ESTABLISHED 1890F Jr. It 4h F MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I I I - F. ti-4 7OL XLII. No. 67 8iX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1931 PRICE FIVE ( -, 1 _ iLL1 AND BEER 'wo Michigan Students Named From Group of Twelve Applicants. OUR SELECTIONS MADE ward Carries Stipend of $2,000 Per Year For Two Years-; Third Optional. Two University of Michigan stu- nts were selected as Rhodes cholars to Oxford University by Ie district committee at a meet- ig 'Saturday in Chicago. Theyi ere Samuel Hutchiins Beer, '32, f u'cyrus, O., and George Cook Til- y, '33L, of Ann Arbor. The sti- end of a Rhodes Scholarship is ,000 per year. The scholarships were two of four lotted the fourth district, which nbraces Michigan, Ohio Illinois, risconsin, Indiana, and Kentucky. welve candidates had made appli- ations. The remaining two candidates re: Burnet M. Davis, of Chicago, senior in Harvard, and Fred A. icken, of Albany N. Y., who gxadu- ted from Oberlin in 193M. May be for Three Years. Under the provisions of the rants, the scholarships may be eld for three e a r s. although " PONDER RAILWAY WAGE CUTS t: STORMS CAUSE SIX DAHNMRU 'INJURIES_,IN WEST Tornadic Winds, Rainfall Bring Extensive Property Galens Members to Start Two-Day Drive for Crippled Children Today Damage. i ----- - - -------------- - - - Associated Press Photo Daniel Willard (center), president of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-, road, David B. Robertson (left), chairman of the Association of -Rafin Labor Executives, and Alvanley Johnston, Grand Chief Engineer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, confered at Chicago after Union railway employees agreed to discuss a 10 per cent salary cut. ARKANSAS BEARS BRUNT N~orthern Louisiana Also Struck by Gale; Business Houses, Homes Destroyed. LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas, Dec. 14. -(GP)-Tornadic winds and rainfall that resembled a cloudburst have caused six deaths, injuries to a score or more, extensive property damage, and the inundation of wide areas in southwestern Arkan- sas and northern Louisiana. Camden and ,Waldo, Arkansas, bore the brunt of windstorms that struck intermittently in this state and Louisiana Saturday night and Sunday. A small girl was killed under the wreckage lof her home at Camden,two negroes perishedmnear Hortman, Louisiana, and three oth- ers were killed in the vicinity of the nearby town of Cotton Valley. Nearly a score were injured in' the vicinity of Camden, but only six remained in thel hospital there, and they-were expe ted to recover. Two were hurt at *aldo. Most of the business houses and a great number of dwellings at Camden were badly damaged and few structures escaped the wind's force at Waldo. High water remained to some extent in the stricken areas of Ar- kansas and Louisiana tonight, but the rains have ceased and the floods are subsiding. An appeal to contribute to the Christmas happiness of hundreds. of crippled and bed-ridden hospital children wil be made today when Galens, honorary junior society of the medical school, opens their two- day tag campaign on the campus. Thirty members of the organiza- tion will be stationed on the streets and campus with tin buckets and tags. Two thousand dollars was raised by the drive last year and since the number of children at the hospital has almost doubled since that time, it is hoped that a con- siderably larger, amount may be taken in this year. Already letters have been sent to all the fraternities and sororities on the campus with the request that these organizations contribute on a pro rata basis. Replies from this source indicate that the fund will be subscribed to just as generously as in previous years, it was stated by W. S. Perham, '32M, chairman of the committee in charge of the campaign. Besides providing the crippled hospital youngsters with a Christ- mas party and clothing for the coming winter, the fund supports a workshop where the long hours of convelescence may be spent by the children in useful recreation which breaks the tiring routine of hospital life. Much time in the work shop has been spent recently, it was learned, by children con- structing articles to send back to the homes from which they will be separated during t h e Christmas time this year. Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven praised the effort of Galens recently with the statement, "One can scarcely imagine a more worthy project than the one the Galens society adopted. I feel sure that it will this year receive the same generous measure of support which has been given in the past." Professor O. J. Campbell, of the English department, said concern- ing the drivet "Even old ,Scrooge would loosen his purse strings at the Galens' appeal for funds to provide Christmas cheer for the crippled and bed-ridden children." REPORT ON UN SHOWS -BEST IV OF' :CLUB'SHIST Board of Directors Ann Increased Attendance Dances and Meetings 6,944 ATTENDED DA Billiard, Ping Poi Enrollments Close to rs. S wish n the ,s o ne rU. Aitefeay college. He is a of Sigma Nu, Phi Eta Sig- . Phi Beta Kappa, Tilley, nore in the Law School, is er of Psi Upsilon, Sigma hi, fiational professional tic fraternity; Phi Eta Phi Beta Kappa, Sphinx, higamua. He is the son of rris P. Tilley, of the Efig- Winston Churchill Is in Danger of Developing Pleural Hemorrhage. Winston Churchill, noted EnglishI statesman, who was struck by an1 automobile in New York- Sunday night, is in danger of developing a pleural hemorrhage, an Associated Press dispatch revealed last night. First information as to the na- ture of Mr. Churchill's injuries dis- closed only lacerations ,of the face and a sprained shoulder. The bul- letin issued yesterday by his physi- cian, Dr. Otto C. Pickhardt, at Len-, ox Hill hospital, stated that the former chancellor of the exchequer would be unable to do active work for several veeks.' Mr. Churchill is scheduled to ap- pear in Ann Arbor Jan. 27 on the -lecture series of the Oratorical As- sociation. He is to speak on "The Economic Crisis." Henry Moser, of the department of speech, and manager of the Ora- torical Association, said last night that he had been notified that Mr. Churchill would appear here, but added that there is a possibility the date might be postponed. The British statesman, who is making a tour of principal Ameri- can cities, is accompanied by Mrs. Churchill and his daughter, Diane. NEW YORK, Dec. 14.-(P)-Quite cheerful in face of the possibility that he may develop pleural hemor-I rhages, Winston Churchill ,today underwent lengthy examination to determine the extent of injuries he suffered when struck by a taxicab last night. He said he had become confused and momentarily forgot that in this country traffic keeps to the right instead of to the left as in England1 Worley Will Address Detroit Civil EngineersI Prof. John S. Worley, cuiator of the Transportation library, will ad- I dress the Detroit branch of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers tonight in the Engineers building in Detroit. He will speak regarding modern difficulties fac- ing transportation engineers, the title of his lecture being "Present- day Transportation Problems." Legal Order Reopens Saline Saving Bank Re-opened yesterday morning for the first time since Oct. 24, the Saline Savings Bank in Saline city resumed business under order of Circuit Judge George, W. Sample. The legal order approved the plans for re-organization and released the temporary receiver, Lee Tes- I cher. Will Present Fifth Choral Union Program in Auditorium, 'Tonight. The Detroit Symphony orchestra, fed by Ossip Gabrilowitsch, well- known pianist antd conductor, will offer the fifth concert on the Chor- al Union series at 8:15 o'clock this evening in Hill auditorium. The concert tonight will be the first of the two the organization will pre- sent, the second being in January with Dr. Rudolph Siegel, of Ham- burg, Germany, as guest conductor. Gabrilowitsch, who recently ap- peared on the series as a pianist, I. is regarded by critics as one of the outstanding conductors in the field. Since his inception as conductor of the Detroit orchestra in -1918, he has built the organization up toone of the high ranking institutions in the United States. Municipal Court Will. Be Discussed Tonight 2, SHOT BY CONVICT 000 Hear Both Daily Men. Both students are former mem- bers of the di- -orial staff of The Daily. Tilley, in his junior year, z was a night edi- C nor, and, in his senior year, "di- o r i a l director. Seer was a mem- her of the staff Nhen a freshman. In athletics, 3eer was a mem- aer of the boxing -Photo by spe&dngteam. Tilley, in Tilley his fresh,nian year, was a nrember of the cross- country and track teams. He was also president of his freshman class, and, as a~ senior, was a mem- ber of the Student Council. These selections give the Uni- versity four Rhodes scholars in three years. Last year Glen /D' Gosling, of Grand Rapids, was chosen. In ,1929, Allan Seagr, of Adrian, a member of the swimming team, was selected by the commit- tee. Dr. Arthur L. Cross, of the history department, is chairman of the 10- cal committee which made the re- commendations to the state com- mittee. Publi'c hearing of the proposed amentdment to the city charter for the establishment of a municipal court will be discussed at the meet- ing of the Common Council tonight. The investigating committee, head- ed by Alderman Walter Feldkamp, will present its report at the meet- ing. It is expected that the meeting1 will attract a large crowd who are interested in seeing the outcome. The majority of those who signed the petitions are not against the amendment but against some of the provisions suggested by the committee. HOUSES DISPRAGEI DEFERRED RUSHING1 Couple Talk On Travels By George' A. Stauter For more than 17 of