THE MICH CAN DATE E 1 ublihhed every morning except Monday during the University year ie Board in Control of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. .he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- eation of all news dispatchesicredited to it or not otherwise ted in this paper and the local news published herein. uteredrat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant naster GeneraL. ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.69 ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, igan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN Sditor ... .«.. .........................Carl Forsythe r Direotor ..............................Beach Conger, Jr. Editor ...*...........................,David M. Nichol SEditor.. ....................ah .Fullerton en's Editor....... ................Margaret M. Thompson taut News Editor ... ................... ... Robert L. Pierce kB. G llbreth' nd A. Goodman Karl selfert NIGHT EDITO J. Cullen Kenn RS nedly James Inglis Jerry E. Rosenthal George A. Stauter Sports Assistants John W. Thomas r J. Myers JOne* REPORTERS y W. Arnheim Fred A. Huber o E. Becker Norman Kraft d C. Campbell Roland, Martin illiams Carpenter Henry Meyer as Connellan Albert H. Newman el G. Ellis E. Jerome Pettit by Brockman Georgia Gellman n Carver Alice Gilbert Lece Collins 'Martha Littlpfton e Crandall Elizabeth LoAg Feldman Frances Mancheste .ee Foster Elizabeth Mann John S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford John W. Pritchard Joseph Renihan 0. Hart Schaaf Brackley Shaw Parker R. Snyder R.I. Winters Margaret O'Brien Hillary Rarden Dorothy Rundell Elma Wadsworth Josephine Woodhams BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ARLES T. Kline .......................Business Manager RRIS P. JOHNSON .................Assistant Manager Department Managers ertising...................................Vernon Bishop 'ertising Contracts . . ....................Harry R. Begley 'ertising Service............. ..............Byron C. Vedder lications.................................. William T. Brown onnts ............. .......................Richard Stratemeir men's Business Manager ..... .................Ann W. Verner nil Aronson bert E. Bursdey en Clark bent Finn Assistants John Keyser Arthur F. Kohn James Lowe a Becker Anne Harsha ha Jane Cissel Katharine Jackson vieve Field Dorothy. Lsyin ne Fischgrund Virginia McComb Galmeyer Carolin Mosher Harriman Helen Olsen Grafton W. Sharp Donalo A. Johnston 11 Don, Lyon Bernard H. Good May Seefried Minnie Seng Helen Spencer Kathryn Stork Clare U nger Mary Elizabeth Watts NIGHT EDITOR-GEORGE A. STAUTER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1931 A New Note in College Football COLLEGE football again is the target for cri- ticism. Professionalism in college sports, and the characterization as "regrettable" in regard to our "national psychology" of athletics, have been the basis of discussions about the greatest of cam- pus sports. Lately, however, rebellion against the "big business and showmanship" trend in football has flared up among college students of the mid- west. Simultaneously, the number of football fatal- ities of the past season, twice greater than the year previous, has been brought before the public. One contemporary even goes so far as to employ the word "murder" in describing this year's heavy record of deaths. The agitation which comes at this time of the year, however, strikes a new note. Not only is criticism leveled at the losers, but the winners are also coming in for a share of the attacks. It is with significance that we read the editorial of The Daily Nebraskan, undergraduate newspaper of the Uni- versity of Nebraska,1 which declares that "The football team has become nothing except an ad- yertising agency for the University" and pleads for reform of intercollegiate athletics, particularly football. It is significant because the Missouri Valley Conference title resides there. In the first place, college football-a spectacle, if anything-should be made safer. This already has beenx advocated by some of our contemporar- ies. There is need for an overhauling of the rules, especially those which give impetus to plays such as the 'flying wedge." Then college football should be relegated to a position other than 'that which it now enjoys. It is wholly out of proportion to things academic. It has attempted to move along at the pace it established during the prosperity period. ' Athletic officials have made drastic reduc- tions in their budgets because of a drop in gate receipts. Student interest has waned, for it is not the interest, the "hysteria," of a few years ago. The excitement one occasions at a football game is, in most cases, due not to the students, but alumni, who cling to the spirit of other days and refuse to see it die. Football within certain prescribed limits, as in the Western Conference, the Missouri Valley Con- ference, the Pacific Coast Conference, and the like, should be endorsed, since these groups are of such standing that there has come about a rivalry natural in color. Football teams who spend most of their time in parlor cars in making transcontin- mtal journeys are not in the real sense representa- :ive of the school. There is no natural rivalry. It has become over-emphasized; and the attendant >ublicity is of such scope that it has become nau- eating. The team-if it wins all its games-is not a national champion; it is nothing more than a "advertising agency," not indicative of the :ademic worth of the school it represents. We believe that football at Michigan is taken .t least in a sensible manner. There are few inter- ectional games. Trips t3 the East, playing such eams as Harvard and Princeton, are seldom made. Rules require that we play five confe'rence teams ach year, and no more than eight games in a sea-, on. A football team in the Big Ten cannot, then, roam" the country and collect the dollar for its. xchequer. Those schools who have reduced bud- ets at the expense of other sports, in which the nany suffer at the expense of a few, are to be con- emned. A more sane method of conducting thisJ port is to be desired. 