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December 13, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-13

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New York Man to Speak Before
Methoaist Congregation
at Morning Service.
Dr. Huizinga, Chinese Teacher,
to Tell of Experiences
in Education.
Bishop Francis J. McConnell, of
the New York area of the Metho-
dist Episcopal church, will deliver
the second lecture of the Henry
Martin Loud Lectureship at '7:30
o'clock tonight in the First Metho-
dist Episcopal church. Dr. Fred-
erick B. Fisher will have charge of
the morning service.
A preacher of inspiring eloquence,
Bishop McConnell is widely known
as an author and lecturer. He is
a former president of the Federal
Council of Churches of Christ in
Other Speakers Named.
Other speakers of the Loud lec-
tureship for the present year in-
clude Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, of
Chicago; Rabbi Louis Wolsey, of
Philadelphia; Prof. Halford E. Luc-
cock, of New Haven, Conn.; Bishop
E. S. Johnson, of South Africa, and
Dr. Fred B. Smith, of New York.
At the First Baptist church, Dr.
Henry Huizinga, head of the de-
partment of English at the Uni-
versity of Shanghai, will give two
addresses. His subject at the morn-
ing service will be "Thrills of an
English Teacher During Revolu-
tionary Times in China." He will
also speak before the Baptist Guild
in the evening on "Pioneering in
To Tell of Pioneers.
Dr. Huizinga received his degree
of doctor of philosophy from Mich-
igan in 1917. He spent 20 years in
educational work in India before
belcoming a member of the faculty
of.. Shanghai College now the Uni-
yerslty .of hanghai. - -
S'Pioneers and Pathfinders will.
be the theme of worship this morn-
ing at the First Congregational
church. The sermon will be preach-
ed by the Rev Allison RayhHeaps.
Rev. .Merle I.Aderson, of the first
Presbyterian church, will preach
this morning on "The Strange Ac-
count of ,Balthazar of the Magi.".
Rev. Harold P. Marley, of the
Unitarian church, will give an an-
alysis of the University and city
problem in sermon on "Solving the
Town-Grown Problem. In the eve-
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 1)
MhState Bulleins
(Bv As.sociattd Prew)
Saturday, December 12, 1931
DETROIT-According to a report
today by City Treasurer Charles L.
Williams, the city faces a decrease
of about three million dollars in
tax receipts due to delinquent taxes.
This, it was indicated would mean
drastic reduction in municipal pub-
lic services.
YPSILANTI-A permit was issued
today to the Ford Motor company
for the erection of a factory build-
ing. No announcements as to the
purpose of the building have been
made by the company but it is un-
derstood here that it will be used
for the manufacture of electrical
generators. ,

LANSING--A one-man grand jury'
investigation into the, death Dec. 2
of Miss Iva Manress was ordered'
today by Circuit Judge Charles B.
MONROE - Mrs. Elizabeth H.
Drewier, 58, was drowned in a cis-
tern at therear of her home today.
It was believed that the woman
had committed suicide.
FLINT -- A 16-year-old girl was
the heroine of a fire at the home
of Lewis Clark here this morning.
After smothering the flames on her
clothing, Shirley Clark ran to the
window where her two younger sis-
ters were sleeping and, breaking the
glass with her hand, roused the
children and helped them out of
the window.
WYANDOTTE-Mayor Joseph A.
Smith announced today that he will
attempt to push a drive for the All-
American channel for the Detroit
river. A port commission will be ap-

!J7~ 1 11' Jul 1

,r /1 -/'

u~en. toxey watcnes Hunger iViareners tudents Utter C or
on Wildcat Gam,
By John Thomas
} Conflicting reactions met the an-
nouncement of the Northwestern-
Michigan football game on the
campus yesterday. Approval was
stamped on the new schedule by
the majority of the students, but
many expressed "sympathy" for
Coach Kipke and his 1932 gridiron
With Michigan State opening the
season, followed by Northwestern
and Ohio State, many students are
afraid for the team's chances, but
expressed the opinion that with
something to point for at the start
of the season, Michigan may easily
urprise the football fans with No-
' start of the season.
"Our new schedule is like playing
Notre Dame on three successive
:rweek-ends," one student said. ',Pure
suicide," "it's too hard," and "our
team will not have a veteran from
ackle to tackle," were answers to
the reporter's inquiries.
The largest majority is in hearty
favor of the Wildcat game. After
being tied by Northwestern for two
-years at the top of the onference
, " . . j tandings, this will give Coach
} --apkea chance to show what Mich-
f igan can really do against hard op-
Associated Press Photo position, most students believe.
When hunger marchers swooped down upon Washington during the The scheduling of the two teams
opening of Congress this week, Jacob Coxey, mayor-elect of Massilon,
Ohio, who led the famous march of "Coxey's army" during Cleveland's ri !
administration, looked on sympathetically but did not take part.

