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December 15, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-15

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~= I

Published every morning except Monday during the University year
ir the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
'ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or pot otherwise
eredited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second
lass .matter. Special rate of postage grantea by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $400; b mail, $4.5'3
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
K:-higan. 1'hcnes : Editorial, 4025; Business, 21214.
Telephono 4925
City Editor ....................................Carl Forsythe
krIdstorlat lrector ..............................ea n Conner, Jr.
News Editor .... ............................David M. Nichol
Oport Editor.................................Sheldon o. Fullerton
Women's Editor............................Margaret M. Thompson
"asistant News Editor................... . .... .Robert L Pierce

Vraak B. Gilbreth
Roland A. Coodian
Karl elffert

J. Culen Kennedy JameI nlgs
Jerry E. liosenthal
George A. stauter

Wilbur J. Myers
Pari Jouea

Stanley W. Arnhcim
Lawson E. Becker
Edward C. Campbell
C. Williams Carpent
Thomas Connellan
Samuel G. Ellis
Dorothy 3rocknat
Miriam Carvera
Beatrice Collins
Louise Crandall
Elsie Feldman
Prudence Foster

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A. Lluber
Normani Kraft
Roland Martin
ter lhenry Meyer
Albert H. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisnman
Mice Giibert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances Mechester
Elizabeth Mann

John S. Townsend
Charles A. sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Itenihan
C. hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rard4~i
Dorothy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhama

famed wit and playwright. It is highly probable bo
estimates are subject to a certain amount of exagge
ation and prejudice.
Over and above the exchange of personalities an
the intimate picture of the late nineteenth center
and present day England, for which the book w
live as has Boswell's "Johnson," it is an arresting
sincere and frank discussion of Bernard Shaw. Harr
is a serious biographer in spite of his hatred of deta
Though impatient to ;get at fundamentals, he tel
at some length of Shaw's early environment and boy
hood struggles. But this is only for a better under
standing of the later Shaw. Harris understands th
enigmatic man, who has obscured his real self unde
a cloak of joking and frivolity, as few of Shaw's con
temporaries have succeeded in knowing him. Whi
deploring Shaw's notorious shams and inconsisten
cies, Hargis is appreciative of him as a man and a
a clear headed, courageous thinker. He consider
that Shaw failed miserably to live his theories, how
ever, or even to pursue them at critical momen
when they would be most effective: (for instanc
Shaw the socialist and pacifist did not condem
England's attitude in the Great War, and alway
favored armed defense for England, a patent incon
Harris is convinced Shaw will live longer as
personality than as a.playwright or social thinke
He discusses.Shawian dramas sanely, if with marke
prejudice against their lack of passion and emotion
It is in their respective emotional lives that Harr
builds up the most striking contrast between himse
and Shaw. In doing so the biographer makes himse
the more vivid, intense personality of the two, berat
ing Shaw for his cold and unsympathetic nature. H
continually refers to Shaw as a purist and a prud
and thinks his plays definitely limited by this quality
The Shawian-Harrisian epistlatory onslaught
have perhaps the gareatest appeal to the reader
Shaw's letters are witty, and characteristic of him
The preface letters, in which Shaw first' refused
Harris permission to write his biography, and ended
up by sending him quantities of material though stil
insisting he did not authorize the book, is indicativ
Of 'what Harris terms Shaw's "coyness". Interesting
also is Harris' counter to Shaw's public charge tha
he was a ruffian. Harris says of this incident later
"I didn't know then he was paying me the homag
the serf ,pays his hero . . . . he, too, is a ruffian, bu
of an inferior strain." B. W.,
JOB: The Story of a Simple Man, by Joseph
Roth. (The Viking Press) $2.50. Translated by
Dordthy Thompson. (Review Copy Courtesy, of
Wahrs Book Store.)

ad contributors a
ry confining theinse
words if possib.
ill municatio ws iill
name. of, ron in
l c regarded as
is cueSt. Letters p
nosruel as eat
11. opinion of The D:
r- To The Editor:

Telephone 21214

s Opinion
re asked to be brief,
Ives to less than 300
le. Anonymous com-
be disregarded. The
nicants will, however,
confidential, upon re-
ublishedl should not be
presing the editorial
)A il.