1O OEKS I SCARAMOUCHE THE KINGMAKER, By Ra- fael Sabatini. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. 420 pp. $2.50. "We are here to rescue a whole people from dam- nation, to recover a throne for its rightful owners,' and to bring back to France the best of her children who have been driven into exile." This in part is the task which again brings into the light of current fiction the glamorous Scaramouche, Rafael Sabatini's most dramatic character. Scaramouche, Andre-Louis Moreau to his asso- ciates, "The Paladin of the Third Estate," to all who remembered his dynamic campaign which resulted in the establishment of the National Assembly, turns his purpose agairn to the pointing of his heart. Seem- ingly without regard for his important position as a Representative and member of the National Assembly we find him now working with even greater zeal for the monarchy and the destruction of the Revolution he had had a part in making. The motive for such reversal in cause is to be explained by his conviction that by no other means may he, the illegitimate son of Mme. de Plougastel, win the hand of -the adored Mlle. Aline de Kercadiou. The tale has its beginning with Andre-Louis using his credentials as Representative to bring Mlle. Aline, Mme. de Plougastel, and M. de Kercadiou, Lord of Gavrillac, uncle to Mlle. Aline and the godfather to Andre- Louis, safely out of France to the Court at Coblenz. The Court at Coblenz had as its nucleus of im- portant personages the two brothers of Louis XVI, the Compte de Provence and the Compte d' Artois, and his uncle, the Prince de Conde. Here the hope- ful royalists put themselves at ease in their misfor- tune with the enjoyment of a glittering though contracted Court routine. Amidst such activities Andre-Louis, still the Citizen, was both ill at ease and unwelcome except for the friendship of one "mon- archist to the marrow of my bones," Colonel Jean deBats. It was after and as a result of the forced refusal of Mle Aline's hand in marriage that Andre-Louis offered his services, together with a plan for the restorationof the monarchy, to de Bats. The scene now shifts to Paris where one is rapidly drawn into the movement of events, becoming a confidante to the carefully laid plans of Scaramouche and Colonel de Bats. Much excitement attends the efforts of the little band of royalists as they go about their movements to restore the monarchy. The guil- lotine is constantly dropping heads into the basket-- Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette both go by that way. Each narrow escape is followed by more drastic cam- paigns-finally Andre-Louis holds information which brings them to the threshold of certain success. In the meantime, back at Coblenz the Prince takes ad- vantage of tl e, absence of Andre to force his atten- tions upon Alne. Acting on the report of Aline's seduction by the Prince, Andre without consideration for the men with whom he had been working wrecks the cause at the very -moment it was to triumph. History itself made it necessary for the author to resort to such a climax giving de Bats reason to condemn Andre-Louis as "a man who is. without loyalties to any but himself, a man who is now a Royalist, now a Revolutionary, now a Royalist again,. as suits his own personal ends; just consistent only in that all the time he is Scaramouche." What happens hereafter is even more exciting. A most surprising array of climaxing situations bring one to the last pages with a feeling that had fate been any different there would have been lost to this thrilling tale a heart-gripping finish. Sabatini again proves very skilful in embellishing with historical sequence a plot of romantic adventure so gripping that it stands out as something far above ordinary literary endeavor. C. W. Steltzriede. SCJREEN JREFLECTIf NSJ AT THE MAJESTIC For some reason movie magnates, or whoever it is plans the talkies, fail to see that technical perfec- tion needs a good story to back it up. "Frankenstein" is very unsatisfying for this reason. No one could ask for better horror than Boris Karloff presents as the manufactured monster. We have seldom, if ever, heard better grunting. Since his dialogue is limited to inarticulate emissions, he is much less inane than any of the other players. This dialogue is a pretty sore point with us. Sweet nothings have been passe for years and years, and Colin Clive, creator of the beast, has some of the most foolish love speeches to make that we have ever heard outside a Janet Gaynor picture. There is a place, too, where he has to say something like, "Now I know what it feels like to be God." But don't let this keep you away. That technical perfection referred to in the first sentence is really good. All through the picture there are scenes where, if you can forget what the characters are saying, the splendid photography will give you a swell thrill. The laboratory sequence, where the monster is given life; the several stirring battles and murders, and the ultimate destruction of the monster are all very, very good. Incidentally, something evidently had to be done to lengthen the picture, so there are some places that ! look a lot like a news reel, with peasants dancing around. A major operation ought to be performed, and a double feature presented-"Horrible Tale of Manufactured Man," and "Festival in German Vil- lage." OASTED ROLL WHEE.