41is itan
No. '54
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W "ill Pay at Prom
Benjamin Appointed Adv"Sry CHICAGO,sDyc. 1.-()-~-~~)
Chairman; Todd Heads 4 CHICUAG , Dec. 10. - P) --
Women'shdommittee. Ishared the estern Con-
e Team Displays
in Discussion of
ustrial Question.
Changes WoUld
esent Evils and
d., Dec. 10-The
e debating team,
rdue University
r n Conference
here tonight, was
ecision by Prof.
of Purdue.
Jimy Jay
he skill that has made
ns for more than two
mbers of the Varsity
bating team won the
Minnesota's negative
he Conference debate
SLydia Mendelssohn
iam E. Uttenback of
;e judged the debate
ries L. Jamison acted'
ion, '32L, Victor Ra-
,and Nathan -Levy,
J the Michigan team.
s represented ,by Rus-
Leonard ,Evans, and
Capacity Crowd Hof 400 Couples
Is Expected to Attend
Sophomore Prom.
A capacity crowd, numbering
close to 400 couples, is expected to
dance tonight to the music of Jim-
my Joy's orchestra at (the Soph
Prom which will be held in the ball-
room of the Michigan Union. With
but few tickets yet remaining to
be sold, the dance will climax the
Ui UI rroucUi anU
n the Major Basic In-{
summing up the evils
ng economic system.
frst speaker, showed
present time there is
i and maldistribution
ue to the ,inadequate
competition.' ,
affirmative speaker;-
pplied the points of
ch to some of major
ies, specifically illu-
.rgument by referring
>anking, coal mining,
ad, steel.
s Workability. ;.
d the affirmative con-
ment by summing up
is of his colleagues,
e was not attempting
y Utopian plan, but
at would improve the
nd miss" guess work
t system. He showed
system was working
it was logical to con-
L would work when
e team based its whole'
n the supposition that
ch as their opponents
uld result in greater
ose which attended
social activities of the fall and set
a new attendance record for the
annfhal affair.
Charles Burgess, chairman of the
committee, will lead the Grand
March at midnight and will be ac-
companied by Alta Place, of Lake-
wood, Ohio. The dance is sched-
uled to begin at nine o'clock and
will last, till two.
The Union has opened Pendle-
ton library for lounging purposes
and the taproom will be available
from 12 to two o'clock. The deco-
rations for the affair, will consist
of palms and flowers with the new
lighting system recently 'installed
also being featured.
The favors for the dance, which
will be given out at. the ticket ta-
ble, are rectangular compacts, done
in maize and blue with the Uni-
versity seal engraved in silver on
the top.
I _
Appointments to senior literar
class committees were announce
last night by President David M
Nichol. Harry Benjamin, busines
manager of the Michiganensian
was named chairman of the advi-
sory committee; Norman Daniels
basketball captain and member of
the baseball team, was appointed
chairman of the athletics commit-
tee; while Howard Gould, record-
ing secretary of the interfraternity
council, was chpsen to head the in-
vitations committee.
As chairman of the auditing
committee Wayne C. Tolandt was
selected,Ralph Hardy was named
head of the caps and gowns com-
mittee, and Jay Sikkenga, member
of the football team, was appoint-
ed head of the canes committee.
Rabe, Class Committeed
Richard L. Tobin, manager editor
of The .Daily, was named chair-
man of the swingout committee,
Melvin Rabe is to head the class
day committee, Mildred Todd was
selected as. head of the- women's
committee, and Irving Coleman was
oppointed chairman of the pictures
Thedpublicity committee will be
headed by Beach Conger, jr., Gil
Peet was named chairman of the
memorial committee, Albert Pal-
mer is to head the senior banquet
committee, Theodore Kopke was
named chairman of the senior sing
committee, and the social commit-
tee will be headed by Stanley Betz.
Other comnmittee membe.rs 'are:
advisory, Edward McCormick, Ed-
ward Kuhn, Katherine Koch, Doro-
thy Ellsworth, and Howard Wor-
den; athletics, Roy Hudson, Colby
Ryan, Robert Miller, Sidney Raike,
and Harley McNeal; auditing, Ken-
neth Houck, H e le n Kitzmiller,
Theodore Moore, and Elliot Immer-
Canes, David Louis, C. B. Sears,
Maynard Morrison, Henry Pendle,
and Donald Cook; caps and gowns,
Clifford Domke, Elizabeth G e r-
hardt, Henry Bergstrom, and Allan
Van Gribbon; class day, Thomas
Davis, Ginevra Ginn, William Page,
and Edward Muir.
