THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY CHUCRH W8DKJ SeriousLy Injured , SAMMYSQUIRT: THE ST YJ us1 -r myL-tJC.)(- T a N HUlT/ A% O Mf1 ~ K .AN' Will Consider Religion in Higher T4 Education at Meeting Collegians at Chicago. TO BE DEC. .28, 29, 30V Heller to Present Chief Paper; Blakeman Will Also Give Talk. Religion in higher education is to be under consid~tv. in a confer- ence of church workers in universi- ties called together Dec. 28, 29, 30, at the University of Chicago. It will include papers by two Ann Ar1bor- ministers, Rabbi Bernard Heller and Dr. E. W. Blakeman. Health S The conference purpose is an-LL Increas nounced as a study of objectives, program and power resources for ! Despite th the religious life of students and thrlgi s hrM sgpciated Press Photo b of serioSus i will baring together University pas- AQ4tttedPres PtotIofTsriou tors, professors of religion, preach- Winston Churchill, British states- among stude ers in university cities, and univer- man here for a lecture tour, was Leader of German Fascists Hits er Bity professors. injured when h was knocked down Health servic On the program ia.e m n repre- by a taxicab- in New York City. at Government, Accusig November in senting the studet communities of Docters feared serious complication It of Illusion. 1 Dr. Warren E Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, might develop from his injuries. The month Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, BERLIN, Dec. 16. - (A') - Adolf ber shows a and Michigan. fl*,- l (I l 9r Hitler's expected 40-page reply to hygiene inter The range of discussion is out- : Chancellor Bruening appeared to- in 1930, 437 c lined under six independent sec- day in the form of an open letter tory infectio tions: educational theory of the in which the Nazi leader charged ---_-- religious work in state universities, the present government of Ger- over which Prof. W. C. Boewr of the manywith following a policy of Divinity School of the University, ofF illusion.BE Chicago will preside, the leading 'It reiterated the National Social- paper to be offered by Dr. Blake- Europe Facig Bankruptcy, Is ist bid for power, predicted the man, director of Wesley foundation Claim of Speaker Before party's ultimate triumph and de- at the University of Michigan. Glared the Nazi movement legal. The second section will concern S.C.A. Forum. "What you, Mr. Chancellor, de- art and worship and will be presid- mand," Hitler wrote, "is that there ed over by Dr. Paul Burt of the Paul T. Harris, of the Institute of [shall be no opposition whatever. University of Iowa, the paper to be International Affairs, discussed the i The use of police . power can, of delivered by the Rev. Mr. Von Og- question, "Is There A New Patriot--J course, forbid speaking and writing, den Vogt, minister of the First ism," Tuesday afternoon in Natural but that is tolerable only when a Unitarian Church, Chicago. Science auditorium. Mr. Harris d government achieves great success. The other sections will be upon If we are not to talk, why not give the objective of co-operative effort, clared at the beginning of his talk ( us the power and we will cease talk- practice and pastoral procedure, the that the question could not be defi- ing and go to work." message of the Church to the Uni- nitely settled. Referring to the charge of the l versity center, and religious drama. "Nearly all of the European na- 1 chancellor's, that the National So- The opening dinner for the con- tions 'hre coming to the conclusion cialist movement is illegal, Hitler ference, Dec. 28, will be presided tllat a new patriotism is. arising. said: over by Dean Shailer Matthews of Americans declare that there is not. "The only illegal things about the University of Chicago and the Nearly every country in Europe to- our movement are the agents pro- address of the evening will be given day is on the verge of bankruptcy. ocators. The government itself, we by Father Thomas Egan 3. J., Dead People are beginning to doubt the can prove puts those agents there. of the College of Arts and Sciences, ideals that they have cherished for Fifteen National Socialists have Loyola University. - years. been killed during the past year The evening of Dec. 29 is given "The Englishman is slowly real- and 4,000 injured." over to students of Iowa, North- izing that his navy is not the im- The movement, Hitler insisted, western, and Purdue who will speak pregnable mistress of the waves. He declines the delivery of Germany upon the general subject "Youth sees that his government is no to bolshevism. Its spirit, he added, Looks Upon Religion." longer a democracy. Its government is one of liberty. -- --- _- is bordering on dictatorship. . "Many former soldiers are in its LIBERAL $TUD$NT "Germany, the place of placidity, ranks," he said. "They know *r, is praying for a war to relieve her but they would rather give their CLUBS TO CONFER of debts to foreign countries. The lives than lose their liberty. If you ---_ military party is doing everything try to kill that spirit you sign the New York, Chicago to Be Scenes possible to gain control of the ideath warrant of the German na- i k.A . party," said Mr. Harris. tion."- ARRY HEIGHTS I ervice Calls se in November .I e fact that few cases Postmaster A. C. Pack announce llness were reported yesterday that three extra i-ne ants during the month have been placed at the Nickels Ai , total calls at the cade branch to handle the studer ce showed the annual rnaling rush. He requested studen acrease, according to to do their mailing as soon as po; E. Forsythe, director. sible. .ly report for Novem- total of 1,103 mental aminations, 8.542 dispensary cal: rviews as against 963 149 infirmary and hospital patient ases of acute respira- 39 tonsil and nose operations, an n, 797 laboratory ex- 364 X-ray examiations. jil FU i Y' I, aF S ': CHI, rlAuml .'urjoni unvetojns. I F7. (Special to The Daily) NEW YORK, N. Y., Dec. 16.- Revolutionary changes in the eco- nonmic and political structure 'of America within the next decade are predicted by a committee of students, representing the liberal clubs of more than 100 colleges, who will convene in two conferences in New York and Chicago, Dec. 28 to 30 todiscuss objectives and meth- ods in "Guiding and Revolution." "The breakdown of the capital- ist system occasioned the gravest - crisis in the history of the United States, has made it imperative that students join in a movement to create a world free from poverty, strife and class distinctions," de- l clared Miss Rva Stocker, a Vassar college senior, in issuing the con- ference call for delegates from ll colleges. She is the chairman of the In- tercollegiate STudent Council for Industrial Democracy, national confederation of liberal clubs, un- der whose auspices the conference will be held. An attendance of approximately 400 students from 50 eastern col- leges is expected at the New York sessions which will be held at the Union Theological seminary, and an equal number of delegates is ex- pected from the middle-western and western colleges for the Chi- cago sessions, to be held in the University of Chicago. Ohio farmers paid out 32,603,000 for feed, including hay, grain and1 mill products during 1929. Special Vacation Service at the lowest student rates in history Final Reservations Today To Fit Your Pocketbook CAMPUS TRAVEL BUREAU At the Parrot, 12-8 P. M. Phone 9171 MAjESTIC NOW PLAYING THRILL OF ALL TIME! "Frankenstem" TONIGHT 11:00 P. M. STUDENT MIDNIGHT SHOW 215-217 South Ashley Strect Out of the High Rent Distr it COMING SATURDAY Ronald Colman-"UNHQLY GARDEN" Alnaton0 You Tr? Somebod9 New f% Friday, Dcember . . . But you'll be back to the WALK-OVER Shop. WALK-OVERS bring 'em back sea- son after season, year after year, because they are such good shoes and so reasonably priced. New low prices, $6.50 and $8.50. SOUTFPBOUND: .. . :OTAP'L' C' n'* nT rwA rl-TT !_FATNT 1 I