m ,. ,. . ... w..
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Mary Elizabeth Watts
he Timeclock
r appears certain that the University Council,
at its meeting next Monday, will uphold the
olution of the Literary College faculty object-
x to the questionnaire 'sent out by the adminis-
tion requesting information concerning the
inner in which members of the faculty spend
eir time. Since advancing its stand, there has
me about a crystallization of sentiment. Taken'
a criterion, one finds little favor with the plan.
has been deemed both "impractical and unneces-
There should not be, however, complete con-
rnnation of the administration's action. There
e certain favorable points to be found in the
estionnaiye, such as the attempt to ascertain the'
mber of students in other colleges and schools
the University who are enrolled in courses in
e Literary College. Statistics of this nature can
of unlimited value, although information desired
points such as these requires a great deal oti
ne. Faculty members have not objected to such
ms. The main objection is to be found in the
estions which are entirely personal, as, for ex-
iple, the amount of time spent in preparing for
sses and lecture, in holding student conferences,
research work and other items of academic
Opinion favoring the plan comes for the most
rt from the College of Engineering. Its spokes-
_n, Dean Sadler, has stated that "many business
ricerns have plans similar to the one in question,
iich work out satisfactorily." With this we
ree. But universities and colleges do not belong
the category of "big business," even though the
siness has in recent years assumed colossal
oportions. Large concerns are systematized. So
e universities and colleges. Systematization
akes for efficiency. Yet nothing can be more
llacious than to found Qur educational calcula-
)ns on arithmetic principles. The amount of time
eent in preparation of classes or lectures or re-
arch work cannot be measured by a yardstick
vice. This is where the questionnaire is "im-
actical." And it follows that if a thing is then
ipractical, it is also unnecessary.
It would be extravagant indeed to claim that the,
ovies have invented an sentirely new plot; let it
iffice that "The Beloved Bachelor" brings a highly
easing variation of that well-worn device, the Eter-
seems not at all improbable that Miss Stengel will be
heard from again in the not too distant future.
About Paul Lukas: he is probably the only actor
with a French (or Italian) accent who doesn't be-
come just a little nauseating at times. Which is to
say that Mr. Lukas has a sense of humor that pre-
vents him from getting too Continental. There is
little doubt that it is the sharp contrast between his
performance and that of Mr. Ruggles that makes the
latter such a success.
Technically, "The Beloved -Bachelor" deserves
commendation. The first shot includes some trick
photography that is as well done as anything ever
filmed. The stage sets are elaborate, even luxurious,
but still not gaudy.
The show is nothing remarkable; not a picture
that will be remembered by the casual movie-goer
six weeks hence, but it is a light, highly amusing
comedy that is a distinct relief from the ordinary
clumsy buffoonery of the comics and the heavy, tear-
ful pathos of the usual problem play. -K. S.
Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 300 words if
To The Editor:-
Referring to your interesting editorial "Great Men
to Lead Us Forth," I suggest the names of a few men
who might lead us out of the wildernessi: John Dewey,
Walter Lippman, Stuart Chase, James Truslow
Adams, Harold Laski, and Bertrand Russell. A pro
pos of war, here is a passage from one of the latter's
books: "In every country, by means of flag-waving,
Empire Day, Fourth-of-July celebrations, Officers'
Training Corps, etc., everything is done to give boys
a taste for homicide, and girls a conviction that men
given to homicide are the most worthy of respect.
This whole system of moral degradation to which
innocent boys and girls are exposed would become
impossible if authorities allowed freedom of opinion
to teachers and pupils.
Regimentation is the source of the evil. Education
authorities do not look on children, as religion is
supposed to, as hman beings with souls to be saved.
They look upon them as material for grandiose social
schemes: future "hands" in factories or "bayonets"
in war or what not. No man is fit to educate unless
he feels each ppil an end in himself, with-his own
rights and his own personality, not merely a piece
in a jig-saw puzzle, or a soldier in a regiment, or a
citizen in a state. Reverence for human personality
is the beginning of wisdom, in every social question,
but above all in education.
M. Levi, Professor Emeritus.
To The Editor:
During the course of a cinema the other evening
one of the actors satirically remarked that his col-
lege education was of little value, having fitted him
for naught. This statement was acclaimed by a pre-
dominantly student audience with cheers and loud
applause. What a paradox! Students applauding such
a statement. Infering the uselessness of their own
endeavors. Cheering their own helplessness, adrpit-
ting futility and defeat. Yet, I think this manifests
the state of the educational morale (if I may use such
a term) among American college students toslay. The
attitude tof mind concerning education :has changed
like it has changed in religion ad ethics. One is the
concomitance of the other. A dissatisfaction has
arisen about these two spheres of modern civilization,
leaving us wretched agnostics in both. We find noth-
ing substantial in either, no supporting principle or
idea as a basis to establish confidence. The student
is a very much bewildered young man or woman. He
not only finds little inspiration in his work, but not
even a guiding principle to set up a course to follow
or a goal to attain. He just makes a few wild stabs
at a huge checkerboard of knowledge and ends up
with no synthesis of knowledge or any suggestion of
correlated thought. This academic uneasiness is aug-
mented by the disquieting and ever-present thought
of finding a market for his A.B. This preys upon him
taking away any harmony that would be left in a
perplexed mind groping for undeveloped expression.