Olmstead on Invitations.,
Invitations, Clay Olmstead, Mir-
iam Cortwright, Jean Cudlip, Fred-
erick Merier, and John Billheimer;
memorial, Martha Ellen Scott, Mar-
ian Podesta, James Cartwright, and
Charles Sprowl; pictures, J e a n
Levy, William Harris, Norman Elei-
zer, and Henry Weiss; publicity,
William Knox, Margaret Thomp-
son, and C. H. Beukema.
Senior ball, Howard Gould, Ken-
neth McCallum, J a n i c e Gillette,
Charles Kline, Edward McCormick,
Cullen Kennedy, John D e n 1 e r,
Ralph Hardy, and Hobart Skid-
more; senior banquet, A. J. Hauser-
man, Maurine Knox, Sarah Bond,
Walter Holt, and Leonard Woloz;
senior s in g, Marjorie Ellsworth,
Marvin Kobacher, Jack Bailey, and
Stanley Hyman.
Social, Eugenie Chapel, Marjorie
Rough, Cecile Porter, and Orville
Parker; swingout,.Harcourt Patter-
son, John Sauchuck, Kenneth Mc-
Callum, Jay Sikkenga, Don Straiter,
James North, Carl Forsythe, and
Robert Williamson; and women's
committee, Sally Ensminger, Kath-
erine Ferrin, Edwina Jenny, and
Beatrix Ehrlich.
YI ference football title this year,
d vill meet at Ann Arbor, Michi-
g an, Oct. 8, 1932, if the Wild-
z cats can shift their meeting
, with Stanford to 1934. -
Michigan is scheduled to
meet Michigan State Oct. 8, but
has arranged to shift that game
to Oct. 1, if the Northwestern
date is made. Northwestern has
a two year contract with Stan-
ford, the first game scheduled
at Palo alto and the second in
sChicago, in 1933. Northwestern
ias asked that it's visit to the
coast be shoved up to 1934 to
permit the engagement ,with
The Stanford athletic board
was elected to act on the re-
I quest this week.
Associated Press Photo
Dr. A. 6. Crane, president of the
University of Wyoming, suspended
more than half the school's stu-
dents who went on a strike follow-
ing a controversy resulting from
the president's admonishment of
"petting and drinking' co-eds.
Wisconsin Students'
Money Goes to 'PiRes
Union Lances and -Hares foot
Plays Menaced.
in sma.
The n
the present system'
Late Wire Flashes
Thursday, December 10, 1931
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON-Congress had be-
fore it tonight virtually completed
administration recommendations
and after glancingV them over,' the
Senate took time outtouget itself
in shape for the tasks outlined.
PARIS-Japan and China today
accepted th e compromise p la n
evolved by the League of Nations
for settlement of the Manchurian
dispute and the tangled issue was
placed in the hands of a neutral
investigating commission w h o s e
five-members have not yet been
NEW YORK-Discovery of a new
kind of hydrogen, twice as heavy
as the ordinary gas, was announced
tonight by the American Institute
of Physics.
WASHINGTON-A story of futile
bribery behind the revoked parole
of Harry L. Goldhurst, bucket-shop
broker, patronized by Bishop James
Cannon .TJr..was disclosed1 todav by
Outstanding in the social season'
of the law club will be the annual
Christmas formal to be held tonight
when more than a hundred and
fifty lawyers and their guests will
gather in the, lounge of the law
club which has been elaborately
decorated in the Christmas style.
Numerous notables of the legal
profession have signified their in-
tention of attending the affair.
Among them are Vincent M. Bren-
nen, presiding judge of the Wayne
county bench, Lester S. Moll, also
of the Wayne county bench and
others from the state at large. Dr.
Alexander -fG. Ruthven and Mrs.
Ruthven are also expected to be
present. Prof. John Tracy of the
Law school faculty has accepted
for the ball also, it was stated.
Music will be furnished by Russ
Morgan and his WXYZ band from
Fielding H. Yost, Director of
Athletics and Harry Kipke, head
Coach, when inforted of the late
developments in connection with
the proposed Michigan-North-
western game last night, stated
that they would neither affirm
nor deny that the date of the
Michigan-Michigan State game,
awould be shifted, incase of a
game with Northwestern
Praises Democracy' of Scope,
'Aristocracy' of Emphasis
on Ability.
