ESTABLISHED 1890 K.r r kk 40 at MEMBER ASSOCIATE PRESS VOL. XLI. No. 70 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1931 PRICE FT 25 POISONED BY LAW CLUB FOOD 2 IN INFIRMARY Oyster Cocktails Are Blamed by Health Service. H its Radio Sales Talk LOCAL MAN DIES AS 2 PLANES HIT I IMIMIC BATTLE ICE TEAM WINS FROBM CANADIANSI Michigan Hockey Team Defeats Western Ontario by 3.2 Score. REID MAKES LAST GOAL Three Die Selfridge Field Fliers in Crash Near New Baltimore. TESTS TO BE RUN Forty Cases of Food Poisoning Reported in Last Month. Poisoned by food received at . the Lawyers' club, nine students ... have reported for treatment at Assoc zted Press Photo the health service during the past Rep. Edwin L. Davis of Tennes- two days and it was estimated by see, Democrat and the prospective Club officials that at least 25 had chairmancof the Rouse merchant bee afecedto lsse dgre. marine committee, opposes the been affectedetoea lesste ere amount of time given~ to rdo ad Only two were kept in the infirm- ofvertishig and plans to have it con- ary. sidcred by the committee. Health service doctors attribut- ed the food poisoning or infection to some raw foods which have been served recently, pointingS probably to oyster cocktails which the Lawyers had for dinner Tues- day. If any further cases are re- N tS H0 d d if l CHAS. WILSON VICTIM Pilots Found Dead in Wreckage of Planes; Neither Was Burned. NEW BALTIMORE, Mich., Dec. 17.-(/P)--Mimic warfare by eightl Army airplanes f r o m Selfridge, Mich., resultec in tie death of three fliers near, here today, as two of the planes collided in mid-air and crashed in a field. Second Lieut. Lawrence W. Koons, 23, Bloomington, Ill., and Second Lieut. Charles W. Wilson, 22, Air Corps Reserve, Ann Arbor, Mich., pilots of the two planes, were un- able to free themselves fro their ships and crashed to death. Sgt. Walter Lauver,, 26, Big Cove, Pa., attempted a parachute leap to a height of 50 feet. His body was found 200 yards from one of the wrecked planes, the parachute half opened. The planes were part of a group 4engaged in mimic warfare drill in the vicinity of Selfridge Field. Sgt. Lauver and Lieut. Koons were fly- ing beneath the central formation, and the crash occurred w h e n Koons' plane nosed up, striking the single-seater ship piloted by Lieut. Wilson. Parachute Useless. Both planes went into side slips after the collision, and the pilots apparently had no chance to use their parachutes. The planes fell in adjoining fields, 300 yards apart. Both pilots were found dead in the wreckage. Neither plane caught fire. Lieut. Koons was a regular pilot attached to the pursuit group at Selfridge Field, while Sgt. Lauver was training as an observer. Lieut. Wilson, a reserve officer, was drill- ing, with the Selfridge squadron. All were attached to the 17th pur- suit group. The scene of the acci- dent is two miles southeast of Sel- fridge Field. ir e ana it sampeso U the fIoods e available, tests will be run z them, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, rector of the Health Service, said - - - - - -- - - m vw v m a a %W I igations Made. Cole; director of the that an investigation le and that the affect- rere all recovering. No were reported. ivestigation by Health -s a month ago showed centage of such cases r's club students than udent body as a whole. es of food poisoning udent body have been ie Health Service dur-, Professor Grover C. Grismore, of the Law school, who is in charge of the Club, pointed out that this is the first case of its kind during the year. He confirmed the judgment of the doctors, stating that the cause of the infection was very probably the oyster cocktails. FRANK SAYS COA0CH IS NOT 0DISCH'RTE Wisconsin President Denies That. He Asked Resignation of Thistlethwaite. MADISON, Dec. 17.-(AP)-Pub- lished reports that Pres. Glenn Frank, of the University of Wiscon- sin, had asked for the resignationj of Glenn Thistlethwaite, head foot- ball coach, met with unqualifiedl denial from the president today. President Frank was reported to have told the legislative committee! invesigating the athletic depart- ment that Coach Thistlethwaite was through. Late Wire Flashes Thursday, December 17, 1931 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. - (1P) - Postmaster General Brown today told the air mail operators they must face a 10 per cent cut in base pay. A committee was appointed to work out how the deficiency of over $600,000 in the amount allotted for carrying the mails by air can be made up. