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December 16, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-16

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Published every morning except Monday during the Univ.rsity yO
q the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publicatio~n of all news dispatches credited to it or not. otherWise
redited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as seeond
lass matter. Special rate of postage grantea by ThiM Assistantl
Postmaster Genera.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.51
O fies: A-m Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
L :higan. Phone't: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 492M
:ity Editor.....................................Carl Forsythe
eltorial .drector ..............................Beach Conger, Jr.
lew Ed'tor'.... ............................David M. Nichol
..rt Editor. ..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
omen's Editor ..........................Margaret M. Thompson
asistant News Editor ..........................Robert L. Pierce

has well withstood the ravages of the Depression
and has benefited by it.
The University, in order to continue its stand-
ing and capability to give knowledge and culture
to nearly Io,ooo students, should be allowed the
same grants which it has always had, and be per-
mitted to extend its services in the same free way
it has always done. If it is not allowed to, we
foresee that perhaps the Depression can be an
instrument of scholastic destruction instead of con-
struction as it is now. Evil effects can be effected
by an unwise government by officials. We hope
that they will have foresight enough this year andi
next to see that to reduce the University to an
almost penurious state to help the taxpayer will
someday result in a greater liability to the state.
A few cents reduction in taxes isn't worth it.


ink' At. COlln t
Eaurl awh-It

.J..Culen Kein

edy .mb iner hglhi
Jerry E. Rose-ttal
George A. Stauter

A Review by William J. Gorman .
Cssip Gabrilowitsch posed what
may be called the "problem of Ga-
brilowitsch" more clearly last eve-
ning than ever before. In the re-
spective halfs of last night's cora-
cert, he was respectively splendid
and ridiculous. This dramatic co.-
trast seems to be fundamental to
Mr. Gabrilowitsch's nature. He is
splendid when performing the mas-
terpieces of a past era; ridiculous
when he persistently drags out
quite wretched products of the
same era. We are grateful that his
temperament helps him make such
a good job of Brahms; we are dis-
gusted that he is so consistently al-
lowed by the impressario of the
Choral Union series to indulge the
weakness of his temperament and
do a good job of "Invitation to the
Valse" and "Hungarian Rhapsody."
Is the Ann Arbor musical audience
(which hears three symphony con-
certs a year) entirely pleased that
in the last six appearances of the
Detroit Symphony here the im-
portant compositions offered have
been the Brahms First (twice), the

uir J. Myer.4
u Jonci

Sanley W. Arheim
Lawson E. Blecker
Edward C. Caimpbell
C. Wlliams Carpenter
Thomas Connellan
Samuel G. Ellis
Dorothy Brockman
Miriam (-Carve-r
Beatrice Collins
Louipe Crandall
Elsie Feldna
Prudence Foster

Sports Aslstante
John'W. Thnomas
rred A. Ituber
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
limiry Meyer
Albert I. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Eli 7abeth Long
Frances Mnchester
Elizabeth Mann

John S. Townsend
Cuharles A. Sanford
John W. Prltghard
Joseph niha""
C. hart SeLmf
lirackley Shiaw
Parker It. Snyder
G. I. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Harden
Dorothy ]Mundell
Elnia Wadsworth
Josephine Woofthams

-]ODAY the Republican National Committee
meets to decide on when and where the na-
tional nominating convention will be held. From
all indications which have appeared in the press
lately, Chicago seems to be the leading city in the
race for the scene. Detroit, of course, will have
many supporters and might possibly get it. Cleve-
land, for various reasons, seems to be out.
For years, the convention has always been held
in June. From then until November, when the
people finally go to the polls to elect their Presi-
dent, the Press is filled with publicity on the two
major candidates. Tours and speeches take place
all summer and every night hears the radios telling
why somebody should be elected and why someone
else should not. By early September the public is
sick and tired of the whole thing and from then
until November waits passively for the election.
The United States is the only country in the
world where elections take 'so much time and mean
so little. In England, a national election which

Telephone 21214
:HARLES T. Kine..................... ..Business Manager
(ORRIS P. JOHNSON...............Assistant Manager
6epartnt'jV1 anagers
dvertising.......................................Vernon Bishop
dvertising Controwts.............. ........T.arr R.r BeIly
dvertising Service....................Byron C. Vedcler
ublications..... .........................:.::: illiam C. Brown°
econts............... ....................Richard Stratemeir
romen's Business Manager........................,Ann W. Verner

Orvil Aronson
Gilbert E Buraley
Allen dark
Robert Finn
Donna Becker
Martha Jane Cissel
Genevieve Field
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann Galrmeyer
Mary Harriman

