest to the city. Students have police
and fire protection, and they must be protected
ikewise against exploitation by profiteers. Th
ssue is particularly important because of the fact
hat the student body is not permitted to drive
automobiles and must depend on commercia
0- -
(Cornell Daily Sun)
VARGE enrollments are reported by most American
L universities in this Year of the Depression, 1931
Despite the business gloom, or maybe because of it
everal schools in the East or along the Pacific coast
re reporting record classes. Only in the Middle
Vest, where twenty-five cent wheat keeps Johnny at
some taking care' of the cows and the pigs, has any
erious decline in registration been felt.

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Blain Tooth Brush and 2
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p Pomade (white and rose)
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bury's Soap, 3 for....................
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