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 17.-(IP)-A guarantee that the $75,000 ransom, would be paid for the safe return of Mrs. Nell Quinlan Donnelly, the wealthy Kansas City garment man- ufacturer, held by kidnapers wno have threatened to blind her, was made today by former Sen. James A. Reed. Members of Publication Staffs With B Averages Awarded $50 Apiece. Nine students who have worked on student publications for four se- meseters or more and received a B average in their studies were re- warded with scholarships of $50 each yesterday by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Those receiving the awards are Katherine - Sitton, 132, Virginia Ladd, '32, Maureen Knox, '32, Agnes Graham, '32, Margaret Thompson, '32, William W. Knox, '32, Charles A. Sanford, '32, Nathan Fred, '32, and I William J. Gorman, Grad. Katherine Sitton, Virginia Ladd and Maureen Knox are all members of the 'Ensian business staff, Miss Ladd being the present women's business manager. Agnes Graham is the present women's editor of the 'Ensian. Margaret Thompson, Charles San- ford and William Gorman are all members of The Daily editorial staff, Miss Thompson being wom- en's editor, Sanford a member of the sports department and Gorman music and drama critic for the past three years. William Knox is the present man- aging editor of the 'Ensian and Nathan Fred is a member of the Gargoyle business staff. AW SHUCKS!r E Michigan Fifteenth in Size of Nation's Colleges. Local pride which repeatedly ranks the University of Michigan among the first five universities of the nation in respect to size has been justifiably exploded. Figures from the department of interior list fourteen institutions of higher learning as having larger student bodies than Michigan. Columbia leads the list with 36,000. Five Big Ten institutions outrank Michigan in s.ize: Chicago, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio State, and Wiscon- sin, according to the figures. Local feeling can at least be soothed by the fact that the report based on the department of in- terior's figures spells the name of our city in the usual way, "Ann1 Harbor." THE WEATHER Lower Michigan: Friday increas- ing cloudiness; Saturday unsettled; not much change in temperature., Engineering Freshmen Get New Requirements Freshmen in the College of Engi- neering next year will have a new Wolverines Win With Only 45 Seconds to Go; Display Strong Defense. By John Thomas I Emmy Reid received a backhand 1 pass from Kieth Crossman and hushed the puck into the net with less than 45 seconds of the last period remaining. to be played, to win, 3 to 2, from the fast skating Western Ontario hockey team last night in the Coliseum before 600 frenzied spectators.- Western Ontario had tied the score on a lucky break after half of the final session had been played- Marsden took the puck on a re- bound off the wall and battedit towards the goal. Michigan's right defenseman, Chapman, in an effort to clear the rubbei' from in front of the goal accidentally bounced it off' his stick into an unprotected cor- ner of the net. Marsden was given credit for the point. Have Strict Defense. Michigan opened up then and took all kinds of shots but could, not get the puck past goalie Bowen. Both teams were going at top speed in an effort to break the tie but strick defenses kept all attempts at bay until Crossman and Reid finally broke through the Canadians' sec- ond line and scored. Frequent tumbles resulted from the fast play of this third and the crowd kept up a continuous cheer throughout the twenty minutes of skating. Chapman recovered after making the unfortunate play to tie the score for the visitors and was the bulwark' of Michigan's defense in the last few minutes. 