THE MICHIGAN DAILY su es Planned for ChurchesI ,hroughout City;.Hillel to Hold Debate. Continiued fro-in Page A1)? Prof. Robert Hall, of the geo-n y departincint, and a member' Explorer's Club, will speak ipressions of the Japanese anid their relationships With sermoni of the service at the ahem Evangelical church will en by the~ Rev. J. CL. Koenig, nary to India. "God, the Pro- of Man." will be the topic Fi1rst church of Christ, Sci- Institutes Courses LEZVN RN ER P-,IE UP HUGE I L A ( 'B TLF F HECENTURY" TREASURE!Gol.- Sold.Rented . l(a zeaired l o -* z 0.1 c h= a s FOUNTAIN PD, N Pr.rer, "She 'r, 1tein ,n A l.arge =nd cho ice asrn 314 S. State St., Amn Arbr. NEW YORK. Dec. l2--(i~')-Siciney 5, Lens and Oswald Jac&by took :: __a:. youth fulG, nervy Jacoby! inie. hor~to ~i?:tie ir ls a cvatagec c reatcars to runj whn-te ',rdsare running against away rm Mr. adMs l ~ hmadas how to g'ot the most bertson in theforhssino the Iout f laola hands or almost coa r aic ,t bi g aah n cnd g p n l' h y have out-maneu- eary toay >.u ic ecrSet in the tIcs of the sesorpee tvao fkeigopnnsfo on the "omii ytmof bidin :o ad ubar And this is a cumulated ,3moepnt t mae:o inosofte oet a -grand net Itout1,Of , 50 e O:f sstms. Jac-eby lbid th re itle slames and v- e maethem. Another, coul-d have .acs tou be'n ade. lwith a corrc hice't ; 1 s a to America of 'r bid. tMrs . Cuibeison made1. one l . . Tier husb1an'd cou:ldishare tried for L TN ec. l2.-(141-Adolf Hit- anotherbu prefersred a safe game! ler, CGcrmany ti No. 1 Fascist, tried aid rubbo.?r. to reach the ear of America tonight It was a speedy session. More, with -a broadside against Chancel- DLLNNISPORTi, Mass., {Dec. 12- l: r : nB~~,sixteen-year-- oldhig' ehoo stden, egan digging in hi' bacyard for a "pot P eler=Leisi had told Ber'ry that his ('s) father, Thatcher S4Lewis, now dead, had buried gold ., - ._ ',A there !because 1.:he distrusted .', 1 bank s.' voted: all hi,,paeim o the ex- cavation of the su'p posled buried treasure, even digging at times by moonlight. Here recently the boy unearthed a glass jar which contai ned:$20 gold- pieces representingi, . ae band of paper arounc;die jar told of its having been bur}iedC there for, 18 years and one da y. v. E. C. Stellhorn, pastor of the Lutheran church, wiJl speak "The Need of the Christ of tmas," while at St. Paul's Lu- .n church, Rev. C. A. Braueir ell of "The Message of John." ident services of the -Hillel dation, to be held in the el of the League, will be led lfred Koch. Byron Nov it al y will on "Is the J 3is tu.dent aring for TL fe?" :A 'qate will eld this evna o eolved: Intemariag oftheJews 4 be Beneficial." NathaLevy speak. Dr. W. T)Hnro, head of the Ex c, sion Divisioun of the Univer- sity, whch branch is responsible ysfor tc iw.?'tirdtion of correspond- C :C. ~WtS otxh various public 0 adsf, he said. rubbers were played than during any other and the grand total rs to 17 for Lenz and Jacoby, to 11 for their opponents. IRends dealt WereI 45, reaching the grand total of 154.1 Lenz and Jacoby shut out the Cul-' bertsons in three rubbers. The Cul- bertsons won one shut out. It was peace session. Jacoby praised the Culbertsons for beingi graceful losers and poor Winners. Cuidbertson remarked thatO'be found 1his opponents in exce _;l] wuthumor for a change. Proponlents of the rivalsytm found roudsfor a'u'enbt neuftrail nkiitcrs we re im press a jaim by tli eLt tT srecod br_ ir= ing-but the dictatorial1 arm of the government thrust him aside. "Tae Me! -nay life or her child's!" Fo h esaricd sake . *for r grzfat lave .. I ..... r r, 4h YESTIC TNOW PL AYIN-G NN rte=Take Mve~ i t Continuous 1:30-11:00 P. M. DI . MADE HIM WITH MY OWN HANDS isI Pam. Introducing One of America's t Finest Stage Stars! withi LEWIS STONE NEIL HAMILTON CLIFF EDWARDS At . <.X-THE MAN WOMADE-A MONSTER AlF JENLY WARNING If you. have a weak heart and cannot { stantd intens2e excitement or even shock, eveadvse yo; ru NOT to see this produc- tic=:z. If, con the contrary, you like an 'i unusual thriil, yo)u will find it in 1?r ~"rAi _NxKENSTEIN" XM, AS ',3UGGESTIONS ADD ED ATTRACTIONS "PARISIAN GAIETIES". S'imn Summerville Comedy "SNAKES ALIVE" IP PARAMOUNT Novelty liIIINEWS j~COIN CLIVE *" t'AAE CLARKE 9 JOHN BOLES j< BORIS KARLOFF : Dwight Frye " Edward Van Sloan " Frederic Ker r. Directed by RAMS WHALE Produced by Cori Lvemmle, Jr. From The soy by Maory Wollstvorft ,Uhelley. Adopted by John L. lBlderston from t te ploy by Peggy WobPltA. EXTRA CHA.E-«WA A BOZ" MONDAY OWL SHOW "STRANGERS MAY KISS"-NI'ORMA SHEARER. SUBSCRIBE TO THE, MICHIGAN DAID. ,7 . I C ARLIE nil '' , ' , 27 N w4l FOR HIM FOR, HER Your brother, friend, your husband yo ur son. or SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE OF KAYWOODIE AND ILANO PIPES Regular Prices, $3.50) and x,4,00 BEN WADE PIPES $2.95 anid4.95 AND FUIO SL 11 . kVa l s up o $9.25 Monson Lightecrs, $4.50 & $5 .9 ValueS up to $6.50 Beautiful Toilet Sets for Men Yardley's and Coty s Beautifully Wrapped Boxes Your sister, girl friend, your wife or daughter. DELIGHT HER WITHA CHRISTMAS BOX OF WITMA'SCAD We pack, nail ~inn deliver for Christi-us day'- ADVANCE O.RDERS NOW. ORAT ORICAL ASSOCIATION Presents Marii~land Osa Johnson IN PERSON Perfums and Toilet PSets C ampacets- -Famcous :Perf um-ers CotyHoubgn-Yardley Speaking and .Showing Films o 1 1 Harriet Hubbard -Ayr, "on ders of the Congo" Ric h adun. III Their story of toYears amnong the pygmes and gorillas. AnIdeal Cr istmas Gift 11 A CIN-KOAK Record your Cristmas parties in movies. Thin of theiar value in years to come. OM(.) RROW III Prices surprisingly lw II iecme14-:1SP Mi/. PHNE7 11 IIIl swoon r- 7-1 ., e tea? A'L IK I N S'm F L E T M W i K ..Tit HILL AUDITORIUM nF1D1 T 1 c A, 1