THE MTCH-TGA N TATEIY _______ I NO 11 Ill &I M VFAVAM M YWA"A *L I INTRAMURA BSKTBLLTOURNEY WILLOPEN TOMORROWI WITH FORTY TEAMS COMPETING IN ROUND HRIN, THEOSOPHIST BELIEVES WOMEN ARE BASICALLY THE SAME WORLD OVER Expresses Desire to See Manner i Mrs. Ransom agress that there' of Dress of Orientals may be exceptions to the general rules, but are there not here as Retain Simplicity. well? Upon being questioned as to whether the women of India werel By Beverly Stark, '33.,changing their mode of dress ast "Women are the same the world the Japanese and Chinese are in- over,-they are boss," said Mrs. Jo- clined to do she threw up her hands sepbine Ransom, theosophist, in a in horror and vehemently said, "I hasty interview held on the nether hope not. Their own costume is fine regions of the steps of Natural Sci- and as lovely and graceful as it ence auditorium after her lecture can be, having all the rich and on "The Creative Mind." simple charm of the ancient Greeks. "There is no difference between I sincerely trust that they have thel the British and American girl, asl intelligence to retain their own far as I have been able to perceive.' mode of dress.' All Sororities and Dormitories Have Entered Teams in Contest. INDEPENDENTS TO PLAY ,Kappa Delta to Play Newberry' Monday; Pi Phi's to Meet Zeta Tau Alpha. Actual playing in the intramural basketball season will begin VMon- day, Dec. 14, with the start of the round robin, which will last for three weeks until Jan. 15. For the past two weeks the dormitory, so- rority, and independent teams have held practice. Forty teams have entered the tournament this year. Every soror- ity on campus is represented, and at least one or two teams from every dormitory. These teams have been placed in groups of four. Teams in each group will play three games. The teams winning two out of three games or tying a game will enter the straight elimination se- ries. seniors must have their hearts and lungs checked. There are still a few who have not done this. It is important that all indepen- dent women who wish to play on an interclass team must play on an intramural team first. One inde- pendent team has already been or- vanized. There is still time for in- dependent women to organize an- other team. For further informa- tion call Miss Marie Hartwig at the intramural office at Barbour gym- nasium.' Games to Begin Promptly. Games will be promptly started on time this year. The games will begin at 4:15 and at 5:15 o'clock. Four quarters will be played with a rest half in between. The games will last about a half hour. If play- ers are late the quarters will be cut and there will be less chance to play. Schedule of Games. The schedule for the first of the round robin will be as follows: Monday, at 4:15 o'clock, Kappa Delta will play Helen Newberry and Delta Gamma will play Alpha Chi Omega; at 5:15 o'clock Betsy Bar- Mosher Jordan Phyllis Gratton, '33. was in charge Miss Isabel W. Dudley, assistant of the waitresses who served the director of Jordan hall, is enter- refreshments and Christina Cook, taining some guests at dinner to- '33, was in charge of the prepara- day. Her guests include Mr. and tion and arrangement of the re- Mrs. A. H. Danforth of Windsor, freshments. Margaret Hadden, '33, Ontario, and Mr. C. S. Fitzpatrick was in charge of fancy work; Laura of Detroit. Shoemaker, '33, in charge of mis- Couzens Hall. cellaneous articles; Ruth Freet, '33, in charge of Christmas novelties; Couzens hall held their annual I owena Peck, '33, in charge of pop- junior bazaar Fiday and Satur- corn, and Almeda Eastman, '33, in day. In regards to entertainment at! charge of candies. the affair Ann M. Peitz, '33, was in charge of the direction of plays ~ and C. June Wilkinson, '33, was in _-- charge of properties and costumes. _ . _1-- PEGASUS TO RIDI INDOORS TUESDd Society to Be Guests at Su Given by Mullison's. At the meeting of Pegasus, r society for women, which was last Thursday night at the Le building, plans were made I musical ride to be held indoo the fairgrounds on Tuesday r of this week. The members will be gues Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mullison at per after the ride. in education, dress, or participation in daily affairs; nor is the Eastern girl very far behind her Western sister; The Eastern woman may walk out veiled but in her home she rules as well and as often as do the Occidental women, contrary to pub- lic opinion here. The women in British India are advancing rapidly in education and professional lives, as they are very interested in medi- cine, teaching and the present movement for independence." Delta Omicron HoldsI Founders Day Dinner Members of Delta Omicron, music sorority, were the guests of Mrs. Russell C. Hussey at dinner on Tuesday night. The dinner was given as a cele- bration of the sorority's Founders Day. Following the dinner, bridge was the form of entertainment. If you write, We have it. Correspondence Stationery, Fountain Pens, Ink, etc. rTpewriters all rakes. Greeting Cards for bodr. o. D . M R R I L 314 S. State St., Ann Arbor. PERMANENT WAVES Hat and at Jacob- - I 6 - ._ .