ML it


.... . . . .. . . . ..Business Manager.
........................Assistant Manager
Department Managers

Advertising...... ......................Vernon Bishop
Advertising C o tractsi ............................h rry I. Begley;
Advertising Service.................................yron C. Vedder
Publications ...................................William T. Brown
Accoents.s...s. ................... . .. Richard Stratemeir
Women' $usiness Manager .......1o...........Ann W. Verner

Orvil Aronson
Gilbert E. Bursley
Allen Clark
Robert Finn
Donna Becker
Martha Jane Ousel
Genevieve Field
Maxine Fischgrund
Ann Gallmeyer
Mary Harriman

Join 1 r
Artlhur F. Kohn
-J arnc.4Lowe
Anne Harsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia Mcqomb
Carolin .Mosher
Helen Olsen

Graf ton W. Shart
Jmi alo A. Johnston II
Do> Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefrled
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts

Michigan Leads,
The Field Again
TWO Michigan students have been awarded
Rhodes Scholarships, tenable at the University
of Oxford and which may be held for three years.
The significant fact to be treated here is that of
twelve candidates selected from the district of
which Michigan is grouped, and which embraces
six states, the University was given two of the four
selections. The two students are Samuel H. Beer,
a senior in thee Literary College, and George C.
Tilley, a sophomore in the Law School.
In competition with the universities and col-
leges of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and
Kentucky, Michigan has been ranked foremost.
The remaining two .scholarships were alloted to
a Yale junior, representing the State 'of Illinois,
and to an Oberlin College (Ohio) graduate. No
representatives then were chosen from such schools
as the Universities of Chicago, Illinois, Wisconsin,
.or Indiana. The latest selections give to Michigan
four Rhodes Scholars in three years. Two are now
studying at Oxford.
Under the former system of choosing Rhodes
scholars, Michigan would only have had one selec-
tion. The new system, which tends more to giving
scholarships to those deserving them rather than
one to each school, insures against mediocre talent.
It is a pleasure to see that Michigan is able to send
such fine representatives as to obtain both places.
The University has every reason to believe
that the educational facilities of the institution are
being utilized. Furthermore, it is an indication of
the high scholarship which s maintained in the
various colleges. Mr. Beer and Mr. Tilley, both
former Daily men, are to be congratulated. A
Rhodes Scholarship is the highest honor that can
be given for scholastic achievement.

By John W. Pritchard
This book was selected by the Book of the Month
Club, for November. It was a happy choice. A sym-
phony in dull, continuous grief, "Job" is a straight-
forward, compelling work.
Mendel Singer was a Jewish Bible teacher, living
in a tiny Russian village, with his wife, Deborah, and
three children. "They had no gold to weigh, and no
bank-notes to count. Nevertheless his life flowed
along 'like a poor little brook between bare banks....
He had nothing to regret, and he coveted nothing. He
loved the woman, his wife, and took rdelight in her
flesh. His two small sons, Jonas and Shemariah, he
beat when they were disobedient, but the youngest,
his daughter Miriam, he was constantly caressing. .
A young gazelle."
Then, from all the Jews in Zuchnow, misfortune
singled him out. His wife bore him a son, an epilep-
tic idiot. His two elder sons, being strong healthy
and not blessed by some deformity, were conscripted
into the army ten years later; still his youngest,.
Menuchim, could say no word except "Mama." ; In
order not to enter the army, his son Shemariah de-
serted to America. His daughter commenced to go
with Cossacks.
To save Miriam from ruin, the family went to
America to join Shemariah, who,.under the name of
Sam, had prospered. But -Menuchim must be left
behind, and the thought of tlat poor, stupid waif,
the son whom he had deserted, was td haunt Mendel
for many years to come.
So Mendel Singer droned out his weary life, sens-
ing that he was being tested by God as his Biblical
prototype had been, and wondering what sin he had
committed to deserve his crushing deal of tribula-
tion. Only once, toward the very end, did this humble
man doubt God's justice, and then his faith was
suddenly recreated by an event that can be 'described
only as a miracle.
Although 'the book might be termed an epic of
impressionism, it is thoroughly leavened by the in-
tensely physical aspect of Mendel's life. Mendel, in
his progression, from mild but vigorous youth to
despairing old age, stands out, from the pages in a
vivid manner. One hears the tact of the skirts of
his caftan against his high leather boots, as he
strides rapidly through the village streets. One feels
the vibrations of his voice and the swaying of his
body as he chants his prayers, the meaning of whose
words he has long since forgotten; pure supplications;
passing from his heart directly to heaven without
recognition by his mind.
Roth does not play with niceties, nor smooth over
his meanings with polite words. He has stripped his
story bare of superficialities, and shown us the naked
soul of a Russian Jew. If there be technical errors,
they pass unnoticed. "Job" is a great book.
Silkworm eggs have been transported successfully
from Chosen to Manchuria,
Sewing machines for unemployed women have
been supplied by the city-county relief committee in
Oklahoma City.

