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December 16, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-16

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I 1890

1C. V






Republican Member of Congress
Says Hoover Wants to Sell
Out to Germans.
Chipperfield Says Impeachment,
Proceedings Should Be Held
If Accusation Is True.
The'word "impeachment" was heard
in the House today during debate
on President Hoover's debt mora-
torium which the Administration at
that moment was asking a commit-
tee to approve.
A charge by Rep. McFadden, Re-
publican, Pennsylvania, in an hour-
long speech, that the chief execu-
tive "proposed to sell us out to
Germany," brought a dozen repre-
sentatives to their feet.-
Hoover Vigorously Defended.,
A demand from a Democrat, Rep.
O'Connor of New York, that sme
Republican "should defend the
President from charges which were
grounds for impeachment" follow-
While Under-Secretary Mills of
the Treasury told the ways and;
means committee that failure to
approve the moratorium would be
an everlasting disgrace to the Gov-
ernment and people of the United;
States," Rep. Chipperfield, Illinois'
Republican, leaped up and an-
swered McFadden. He is a new
member. It was his first speech.
"I denounce as false any state-
ment that the President has nego-
tiated directly with German finan-
cial interests," he said, "I denouncef
the statement that the President is-
the agent of any interest adverse
to the people of the United States.





Associa ted Press Photo'

Great Britain is demolishing her famous dirigible R-100 to save thef
expense involved in upkeep. Here the work is shown in progress at
-Cardington air station. Soon the only recognizable remains of the air-
ship program begun in 1924 will be furnishings from the ship which will
be sold as souvenirs.-,

Legislative. Group Calls Frank
to Witness Stand in Inquiry
of Athletic Finances.s


* * * If there is Qne particle of MADISON, Wis., Dec. 15.-(IP)-
integrity in the statement the gen- President Glenn Frank of the Uni-
tieman (McFadden) has made, letvesidty Glscnn tankofsthen-'
the gentleman produce proof of versity of Wisconsin today was re-
his charges. quested, to be the first witness in
Challenges Foes for Proof. the legislative investigation of thel
"Let him show that we have a University athletic department. j
President who is unworthy of occu- The legislative committee, com-
pyitg that high office or let him go posed of two senators and three
from this chamber as a foul tra- assemblymen, held an organization
ducer of the character of an honest meeting and announced taking of
man. * * * testimony from President Frank
"If the gentleman is sincere, let would begin in a secret session to-
him and his associates prepare ar- morrow.
titles of impeachment against the When asked whether the commit-
President and let those articles of tee would inquire into the resigna-
impeachment be tried and then the tion of George Little, director of
truth may be known, and let the athletics, Assemblyman Frederick
guilt and infamy and horror fall Krez, committee secretary, pointed
where it is due." out that the resolution calling for
McFadden, last chairman of the an investigation w a s concerned
banking committee, made no an- primarily with athletic department
swer. He declined any further state- 'finances.
ment except that he would testify Senator Walter Rush, chairman,f
before the ways and means com- said:
mittee on the debt plan. "President Frank has in mind a
Before this group, newly organ- complete program for reorganiza-
ized by the Democratic majority, tion of the department as suggest-
Mills discussed for over two hours ed by the athletic council, I believe.
the world economic and financial We will determine the immediate
factors behind the President's1pro- trend of the investigation after
posal. Tomorrow Secretary Stim- questioning him."
son is scheduled to continue the O n e of the recommendations
Administration's side. made by the athletic council was
that the administrative and coach-
ing staffs be reduced "to the mm-
imum consistent with efficiency"
wFlashes hile another called for a salary
schedule "in terms of the salary:
Tuesday, December 15, 1931 scale of the University as a whole
s Pwith dub regard to unavoidable Big
(By Associ'ae tag ss) Ten relationships."
The cause behind Mr. Little's res-
. ignation, as yet only a matter of
ST. JOSEPH'S-A jury which was conjecture, is e x p e c t e d to be
out for 24 hours convicted Tormey brought into the open by the inves-
D. Dooling, 29-year-old Niles law- tigtinomtee Therina-
yer, today of manslaughter for the tigating committee. The resigna-
dertdaofhmaunlaugtoJ.tChn-tion is generally attributed to -the
death of his uncle, Anthony J. Can- conflict between the alumni mem-
atta, on Nov. 5. Canatta died of bers of the athletic council and the
three rifle wounds in his back. The athletic director over the status of
defense claimed Dooling fired after Head. Football Coach Glen Thistle-
his uncle had attempted to kill him. thwaite.
DETROIT-James 'Towle, 8-year- .
old school pupil, drowned today injNine Students Taken
the swimming pool at Ferris school. in by Sigma Delta Chi
Investigators said he apparently -l-.__ --
tripped and fell into the pool. Nine men were initiated into Sig-