> Hello Murr, hello Papa, Hello Aunt Jane out in Syrac.use, this is Johnny Finny talking onnerradio and I am five years old today tee hee heeeee alright Johnny thank you very much and now look who's here! Oscar the Wonder Horse. Come on Oscar and tell the folks about it. * * * Wal, stranger, it's like this: A travelling salesman got stuck out in the country and had to stay overnight at a farmer's house. The farmer didn't have any daughter. I guess that ought to disappoint a whole lot of you birds. And, speaking of travelling sales- men, I see where the forum on Un- cle Joe the Burzle-Wurzle managed to collect a total attendance of one hundred and three rabid partisans who expressed their undying hatred of the administration by listening to a speech. You've got to hand it to those boys, they will undergo anything for their Cause. DAILY POEM See the Dean's head bowed in sorrow. Bent and broken by his fall. Cheer up, Joe, you hate the job and It's a fine world after all! Student uprisings are a lovely sight anyway. For years we have watched the fellows gathering in groups about the corners of the campus and discussing their wrongs. These little groups invariably ooze with threats to go and tell the leg- islature that the President of the school is a dirty old grafter and that three professors are known to have beer in their cellars. * * * These threats always seemed to us to be exceptionally mean-spirit- ed. We don't see why any one should want to arouse the jealousy of the legislature by stories of beer in peoples' cellars. * * * And as for the graft-can you imagine any good, first-rate grafter wasting his sweetness under a bushel on a campus where money is too scarce to build a decent sized entrance into the basketball games or hire competent photographers to get the pictures for Speak- easy identification cards? Of course not, you silly. Not even you could. * * * YVONNE FAGAN DEPT. .Personal: Will the party who brought up the subject of Yvonne Fagan in the first place kindly come around to the office between four o'clock any afternoon and get what's coming to him? No ques- tions asked. * * * We see where the football season ended to all intents and purposes with Army and Navy bringing it to a delightful cli- max. As far as we are concern- ed, it ended back last month some time when the Big Ten put over a conspiracy to let Michigan share in the title. We expected to hear any day now that all the basketball teams will default the title to us this year just to make things look nice. Maybe they won't have to, though. Basketball always was a mystery to us, and we haven't a n y way of telling whether our team is any good or not. If we could tell, we wouldn't. Mr. Tillotson h a s enough trouble making expen- ses without having us spoil his attendance by taking all the suspense out of the game. It's too bad some of our other sports commentators can't pro- fit by our attitude and stop let- ting the beans out of the bag. BEFORE YOU VISIT the FOLKS BACKHOME Of course, you're all looking forward to spending the holidays at home. And I don't blame you. It's a treat indeed, after being awray so long. There'll be plenty of hustling and bustling to get everything ready. Fare- wells to say. Well-wishes to extend to student-friends. Why not work ahead of schedule? Why not set aside a little time now to get together your clothes that need cleaning? Let Goldman bros. Miraclean them for you, so that when you leave you'll have plenty of Mclean, I ' Let Goldman Bros.' Exclus- ive Miraclean and Exclus- ive Valeteria Form-pressing Put All Your ClOthes In 'N fresh, wholesome clothes to wear. Idon 't want to hurry you, because after all I'll ge glad to serve you even at the last minute and give you the same fine service that you've learned to expect from Goldman Bros. But, of course, it will be easier all around to Apple-Pie Order have that job taken care of now. And even if I don't hear from you, I still want to wish you every joy and happiness for the holidays. -MAX GOLDMAN FOR THE MEN FOR WOMEN 'oats Miracleaned and Skillfully Hand-Finished Miracleaned and Valeteria Form-Pressed C Cash and Carry Cas and Carry { OLQ mAN 4 C LiEaclea '-clean as' a breath of fpring Colin Clive does better than might be expected, mainly because you can't bury Colin Clive. Mae Clarke is merely an uninteresting clothes horse, and John Boles chiefly runs around and says "what a situation this is," if you will allow figurative language. There are three short features besides the news reel. Harry Lauder sings about "I Love a Lassie," in one of them. R. A. G. A FACT A DAY A hen owned by Fred Spieth of Richmond, O., laid an egg with a "trap door," which consisted of a loose flap in the shell attached to a membranous hinge. And that, children, will be about all for today inasmuchas we have to be off to go to Detroit-anybody has to be off to go to Detroit these days-and there really isn't much time to think up things to spoil your fun for the day right now. We trust you enjoyed the basket- ball game and take this opportun-f PHONE 4213 ANN ARBOR 214 South State Street 703 Packard Street 1115 South University 113 East Liberty Street 701 South State Street (Corner Monroe Street) r 1 i'-racral frnm tha nlrl «crr rrhnnnarrr rnilrnorl tllof I I I.