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December 17, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-17

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4 aii




WEATHER: Cloudy, possible rain.



Camden, Ark., was one of the worst sufferers from the storms that
wrecked property and took human life in Arkansas, Louisiana and Mis-
sissippi. These scenes show how a tornado chiseled most of the second
floor off the courthouse (top) and blasted out both front and rear walls
of the First Methodist church (below).

Dean Edward Kra4 of Summer
Session Says A "uncement
Will Be Ready Jan. 15.
Catalogue to Include Summary
of All Courses Which
Will Be Offered.
The 1932 Summer Session will be-
gin June 17 and close Sept. 1, ac-
cording to an abridged announce-
ment which will be ;issued, begin-
ning today, to prospeetive students
at the office of the ;Dean of the
Summer Session; Edward H. Kraus.
The calendar giving June 17 as
the opening date for registration in
the Law School includes dates for
registration and begiining of class
work in the Law Schol, geography,
geology, a n d biological stations,
and other schools and colleges. '
To Be Complete March 15.
The revised edition of the abridg-
ed announcement will be issued
about Jan. 15, Dean Kraus' said.
The complete announcement will
be ready for distribution about Mar.
The abridged announcement car-
ries a summary of courses to be of-
fered at the summer term.n
The Summer Session calendar
+ Juoe 17, 18, 20. Registration in
the Law School.
June 21. Work begins in the Lawj
School, and at the Geology and
Geography Station.
June 21-25. Session of the Alum-
ni University. '
June 24, 25. Registration in all
other Schools and Colleges.
June 27. Work begins in all other
Schools and Colleges, and at the
Biological Station.
July 5. Four-week 'tcourses in the
School of Education begin.
July 23. Four-week courses in
Athletic°C'oaohing 'en" .
July 27. Second term In the Law
School begins.
July 29. Four-week courses in the
School of Education end.
July 30. Session ends at the Geo-
logy and Geography Station.
Aug. 5. Work closes in the Medi-
cal School (six-week courses) and
in Hygiene and Public Health.
Aug. 19 Session ends in the Col-
leges of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, of Engineering, of Architec-
ture, and of Pharmacy, in the Med-
ical School (eight-week courses),
School of Dentistry, School of Edu-
cation, School of Business Admin-
istration, School of Music, and the
Graduate School; at the. Forestry
and Conservation Camp and at
Camp Davis.
Aug. 20. Session ends at the Bio-
logical Station.-
Sept. 1. Session ends in the Law
Comedy Club Elects
Six toMembership
As rewards for acting and tech-
nical work done on their recent
production, "The Streets of- New
York," Comedy club named six new
members yesterday. Those elected
were William V. Mulroney, '32, Wil-
liam Rhodes, '33, Jack B. Nestle, '33,1
Orin -Parker, '33, Ann Verner, '33,
and Harry McCain, '32.
Other business taken up at the
meeting yesterday included the re-
port of the play reading committee
which will soon announce the choice
of a play to be given by the club
Feb. 25 to 27.
Before tryouts for the next show
begin after vacation a banquet will
be held at which plans will be made
for future productions.