Speaking before the Michigan
chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, national
honor society, Dean S. T. Dana, of
the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, warned initiates that
"intellectual chauvinism is just as
possible as political chauvinism"
and said that' Phi Kappa Phi, in
recognizing the inter-dependence
of all branches of knowledge, erect-
ed no barriers between the differ-
ent fields of learning.
"With the increasing tendency
toward specialization there is a
very real danger that we shall
build ourselves into water-tight,
perhaps even thought-tight, com-
partments. In our efforts to absorb
all the chemistry, or all the politi-
cal science, or all the minerology,
or all the dentistry we can, it is
easy to ignore our associates' ac-
tivity and fail to appreciate its im-
Battle Creek Sanitarium Doctor
Claims Vegetarianism
Is Natural.
"Obedience to the laws of Nature
is the first and most important rule
of health."
With this statement as the basis
of his argument, Dr. A. B. Olsen,
of the Battle Cree'k sanitarium', at-
temptedayesterday to prove that
the method for the achievement
and preservation of good health,
involving vegetarianism, outlined
by him was of much greater efficacy
than one involving drugs, medi-
cines, or other such synthetic
Dr. Olsen's lecture, attended by
the general public, was delivered
under the auspices of the Tolstoi
league at 4:15 o'clock yesterday
afternoon in the Natural Science
The talk was followed by a vege-
tarian banquet at Lane Hall, at
which foods were served similar to
MADISON, Wis., Dec. 10.-Co-eds
at t h e University of Wisconsin
complain that the speakeasies have
become a greater attraction for the
men students than the dance hall.
Madison speakeasies are menac-
ing student enterprises such as Un-
ion dances and Haresfoot produc-
tions because the students are
spending most of their spare money
in the "joints."
Such is the contention of several
stud'ents who head the various or-
ganizationsi They say the depres-
sion can be blamed for part of the
drop in revenue but the speak-
easies must take the larger share.
Records reveal that both the;
Union board dances and the Hares-
foot production are not so popular
as they once were and are nof mak-
ing money. - .
Sunderland to Talk
to Chicamo Bar Group
To address a dinner of the Chi-
cago Bar association, Prof. Edson
R. Sunderland, of the Law School,
left yesterday for Chicago. The din-
ner is being arranged for the pur-
pose of a discussion on the proposed
revision of the court practice in
Michiganensian Sale
to Terminate Today
Today is the last day students
may purchase Michiganensians
on campus, announced H a r r y
Benjamin, '32, business manager
of the publication yesterday. The
price for the yearbook is four
States He Is Champion of Student Righ-
Sided With Undergraduates in Plea
for Longer Vacations.
Necessity of an intelligent understanding between the
deans and the dean of men was stressed last night by Dear
E. Edmondson of the University of Indiana who told studE
at the second Union forun that he wasa champion of stud
rights. "I (o not permit any boy to stay in jail unless he
committed a real!criminal act. I have an understanding u
the police," he said.
"For example," said 'Dean Edmondson, "a few days
I entered the lists 'on the side -of the student body in a'con
With Oiversity administrators and faculty members in reg
to changing the length of
Christias vacation. Even
this time honored combat
bigger and better vacations m
students lined up on one side
faculty supposedly lined up on
other, I found myself pleading
a cet ession henich, after all, me.
little to the institution.
Hundreds Cheer as Bluebeard "There are so many quest
Is Sentenced to Death *upon which those in authority n
stand steadfast and unyielding 1
at State Gallows. easing a. little here and there wh
possible helps immeasurably ins
CLARKSBURG, W. Va., Dec. 10.- dent morale."
--()P)-Harry F. Powers today was Discusses Debts.
convicted of the murder of Mrs.' Dean Edmondson was poin
Dorothy Pressler Lemke, Northbort concerning student debts. "Coll
(Mass.) divorcee. and universities can not be loo
Supon as collection agencies for
The jury made no recommenda- nancial responsibilities assumed
tion of mbrey, which' means the, f students. In my own institution
mail order Romeo must expiate the ave fr ed a t o b
crime on the gallows at the State principle in this matter. That
Penitentiary at Moundsville. that the University expects its s
Penientaryat ounsvile.dents to meet their financial
The jury returned a verdict say-d.