Joh, Keyser
Arthur . Rohn
Janus JLowe
Anne Marsha
Iatharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Carolin Masher
llTCdef lsen ,

Grafton W. Shari)
jl{ .A. John lston I
Dan Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
helen Spencer
FKathryn Stork
Clare linge
Mary j'iabeth Watts




A N experiment in the publication line will be
attempted this summer when The Summer
Daily, formerly an undergraduate project, will be
placed probably on a graduate professional basis.
In an effort to provide a more adequate news
source for summer session students, to provide
better service for those enrolled, this step has been
From the editorial point of view, fully 60 per
cent of the summer enrollment is composed 9f
graduate students. In the past, for this reason, it
has been difficult for undergraduates to handle the
publication. The new system will insure tom-
petency and, at the same time, maintain continuity.
In past'years, the staffs were not paid salaries in
accordance with responsibility, since the paper
reached less than one fourth of the students. Hence
the publication was limited in size as well as
talent. It is possible, under the experiment, to
realize talent compatible with the interests of the
subscribers, and to secure this talent.
More significant, however, is the aim of pro-
ponents of the plan in improving not only the news
service but the advertising service as well. Un-
satisfactory management and operation by under-
graduates in past years prompted the new plan.
It is designed to eliminate the incom'patibility of
the interests of the reading public in the summer,
mainly those in the teaching profession,, and of
the undergraduate control interests, to present to
its subscribers a thorough digest of not only Uni-
versity news, but national and international items'
as well. We believe the Summer Daily this year
will be able to represent its community much
better than in past years, and to offer this group
the best of service.
W HEN one sees that the enrollment figures for
i VVAmerican colleges and universities are 12
per cent higher than those of five years ago, one
attempts to seek a reason for the increase. In a
report issued last week, by Dean Raymrond Walt-
ers of Swarthmore college, it was revealed that,
close to 6oo,ooo students are in attendance and all
these in spite of, or rather, because of the Depres-
One doesn't, however, have to search far for
the reason. Youths who might have left school
when their families were reduced in circumstancesj
in normal times are now compelled to do some-
thing else since jobs are not to be had. Hence'
they go back to their studies. Then again there
is the fact that a higher education, though it is
considered expensive, is not as costly as living on
one's own. Parents thus send their children to
schools, apparently, to save money.
In the figures which Dean Walters released,
.the University of Caliiornia, i n c l u d i n g both
branches was first with 18,342 students, Columbia
was second, Minnesota third, Illinois fourth, New
York University fifth, Ohio State sixth, Michigan
seventh, Wisconsin eighth, Harvard ninth and
Pennsylvania tenth.
The figures show several things. Education is
being served to greater numbers in the east and
middle west than in any other section of the coun-
try. The number of women students has decreased
infe +n:;-t e+oar in cedcational institutionnsand

involves real vital issues and means the failure or Rosamunde Overture (twice), the
success of a whole administration takes but one Cesar Franck D Minor (twice), the
month and interest and participation there is far Pathetique (twice), the Midsum-
greater than here. In Germany and France the mer Night's Dream music, the Rien-
same is true again and in these countries there are
many more major parties to enliven the campaign. zi Overture. the "Roman Crneval"
Politicians are\ loath to move the convention overture, the Rachmaninoff E Min-
any closer to the date of election. They say that or symphony, and the Brahms Sec-
the summer months are too hot and that Septem- ond? If these are the only things
ber to November doesn't give them time to organ- Mr. Gabrilowitsch will play, why
ize. Ample proof that they are wrong can be given does not the impressario consider
when the election of 1924 is briefly considered. for the series Mr. Stock (a much
Both the Republican and Democratic conventions more admirable musician, though
were held in June. Robert M. LaFollette and he has a poorer orchestra), or Fritz
Burton K. Wheeler headed a third party-the Reiner or Mr. Sokoloff (both of
Progressive. All through the summer, LaFollette whom, rumor has it, are, as musi-
and Wheeler could be seen to be leading Coolidge cians, quite alive? The case rests
and Dawes, the regular Republican nominees. In (though I should mention that I
the space of two months, however, Butler, Cool- am aware that there' is a good
idge's campaign manager, put his whole campaign chance that the salvos granted
across and swept the country. During the summer Weber and Liszt mean that Ann
months his whole campaign was passive and quiet. Arbor as a whole is not at all dis-
The benefits of a late nominating convention turbed by what disturbs us).
and only two months in which. to campaign are Hanslick, reviewing the first per-
obvious. Interest could be kept on the part of the formance of the Brahms in 1877,
people. Politicians could effectively control their found it, as opposed to the First,
campaigning and could accurately check their n some sense "mozartean." It is
progress along various lines. Candidates could certainly milder, less austere than
devote their strength to the campaign and not to the first. It is predominantly serene,
personalities which hash become the characteristic full of a rich, warm, expansive lyr-
way to campaign when everything else has been icism; it is "romanticism without
said months before. pose and fustian." It is excellent
sWe woulsieorge hemusic for Mr. Gabrilowitsch to
We would like to urge the National committees play; its spirit corresponds to what
of the parties to have their conventions in Septem- is most genuine and important in
ber. There is, however, nothing harder to move in his temperament. Last night his
than a political tradition and nothing more stub- response to the music was com-
born than a politician's will. We leave this sug- pletely sympathetic; his expression
gestion for the future when, perhaps politics might spontaneous and certain. Mr. Ga-
learn that it is not the end but the means to an end. brilowitsch's reading seems much


