_________________ ~ ~ . r r :.:..ed. Gymnastics and tennis are hard- est hit by the ruling with the for- STECKER mer being limited to six competi- tors and three Big Ten meets, while the net squad will be limited to 1 four participants with a limitation of four dual meets. Football re- mains unchanged, but basketball P R E K -E N- E: D squads are limited to ten regulars and 12 Big Ten games. Baseball Associated Press Photo ; schedules are limited to 10 games A large group of veteran backs, and a hard-bitten line led by Capt. with 13 players, or 15 players for Jack Price, tackle, have observers calling Army the east's best team. None double - head Cross - counthri of the opposition so far have been able to half Ray Stecker, Ken Fields, track is limited to three meets in and the rest of the cadet line-cracking and passing backfield men. both indoor and dutdoor competi- tion with 15 men in the former and CAMPUS WRESTLERS TO TAKE PART 20 =n the latter. IN UIVERITYCHA PI 1 SIP BUTS Four wrestling meets may be IN UN! VE RSAIT Y CH AMPIONSHIP BOUTS S Attention in wrestling circles will ner was fifth with nine. be centered for the coming week William, 145 pdund class, and Mc- - on the University championships Crath, unlimited, were winners last which will be held the first four year, duplicating the feat this year. days of the week. Every student on Mortimer, last years 125-pound 11 the campus will be eligible for par- winner took first in the 135-pound Itiination in the meet xnent thn class this year. LA 11 I F I A 21