Believe Demented Person Guilty
of Starting Three Recent
Fires in County.
Washtenaw county sheriff's offi-
cers are attempting to trace a fire-
bug who started, it is believed, at
least three recent fires in the coun-
ty. An incendiary device was dis-
covered in a barn on the farm of
Frank Mills in Superior township,
Sunday, and this led to the inves-
tigation of three rather mysterious
fires, which occurred recently.
It is believed that a demented
person may have been responsible.
Mills stated that he had no enem-
ies. Peter Karns, of Detroit, a mem-
ber of the state fire marshal's de-
partment, is aiding in the investi-
The device discovered on the Mills
farm consisted of a small box pack-
ed with a mass of pitch-soaked ex-
celsior. A lighted candle had been
inserted in the center of the in-
flammable mass. The candle had
gone out before reaching the ex-
Among the mysterious fires was
that which destroyed the barns at
the county poor ,farm last summer.
Western Railway Executives to
Negotiate With Union on
Salary Reductions.
CHICAGO, Dec. 5-(P)-West-
ern railway presidents deided to-
day to negotiate with Union repre-
sentatives on the matter of wage
reduction, and suggested that the
executives from all parts of the
country meet in New York on Fri-
day to form a fully authorized com-
In deciding to accept the invita-
tion of organized Atailway labor to
"negotiate to a conclusion" the
issues of wage reduction and of
unemployment, the Western man-
agements followed the lead of the
Eastern presidents, who appointed
a committee of three yesterday for
the same purpose.
Executives of Southern lines have'
been asked to meet in New York
Friday and the Westrn presidents
today suggested that would be a
good time for representatives from
all three districts tg get together.
W. B. Storey, president of the
Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe
Railroad, said his prediction of last
night that a demand for a 15 per
cent cut in rail labor wages would
grow out of the meeting of Western
lines executives "still stands."
Ouraishi to Address