In spite of the feeling of sadness caused by the
realization that the screen has stolen another of
America's great stage players, we walked from the
theatre after witnessing a showing of "The Sin of
Madelon Claudet," satisfied that Helen Hayes has
lost nothing through the change thattransformed
her from a featured star of the legitimate stage to an
equally high position on the screen.
Without doubt the high point of her entire career
was the tragedy "Coquette," in which she played the
title role with such success that she was hailed as
one of the chief , interpreters of the emotional role
in modern drama, not only on Broadway, but in
Chicago and Detroit as well.
,It is this same Helen Hayes, virtually unchanged,
who now blossoms forth on the screen in a part that
reminds one that there is a great deal more to the
complete interpretation of a feminine role than the
manipulation of a perfect female body and exposing
a beautiful face to the Kliegs and the cameras.
It reminds one also that the day when an alert
producer may discover the star for his next picture
behind the ribbon counter in the ten-cent store is
past, and that the feminine lead has come to demand
as much intelligence, if not more, than does the male
When Helen Hayes goes emotional, and that's her

:nore true than the only other one
I know, Stokowski's. Stokowski,
characteristically, insists on (his
admirers say he intensifies) the
existent qualities in the score and
thereby distorts them. As a musi-
cian Stokowski seems to have pre-
dominantly physical responses; he!
has subtlety enough as a conductor
to make with his superb orchestra!
i momentarily convincing transla-
tion of them. But his performance
loses prestige when compared with
Gabrilowitsch's. In the case of a
splendid score like this Gabrilowit
sch's naivete serves him in good
stead. The simple warmth and na-
turalness of the Brahms that he
gives us makes us see more clearly
that Stokowski's is an "enlargedi
Brahms (with colors over-gorgeous,
melodic lines over-lyrical etc.) Mr.
Stokowski's Brahms is widely ad-
mired; Mr. Gabrilowitsch is, I
think, more authentic.
In the second half of the pro-
gram, Mr. Gabrilowitsch nodded at
modern music with the perfor-,
mance of A Suite for small orches-
tra by an Austrian contemporary,
Korngold. At its worst, this Suite
was commonplace material s e t
forth with not too impressive in-
genuity in Straussian terms. At'its
best, it was pleasant music of a
trifling sort. This was only a nod;
for neither the discovery nor the
performance of this suite was a
Next, Mr. Gabrilowitsch recalled
a rather bad mistake Felix Wein-
gartner made when he was very
young. In 1891, Weingartner de-
cided, in his own words, "to recast
the Weber piece along polyphonic
lines." Even in its statement the
project seems ridiculous: a simple
quaint piece of salon sentiment is
to be recast along polyphonic lines.
The execution was definitely so.
The quaint, delicate ballroom ges-
tures (of Wehr's own nrozrnm



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chief stock in trade, the audience gets hysterics that
make even Lewis Stone, powerful as he is, seem in-
significant. But when one remembers that the lass
act of "Coquette," in which she played daily for a
year or two, contained as beautiful a display of emo-
tional fireworks as even the most sentimental
theatre-goer could expect, her performance in "The
Sin of Madelon Claudet," is not so surprising.
When "Coquette" played in Detroit the News
claimed that a good average matinee would yield as
many as 50 tear-sodden handkerchiefs. We make no
such, claim for the Ann Arbor showings, knowing
local audiences, but at least this show has something
worth while. The only terms that could describe it
accurately have been used so often as virtually to
have lost their meaning. It is a good show. K. S.
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