Lackadaisical Upper-Classmen
Confuse Classification.
A new problem has cropped up to
bother the people who close the
sections over in room 4, University
It isn't that advance classifica-
tion hasn't been going well; it has,
which is proved by the fact that 62
sections were filled when the office
closed last night. It seems that
each 'of, the classes has had one
week allotted it in which to classi-
The plan has always worked fine
heretofore, and it's going good now.
The trouble is that only a part of
the seniors classified week before
last, while a portion of the juniors
who were slated to pick out their
courses last week didn't bother,
So now, in addition to the sopho-
mores who are supposed to have
exclusive use of the facilities of the
office this week, there have been
numerous members of th upper
classes trying to make up for lost
Advance predictions seem to in-
dicate that the freshmen who are
supposed to do their classifying the
first week after vacation will have
a tough time.
Pittsburgh Five Wins
From Hoosiers, 29-24
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Dec. 16.-.1
/P) - Indiana University's speedy
cagers cracked in an overtime per-
iod game here tonight, and gave
Pittsburgh leeway enough to push
over a.29 to 24 victory in the Hoos-
iers' home court, the Pittsburgh
team rallying strongly as the Crim-
son team wilted.
Students May Drive.
After Tomorrow Noon
Respite from the automobile reg-
ulation for the two-weeks Christ-
mas vacation period was announced
yesterday by Walter B. Rea, assist-
ant. to the dean of students. The
ban will be lifted at noon tomor-
row and is to .be resumed .at 8:00
o'clock Monday morning, January
Rea called particular attention to
the necessity for procuring 1932
permit tags for all cars with new
licenses and bearing student per-
imits. He indicated 'that students
permitted to drive should register
their 1932 plates with him as soon
as they were procured.
This ruling applies also to cars
in storage in Ann Arbor and those
operated by Ann Arbor residents,
who are permitted to use cars on
al family business if they have
been registered with the dean of
Galens Raises $1500
for Cripples' Party
Students and townspeople re-
sponded to the appeal of Galens,
junior medical society, which yes-
terday completed a two-day drive
to raise funds for the annual
Christmas party for crippled child-
ren in University hospital, to the
extent of about $1,500, it was an-
pounced last night.
Comparison with the collection of
previous years revealed that the
proceeds of the 1931 tag sale were
somewhat smaller than those of
1930. A total of $1,900 was donated
last year.

Michigan State
Sports Program
Making Money
EAST LANSING, Dec. 16.-(1P)-
While depleted revenues are keep-
ing many college athletic directors
busy with their budgets, Michigan
State's athletic program is appar-
ently on a sounder financial basis
than last year..
Ralph H. Young, Spartan ath-
letic director, announced today that
indications were that football rev-
enues will exceed the income of last
year. Complete figures are not
available inasmuch as a final ac-'
counting has not been made on the
Michigan and Detroit games.
In contrast with many other
schools, Michigan State authorities
do not plan any curtailment of the
s p o r t s program. Intercollegiate
hockey competition will be elimin-
ated this year, but weather condi-
tions are responsible.
State's winter sports w ill be
somewhat affected by the athletic
depression in other colleges. One
match probably will be, dropped
from fencing, wrestling and swim-
ming in view of existing financial
conditions among -Michigan State's
competitors. '
State's southern trip during the
baseball training season will be
scheduled the same as in past years.
Director Young said that reven-
ues probably will go above the $98,.
400 sports budget at the college. It
as estimated that receipts would
tttal at least $105,000.

Award Given to Professor
Outstanding Scholarly


Selection of the Henry Russel lec-,
turer for 1932 was announced last
night by Dean Edward, H. Kraus
president of the University Re-
search club, at a meeting in the
East Medical building. Prof. Jesse
Siddall Reeves was named to fill
the position for this year.
Established in 1920 by Henry Rus-
sel, '73, of Detroit, the endowment
provides that the income from the
bequest should be used to provide
additional compensation to mem-
bers of the University instructing
In May, 1925, th6 Regents deter-
mined that $250 of the income
should be used annually for the
purpose,of providing for the Henry
Russel lecture, to be given by a
member of the University staff
sometime between the April vaca-
tion and May 30.
The Russel award, given each
year to the member of the univer-
sity faculties of the rank of assist-
ant professor .or instructor whose
achievements in scholarly activi-,
ties and whose future seem to mer-
it the appointment, amounts.# to
$250, derived from the proceeds of
the lecture.
Previous lecturers have been Prof.
Moses Gomberg, Dr. F. G. Novy,'
Prof. Henry A. Sanders, Dr. Alfred
S. Warthin, Prof. Claude H. Van
Tyne, and Prof. William H. Hobbs
Each year's lecturer is selected by
the executive board of the Research