iflicting Opinions
ze and '32 Schedule
will satisfy the demand of those
who have considered Michigan's
1932 schedule weak, one student
pointed out. Another stated that
Michigan has been after this game
for several years and all old quar-
rels can be wiped off next Oct. 8.
This game alone makes our sea-
son next year 50 per cent better
and that means 50 per cent harder
for the players, it was stated. "Of
course we like it. Why I would have
moved to Chicago for a full week if
we had received the post-season
game with Northwestern this year,"
declared one of the campus "poli-
Credit Toward Degree, However,
Not to Be Given, Dr.
Fisher States.
Correspondence courses are to be
offered by the University to meet'
the demand in sections of the state
for courses not available through
the direct instruction method, Dr.
C. A. Fisher, assistant director of
the Extension Division, announced
Home study cdurses in English
literature , sociology, mechanical
drawing, and trigonometry are now,
ready for distribution and courses
in short story writing and in so-
cial development of the child are
being prepared. Other courses are





- IUIE1NL L.L.. V EII I ~IU1.l E

Scholarship prizes are being of-
fered by the Board in Control of
Student Publications under the fol-
lowing resolution:
Resolved: That the Board in
Control of S t u d e n t Publications
shall for the current year offer cash'
prizes of $50 each for scholarship
attainment according to the follow-
ing rules:
1. Every student who has done
substantial and satisfactory work
on any student publication or pub-
lications under control of the Board
for four or more semesters shall be
eligible for one of these prizes. The
Summer Session shall be rated as
a half semester,
2. Every such student who has at-
tained an average of B or better
during the period above specified

schools and colleges of the Univer-
The Board requests applicants for
these prizes to file their applica-
tions as soon as possible at the
Board office in the Press building,
where application blanks may be
obtained from which the required
data is to be entered. No applica-
tions will be received after Monday,
Dec. 14 and prizes will be awarded
immediately after this date.
Board in Control of Student

shall receive one of these prizes. Famous African Explorers Will
3. Every student who believes Lecture Here on Wonders
himself entitled to a scholarship
shall file an application for. same of the Congo.'
at the Board office in the Press
building in tie fall and the prizes The tall man who has turned the
shall be awarded and paid before crank of a motion-picture camera
the Christmas holidays . half the uncivilized world over, and
4. No student shall be an appli- the small woman who always holds
cant for any scholarship prize more a loae ifmat h ray o
than once. a loaded rifle at his side ready to
5. The scholarship standing of kill whatever attempts to kill him,
each applicant shall be estimated will give the third lecture of the
in accordance with the system of Oratorical Association series at 8
grading employed in the various Oaoia soito eisa ,
o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi-
Martin and Osa Johnson, African
HERE ON DEBUSSY explorers, will bring to Ann Arbor
200,000 feet of moving picture film,
Sourbonne Professor to Lecture "Wonders of the Congo," which
deals mostly with their experiences
Before Cercle Francais. in the Congo. They will alternate
in describing it .as it appears on
Leon Vallas, professor at the Paris the screen.
Conservatory of Music and lecturer While the scenes to be shown de-
at La Sorbonne, will speak on the pict life in Central Africa. howing
French composer, Debussy, and his many kinds of wild animal life, the
effect on the literary life of 19th features of greatest interest, be-
century France at 4:15 o'clock to- cause new, are the scenes among
morrow afternoon in Lydia Men- the pygmy people of the forests and
delssohn theater. This is the sec- among the huge and savage gorillas
ond of a series of French lectures on the slopes of Mt. Mikeno and in
which is being given under the aus- the Alimbongo mountains, where
pices of Le Cercle Francais. the Johnsons spent several months.
M. Vallas is a leading authority Some of the "shots" to be shown
on the work and life of Debussy, on took the Johnsons weeks of watch-
whom he has written several books, ful, painstaking waiting to make,
two of which have been translated while others took great skill to
into English. He is well known on catch, for the slightest sound will
both sides of the Atlantic as a stu- frighten the animals away or mean
dent of music history. instant death.
Future High School Curriculum to Incorporate
More Unity of Subject Matter, Yoakum States