'dar~Seeres.' - Marsden opened the scoring two minutes after the starting whistle, by taking a pass from James and cutting across in front of Tomp- kins to pound the puck into a cor- ner. Crossman came back a minute later and evaded the defenses. He hooked a pass to Reid to score while outwitting the opposing goal- ie. After, this scoring spree both teams settled down to regular hoc- key, driving the puck towards the opponent's goal until stopped and then rushing back on defense. Arm- strong, wingman for the visitors, showed that he was the fast skater that advance dope had marked him to be, but Chapman and McCollum kept his charges from resulting in scores by rugged body checking. This hard first period slowed him down and he did not threaten Michigan in either of the other two periods. Crossman took the rubber down the ice through three Western On- tario skaters until he was stopped by the last defense man, McCallum. David skated in fast to cover the center ice in front of the Cana- dians' goal, reached out and hooked the puck from under the feet of Crossman and McCallum. It was a simple matter to push it into the net and this goal put Michigan in; the lead. Reid and Crossman formed Mich- igan's best puck-passing combina- tion again last night. These two veterans were the key of the Wol- verine offense and they did most of the shooting. Their long shots were raised off the ice and true to the goal every time but consistent saves by Bowen kept any of the long shots from scoring. Christmas Greetings I welcome this opportunity to extend to you our best wishes for a happy holiday season. To those who will spend Christmas at home may I say that the Uni- versity is proud to be represented by you and believes that it merits your loyalty and esteem. We hope you will carry to your com- munities the greetings of your University and something of the ideals of the institution. To those who will remain in Ann Arbor, we suggest that you feel that you are in a real sense at home for from now on each loyal student has two homes-a pater- nal one and an "alma maternal" one. Alexander G. Ruthven. HOMECOMING HEAD IS NAMEDBY UNION Conklin Chosen as Chairman of Committee for Spring Entertainment. Plans for the second annual Spring Homecoming, to be held May 6, 7, and 8, were officially in- auui ated today with tne naming of a committee who will arrange the program and see that the re- turning alumni are entertained. The purpose of the Homecoming is to give the graduates the op- portunity of seeing the University under normal operating conditions. It will be held on the same week- end that the dual track meet with Illinois is scheduled. Hugh R. Conklin, '32, president of the Union, is the committee chairman. Katherine K o c h, '32, League president, is the vice-chair- man. Edward Kuhn, '32, recording secretary of the Union, will act as secretary. k Committee members representing campus groups are: J. A. Bursley, dean of students, from the Uni- versity; T. Hawley Tapping, Alum- ni Association; John Lederle, '33, Union; Enid Bush, '33, League; John A. Thompkins, '32, Athletic association; "Edward J. McCormick, '32, Student Council; Allison Evans, '32E, Engineering Council; Rich- ard L. Tobin, '32, The Daily; How- ard T. Worden, '32, Interfraternity Council; Josephine Timberlake, '32, Pan Hellenic association; Russell Bailey, '32A, Architectural society. MICHIGAN TECHNIC TO APPEAR TODAY for' Center on -Americ I Morrison Picke By Richard L. Tobin Maynard L. (Doc) Morrison, '32, center on Michigan's iq Ten co-championship football team, became the seventeenth erine to gain All-American recognition today when Grantland official selector of the Collier's All-America, inaugurated by I Camp, chose the Royal Oak player on his first string eleven announcement became official this morning with the publica the December 26 issue of Collier's. Grantland Rice says of Morrison: "Two years ago Morrison was converted from a plungir back into a center and asked to carry on the tradition of ANN ARBOR GRADUATE Second Lieut. Wilson is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Wilson, 134 South Main Street. He was a grad- uate of Ann Arbor High school in 1926 where he was prominent in dramatics and publication work., He was engaged to Jane Wilson, '27Ed, who is at the present time teaching in Badaxe. They were to be married on Sept. 26. CH INESE SOLDIERS FIRE ONSTUDENTS1 Rioters Storm Newspaper Plant, Nationalist Headquarters at Nanking. (By Associated