I TABUSHED 1890 Jr it iAw 4 aug MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS M. XLII.No. 65 1 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ,SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1931 PRIC FIVE p III TRY NEW EM ON '32 m ER DAL UNEMPLOYED RIOT IN LONDON aper to Be Operated on Professional Basis. REGENTS MEET tudents' Request Is Denied by Board at Meeting. The Summper Michigan Daily ill be operated on a professional asis during the summer of 1932, e Board of Regents decided sterday. Under this experimen- 1 arrangement persons not en- lied in school will be permittid work upon the staff and receive laries, a reversal of former rul- igs. Dean Edward H. Kraug of the immer session will have direct pervision over The Summer aily, and'subscriptions to it will i included in tuition, instead of ing obtained by general sale as Associated Press Photo British policemen recently opened a campaign on rioting unemploy- ment demonstrators outside London employment -bureaus. More than twenty ,were injuwrod in the clashes. The above picture shows police, arresting a demonstrator during the height of the excitement. nge is believed to have ed as a result of un- r management and op- previous years on th )aily. It; is understo~od rs of the present senior e Daily will be selected d manage the experi- r next year. Dean Kraus ard in Control of Stu- ations are said to have he solution jointly. etition Denied. n by students whose in AnnArbor, asking to drive cars, at least ands, was -denied' by the he petition pointed out town students can drive me, under parental su- mnd that local students milar surveillance at all PUC 'ST H 6LYMOUTH, 1-3 Harold Sindles, Filling in for Crossman, Marks up Seven Scores in Contest. OBJECT TO CUTS If Comprdmises Fail, Executives Authorized to Exert Full Power.' They asked for a minimum al- lowance of permission to drive from" 5 o'clock Friday n i g h t' until 8 o'clock Monday morning. The re- quest was signed by 62 persons. Gifts of $3,704 were accepted> scholarships granted to 19 literary college students, and leaves of ab- sence given four professors. A check for $2,500 from Willard Pope of Detroit, to be added to the Charles Ezra Green loan fund he established last year, has been re- ceived. .Michigan alumnae resident in Ann Arbor have given $204 for financial assistance to any women students in need of immediate aid,' to be given them outright. This is to be known as the Ann Arbor alumnae emergency fund. Fellowship Granted. The J. T. Baker Chemical com- pany midwestern fellowship in an- alytical chemistry, which rotates among colleges and universities in this section, has been granted to the University for 1931-32, and has keen assigned to Herman C. Fogg, grad.g Mandelbaum scholarships f o r $600 each were given to Harold F. Falls, .'32, Earl H. Fellhauer, '33, and John C. Poole, '32. John Marsh and Fannie. Marsh gifts for $100 each were made to Vivien N. Bul- loch, '32, Richard S. Campbell, '32, Dorothy Daniels, '32, and Vincent C. DiPasquale, '33. Marsh scholarships for $50 were (Continued on Page 6) JAPANESE CABINET' FORCED 'TORESIGN Premier Turns in Resignation in Face of Criticism of Policies. TOKIO, D e c. 12.--()-Premier Reijiro Wakatsuri's Cabinet turned in its resignation today in the face of internal criticism against its for- eign and financial policies. Leaders of the Minseito (Govern- ment) and Seiykai (Opposition) parties went into conference at once to formulate a new ministry In a last period scoring spree, CHICAGO, Dec. 11.-(/P)-Organ-I Michigan outclassed Plymouth 11 to ized railway labor refused tonight 3 last night at the Coliseum rink in to accept immediave voluntary wage a practice game. Plymouth shonred cuts as suggested by the railroads considerable improvement over and proposed instead that the men and the. roads enter into .further, their last appearance in Ann Arbor negotiations. but could not keep up to the Wol- In the event an effort to compro- verines in the scoring column. mise fails, or the railroads decline Harold Sindles, moved up to the the invitation to confer, the labor starting lineup, since Crossman was executives were authorized by the out of the game with a charley- meeting including the union heads horse, made seven of the 11 goals of all railroads to exert their full for Michigan. Reid followed with power to "protect the interests of three goals and three assists and our membership in existing rates Frumkes got the other one. Dobbs of pay and workifig conditions.' scored all of Plyrbouth's points aft- It was announced that the men er taking 'the puck from Schlan- would enter into any compromise derer on two of his goals. conference with the roads deter- Last year's Michigan Captain, mined to exact some sort of agree- Art Schlanderer, joined the Ply- ment regarding the spreading of mouth team last night and immed- work, preferably through a six- iately fitted in with their type of hour day, before agreeing to accept' play. His fast skating and'poke- a wage