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December 15, 1931 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-15

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Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma: A
parliamentary drill will be conduct-
ed at tonight's meeting, starting
promptly at 7:30. All pledges .must
come prepared to participate.

lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all me
Lie University. Copy received at the office of the Assist
President until 3:30; 11:30 'a. m. Saturday.'

embers Theta Sigma Phi meeting at the
ant to League at 7:15 p. m. sharp. Impor-
tant business, all members must
come promptly because of concert
No. 67 following.

--"T- .




acuity, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the
y of this College on Thursday, Dec. 17, at 4:15 p. m., in Room 348
Engineering building. Louis A.Hopkins, Secretary.
ummer Session Abridged Announcement: Copies of the Campus
>n of the Abridged Announcement of the courses to be.given during
ummer Session of 1932 may be obtained at the registration offices
Schools and Colleges, beginning tomorrow.
niversity Women: Any wom'en students of th University of Michi-
vlio will be in Washington, D. C., during the holidays, are invited to
dl a luncheon at the Shoreham Hotel, Monday, Dec. 28, at one p. m.
one dollar to Mrs. George W. Lipscomb, 1701 Holly Street, Washing-
D C., before Dec. 24 for reservation. Cards will be played in the
icon if guests desire. The University of Michigan Alumnae are
oring this social affair, and are eager to greet any visiting students
nay be able to come.
fly Women Students who are remaining in Ann Arbor for the vaca-
!nd who wish help in finding desirable housing arrangements are
to call at the office of the Dean of Women. Several houses with
rtable accommodations have been listed. Alice C. Lloyd.
romen Students who are interested in working during the vacation
rged to see me at their earliest convenience. There are still some
tunities for work available. Byrl Fox Bacher.
econd Semester Elections in Sociology: Professor Angell's courses
70, and. 253 will not be given.
:e0 iaeval Lati-Course 135, will be giver; the second semester, and
t at 8 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday, 'and Friday.
Bruno Meinecke. .
edical Latin-Course 41, for premedical and predental students,
t given the second semester at 8 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday.
ourse includes a study of the history of ancient and mediaeval
ine and interpretations in Celsis. Bruno Meinecke.
ahool of Education, Seniors: A tentative list of February, June, and
t seniors has been posted on the Bulletin Board in Room. 1431 Uni-
v Elementary School. On this list names appear as they will be
d on diplomas. Any corrections that are to be made should be
ted to the Recorder immediately.
Moral Union Traffic Regulations: Choral Union Concert Goers are
tfully reminded of "Traffic Regulations" which will be enforced
s occasion of Choral Union Concerts by direction of the Ann Arbor
Department and the Buildings and Grounds Division of the Uni-
t, as follows: .
Through traffic will be prohibited on North University Avenue,
that taxis an'd buses will unload and load in front of the building
Ill be prohibited from using the side entrances,
Private cars will unload and load at the two side entrances and
e prohirbited from in front of the building.
At intermission time concert goers who leave the building, will
iged to present their ticket stubs to the officials at the outer doors
er to re-enter the building.
n rainy nights, a canopy will be extended on the East side of the
'g and also as soon as one can be procured, in front of the building.
lese simple regulations have been provided for the better con-
ce of concert goers and obviously to avoid confusion, congestion
mbarrassment. The University Musical Society, the Ann Arbor
Department and the Buildings and Grounds Division will appre-
ympathetic co-operation on the part of concert goers in complying
he regulations.x
ioral Union Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium before 7:30 . m.,
ncert tonight.
eganization Presidents: All organizations wishing space in the 1932
ganensian must turn the contracts for such space into the Business
of the 1932 Michiganensian before 5 p. n., Friday, Dec. 18.
fth Choral Union Concert: The Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
Gabrlowitkch, Director, will give a program at 8:15 p. m.
riversity Broadcasting-2 o'clock: "Where Did Your Nickel Come
" by Orma F. Butler. Solos by Emmett Lieb.
iglish 149 (Playwriting): ,The, class ,will meet tonight at 7:15, in
3212 A. H. Kenneth Rowe.
nerijan Chemical Society: Dr. C. C. Sturgis will discuss "Some
s of Pernicious Anemia," before the local section at 4:15 p. in., in
303 Chemistry. building. The annual business meeting of the
i will follow the talk. The paper will be open to the public.
Lysics Colloquium: Mr. G. B. B. M. Sutherland will talk on "The
t Work on the Raman Effect," at 4:15 p. m.,-in Room, 1041, East f
:s building. All interested are cordially invited to attend.
inior Mathematical Society meets at 7:30 p. tn., in 3011 A. H. "Dc'
Functions and Doctrines," is the subject to be presented by Nor-
teenrod. Meetings are always open to anyone interested.

3restry Club meeting at 8 p. m. A Christmas party at the home of
Samuel T. Dana, 2031 Hill St. Everyone is earnestly requested to
esent and bring a ten cent gift' for the grab bag. Refreshments
e served and a good time is in store for all who attend.
eronautics: Mr. C. R. Patterson will be in Room 304 of the Michi-
nion at 7:30 p. M., for the purposeof assisting in organizing an
Flying Club. Members of the Aero Society and others who are
sted in active flying please meet with him at that time.