Press) Chinese troops fired on rioting university students who wrecked a newspaper plant and Kuomintang (Nationalist) headquarters at Nan- king yesterday. The students cleared away theirl own wounded and it was impossible to determine how many had fallen. The demonstration, staged against China's "weak" policy toward Ja- pan, took place as southern Na- tionalist leaders arrived in Nanking to set up a new and stronger gov- ernment. Sun Fo, son of China's first presi- dent and one of the principal mem- bers of the southern group, declared the new administration would in- augurate a stiffer policy in connec- tion with Manchurian affairs and would "exert every effort to recover our lost rights and lost territory." Japanese civilian authorities in Mukden said prospects for a blood- less settlement of the controversy over Chinchow were increasing. Court Clears Docket; Throws Out Six Cases Six cases were nol prossed in cir- cuit court yesterday by motion of Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp. Among them were the cases of three men arrested in the liquor raid on Sea- gert's saloon about two years ago. Tn' 'A' _Unr- n n...nan ync -n - Transition From College Life Profession Described by Harrington. Pob Michigan's Star Pivot Man Is Select to Grantland Rice i Collier's; Hewitt Given Honors. MICHIGAN'S ALL-AMERICANS! Willie Heston H.B. Germany Schultz C. Al Benbrook G.E Stan Wells E.t Jimmy Craig H.B. John Maulbetsch' H.B.1 E. J. Almendinger G. I Cedric Smith F.B." Frank Steketee F.B. Ernie Vick C. Harry Kipke H.B. Jack Sltt C. Butch Slaughter G. Benny Friedman Q.B. Bennie Oosterbaan E. Otto Pommerening T. DOC MORRISON C. Triple Bolt Menace Fails to Discourage Migrating Students Carl S. Forsythe . Triple. Polts', ,eyidently meant nothing to the many students who yesterday cast their cares aside and N took leave of Ann Arbor for the 1 holiday recess. Today the campusG will find only a few students left, and the numerous charitable or-f ganizations will find it necessary tor terminate their persistent drivesI for the ever-desirable students' change. With the bus companies and theu railroads offering reduced rates, the, students have been bargaining forE tickets, some even refusing to pur- chase them and resorting to the popular "thumb" method. Many of the students will attend1 University of Michigan Club partiesP during the vacation in their homeP cities, while others will travel south to be with parents who are vaca- tioning far from the winter zones. Following New Years the plastic body will migrate back',to Ann Ar- bor-to final examinations, the J-I Hop, the new semester, and fun. RE-STATE R, USHING RULES TO HOUSES Fraternities Warned by Councilt Not to Violate Freshman Dating' Rule., Fraternities were warned yester-I day that the rule- stating that not dates should be made with fresh- men for the intensive rushing per-t iod, which will begin early in thef second semester, would be rigidlyf enforced. The Interfraternity Coun-t cil announced that houses violatingi this section of the by-laws of de-N ferred rushing would be subject toe disciplinary action by the JudiciaryI committee. Freshmen were also requested tot acquaint themselves thoroughlyr with the rules. Booklets containing these may be secured at the council office in the Union. Plans of the council for the new year were announced yesterday by Howard Gould, '32, secretary-trea- surer. There will be a meeting for house presidents at 12:15 o'clock, Wednesday, Jan. 20, at the Union. The regular council meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday, Jan. 13, in room 306, of the Union. Office hours will be held from 3 to 5 o'clock every day except Sat- urday and Sunday, it was announc- center play at Michigan, a s that has developed in the such pivot men as Schultz, S Miller, Vick, Blott, Brown anc ers. Morrison developed rapidl this year he reached the top form. He is a good passer, r hard offensive charge and roving center on defense. Mu the ground gained by Michiga: year was gained behind Mor while on defense few ,yards gained by opposing teams be the Michigar kles. He is a f , defeise ma : 1the forward "Michigan' "a11 The transition from college to professional activity in the life of the average young man is described