cut. Railroad heads have checking stopped many 'Michigan already frowned on this proposal advances. once. Porte played on the front line In suggesting another meeting for the first time last night and between railway employers and em- demonstrated that he might be ployees, the report adopted at the used at a wing position. Although union meeting urged that the rep- resentatives of both groups be "duly a defense man up to last night, authorized to act," asserting tlat Coacl4 Lowry is in need of first the rail presidents who suggested rate front line skaters to substitute the wage cut in New York last for Reid, Crossman, and. David. month did not have such authority. Frunkes and Singles can be used The report was said to have been but one more man is sorely needed. adopted unanimously by the 1,500 McCollum and Chapman played general chairmen ofall the ac- the whole game at their defense credited railroad brotherhoods. positions. Their development in ________ recent gameshave raised Michigan Special Reduced Fares from, a ragged team to a smooth- working machine on defense. Offered by Bus Lines Michigan was limited to two i ds goals in the -first session, both by j Special reduced fares over the Emmy Reid. In the second Sidle scoming vacation period, now only Emmy R efd.Inhto un- six days off, were announced by the duplicated this effort with two un- Greyhound and affiliated lines at asisted. Startinhrhe la t their temporary office at the Par- Singlesq madlytefrsthree orgoa rot on State Street yesterday. quickly, the first on a pass from Railroads have announced round Reid. Dobbs~ followed with Ply- trprtso n n n-hr - , trip rates of one and one-third mouth's first score, starting December 23, but these are Frumkes and Reid retaliated with not applicable over the seventeen two more and then Emmy passed day student vacation period, which two to Sin;les, who netted both in the case of Michigan -and the pokes. Dobbs made the last two majority of Big Ten schools, begins goals, one just before the final gun December 18, and ends Sunday, sounded. ' January 3. MICHIGAN TO CASH' WITH STATE TEA IN, GAMETONIGHT Varsity Basketball Team Plays Michigan State Tonight at 7:30 o'Clock. IS TRADITIONAL MEET Daniels, Weiss, Eveland, Shaw, Williamson Start Game for Wolverines. By Sheldon C. Fullerton Carrying their school's rivalry over from the football gridiron to the basketball court, Michigan and Michigan State will meet for the twenty-fourth time. when t h e y clash at Yost Field House tonight at 7:30 o'clock. With many of the faults that ap- peared in the Western State game ironed out, Coach "Cappy" Cap- pon hopes to put a team, on the floor that will make up in some re- spects for the tie football game played with the Spartans this fall.. One new man, Shaw, will start at one of the guard berths in place of Ricketts, buttaside from that the Wolverine team will be the same as that which opened against Western State last Monday. Hank Weiss, flashy floor man, a n d DeForest Eveland, brilliant scoring ace, tWill be at the two for- ward berths for the Wolverines, while Ivan Williamson will team with Shaw at the guards. Norm Daniels, the Michigan captain and one of the high point scorers of the Big Ten last season, will start at center. Two State Veterans. For Michigan State only two vet- erans will be in the starting lineup. Dee Pinneo, one of last year's for- ward stars, and Randy Boeskool, veteran pivot man, are assured of their starting jobs, i but the re- mainder of the lineup is not as definite. McCaslineKircher,and Vondette ar .the .a'orites to filU the othr three positions, although Barnard, Keast, Walker, and Wo- jeylo also will see some service. The Spartans will -be out to avenge a 32-23 defeat by the Maize and Blue quintet last year, but should have a hard time in chalk- ing up a \victory unless the Michi- gan men have failed to overcome many of the defects that cropped up against the Teachers. Michi- gan's passing worked well until it got down under the opponents' basket, but several scoring chances were lost from faulty ball-hand- ling within the foul circle. MARTIN JORNSONS TO SPEAKMONDA Famed Explorers to Show Film, Lecture as Next Oratorical Association Feature. Two years in equatorial Africa, most of it spent among the pyg- mies' and in the gorilla country around Lake Albert, on the slopes of Mt. Mikeno, Mt. Karasimbi and Vasoki, were required to secure the film that makes up the latest and greatest moving picture story of the Martin Johnsons. They call it "Wonders of the Congo," which al- so is the name of their latest book of explorations. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson are to appear here next Monday night on the lecture series of the Ora- torical association. They will show in Hill auditorium their new film, alternating in describing it as it appears on the screen. Some of the "shots" to be shown took them weeks of watchful, painstaking waiting to make, while others took great skill to catch for the slightest sound will frighten the animals away or mean instant death. Speech Clubs to Hold 'Get-Together' Party Intellectual activities of the so- called "Speech societies" of Angell hall will be forsaken next week when Athena, Zeta Phi Alpha, Adelphi, and Alpha Nu meet in the ballroom of the Women's Athletic' building, for the annual "get-to- t l R f 1 J t 1 L7 I k 1 1 1 'I I Dr. Dayton C. Miller of Casei School of Applied Science, hopes to disprove Einstein's theory of rela- tivity. Next year he will look into the universe 100,000 times to see if the earth is drifting through the intangible ether. Ann Arbor Clergy's Prohibition Views Prove Mostly Dry A predominently dry attitude can be attributed to the ministers of Ann Arbor who expressed various degrees of tolerance when ques- tioned yesterday on the significance of the establishment of a Crusaders unit on the Michigan campus. With the exception of one, the ministers were in favor of present conditions as contrasted with repeal or modi- fication. . Typical of the general feeling was that expressed by Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, of the Zion Lutheran church, who said that personally he was op the side of the dry cause, but that he conceded the right of the wets to organize on the other side of 'the question. Reverend R. N. McMichael while admitting that the Crusaders might possibly help the situation if they would conduct an honest' study of the present situation, expressed the fear that if the movement followed the beaten trail of propoganda, it would have little to contribute to,a solution of the problems. One of a small number of pastors who saw possibility of good results from the Crusader organization'was Henry Lewis of the Episcopal church who said that if construc- tive, intelligent people are getting behind the repeal movement it may bring about better results than are being shown by the present sys- tem. Dr. Lewis expressed the de- sire that the Crusaders give con- crete suggestions of a better plan. Rev. Merle H. Anderson, while ad- miring the enthusiasm of the stu- dents behind the movement felt that/ the significance of the Cru- saders was of small moment. HEALTHY? 'Dr. Fishbein Refutes Health Superstitions in Book. Eating fish will not give you brains and whiskey won't cure a snake bite. These and many other health superstitions have been re- futed by Dr. Morris Fishbein in his volume entitled "Shattering Health Superstitutions," which was placed in the main library recently. Dr. Fishbein scoffs at such :ool- ish ideas as those which make some people rub one eye in or1er to get a cinder out of the other and he says that stepping on a rusty nail won't infect you any quicker than a clean- one. The common fallacy of believing that eating certain food mixtures will poison one is also hooey. Scar- ing a person will not rid him of the hiccoughs and an apple a day won't keep the doctor away. A re- ceding chin is no more a sign of a weak character than a big head is an evidence of massive intellect, and the doctor assures us that both are false. Judge Sample to Begin Criminal Case Hearing I'~sr o.. . - .. .,.,- , OPPOSES EINSTEIN Stanford Agrees to Shift Wildcat Contes Northwestern, Michigan Tilt Is Made Possib i by Action of California Body; Will Play Here October 8, 1932. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, PALO ALTO, California, De xi.-(IP)-Alfred R. Masters, general manager of the Stanford boa of athletic control, today notified officials of Northwestern Unive sity that the board has acceded to their request for postponement a football game here on Oct. 8, 1932. The request was made by Northwestern and Michigan Univ< sities to permit a game between those institutions on that dai Masters also sent-word of the postponement. The original contract between Stanford and Northwestern ca for football games here in 1932 and at Northwestern in 1933. Maste said the 1932 game here had be * jpostponed to 1934, the date as y Jack Slater Wins unsettled. Board Associated Press Photo Detroit Tournamenti Jack Slater, Michigan heavy- weight, knocked out Al Ambur, Detroit, in the third round of an amateur boxing match in Detroit last night. This vietory givest Slater the heavyweight title inj the Metropolitan touriament.1 Jack is on'e of the best fighters to come from Ann Arbor to the Detroit touiaments in recent1 years. - ENORHSECAMPAIGN Tag Day Drive Will Start Next Week; 600 Children Will Benefit.1 Campus leaders concurred yester- day in a hearty endorsement of the Galens drive scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday by which funds will be raised to provide 600s crippled and bed-ridden hospital youngsters with a Christmas party and with clothing and necessities for the present winter. Galens, honorary junior and sen-; ior medical society, conducts the- drive yearly and out of part of the proceeds maintains a work shop on the top floor of the hospital where youthful inmates spend their long hours of convalescense in turning out useful articles and toys. Last year about $2,000 was collected dur- ing the two-day tag campaign. Speaking for the universit as a whole, President Ruthven said "One can scarcely imagine a more worthy project than the one the Galens society has adopted. I fees1 sure .that it will this year receive the same generous measure of sup- port which has been given in the past." Prof. 0. 