ng "We find the defendant, Harry gations. Proceeding from this pr
F. Powers, alias Cornelius 0. Pier- ciple, the nature of the indivic
son, guilty of murder in the first case determines what action, if
ghgd- the University will take. Any i
degree as charged in the indict-miewchasesttte
nent.",mise which assumes that the U
The jury deliberated an hour and versity is responsible for see
50 minutes. that students pay their debts is
Powers had his back to the audi- tolerable, he said.
ence as he learned his fate. He Information Confidential.
showed little emotion as he heard Speaking of general p o 1 i c
the words that will send him to the wdmondson said that all infor
allows. tion which comes to the d
Outside the Moore Opera House, should be regarded as entirely c
where the trial began Monday, fidential "I respect the code t
hundreds mille~d around in the fdnil epc h oet
ropedffstr A cheer arose when one student should not give inf
:oped-off street. A he rs hnmation concerning another I i
the verict was announced. erakc ermanotherI n
J. Ed Law, defense counsel, moved I never ask students to voluna
for a new trial and arguments were Inevraskos,"enstod.
set for Saturday by Judge John C. information," he said.
Southern. Dean Joseph A. Bursley, althou
y__rn._not present because of a previ
engagement, was praised by D
VALLAS TO GIVE Edmondson who, quoted him
TALK ON DEBUSSY having stated that, "The besta
most successful Deans of Men
Leon Vallas, renowned biographer born and not made. They are r
of the great French composer De- with a broad outloolupon life, v
bussy, is to speak on the aspect of have a background of culture
he musician's life which has to do ' refinement, who have a persc
with his effect on the literary life interest in young people' and th
>f nineteenth century France at problems, who are sym athetic
::15 o'clock M o n d a y afternoon, not sentimental, who are frier
Dec. 14, in the Lydia Mendelssohn with the students and yet co
theatre, in the second of series of mand their respect, who are b
F'rench lectures delivered under the sed with an infinite patience a
auspices of Le Cercle Francais, .it a keen sense of humor, and v<
has been announced by Charles E. do not take themselves too seric
Koella, instructor in the Romance 17-
Laniguage depadrtmiient
' 1
Scholarship prizes are being cf-
fered by the Board in Control of
Student Publications under the fol-
lowing resolution:
Resolved: That the Board in
Control of S tu d e n t Publications
shall for the current year offer cash
prizes of $50 each for scholarship
attainment according to the follow-
ing rules:
1. Every student who has done
substantial and satisfactory work
on any student publication or pub-
lications under control of the Board"
for four or more semesters shall be
at the Board office in the Press
building in the fall and the prizes
shall be awarded and paid before
the Christmas holidays.
4. No student shall be an appli-
cant for any scholarship prize more
than once.
5; The scholarship standing of
each applicant shall be estimated
in accordance with the system of
grading employed in the various
schools and colleges of the Univer-
The Board requests applicants for
these prizes to file their applica-
Indiana Dean of Students/ Says
Undergraduates Should
Rule Themselves.
By S. Beach Conger, Jr.
Campus politics are not essential
to student self-government, in the
opinion of C. E. Edmondson, dean
of students atEthe University of
Indiana, who believes in student
government. "Students should have
the right to govern themselves," he
stated in an interview, "except in
disciplinary matters.
"There are two reasons for this.
The first is that students incline to
be too severe in meting out punish-
ment to their fellow students. Un-
der responsibility, they feel that
drastic action must be taken in
order to keep power and responsi-
bility. The other is that the stu-
"When important posts are decided
by elections," he said, "it is usually
the man who is the better politician
that gets the job, not the one who
is the most competent.". y
He explained the Indiana system
in illustration of his point. "Stu-
dents name the faculty men andl
students to a committee. This com-
mittee, on which, the two groups
are equally represented, then choses
the members of other student or-
ganizations who are to hold respon-
sible positions. They also legislate
on the conduct of student affairs."
Thus, !while the students do not
participate directly in the choice of
the governing bodies, their partici-
pation makes the system student
controlled, while at the same time
men best fitted for positions are
"Youth tends to be too severe,"
Albion Profess& Sees Japane
Fall Through Boycott
of Chinese.
Japan will win an immediate vi
tory in Manchuria, Prof. R. G. Ha
head of the history department
Albion college told a University a
dience yesterday in Alumni Men
orial hall, but the, final victory w
go to China, he said, by means
the boycott.
"Russia will not enter the Ma
churian sruggle," Prof. Hall sa:
"because Japan could seize an
thing she wanted in Siberia, b
cause Russian military plans
not carry out of the country ai