FR, I's uMAN
8/0 TEN SI I N Increased Attendance
TEN , .dW M i Shows campus Hockey
A TES NNO nCE Popularity Increasin'
"__ Judging from the turnout for the
first regular hockey game of the
Natators Will Open Conference season Monday night, the puck
Season Against Minnesota i game has had a rapid rise in pop-
February 27. i ular favor. Although the seating
F capacity of the Coliseum is around
2,C30, this is the first opening match
Although the Wolverine swim- that has ever come close to filling
mers do not run into any Big Ten it.
competition until Feb. 27 when the Hockey has supplanted basket-
Minnesota tank 'stars come to Ann ball in many of the first-rate East-
Arbor, Coach Matt Mann has ar- ern colleges and with a record of
ranged a seriesbof opening meets two straight Big Ten champion-
which will enable his men to get ships, this year's sextet may crowd
some real competition before go- the court game for popularity on
ing to the Conference meet in de- this campus. Hockey has sold itself
fense of the title they won last with its fast, dashing type of sport..
year. All'students attending the match-
Th Meet Toledo Saturday. es will be raquired to submit their
The first meet is' scheduled foridnfcaonarsndtero-
next Saturday night when the Wol- identification cards and their co-
verine natators take a little trig pon books. The number of this
down to Toledo to meet the Toledo sport will be torn from the coupon
Y team. This will be the first op- books if the student also is identi-
portunity of the year for Coach fled with the University card.
Mann to see just what prospects The long line Monday night at
he has for another winner. Sev- the ticket booth will never happen
eral sophomore stars including again. Several gates are being ar-
Drysdale, Cristy, and Degener have ranged to take care of the crowds.
yet to be tried against Varsity com- This will enable the students to
petition. enter at several doors instead of
Dec. 18 the tank team is sched- the one which'has been the usual
uled to meet the Cleveland Y in custom. Harry Tillotson and his
that city and on the following %staff did not expect the tremendous
night will meet the Pittsburgh attendance Monday and his staff
A. M. A. team. New York University was not prepared to handle it.
will provide the opposition Dec. 21 The lowered rates, from 50 cents
followed by the New York A. C. to 35, seemed to be exceedingly pop-
tank team on the succeeding night, ular among the students. With an
after which the Wolves will return increased number of gates and a
for a well-earned holiday vacation. (Continued on Page 7)
Meet Northwestern Feb. 29.
Besides the Minnesota meet here Thistlethwaite Still
Feb. 27 to open the Big Ten sea-
son, the remainder of the schedule on Pan at Wisconsin
which was made up at the coaches'
meeting in Chicago calls for a meet MADISON, Wis., Dec. 9.-AP)-A
at Evanston on the following Mon- final disposition of the question of
day, Feb. 29, with the Northwest- retaining the head football coach,
ern team, Michigan's ablest conten- Glenn Thistlethwaite at Vhe Uni-
der for mid-west swimming honors. versity of Wisconsin was jexpected
The Conference meet is carded for before midnight.
March 11 and 12 in the Ohio State For the second time within ten
tank at Columbus. Northwestern days the athletic council was called
natators will demonstrate . their into session to discuss the coaching
prowess here March 19. The N. C. situation as well as matters per-
A. A. tank meet will be held at Rut- taming to the financial end of the
gers March 25 and 26. athletic program at the university.
Coach Mann will have a fairly Agitation for the dismissal of .
well balanced team to pit against Coach Thistlethwaite started a year
the Toledo swimmers with Capt. ago after a more or less disastrous
VIiller, in the breast-stroke and re- season for the Badgers and it was
lay events, Smith in the sprints, renewed at the end of the 1931 sea-
Kennedy in the middle distance son when the team dropped three
competition, Schmeiler in the back- conference games.
stroke and any other event he is' The faculty apparently is back of
aeeded in, Fenske in the diving and the coach inasmuch as it adopted
relay, Marcus in, the relay and a resolution which states that ac-
sprints, as well as Cristy, Drysdale, tion taken by the athletic council
Lemak, Raike, Bailey and Sanborn must have its approval before it is
o supnort these veterans submitted to the board of regents.