Professor Moore to Direct Work to be added as the demands war-
in Hill Auditorium rant. They will be offered practi-
At 4:15 O'clock. cally at cost.
At: _ k.Dr. Fisher, in commenting on the
Handel's "Messiah," one of the I plan, said:
Hutsandin'o"atoihon of thme "For the last 15 years or more
outstanding oratorios of all time the University of Michigan, through
will be given by the Choral Union, the Extension Division, has con-
the University Symphony orchestra ducted extension courses by the di-
and supporting artists at 4:15 this rect class instruction method in
afternoon in Hill auditorium. Earl those centers of the state' which
V. Moore, director of the School of are reasonably near Ann Arbor.
Music and of the Choral Union will "These courses have been limited
conduct the work. to adjacent cities, so with the ob-
The artists who are participating ject of meeting the adult educa-
are: Helen Kennedy Snyder, con- tional needs of the entire state, the'
tralto; Laura Littlefield, soprano; University has decided to offer
Arthur Hackett, tenor, Carl Linde- courses by correspondance."
gren, bass; and Palmer Christian, While the home study courses
organist. will not give credit toward a de-
Only the Christmas portion of gree, the same caliber of work will
the work will be presented but crit- be maintained as in the direct in-
ics throughout history have pro- tsruction classes offered by the Ex-
claimed this part of the oratorio tension Division.
the finest musically. It is in this Last year, 109 courses were given
part that the' famous "Hallelujah" approximately two-thirds of them
chorus occurs. in the city of Detroit, and more
The complete program as an- than 4,300 students were enrolled
nounced yesterday by Moore will in the classes.
be as follows: Overture; Recitative
(tenor) "comfort ye my people," A.S.M.E. TO HOLD
Air (tenor) "Every Valley Shall be
Exalted;" Chorus, "And the Glory DINNER TUESDA Y
of the Lord;" Recitative (bass) "but
who may abide the day of His com- J. H. Hunt, of General Motors,
ing;" Recitative (contralto) "be- Named as Speaker.
hold a virgin shall conceive;" Air
(contralto and chorus) "O thou
that tellest good tidings to Zion;" Plans have been complete for
Recitative (bass) "for behold, the annual banquet of the Ameri-
darkness shall cover the earth;" can Society of Mechanical Engi-
Air (bass) "the people walked in neers to be held next Tuesday eve-
darkness;" Chorus, "for unto. us a ning, at 6:00 o'clock at' the Michi-
Child is born;" Pastoral symphony; gan Union. The main feature 'will
Recitative (soprano); Chorus "Glory be a talk by J. H. Hunt, vice-presi-
to God;" Air (soprano) "rejoice dent in charge of engineering of
greatly, O daughter of Zion;" Re- General Motors corporation on,
citative (contralto) "then shall the "Opportunities for the Engineer."
eyes of the blind be opened;" Air Prominent members of the Me-
(contralto' "he shall feed His flock chanical Engineering department
like a shepherd;" Air (soprano) will give short talks.
"come unto him;" Chorus, "Hallelu- Because of the former demand
jah." for tickets the attendance has been
As has been the custom in the limited in number. Tickets may be
past, the event will be open to the secured from any of the committee
public with the exception of small members.
children. The banquet is an annual affair,
- _ _ _attended by both faculty members
GrptoSin Iand students. A surprise program
German Group i will be an innovation this year, it
Carols at League Tea is said.
Prof. J. A. C. Hildner of the Ger- THE WEATHER
man department, and members of
his classes, will provide a Christmas Lower Michigan: Cloudy followed
program for the second of the by snow or rain Sunday; Monday
monthly teasrysponsored bywthe snow flurries and colder.
League Library committee which-
will be held at 3:30 o'clock this
afternoon in * the Grand Rapids Workshop of Crippled C
room of the League.De eof h
Tea will be served after the pro- Degree o raftsmansh
gram, which consists of carols and
readings, and Enid Bush, '33, social By James H. Inglis
chairman of the League, will pour. A distinctly higher degree of1
Betty Gerhard, '32, chairman of the manual craftsmanship is exhibited
library committee, is in charge of by the work of the crippled chil-
arrangements. dren of the Galens workshop on
All students, faculty members, the top floor of the hospital than
and townspeople are invited to at- is found among similar groups of
tend the affair. public school pupils and other chil-
dren of normal health.
- Table lamps turned on power
Summer Term Bulletin lathes, expertly finished book cases,
Ready for Distribution and intricate toys fashioned with
evident artistry and technical skill,