Van Ameringen Takes Exception
to Objections Raised
by Attorney.
Says' Abolishment of Existing
Judiciary SysteneWould Be
Scathing rebuke against critics of
the proposed Ann Arbor municipal
court amendment came last night
from Victor E. Van Ameringen,
chairman of the Ann Arbor Law-
yers' club committee advising the
Common council in drawing up the
Appearing before the council in
open hearing on the plan, Van
Ameringen took exception to ob-
jections raised by Jacob Fahrner,
local attorney, who declared that
the lawyers' committee had not in-
vestigated sufficiently into the con-
stitutionality of the proposal, which
provides that the two justices now
holding office in the city be remov-
ed from office and be replaced by
a full-time municipal judge.
Independence 'Expected.
Van Ameringen declared that the
chief objectors to the plan are
members of the bar who favor the
present system largely on the reac-
tionary grounds that it "is giving
satisfactory service o the city." He
voiced also the attitude that under
the fee system, by which the jus-
tices receive compensation in pro-
portion to the number of cases
handled, no independence from the
financial consideration involved can
be expected. He indicated that his
committee is strongly in favor of a
court highly enough paid to be en-
tirely independent from such con-.
Objections to the proposal were
chiefly on the grount that abolish-
ment of the existing justices would
be unconstitutional, and that it
might be impossible to retain a
man of 'sufficiently high character
at a salary within the means of
the city. Such objection was voic-
eql by Frank B. Devine, attorney,
in a letter to the council read by
Edward F. Conlin, also a member
of the bar. Devine charged that no
competent lawyer could be infl'u-
enced to give up his private prac-
tice to accept a salary of less than
$5,000 a year, which sum, he de- I
Glared, would be in excess of the
income of the court.
Galen's Tag Sales
Fall Behind Quota
Reached Last Year
Apparently a good portion of the
campus has gone "Scrooge" and
unless some of the University "pinch
pennies" dig deeper today and con-
tribute to Galen's annual Christ-
mas - fund, there may be a good
many crippled hospital children
going to bed Christmas eve without
even an expectation of a visit from
Santa Claus.
The results of the first day's cam-
paign have shown a decrease from
the amount collected the first day
of last year's drive, it was announc-
ed yesterday. A scant thousand
dollars for the, proceeds of the first
day's tag sale and the proceeds
from the special fraternity canvass

were reported. The goal for the
drive was set at two thousand and
the Galens boys will have to shake
the tin buckets vigorously today if
this amount is to be reached.
The organizations already heard
from include Alpha Epsilon' Iota,
Zeta Beta Tau, Betsy Barbour, Al-
pha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi,
Hermatage, Sigma Alpha Mu, Phi
Epsilon Pi, Alpha Delta Phi, Delta
Upsilon, Pi Beta Phi, Phi Kappa
Sigma, Sigma Chi, Phi Rho Sigma,
Phi Beta Pi, Nu Sigma Nu, Theta
Kappa Psi, Sigma Phi, and Sigma
Zeta. Checks from several other
houses have been sent but as yet
have not been accredited to the
Chicago Alumni Will
Hold New Year Party
Nine students have been placed
on thetcommittee to take care of
reservations for the University of
Michigan club of Chicago's annual.


Associated Press Photo
Chosen as the head of the house
flood control committee, Rep. Riley
J. Wilson of Louisiana is expected
to have a busy year since conditions
in the Mississippi valley are expect-
ed to prove pressing.
Culbertsons Ahead in Tourney
by 125 Points After Being
Behind All Week.
NEW YORK, Dec. 15.-(})--
Mr. and Mrs. Ely Culberston
went into the lead tonight in'
the 150 rubber contract bridge
tournament with Sidney Lenz
and Oswald S. Jacoby.
The Culberstons amassed a
lead of 125 points during the,
contest which see-sawed back
and forth. Kibitzers, whose au-
dible Whispers could be heard
through the screen which en-
closed the players interrupted
the match several times.
NEW YORK, Dec. 15.-(/P)-Just
past the quarter pole in their 150-
rubber contract bridge match with
Sidney S. Lenz and Oswald Jacoby,
Mr. and Mrs. Ely Culbertson were,
Quly 15 points behind today.
Victory in six of seven rubbers
played in the sixth session of the
match reduced the Culbertson def-
icit by 4,825 points. They were
ahead one time by 845 points.
Of 40 rubbers played in the ser-
ies Lenz and Jacoby have won 211
and the Culbertsons 19.
After the third hand in the
series had been played a week ago
the Culbertsons led by 30 points.
,Never did they lead again till 217
hands had been dealt. In the 217th
hand they found game and the
thirty-ninth rubber and went ahead
by 745 points, a lead wiped out in
the fortieth rubber, the only one
of the sixth session won, by Lenz
and Jacoby.
Culbertspn regarded the sudden
change in the status of the great
test of rival methods of bidding as
a triumph for his system and felt
certain that he and partner would
be well in the lead if he had not
pulled a few of his usual boners, as
he expressed it.
Republican Convention
Will Meetin Chicago
' WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. - (P) -
The Republican national commit-
tee selected Chicago for its national
convention today at a meeting at
which members applauded an en-
dorsement of President Hoover's