us' In last Friday's Daily appeared
a letter signed M. S. M. which des-
l- cribed the behavior of students at
le a moving picture show. One of the
- actors, as M. S. M. relates the inci-
s dent, remarked that his college
- education had proved of little value,
v having fitted him for nothing. This
s remark was greeted with applause,
'e which M. S. M. interpreted, correct-
n ly, I think, as an expression of the
s students' contempt for the process
1 which they are themselves under-
going. Such an attitude occasioned
a M. S. M. some distress and nt a
'{ little surprise.
M. S. M. should not have been
n. surprised. Being at the cinema
is show, which many students attend
f frequentlyand regularly, and ha-
ing, for the time being at least,
abandoned and neglected the op-
e portunities offered by the Univer-
' sity, it was natural that they should
s applaud the statement that those
opportunities were worthless. Will-
ing to justify themselves, as human
beings are wont to be, they took
d kindly to the spoken condemnation
of what their own actions con
1 demned.
g It seems to me moreover that
t when a brief remnark is so sharply
, noted as 'to occasion general ap-
e plause, that remark, as M. S. M.
e will believe, must have called out
tithe expression of a sincere and gen-
eral conviction. It is this belief
which gives rise to the distress, but
perhaps M. S. M. should not on
this account have been distressed.
If any great number of students
are waking up to the fact that they
are wasting time and money in go-
ing to college, the awakening, how--
ever rude, is not altogether to be
deplored. If one has no wish to be-
come a scholar, particularly if he
has neither the wish nor the cap-
acity, what will it profit him to go L
to school? It seems to me that the
profits of schooling, doubtful even
at best, as I willingly -grant, will
come only to those who give more
time to study than their teachers
suggest, who go beyond lesson as-
'signments into the real problems
>f their subjects, and who are cap-
able and desirous of growth. Per-
haps our college students realize -
that, being unprepared to app re-
ciate college courses, and unwill-
ing to work at them, what is os-
tensibly an education will prove
fruitless. For certainly it will.
Sincerely as I have written these
lines, I suspect that my readers, if
I have any, will not take me ser-
iously. The profits of an educa-
tion, as I have assigned them, are
to be gained only by such work as
is done in advanced courses, con-
ducted as graduate work is handled.
No one, either among students or
faculty, expects such work in fresh-
man and sophomore courses in the
literary and engineering schools.
It seems to me accordingly that
such beginning or general courses
are mostly mishandled.
The diffiulty is this. Teachers
:n the University tend to offer an
unlimited opportunity without any
coercion. This is the traditional
function of a University, a system
'anded down from the time when
i university was a community of
-scholars. A community of scholars
,ertainly our undergraduate uni-
iersity is not. Yet we depend, for
>ne thing, t some extent upon lec-
tures, not having as Bertrand Rus-
sell says, accommodated ourselves
to the invention of printing. I think
ye should learn something from l
he elementary schools about the
,onduct of freshman and sopho-

nore courses. Definite work should
>e regularly assigned, a n d we
should make the student immedi- k
itely aware whether or not that
-cork is properly done. He should
never get to the middle of a course
;ithout having mastered the first
material in it. Frequent and effec-
Ave tests must be properly graded
ind returned. We must be able
and willing to tell a boy without
passion or contempt that he is fail-
ing. We must be able to tell him
this right early in the course. We
should have the support of the ad-
ministration in removing hopeless
cases before they have completely
cumbered our ground.
Nothing is to be accomplished
by any system, however respectable
or. beautiful, which ignores its own
purpose and the nature of its own
material Part of the misfits, fail-
ures and dissatisfactions in college



-E~RNAJRD SIAW: By Frank Harris. Simon &
Schuster, New Yerk, 1931. $4.00.


A Review
By Barbara Wright
Fran ui&arrs' study of Shaw (for it is not a bio-
graphy in the accepted sense!, is equally a picture of
Frank Harris. With true Shawian modesty Mr. Har-
ris makes the -vivid contrast between himself and
Shaw, especially on those issues that involve his most
ardent prejudices. He introduces himself ' on every
appropriate occasion, but these intrusions, techni-
cally at fault, are delightful and a decided asset of
the book. Self expression and a tenacious egotism
are second nature to Harris, as they are to Bernard
Shaw: this essential likeness is the difference of the
two men at once promises a book interesting for this
clash of personalities alone. If Shaw stood on the
shoulders of Shakespeare in measuring his own
height, as he is herein accused of doing, Harris' retal-
iation is to stand over Shaw and judge him, in a
sense patronize him, on the scale of the higher stand-
ard of Harris. This is not an injustice to Harris; it
is rather a tribute to his perspicacity that he adopt
the tricks of his biography in estimating him.

A modern inclined railway has been
Bahia, a "two-story" city partly at ..sea
partly and a plateau 200 feet higher.

opened in
level and

Nearly 90 per cent of Paraguay's total imports
pass through the port of Asuncion.
Exportation of live alpacas from Peru has been


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