Army Conquers Navy
in AnnualTilt, 17-7
NEW YORK, Dec. 12.-(P)--Out-
played in the first period and fac-
ing the greatest upset of the 1931
football season, the Army rallied its
forces todayto defeat the Navy, 17
to 7, in their charity game at the
Yankee Stadium.
Army scored a field goal and a
touchdown in the second period.
The field goal was scored by Travis
Brown, who kicked from the 15-
yard line. Both Army touchdowns
were scored by Ed Herb, substitute
Brown got in position for his field
goal when he received a long pass
from Stecker. Later in that sanie
period Herb climaxed a long march
to the Navy goal by c r a s h i n g
through for a touchdown. A series
of brilliant end runs and line
smashes brought Army to the Mid-
dies' 1-yard line in the final period,
from where Herb went over for the
last touchdown.
Navy's lone touchdown came in
the third period when Kirn passed
50 yards to Tschirgi, who crossed
the Army goal with a Cadet hang-
ing on.
Credit for much of Army's bril-
liancy was given to Stecker, whose
leadership kept the West Point at-
tack in constant motion after the
bad first period.
Score by periods:
Army ............ 0 10 0 7-17
Navy ............ 0 0 7 0- 7
Gardner S. Williams, Ann Arbor
Resident, Former Professor
in University.
Funeral services were held at 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon for
Gardner S. Williams, one of the
leading hydraulic consulting engi-
neers in the country, at his home
at 905 Olivia Ave. Mr. Williams died
early Saturday morning following
a long illness.
He was born in Saginaw in 1866,
and graduated from the College of
Engineering in 1889. In 1899 he re-
ceived the degree of C.E. From 1904
to 1911 he was professor of Civil,
Hydraulic, and Sanitary Engineer-
ing in the engineering college, and
head of the department of civil en-
gineering. Since 1911 he has been
engaged as a private consultant
with, headquarters in Ann Arbor.
Mi'. Williams designed and built
the first dome dam in this country,
at Ithaca, N. Y., about 30 years ago.
The unique features involved in!
this type of design remained un-
used in any structure of importance
until adopted by the Department of
the Interior in the building of the
Coolidge dam across the'Gila river
near San Carlos, Ariz.
He was also a pioneer in the
building of multiple arch dams inj
this country, a type which has in
recent years been adopted in many
important structures. His last mul-
tiple arch structure was the Mag-
nitorsky on the Ural river in Russia,
one of the longest concrete dams in
the world. '
Trojans Bury Georgia
Under Big Score, 60-0
L@S ANGELES, Dec. 12.-(P)-A
southern invasion of the Pacific
coast met with disaster here today
as the Trojans of the University of
Southern California crashed their
lighter Georgian opponents under
a mass of touchdowns, rolling up a
score of 60 to 0.