by Richard H. Harrington, '25E, De- troit engineer, in the latest edition of the Michigan Technic, out today. "This transition from academic atmosphere and college society to professional atmosphere and urban1 society can only be understood," Harrington says, "by studying the personal character and type of the individual." So he picks out the case of one student who received his Bachelor1 of Science degree in chemical engi- neering here in 1925, his Master's degree, specializing in metallurgy in 1926, and his doctor's degree in metallurgy in 1929. This student had also worked as a teaching as- sistant in metallurgy from 1926 to 1929. The student had not belonged to any fraternity but had been con- nected with the baseball and track teams and had entered into social activities such as dancing and can- oeing. Then came the transition. He had not considered what he would do, when out of college until he had completed his examination for the doctor's degree. Now, he received offers from various firms and de- cided to try one large Chicago elec- trical firm. But here he found little freedom, an army system of regu- lation, dirty, and cupboard-like liv- ing quarters. He naturally did not accept the position. Harrington then relates how the young man got in touch with the General Electric company at Sche- (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) Arctic Explorers May Get Bravery Medals! scored more yardage against Nc western than Minnesota, Illh Indiana, and Princeton comb could score against the Mich squad. Against Northwestern against all his other opponer except Michigan-Jack Mandex Minnesota compiled such an posing record of yardage tha was called the equal, if not superior, of Herb Joesting; against Michigan the plungin Manders was reduced to a whi; All Minnesota could show in r Ing Michigan was one first dow Morrison's colleagues on the All-American team are: Wood Harvard - quarterback; Schw Notre Dame - halfback; Rent Northwestern - halfback; Sha U.S.C.-fullback; Hickman, Ten see - guard; Munn, Minneso guard; Quatse, Pittsburgh-tac Schwegler, Washington -- tac Smith, Georgia--end; and Dalr ple, Tulane-end. Bill Hewitt, plunging Mich fullback, was given distinctive ognition by Mr. Rice in his selec as one of the six best men at position in the United States. Mr. Rice recently termed Mc son on a par with Tichnor, H ard's great pivot man of 1930 said, "Morrison, was to Mich this fall what Ben Tichnor wa the 1930 Harvard team." Doc Morrison becomes Michig fourth All-America center. many Schultz was'the first, t followed by Ernie Vick and Blott. Bob Brown, Michigan's tain in 1925, was also named some authorities on All-Amer teams. Morrison himself was se ed on a number of All-Amer elevens last year and this, recei official Big Ten Conference he in 1930. He is 5 feet 10 inches weighs 210 pounds, is a Sphinx a Michigamua, and goes horn Delta Tau Delta fraternity e ight. His real home is in R9 Oak, where he was banqueted night by friends and colleague Prof. Reeves Given Definition of Cas Prof Jesse Reeves, head of political science department, v given a -new slant on "cas yesterday when a student in : lecture hall came to the res( of the student body and offe a definition. Professor Reeves was lecturi "The constitution gives the 1 Michigan Thompkins McCollum Chapman Crossman. Reid Frumkes Michigan Pos. G LD RD C R W LW W. Ontario Bowen McCallum Sinclair Marsden Armstrong James Spares: David, Sindles, Porte. Western Ontario spares: Stewart, Maule, Misner, Tieman, Knight. Referee: Fox, of Detroit. Scoring: First Period: Marsden (W.O.) 1:45; James assist. Cross-' man (M) 2:35; Reid assist. Penal- ties: Maule (W.O.). Second Period: David (M) 12:30; Crossman assist. Penalties: Sinclair, McCallum (W. O.). Third Period: Marsden (W.O.) 10:25. Reid (M) 19:15; Crossman assist Penalties: Chapman (M). WASHIN There'll be in the Chri B. Fall. lie will ,roha, hi m rt^.1.rlYNXT T"Ian 17 - /IP1 Ln, ree . )~ set of curriculum requirements to no release from prison stmas stocking of Albert satisfy, according to Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, secretary of the College.1 spend the holiday-and The engineering faculty yesterday1 Y m, weaes f thP. new nfo] to+n unane n h Tsrma - r_