Religious Forum: Rev. R. N. Mc-
Michael will speak at Lane Hall at
4:15 p. m. His topic is: Lutheran-
ism, Why? Students are urged to
attend. /
Comedy Club: Important meeting
at 4:15 in the Garden Room of the
,League. It is necessary that all
members be present to discuss the
next production. All new members
requested to be present.
Michiganensian Business Staff:
There will be a meeting of the en-
tire staff at 4:15 in the Press build-
ing. Report on standing of sales
teams. Bring all subscription money
at this time.

Christian Science
meets, in the Chapel
gan League building.
students and faculty
invited to attend.

of the Michi-
at 8 p. m. All
interested are

Bookshelf and Stage Section of
the Women's Faculty Club will meet
with Mrs. Arthur Smith, 1008 Oak-
land Ave., at 2:45 p. m. Mrs. T. J.
Mitchell will be assisting hostess.
Newcomers Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will have a Christ-
mas party, at 2:30 p. m., in Palmer
Field House. Each member is asked
to bring a small gifJ
Sigma Delta Chi initiation will be
held today at 4 o'clock at the Un-
ion. All members are requested to
Junior Girls' Play: Limbering ex-
ercises will be held from 3:15 to
4:15 o'clock today and from 4:30 to
5:30 o'clock on Thursday in Bar-
bour gymnasium.
German Department: Regularf
monthly luncheon Wednesday at
12:15, Michigan Union.
Philosophy 31: There. will be a
mid-semester make-up examination
Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 5 p. m., in
Room 202 S! W.
School of Education-Graduate
Students and Members of the Fac-
ulty: The December meeting of the
Educational Research .Club will be
held Wednesday evening at 7:15,
Dec. 15, in the Elementary School
Library. Mr. Lofton V. Burge will
give a report on his researches in
the schools of the Detroit metro-
politan area on Errors and Ques-
tionable Habits of Work in the
Mechanics of Multiplication.
All men and women who are in-
terested in educational research are
invited. Be prompt. Meeting closes
at 8:30.
Romance L.nguages Journal Club
will meet Wednesday, Dec. 16, at
4:10 p. m., in 408 Romance Lan-
guages building.
Adelphi House of Representa-
tives: There will be no regular
Tuesday night meeting this week.
All members are requested to attend
the speech societies party at 8 p. m.,
Wednesday, in the ballroom of the
,Women's Athletic building.
Latin American Students: The
meeting scheduled for tonight has
been postponed until Thursday,
Dec. 17, ht 8 p.' m., in Room 304, of
the Michigan Union.
Interpretive Arts Society will pre-
sent a program of readings from
Poetry on Wednesday evening, Dec.
16, at 7:15 sharp, Room 302 Mason
Hall. The public is cordially invited.
University of Michigan Radio
Club will meet Wednesday, Dec. 16,

Revision of Quadrangle's Rules
Gives Northwestern Women
Smoking Privilege.
(3o rh, 7>', A sSerc)
EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 14.-The'
three-month battle of Northwest-
ern women for a revision of the rul-
ing which says that there shall be
no smoking in the Quadrangle
houses was concluded today. By an
unexpected move of the Quad-
rangle association. t h e by-law
which has prohibited smoking in
the houses was"struck out.
The house board of each sorority
will have the priviledge of deciding
for itself if, in any given year, there
shall be smoking in the houses.
There will, however, be no special
meetings called to decide the ques-
tion; it will be taken up at the reg-
ular meetings which are to be held
in the near future.
Agitation for the abolishment of
the no-smoking rule, was revived
on the campus early this fall, fol-
lowing a meeting of the Quadran-
gle association on September 16. At
this time a ruling passed four years
ago by the association prohibiting
smoking within the sorority houses
and on the walks by both men and
women was brought to light.
Disrespect for this ruling was1
given as the cause for its being
called to the attention of the cam-
pus. Upon the renewed enforce-
ment of the ruling, co-edleaders
immediately took up the fight for
smoking rooms within the sorority
and open houses and prepared a
petition ;which has just lately
brought about their desired resplt.
Ann Arbor High School
to Receive Photograph
Ann Arbor High school, one of
the five high schools in the state
which'were accredited by the Uni-
versity in 1871, will be one of the
recipients of an aerial photograph
of the ' University, enlarged and
framed, which is to be presented
to each of the sixteen high schools
which have been> bn the accredited
list for more than half a century.
These pictures, which have been
prepared under the personal super-
vision of Prof, George E. Carroth-
ers, director of the division df high
school' inspection, without t h e
knowledge of the high schools to
which they will be given, will be
ready tomorrow, and will be sent
to the principals of the various
schools tomorrow and Thursday.
A total of 200,.high schools were
placed on the list during the first
forty years of accrediting. Since
then the total has been brought to
at 7:30 p. in., in Room 248 West En-
gineering building. Professor Lewis
N. Holland will give a lecture-
demonstration on "Some Interest-
ing Uses of Vacuum Tubes." All in-
terested are cordially invited.
Michigan Dames: Miss Elizabeth
Paddock, Nursery School Teacher
in University Elementary Sclool,
will speak on "Phases of child psy-
chology dealing with children in a
group" at the meeting. to be held
Wednesday, inste d of Tuesday, at
8 p. m."in the Grand Rapids Room
of the League building.