California's point-a-minute tri-
umph began to take form early in
the first period when Sparling cli-
maxed a California drive to run 26
yards for the initial touchdown.
Thereafter the issue never was in
doubt. At the half the score stood,
33 to 0.
Score by periods:
So. Calif......14 19 14 13,- 60
Georgia.......0 0 0 0- 0'
'hildren Reveals High
tp; Supported by Galens
Galens, honorary junior 'and sen-j
ior medical school society supports
this work shop with the proceeds
of their annual tag day drive. Tues-
day and Wednesday of this week
members of Galens will be station-
ed around the campus with tin
buckets to make their appeal for
the fund which supports the work-
shop as well as providing a Christ-
mas party and the necessary items
of clothing for the crippled chil-



27-5 Beating is Wore
Ever Given State
by Michigan.
Petrie is High Scorei
Passing Attacks
Maybe, sometime or oth
there will be worse basketb;
games than Michigan's. 27-5 vi
tory over Michigan State la
night, but the 5,ooo fans that a
tended the annual battle betwe
these two quintets at Yost Fie
house won't believe it until th4
can see for themselves. It was ti
first time a State basketball tea
has been held to less than t4
points by Michigan.
Ine one of the sloppiest rout
and tumble affairs that ever w
staged on a basketball floor
Ann Arbor, Coach "Cappy" Ca
pon's five took over a fast but gre'
Spartan cage foe, held them to on
one basket, and looked terrible'
doing it. As a matter of fact, it w
only after a rally in the closl
minutes of the last half that ti
Wolverines made the scare look
good as they did, their attack ne
ting them only one basket in t
entire first half.
23 Players See Action.
While 23 players, 12 for Mihigi
and 11 for the East Lansing qu-0
tet, tried in vain to play somethii
that approximated the major w1
ter' spOrt, 5,000 of the faithfi'l 's
back and wondered what it' was
about. Not until several substitut
had been sent in for the Wolverin
diId their otfense start clicking, b
from that time on the State fi
was far outclassed.
Michigan's supremacy, howev
was restricted to point totals alor
As far as team play goes, the Spa
tans were every bit as good as th
more experienced rivals. Throug
out the whole first half the Gre
and White cagers kept pepperl
the Wolveine hoop with little su
cess, the Michigan team keepi
ahead only by means of sever
fouls that were chalked up again
the Spartans. In the first ha
Pinneo of Michigan State sunk tl
only basket that found its w:
through the Maize and Blue ho'
all evening, a shot from direct
in front of the basket nine minut
after the opening of play.
Bob Petrie, substituting for Ev
land at forward was the high po
scorer of the night, with thr
baskets and three fouls for. ni
points. Eveland and Daniels f
lowed with five points apiece, wh.
Weiss was responsible for f o
points, the results of two nice shc
for baskets. Pinneo was outstan
ing for the Spartans, although
was held to one basket for this ev
ning's work.
Comedy Helps Out.
One outstanding feature of t
game that added to the come
staged by the entire two squa
was the separate battle betwe
two giants of the court, Garner
Michigan and Boeskool of the sta
team. These two men, both of the
scaling over six feet four inches
height, battled each other to
standstill throughout, giving t
crowd a lot of fun even if their e
forts did not add many points
their teams' scores.


By John W. Pritchard
There will be more unity and.
more careful selection of subject
matter, more emphasis on research
rather than opinion, and a greater
concentration on the student as
"the object of solicitude" in the
high school curriculum of the fu-
ture, predicts Vice-President C. S.
Yoakum in an article in the Edu-
cation School Bulletin for Decem-
ber, to be issued this week.
In a large number of the sub-
jects now offered in high school,
"the rather shallow and fleeting
interests of youth are not held. or
forced to that more mature stage

be achieved by the curriculum of
the future, declares Dr. Yoakum. It
will teach every student "that self-
control is an acquired attainment,'
that 'fuzzy thinking' is a slovenly
habit, and that ideas are not easily'
"In the high school," he adds,
"will be subjects dealing with sci-
ence, literature, and art, and hu-
man relations. Preliminary prac-
tice in the three great tools-math-
ematics, language, and logic-which
enable us to know and to investi-
gate, will also be given in the high
school. With increasing skill in put-,
ting subject matter together and in

Eveland, lf ....
Petrie, lf.....
Barta, if.....
Weiss, rf.....
Daniels, c
Garner, c....
Allen, c ........

.. 1
.. . 3
..... 1.
..... 2
..... 2
..... 0
.. . 0



Shaw, lg..........
Tessmer, lg.........
Williamson, rg....
Ricketts, rg ........
Boden, rg ..........


Total.............9 9 13

M. S. C.
Wojtylo, if

.. . . . . 0

McCaslin, if.....
Patchett, if .......

.. 0



Pinnean 'rf

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