Of course, this does not speak well for modern
education but yet, it is not a very pleasant sight to
see students applauding their own defeat. Itsis cer-
tainly poOt discipline for the morale and reveals an
unhealthy attitude of mind. I can see in it no boon
to society, bust only an indication of decline.
M. S. M.
To The Editor:
May I suggest that meipbers of both Freshman
parties co-operate in washing their chalked cam-
paign signs from the southeast entrance of Angell
Hall and from other University buildings? Our "cus-
todians," I believe, are not greatly interested in cam-
pus politics. They have enough to do, what with
washing windows and mopping floors.
Pro Bono Something or other.
SDr.W illiam W . Bishop
(Editor's note: This is the fifth
of a series of articles on outstand-
ing members of the University fac-
ulty. Others will appear in this
column each week.)
By E. Jerome Pettit
When the Carnegie Corporation
-that organization to which many
American colleges anc communities
are indebted for imeir library struc-
tures-emarxec, :n !928, on a pol-
icy of helping colleges with gifts
of suitable books for their libraries,
Dr. William Warner Bishop, Librar-
ian of the University of Michigan,
was selected as chairman of the
Advisory Group to determine infor-
mation necessary for the making
of grants.
As important as this position is,
it is only one of the many out-
standing recognitions which have
come to Dr. Bishop in the 16 years
he has been head librarian at Mich-
In 1929 he was elected Vice-Pres-
ident of the International Feder-
ation of Library Associations; 10
years before that time he was Pres-
ident of the American Library As-
His works include, in addition to
a very large nuniber of contribu-
tions to library publications, a
Orders executed on off ex-
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.
Dr. Bishop.
"Practical Handbook of Modern Li-
brary Cataloguing" and "The Ba.ks
of Books," published in 1924 and
1925, respectively.
The main library building, locat-
ed at the approximate center of the
avIichigan campus, was constructed
and arranged according to the de-
sign of Dr. Bishop, one of the es-
pecially arranged features being
the indirect lighting systems in the
reading rpoms
In spite of his achievements in .
foreign fields and his contributions
to the University, many students
spend four or more years at Michi-
gan without knowing personally
the modest head of one of the
state's largest and finest equipped
His office is obscurely located on
the second floor of the main build-
ing, the entrance being through an
unimpressive-looking door near the
main files. The single word "Li-
brarian" hardlybdoes justicedto
what goes on behind that door.
"General expert, adviser, book au-
thority, etc.," would be far more
In 1921, Dr. Bishop went abroad
to purchase needed books for the
University librariy. His purpose on
this trip, according to his own
statement, was to "be on the look-
out for special collections, to con-
fer with our agents, to get pers on-
ally acquainted with booksellers, to
learn their stocks and their lines
of business. Further, it was thought
desirable to visit libraries a n d
museums, meet one's colleagues, es-
pecially in the universities, and to
investigate the 'possibility of ex-
tending our exchanges."
When he left on this journey, he
took with him lists of items needed
by the library, and lists of holdings,
so arranged that they are easily
available, permitting him to tell
quickly what he ought to buy'.
Foreign dealers stated that no
other American librarian had ever
come abroad so well prepared to
His success on this trip is out-
standing. He went first to England
and Scotland, then to Holland, Bel-
gium, and France, buying wherever
he went. Since that time he has
made other trips to Europe, some
in the interests of the Library and
others for the Carnegie Founda-
tion; in each case contacts made on
t his earlier trip have provided a
beneficial background for his ac-
f tivities.
In 1924, on a sabbatical leave of
absence, he went abroad for recre-
ation and study, dividing his time
between Italy, France, and England,
t spending about. two months in each.
While in Rome he worked on some
Greek manuscrints at the Vatican
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I Triangle.
In addition to an unusual plot-one that involves1
ove affair between a man and his adopted daugh-,
r-this picture boasts at least four parts that are
Ad enough to put the show above the ordinary run
Led by Paul Lukas and Dorothy Jordan, who play+
e Hungarian sculptor and his little girl, respective-
the cast is one that might put over any show; they
,ve no difficulty with this one. Charles Ruggles,
th lines that give him almost unlimited possibili-
s, puts on one of the most ludicrous performances
his career. He just falls short of stealing the show.
Finally, and of very little importance to the plot,
Leni Stengel. In spite of the fact that she gets
led off in the second reel-perhaps it was the third
Miss Stengel does such a good job of the model
illy dressed. thank you) that one can't help feeling
To The Editor:,#
The Religious Committee of the Student Christian
Association is endeavoring to give to the student body
at our University a comprehensive religious education
to complete one's liberal college course.
Each Tuesday afternoon for the past three weeks
there have been religious forums at which times the
several religious sects have been discussed. Men
who lead these forums have devoted their life to this
work. -No better representatives can be secured.
Student attendance at these forums is small in
comparison to what it should be. If credit were
offered in it there would be no trouble in getting
larger attendance. Must a college student today get
credit for all he does?
These meetings will continue for the balance of
the school year. Ralph A. Wurster.
Tragically, we are reminded from week to week
that a railroad train cannot be jerked up like a bron-
cho to prevent a collision with a motorist who didn'
pay attention to warning sounds and signals.
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Perfectly fitting mesh
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