Associated Press P,,:,a
Seven escaped convicts from Leavenworth penitentiary sought
refuge from prison officials in ,the Glen Valley school, shown above,
where they terrorized 25 children and the teacher as they attempted to
steal her car. Below is the wreck of the last of several cars used by the
INVENTORY Students in Education
Purdue University Co-eds Make start Research ork
Personal Health Survey. Under the joint supervision of
Prof. Thomas Diamond and Prof.
(Big Ten Xew SAY'<.;"~) Louis W. Keeler, two graduate stu-
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Dec. 14 -Co- dents in the Education school are
eds at Purdue University have just nts ingthe Ea chool re
finished making a personal health lating to vocationse
inventory, as a part of Co-ed Health lan t v ts.
Week, inaugurated on this campus .Lawrence L. Musser is investigat
under the direction of the Women's ing possibilities in vocatifnal train-
Athletic association. ing for cripples in the University
The co-eds were put through a High school, a field which, accord-
series of tests, listened to lectures ing to Professor Diamond, has been
on the subject of health, and were in need of investigation.
given printed material 4pertaining Bwoen C. Fairman is doing research
to the subject. Posters carrying the Cordwater, an elepentary school
six word slogan, "cleanliness, recre-(Coldrn elementardscooh
ation, worry, sleep, work, and food," for children who are wards of the
were displayed in sorority houses .
jnd at other points where co-eds
Professor Hasleton, of the de- .
partment of physical education for .
women, stated that the majority QOality and
of ,co-eds sleep considerably lessSv
than the prescribed weight hours rce
each night. "Loss of sleep is one of SHOE I
the most serious foes of the co-ed
student," she declared.:REPAIRING
---_----_--_-- RE ARN

Political Science Independents
Put Democratic Supporter
on Defensive..
' ( Ten News Service),
EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 14.-It was
a comfortable, satisfied Democrat
who sat in the Howse when eon-
gress opened the other day, but it
was a hot-collared, defensive Dem-
ocrat who, faced a jeering Inde-
pendent group when the Dmo-
crats presented their party plat-
form before the members of one of
Professor Lawrence Egbert's politi-
cal science classes.
The democrats' attempt to prove
the merits of their party marked
the second hour of ballyhoo of poli-
tical party squabble planned to
make that particular topic more in-
teresting to the members of the
l class.
Training their guns on the poli-
cies of the Republicans, who had
previously presented their party,
the Democratic 'speaker shot sar-
casm at Republican corruption and
The independents loaded their
guns with jeers and hisses and be-
,gan a counterblast which almost
knocked the. Democrats completely-
off their platform. The ringing of
the bell finally put an end ,to the
riot and the Independents retreat-
ed to the rar of the room to pre
pare their attack on the two par-
ties at the next class session.
Education Fraternity
Initiates Nei Members
The fall initiatio of Phi Epsilon
Kappa, national physical education
fraternity, took plac' last night at
the Intramural building. Thefol-
lowing candidates- were initiated:
Dr. Jackson Sharman, professor
of physical education, John John.
ston, instructor in physical educa-
tion and varsity coach of the fenc-
ing and tennis teams, John Van
Why, Stanley Kracht, Harold Lind-
say, and Edward O'Donnell.
This year's officers are:- Gus
Keigler, president; John Kagay,
vice president; Howard Ferguaon,
sncretary; Laurence Ferris, treas-
urer; and Randolph Webster, fac-
ulay advisor.\
Parker,, Sheffer, Wateanrzi
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makes a useful and last-
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With the. doll .ryou'l save
1 .. Going by Greyhound!

U di

1 Campus Forum: Paul T. Har-
of Geneva Institute of Interna-
al Affairs, will speak on "Is
e a new patriotism?'", at 4:15 in
oral Science Auditorium.
lpna Kappa Delta meets at the
dente of Prof. A. E. Wood, 3
vard Place, at 8 p. m.. Those de-
ic transportation will meet in
lobby of the Economics build-

]Flower Shop I
606 E. Liberty Phone 905

Applications for admission to the
first and third year medical classes
entering October 1, 1932, should be
sent as soon as possible, and will be
considered in the order of receipt.
'The entrance qualifications are intel-
ligence, character, two years of col-
lege work and the requirements for
grade A medical schools. Catalogues
and application forms may be ob-
tained from the Dean.

1 5r- (




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drop in at the Greyhound
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Campus Travel Bureau
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