Extensive Trading Is Expected
at Big League Conference
to Be Held Soon.
By Fred A. Huber
With the annual meeting of the
owners of the American and Na-
tional League baseball clubs just
around the corner, at least three
new managers w:i -:e out to pro-
cure some better talent for the 1932,
Max Carey, longtime coach of the
Brooklyn Robins, has finally taken
over the reins, Lew Fonseca, veter-
an outfielder is piloting the Chi-
cago White Sox and George Gib-
son has been named mentor of the
Oitt& urgh Pirates in place of Jewel
The newest announcement in the
baseball world was the re-signing of
Stanley 'B u c k y'
Harris as m a n-
ager of the De-
troit ball club.
Harris, who pilot-
ed his team to
p e n n a n t at
Washington, has
had very l i ttl1e
success with the
T i ge r s in t oe
three year she
has managed,
A few tradesi
I4ATZRIS have already
been consumated, Andy High, di-
minutive thi r d baeman being
,traded to Cincinnati by the pen-
nant winning St. Louis Cardinals
for Nick Cullop a young outfielder
who was immediately turned over
to the Cardinal farm at Columbus.
Milton taston, veteran right
handpitcher, who has served with
New York, St. Louis, Washington
and Boston in the American
League will wear his fifth junior
circuit uniform next year. He has
been traded to the Chicago team
for Bob Weiland, a young south-
paw. Gaston has never been with
a club at the height of its winning
power, always managing to pile up
a good record with second division
clubs, however.
The White Sox also obtained Sad
Sam Jones, veteran twirler and
Minter Hayes a youthful utility in-
fielder from the Washington Sena-
tors for Johnny Kerr, scrappy sec-
ond sacker and Carl Reynolds, fleet-
footed outfielder.
Many deals are bound to be made
when the club moguls gather in
the near future. Hack Wilson,
stormy outfielder of the Chicago
Cubs is almost certain to be on auc-
tion block, while it is apparent that
Fonseca is trying valiently to re-
model the lowly White Sox. The
Cleveland Indians have a gap or
two to be filled and the Detroit
Tigers could bolster almost any
position without hurting the team
a bit.
In the National League Dan How-
ley must face the task of procur-
ing enough young blood to pull a
poor eighth place team to a much
higher position in 1932 or retire
from the managership of the Red-
legs. Gibson, at Pittsburgh faces
a like rebuilding campaign. while
Bill McKechnie is greatly cheered
up at Boston by the purchasing of
Art Shires, slugging first baseman
from Milwaukee, whose bat is ex-
pected to fill a much needed punch
in the batting attack of the Braves.
Coach Hoyt has issued the first
call for Varsity indoor track, all
men interested report to him af-
ter their classes any afternoon
this week.
Intramural Department Arranges
Squash and Handball Meet
for Tonight.
One of the biggest events on the
squash and handball calendar fo~r
the current year is scheduled for
tonight at 8 o'clock when the Cadil-
lac Athletic Club of Detroit will
bring a team of picked men to meet
a selected group of Michigan play-
ers. The exhibition will take place
on the Intramural courts.
Many stars of national ranking
will be in the visiting group. Ba-
phey, who holds the Detroit' city,
the State, and National Doubles
championship will lead the Cadillac
team, in the handball exhibition.
His doubles partner, Dworman, will
also make an appearance. Schau-
felberger is another member of the
Detroitraggregation who holds Na-
tional rankiing.
Tait, Hodges, and Davidow are
the squash experts who will appear
with the Cadillac team. Who will
oppose them from among the group
of Michigan men selected has not
been decided.
Ride at Bargain Fares to
DEC. 13
7Sc WT rip
Cheaper than driving-let us drive while you rest comfort-
ably seated in a warm coach.
Train leaves Ann Arbor, 10:55, A. M. Arrives
Detroit, 11:4, A. M.
Detroit at 8:00, P. M.,
"et"'ning, leave
and 10:45, P. M.
All time Eastern Standard
Dressing Up for the Holiday is Easy at This
New Low Price
Hart, Schaffner and Marx
Suits and Overcoats