their 20 years of married life, Martin and Osa Johnson, African explorers, have travelled together to the uncivilized parts of the world. And for two hours last night, they told an audi- ence of more than 2,000 in Hill au- ditorium of' their experiences in photographing wild animals and pygmies during their two-year sh- fan in equitorial Africa. But before the slowing of their picture, "Wonders of the Congo," the interviewer had time to discuss with them their experiences in "shooting" wild game. The photographing of wild and ferocious beasts is not the safest work in the world; it takes a good deal of courage as well as infinite patience. Also it means you must have faith in-your companion. "My wife holds the gun," is Mr. Johns'sphrase for that. "She's the estshot." He goes right on cranking the camera while the shots ring out. "Twice she's drop- ped elephants at my feet. Several times she' dropped lions that came charging t the camera. Any num-1 ber of other times she's saved my life with her rifle." Then they went on to tell the story of pygmy life. In the heart of the Itura forest, the Johnsons camped and spent months in win- ning the confidence of the- wild lit- tle savages known as pygmies. Af- ter making them many' gifts of salt, tobacco, and rice, they finally were taken in by the tribe and were per- mitted to live in a village of 500 inhabitants. "They are the most interesting savages in the world, child-like, though wild. I like them better than any savages I have ever seen." "But what food doyou eat when you are in the jungles?" the inter- viewer asked. "Oh, that's easy to explain," Mrs. Johnson replied. "You see, there are 17 varieties of game birds, some of which weigh 35 pounds apiece. We also take all our tin provisions from this country. And, in the wilds, I can pla-nt gardens and have radishes, lettuce and beans in a short time. In fact, we start out with every luxury." "Do you like Africa?" a colleague asked.' "I just love it," she replied. McMichael to Discuss Lutheranism at Forum AssociatedPresPhot 1 Seven convicts escaping from the' f e d e r a l penitentiary at Leaven-l worth, Kan., abducted Warden T.; B. White (above). He was -woundedc and left by the roadside as the convicts fled., CONV'ICTS M UT INYl AFTER JAIL1BREA Last of Seven Escaped Prisoners - Captured; Investigation Continues. , LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, Dec. 14.1 --(AP)-A mutinous spirit pervaded convict ranksk at Leavenworth fed- eral penitentiary tonight in _the wake of last Friday's break for lib- erty by se~en prisoners, the last one of whom was recaptured late today. During the day scores of convicts, classed as "hard boiled," shouted, jeered, cursed,, sang, and rattled the iron grills of cells in which they, were kept locked after similar dis- turbances last night which started with the strike of a boiler room crew. In the face of the threatening at- titude of the unruly group of pris- oners, all prison guards were placed en duty, reinforcing details at gates, strategic points, and even patroll- ing the priso . yards where fire- arms are rarely taken. Sanford Bates, director of feder- al prisoners, w h o arrived from Washington today, said f e e 1 i n g among the convicts probably would continue tense throughout the in- vestigation of the prison break and the abduction and wounding of Warden T. B. White, which he started today with his assistant, A. H. MacCormick. Earl Thayer, 55 year old Oklaho- ma mail train bandit, the last of the seven prisoners whose sensa- tional escape precipitated the pris- on disturbances, was driven into the hands of captors today by hun- ger and exhaustion. Appearing at the home of J. S. Masterson, 64, at the outskirts of Leavenworth, he handed over his rifle, seeking to trade it for food. He was detained by Masterson and Roy Daugherty Survey Shows Common Senti- ment of Fraternities Opposes Delayed Pledging. Deferred rushing received a seri- ous set-back yesterday when it was learned that the prevailing senti- ment among the undergraduate fraternities was distinctly against the present system of delaying the pledging of freshmen until the sec- ond semester. A three to one ma- jority was revealed condemning the present system which was termed "lousy" by members of several dis- satified groups. A telephone survey of 'all the undergraduate fraternities 'showed twelve houses satisfied with the present plan, thirty-two unfavor- able to the present plan, and seven houses undecided or reserving their judgement. Most of the rushing chairmen questioned answered de- visively one way or the other when the subject was brought up. The most prevalent obj ectibn to the plan, the fact that the whole rushing process was being dragged out to too great a length, can be summed up by the statement of one member who said, "It sure is a 'gripe' to have rushing string out fog the whole semester." Deferred rushing was instituted last