3. Campbell, questioned about the -drive, stated, "Even old Scrooge would loosen his purse strings at the Galens' appeal for funds to provide Christmas cheer for the crippled and bed-ridden children." JamesD. Bruce, vice president of the University, an enthusiastic sup- porter of the drive, made a state- ment pointing to the generosity o' the medical students, whose works is adnittedly rigorous, in devoting, two days of strenuous effort to the campaign. Prof. G. Carl Huber, speaking foi the medical school said, "One o the very fine things the Galen; honorary medical society has beer doing for several years is the cam- pus drive for funds to enable the children of the University hospit- al . to have as good a Christmas season as it is possible." UIPKE ACCEPTS PLAN FOR WILDCAT GAlV Head Coach Harry G. Kipk when informed that Stanford a quiesced to Northwestern's r quest for the postponement of tl football game Oct. 8, said that the date is satisfactory with Nort western the game will be a certai ty. However both Boards in Conti of Athletics will have to confin the' game, he added. "The schedule, starting out wi Michigan State, Northwestern, ar Ohio State, on successive Saturda will be thehardest in recent yes for us. In fact we will have to pis November football from the flr game in Octobeir on," he said. When the original schedule .w drawn up Michigan wa* anxious play Northwestern in 1933 and 193 Talking this over led to a conside ation of a game next year. Wit Stanford f r e e i n g Northweste from the Oct. 8tht date and Michig State moving up one week on t schedule, the game is practica assured.. Last Thursday night\ the Sta ford board of Athletic Control m but nothing was done towards pos ponement of their series with t Wildcats. This moved Fielding Yost, Michigan's athletic direct to issue the following statement the press yesterday: "Natural] both Northwestern and Michig are disappointed to learn that Sta ford does not feel able to move scheduled game with, Northwes ern ahead so as to permit Nort western and Michigan to meet Ann Arbor on October 8th. "However I am advised th Michigan State and Grinnell w hold the completion of their sche ules in abeyance about a month, that should Stanford find it po sible to schedule a satiact game on October 8th or Novemb 26th, the Northwestern-Michig game is still a possibility." Ih the new arrangements Gr: nell will play Michigan State Oct. 8, allowing the Spartans come to Ann Arbor one week ear er. Michigan State was entire willing to cooperate with Michig and Northwestern in arranging t game. CONVICTS KILLE IN, PRISON BA9TTI Three Die, Three Recaptured Leavenworth Officials Find Prisoners.. . 11 PUBLICATION SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES I Scholarship prizes are being of- at the Board office in the Press fered by the Board in Control of building in the fall and the prizes Student Publications under the fol- shall be awarded and paid before lowing resolution: Resolved: 'That the Board in Control of S t u d e n t Publications shall for the current year offer cash prizes of $50 each for scholarship attainment according to the follow- ing rules: 1. Every student who has done substantial and satisfactory work on any student publication or pub- the Christmas holidays. 4. No student shall be an appli- cant for any scholarship prize more than once. 5. The scholarship standing of each applicant shall be estimated in accordance with the system of grading employed in the various schools and colleges of the Univer- sity. Man Injured by Fall While Shingling Roof Alfred Payeur, 23, of 1137 S. Sev- enth avenue, is in St. Joseph's Mer- cy hospital as a result of injuries received when he fell from the roof of the house at 820 E. Ann street late yesterday afternoon. He and his brother, A. Harry Payeur, were engaged in shingling the house at the time of the ac- cident. The injured man was un- conscious when received at the hos- LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Dec. I 'A)-Three convicts were killed , ,hree recaptured this afternoon : 'owing a daring break from Le 3nworth Federal Penitentiary which Warden Thomas B. WI was abducted and wounded and ether pisoner officials and a poti man suffered wounds. Making a last defiant st against a large posse, after terro ing the countryside west of h three of the convicts died in farm house of E. C. Salsbury, wh they had barricaded themselve 'The other trio had been captt - earlie in a gun fight in a field s eral miles from the Salsbury pl Officers, rushing into the S bury home after a barrage of g fire and tear-gas bombs had sile ed the weapons of the besiel found all three of the convicts d