__ __..___._.__ __-__ --- -- ---- - ; High Hat Take advantage of our low end-of- season special prices. All waves complete with shampoo and set at no extra charge. yI, j - 4 '~ . Good taste is not a matter of money . . Interclass to Be Later. bour will play Collegiate Soros Interclass basketball will begin and Martha Cook will play Helen second semester. Only those women Newberry IL Tuesday, at 4:15 who have played on an intimmural o'clock, Chi Omega will play Alpha team can report for interclass. Phi and Mosher Hall I will play These students ill be chosen by alGamma Phi Beta; at 5:15 o'clock, committee of studnts and coaches, Pi Beta Phi will play Zeta Tau which will meet three times during Alpha, and Alpha Delta Pi will play the season to pick out players on Alpha Gamma Delta. the basis of skill and interest. The students chosen wild be asked to A German census shows that 24.3 participate,'in interclass basketball. per cent of all households are Before playing on an intramural equipped with radio sets. or interclass team all juniors and iL - ___ > i t sons. . High fashion does not mean high price. You've heard Jacobsons called "High Hat" . . . but "High Hat" is not a standard of prices, it's a standard of fashion. If it is Jacobsons it's right . . . no matter how much or how little you pay . . . it can be from $2 to tl0 wAVEOLINE SYSTEM-A real wave at Suar3.00 price.......................... MARCELINE OIL WAVE-a recondi- tioning oil 4 50 system....................... . CURLINE PROCESS - Ou:r very lest ....... 6.00 wave......................... Shampoo, Finger Wave, Arch, Marcell, Manicure, Facial, Hot Oi, any one 501, any two 75c PUBLIX BEAUTY SHOPPE 201 E. Liberty St. Phone 23414 accfcZ Musical Monday Morning Special From 9 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. Events 10%C/ I Small enough for sister's stockin KODAK PETITE JN Kodak Petite, sister will immediately sense not only a fine picture-maker, but a decided addition to her smart ap- pearance. .This colorful camera is truly All programs are given in Hill Auditorium un l e s s otherwise noted. The afternoon concerts are g i v e n without admission charge. THE "MESSIAH" by Handel, University Choral Union, Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra. Soloists, Earl V. Moore, Con- ductor, December 13, 4:15. DETROIT SYMPHONY OR- CHESTRA, Ossip Gabrilow- itsch, Conductor, Dec. 15, 8:15. DON COSSACK RUSSIAN CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Con- ductor, Jan. 13, 8:15. DETROIT SYMPHONY OR- CHESTRA, Dr. Rudolf Siegel, Guest Conductor, Jan. 25, 8:15. YEHUDI MENUHIN, Violin, Feb. 4, 8:15. PERCY GRAINGER, Piano, Feb. 19, 8:15. R 0S A PONSELLE, Soprano, March 7, 8:15. ORGAN RECITALS every Wed- nesday, 4:15. 1 Y , l BAL:j Discount on any pair of shoes purchased upon the mentioning of this ad. I Sr / 6petite." It comes in a choice of five colors, with case to match, at $7.50. We have Kodaks in all sizes ... to de- light every member of The family. Give to t!he K4i0ddies Francisco & oyce Photo Co. (AAA to C) IJacobson's 11 "o I y 14 N i , . f , " %"/r j 1 " " I d . i r 1 t a l t Ili talk about christmas The Tucturban 0. spi t .". .. Something New in Hats Galen's Chri'istmas give .Tuesday &'Wednesday, can't you just smell the sweet fragrance of the Christ- mas tree . . . and see the little children gathering 'round their toys in glee . . . can you blame us for get- ting poetical and sentimental, or for taking pride in the fact that we have the most wonderful selection of gifts ready for you. The fashion spotlight has lately shifted to the Tuctur- ban the most recent model to catch the fancy of the fastidious miss. In black, brown, or bright colors and in such new materials as Tango Crepe and Peau de eczner15(116 Gant it comes just in time to start off the holiday sea- son with something new. / Mrs. Hughes, Manager Iil iii F