Secretary Stimson, Mills Argu
Cause Before Committees
of Both Houses.
McFadden Receives Rebuke fc
Charges Made Against
the President.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. - ( '-
Another turbulent session of ten
sion-ridden oratory and quiet, fer
ent appeal today saw the Hoov
moratorium advance slowly towar
a vote in the House.
Secretary Stimson and Under
Secretary Mills of . the Treasur
swho stood at the President's elbo'
during the trying period of negot
ation that preceded the debt hol
day, pleaded its cause before toi
committees of both chambers o
The Cabinet member said that i
purpose had been to halt a spread
ing financial panic that threatene
to engulf the business centers <
Europe and America as well.
Mills Waxes Eloquent
Mills' usual suave urbanity yield
ed to forceful eloquence and arde
gesticulation as he asserted:
"Right or wrong, the President
action was absolutely necessary t
avert a major disaster."
Meanwhile, the House arose i
applause as Rep. Beedy, tall; angu
lar Maine Republican, administere
a stinging rebuke to McFadden c
Pennsylvania, for his remarks C
yesterday that President Hoove
had "sod out to Germany" an
violated his, oath of office.
"His announcement that res
dent Hoover in December, 1930, de
ceived his own Cabinet to aid tl
German Government and ro t
American people is unquestionab
a falsehood," Beedy said. "I den
in toto every charge contained i
the gentleman's speech whl 'at
tributes to the President an
betrayal of the interests of th
American people."
Members Cheer.
In defending President Hoovf
against McFadden's charge, Beed
said that in all American, histor
he had heard of nothing that word
parallel "the infamous speech c
the gentleman from Pennsylvania
1Republicans arose and cheered a
he asserted:
"I demand pfoof that the Pres
dent Vas an agent of the Germa
Government." At this point, Rej
'Bankhead, an Alabama Demcra
brought members of both partie
to their feet in a ringing dvation b
"I want to take this occasion t
call attention to the fact that thes
charges-amounting in effect to a
:mpeachment off the President c
the-United States for pih crime
and misdemeanors--do. not cci
from the Democratic side."
Late in the day, Rep. Snell, th
Republican floor leader, and a grou
f his party members reported t
President Hoover on the MFadde
incident. Snell told the chief execu
tive he believed both tle Democra
rnd Republicans had repudiate
'.he Pennsylvanian's assertions.

1,000 Troops, Holding Defens
Position, Driven From
(By Associated Press)
A thousand Chinese troops, oc
cupying a strong defensive positio
behind thick mud walls and i
blockhouses, were driven from Ma
chiatsai, Manchuria, by 200 Jap
anese Wednesday. The Chinese lo:
34 men and the Japanese five.
In an engagement south of Char
chun, 20 bandits were killed by tt
Japanese authorities pressed o
with the organization of civil gov
ernment in Manchuria, with ever
indication that they would dom
nate the province economically. Tt
Japanese have taken over railwa
lines formerly operated by tt
Chinese and have assumed contrc
of financial houses, mining proper
,ties and commercial enterprises.
In Tokio Premier Inukai proceed
ed with the organization of his ne


More than 200 spectators watched
the first annual Novice boxing
tournament last night in the box-
ing room of the Intramural build-
ing. Seven bouts went three
rounds to a decision and John Kir-
by was given a technical knockout
over Hugh Rumler for the light-
heavyweight title.
Kirby used straight lefts to with-
stand Rumler in the first two ses-
sions and.landed a series of hard
rights on the Rumler's nose. In the
third round it bled so profusely that
h'is effectiveness was destroyed, and
his second threw the towel into
the ring, forfeiting the fight.
Bollock easily won the heavy-
weight title from Thevine. When
Coach Let Philbin could not find
an opponent for the husky Bollock,
Thevine offered to challenge him,
He had to give Bollock more than
25 pounds and in the first round
this advantage began to tell as Bol-
lock tired him out.
Thevine realized this and decided

while the crowd drowned out the'
referee's counting with laughter.
When the bout ended the crowd
thundered its applause for The-
vine's antics and went away laugh-
ing and joking about him.
Hertric won the first fight on the
card by outpointing Wolfe in the
bantamweight division. Bill Pocock
got a large ovation from the aud-
ience as he climbed through the
ropes and proceeded to outbox and
outhit Marshal Leff for the feather-
weight crown.
VerBurg won the referee's deci-
sion after the judges had voted for
a draw from Mortimer. The light-
weights'put on one of the outstand-
ing fights of the evening steady
mixing throughout their battle.
Salas won the welterweight title by
outpointing Birdturf in a fast bout.
Both fighters could punch and Sal-
as had his Qpponent on the run as
the third round ended.
Felker won an easy decision from
Cole in the middlewaioM t eaesq

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