year by the senate committee in an effort to give the freshmen a better opportunity to choose wise- ly the house for which they seem best suited. Also it was planned with a view to doing away with t"hot-boxing" and other forms of high pressure rushing. Many Undecided. Many houses that were undecidec voiced the opinion that the system, had decided merit if it could be enforced but that as the rules were being violated they considered the plan impracitical and fence un- desirable. The only concrete advantage of deferred rushing as voiced by the houses was that the fraternities and the first year men had a better opportunity to look each other over The fact that the lack of freshmer was severely crippling many house. financially was mentioned a num- ber of times. An important aspect of the prob- lem was brought up by two house, who stated that they feared the new plan was playing into the hands of the freshmen who seemed now almost able to dictate terms tc the houses. One rushing chairmar said the first year men were "get ting cockier than the dickens thik year. , SUCCESS! Shower Regulators for Union Finally to Be Bought.t The Union has decided to help keep the campus clean. During the Reports showing that the is having the most successf of its history have been m the board of- directors of t ganization, who have anr that the attendance'at dan class meetings was far abo of any other year. To date there have bee couples at the regular danc semester. This is 1,580 aheac number attending previous same date last year. The t4 last year was far above that other year. The fact that th been a capacity crowd preser week-end everting may be attributed to the new lighti vice ,that wereinstalled ti it was said. Big Tournament. The enrollment in the poc liard, and ping pong tourn which have just been coa came close to a record, it ported at the meeting, . a three-rail and straight billia will begin soon. Registrati also started for a freshman m o r e basketball tournai which the intramural dept will cooperate by giving mE the winners. The upperclass advisory s: said to be working as well be expected considering ti flict with the Interfraterni cil ad the-act that it- tried for the first time. blanks have been -issued 'to visors and will be issued aga Gallery Completed. The gallery of pictures o dents of the University, in President Alexander G. R9 was completed last lveek anc n the corridor leading to I ng room. Under each pict brief history 'of the life of t w r i t t e n on Japanese par The plans for the museum jects pertaining to the U. shave been completed and are already being donated It was decided that a nu student-faculty smokers, mote friendship between 1 dergraduates and the insi would be held. Plans were . cussed , f o r- an , alumni which will be held on son ball week-end next fall. Bc students and alumni may ' The date for the annua homecoming will be May 7 3. A committee is arrang program for the returnin iates. COUNCIL TO DE Literary College Resolu Be Considered at Spi Meeting Today. Leading Pacifist Who Speaks Today' Has Background of Wide Experience DEMOCRT VICTORY Claim Pistrict, State, National Elections Will Go to Their Party. Democratic leaders of the Second Michigan district predicted victory for their party in the district, state and national election, at a meet- ing here Saturday afternoon. Hora- tio Abbott of Ann Arbor, member of the Democratic national com- mVitIte_ sid1 that. it "wads1-tobad Under the auspices of the Stu- dent Christian Association, Paul T. Harris of. the Institute of Interna- tional Affairs will speak on the subject, "Is There a New Patriot- ism?" at 4:15 this afternoon in the Natural Science auditoruim. During his long career, Mr. Harris has preached in the Kentucky hills, has been Y.M.C.A. secretary, Boy Scout executive, a member of the National Council for the Preven- tion of War, Lecturer, League of Nations attendant, and newspaper man. Mr. Harris is a Kentuckian. He was born in Louisville, and attended school there, later taking work in The University Council,a vial meeting to be held th noon, will consider the College faculty resolution to the questionnaire sent of idministration requesting ;o report the number of ho n preparation of classes ,ures and other items re 'he use of faculty time di school year. Consideration of the r was to have been made y Instead, a special meeting cussion of this one ques decided upon for today. At its session yesterday,1t cil heard reports of an infl character. Among the rep those of the Board in C Athletics and the Senate tee on Student Affairs. On items of minor importai transmitted to the coun than the reports, Prof.: Hopkins,secretary, said la The Literary College r at 3 B Christmas vacation self regulators will be placed on all of the shower baths in the locker room. The way for the regulators, Hugh R. Conklin, Unionpresident, admit- ted yesterday, was pavedr by open - . ... i j ' I I