Finalists in Case
Club Competition
One Team of Junors and Two
Freshmen Squads Named
From Clubs.
Culminating a semester of legai
argument the finalists of the case
club competition were chosen last
night by the senior advisors of each
of the four clubs.>,
One team of juniors has been
chosen from each of the four clubs.
After two of these have been elim-
inated the remaining two will hold
the Founder's day trial. This will
be judged by an eminent jurist and
the participants in it will each re-
ceive large cash awards.
The teams chosen yesterday are
as follows:eforathe Holmes club,
Paul Franseth and Carl H. Uri't,
for the Kent Club, Ledlie A. DeBow
and Robert D. Gordon, for the Mar-
shal club, Charles E. Jones and
Henry Y. Morrison, for the Story
club Raymond L. Letton and James
L. Warren.
Announcement as to t'e pairings
of the teams and the dates on
which the final elimination will be
held will be made later according
to Paul G. Kauper, '32L, student
director of the case clubs.
Finalists for the freshmen include
two teams for each club which will
compete for their respective club
championships. The teams chosen
for the freshman final competition
include for the Holmes club Nathan
Levy-Victor Rabinowitz and Jarl
Andeer-Russel A. Smith, for the
Kent club Hartford H. Vereen ands
John W. French and Allan B. Dief-
enbach and Roland J. Stanger, for
the Marshall club Edwin L. Stan-
ley and Myron Towne.and Fred W.
Albertson and 'Arthur B. Freeman,
and for the Story club Willard M.
Avery and Carl Oxtoby and Kirby
Gillette and Clarence Boldt.
The facts to be used in the final
competition have not as yet been
announced, but work on the next
set of cases will be started in the
near future, it was stated, The
freshmen winners will each' receive
a three year subscription tothe law
Four Officials Hurt in Attack
of Students on Foreign
NANKING, China, Dec. 15.-(I-
President Chiang Hai-Shek late to -
day handed in his resignation from
all government posts he held and
the resignation was accepted by
the government.
Lin Sen, veteran member of the
Kuomintang (Nationalist p a r t y)
was named chairman of the gov-
ernment and Chen Ming Shu,
prominent Nationalist m i li t a r y
leader, was chosen chairman of the
executive yuan. This is one of the
posts which was held by President
Chiang's resignation came after
a crowd of 600 Chinese students
from Peiping stormed and wrecked
the foreign office df the govern-
ment and then attacked the head-
quarters of the Kuomintang, where
government leaders, including Pres-
ident Chiang, were meeting.
The attack on the Kuomintang
headquarters was halted by police
who surrounded the building and
opened fire over the heads of the
students, causing them to withdraw,

but not before they had hurled
many bricks and stones through
the windows.

Advisors Choose



Literary College Me
Not Obliged to Fill
Out Blanks.
Question First Raise
When Faculty Voted
The University Council yestel
day over-ruled the Literary 'Co
lege faculty resolution protestin
against an administration. que
tionnaire seeking to determine tli
manner in which members appoi
tiofi their time and instructed t
faculty to comply with the r<
Meeting: in special session, th
Council, in' its decision, state
that the question was not thor
oughly understood. The filling ou
of blanks was not obligatory, it Wa
pointed out, but merely a reque
on the part of Vice-President '. f
Yoakum, from which office tl
questionnaire was sent.
The question first came to atted
tion Dec. 7, when the faculty c
the Literary College instructed 11
members on the Concll to protes
against the questionnaire. The resc
lution was passed by an almos
unanimous vote.
Opposition Gains Momentum.
Prof. Louis A..Hopkins, secretar
of the Council, said last night the
the administration sought each fai
ulty member's view of his positio
and its responsibilities rather tha
attempting to check the amount c
time spent in preparation of class
ald lectures, holding''student cor
ferences, and other apportionmer
of time.
Following the action last week
the Literary faculty, oppositio
gained additional momentum.-
was believed in .some quarters thi
the Council would upholdO the vie
of the college.
The theme of the Council resolt
tion yesterday was that the info
mation should be provided in som
form, either by blank or in son
way other than through the ques
tionnaire. The latter argument,
is understood, met with the a
proval of 'a majority of the Coune
Fate of Three Still Unknowr
Panic Avoided as 400
Others Ae Rescued.
ward Island, Dec. 15.-(')-WiI
two known dead and three missir
E persons believed also to have lo
their lives in the flames. Falco
wood Hospital for the Insane was,
ashes today after a spectacular fi
that spread terror among the ho
pital's 400 patients.
The known dead are:
Don MacKenzie, 65, who fell fro
a top floor window as he tried
grab hold of an extension laddi
and was killed instantly as b
body struck the frozen ground, ar
Francis MacDonald, 35, who jum]
ed from another window and di
later at a hospital.
Three others believed to hal
perished in the flames were Wi
liam McQuinn, Marshall Smith an
an Indian whose name was not a

The fire,, the origin of which w,
not determined, drove the hospital
400 patients into the biting cold c
the night. But through the remar]
able order maintained by tlh
guards all but five of the patien
were marched out of the burnir
building without a panic.
Before the guards could reac
the upper floors of one of the stru
tors those five had been trapped 1
The hospital staff succeeded
getting the other patients to safe
only with great difficulty. Th4
were aided by firemen, policemE
and citizens of Falconwood dravy
to the fire by the S O S painted
the skies by the mounting flamE
The mayor of Falconwood ar
the city councilors adjourned a se
sion of council to join the firefigh
ers, Premier Stewart aln ioin


MINNEAPOLIS. - H. 0. (Flitz)
Crisler in a formal statement tcday
said he would remain at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota as athletic
Crisler said he issued the state-
ment because of reports he plan-
ned to go to the University of Wis-
consin or return to the University
of Chicago.
ANNAPOLIS, Md.-The Navy to-
day replaced in the hands of the
men who guided its 1931 football
destinies the problem of next sea-
on's campaign and gave tacit ap-
, in +tonncalvin re n gnni

ma Delta Chi, professional journal-
istic fraternity, at the annual fall
ceremonies held yesterday in the
Union. -
The new members are S. Beach
Conger, jr., '32, David M. Nichol, '32,
Brian Jones, '33, John W. Thomas,
'33, C. H. Schaaf, '34, Thomas Con-
nellan, '34, E. Jerome Pettit, '34,
John W. Pritchard, '34, and Albert
Newman, '34.
Speech Organizations
to Give Dance Tonight
Tonight in the ballroom sof the1
Wm - neAf ai~ i ir.- - A-mihi

Terming the fraternity deferred
rushing rules as "experiments
which are not expected to work per-
fectly," Howard T. Worden, '32,
president of the Interfraternity
council, discussed possible changes
in the rushing regulations that may
be made for next year in an inter-
view yesterday.
Worden explained that it was his
opinion that delayed pledging was
a direct challenge to undergradu-
ate fraternities at Michigan. This
would probably account for the
disfavor shown by fraternities to
the newssystem which was revealed
by a survey Monday. he said.

ent system has worked and because
we want to discuss the matter with
fresianen after they are pledged."
He explained that the Interfrat-
ernity council could change the
rules in fegard to rushing but could
not alter the ruling in respect to
delayed pledging. The Senate
Committee on Student Affairs has
decided that fraternities cannot
pledge until the second semester,
he said. We cannot change this.
When asked what the fraterni-
ties could do to have the Senate
committee rescind this action, Wor-
'den stated that the fraternities will
have to do something to make the
administration believe that they

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