MBER 9, 1931 THE M I C HIGA N DATIC _ _ _____: ".. v- --w- --....-_-- - - - - -uwM-- - - - a ~ sI= ' - Mendelssohn Theatre to Help Develop Art, States Miss Delaney 3 Miss aureen Delaney, member Alpha Chi Omega. Entertainment to Include Popu- of the Irish Players of the Abbey Alpha Chi Omega held a rushing a Music and Christmas Theatre, Dublin, is one of those dinner last evening for several Folk Songs. jolly souls with whom one feels I guests. Pink tea roses and tall pink at once an atmosphere of friend- tapers were used in the table dee- Prof. J. A. C. Hildner of the ger.line. s and congeniality orations. Last Saturday, a tea was man department and members of etheatical caeer has beenD heald onoring Missme nt eN his classes wil provide a program interesting from its beginning and Danvof Wnat Cess Norhal, of entertainment for the second of hearing her tell of it one feelsth Danville, Indiana. Miss Catharine the monthly teas sponsored by the this is so because Miss Delaneyi Church poured. library committee of the League, a person who makes everything in-, Alpha Delta Pi. which will be held at 3:30 o'clock teresting. Alpha Delta Pi wishes to an- this Sunday in the Grand Rapids "I joined the Abbey School Of nounce the pledging of Miss Ruth room of the League. Acting in 1914," she said in a re- Jacobson, '35, of L' Anse, Michigan. Betty Gerhard, '32, chairman of cent interview. "I remember my The chapter entertained two pat- the committee, is in charge of the very first role. It was in Lady Gre- ronnesses at dinner last Wednes- affair, and is being assisted by Jean ox'yI.v's "Hyacinth Halvey." From day; Mrs. Thomas Diamond; and Cowden, '33, and Susan Manches- then on I worked until our world Mrs. Carl Coe. ter, '32. Tea will be served immed- tour in 1920 with "The Whitehead- Alpha Epsilo Phi. lately after the program, and Enid ed Boy." We went to Australia, and Alpha Epsilon Phi held initia- Bush, '33 new social chairman of South Africa, Canada, and toured Ition services last Friday far seven the League, will pou- . all of America. I played the role of women - Miss Esteli Aarons, '32, The program will emphasize the the mother then but when we re~ Coeen Miss an'2 festive spirit of Christmas, and turned to Dublin in 1923 I beg'an Teve'an, Lhko; Miss Janett; many familiar carols will be sung. playihg Aunt Ellen, and I ha Tha, 32, Lakata, North Dakota; A series of popular songs will been playing it ever since. In hais City, New Jersey; Miss 35,tltic open the program, including Gigo- tour, I remember, we playd a fly- und,'33, Detroit, Michigan; Miss 10, Sag mir, Darling, Donna Clara, ing matinee in Ann Arbor. ,TD Neuwahl, '34, Altoona. PeM- and Zwei Hfeizen, after which Prof. "I have always had a wonderful :vania- Miss Lucille Zarne, '33, Ilildner will give a reading from wsh to get on in the theatre. The Nylvakn; Miss e'3 John 'edezsnve 'redng wislgetMilwaukee, Wisconsin; Miss Dna Fodden's novel, "Jon Uhl." work is long and hard but it inter-~Sudon, '34, Aberdeen, South Dakota. Members of the group will con- ests me. I suffer from nerves, es- dom'3 berdeen outh Dakohi. tinue with Van Hummel hoch; pecially on opening nights of new a color scheme in green, white and Guten Alund, gut Nacht; Herhei, plays, but somehow they seem to aink was effectively carried out. O ihr Glaulugen; O Tannenbaum, help me." A tea was held Sunday afternoon 0 m durahliche, and Stille Nachit, Miss Delaney likes the way in honoring the new initiates. all well known selections which she has been received here he neta. immensely. "Your audiences are Delta Zeta hold a rushing din- ;ONTIA-It was revealed today so kind and sympathetic," she stat- nr Friday evening in honor of six that an American Legion commnit- ed simply, but one knew when she guests. A silhouette idea was at- tee is investigating the case of said it that audiences all over ro ctively carried out. The chapter Anson Best, serving a life sentence would always be kind and sympa- oishes to announce the pledging of in Marquette prison for the murder thetic to her because she has a Miss Hazel Goff, '34, of Ann Arbor, of Verna Schneider here in 1,20, gift of, making friends easily with Michigan. preparatory to petitioning for a everyone she sees. Delta Zeta also wishes to an- pardon hearing. Sponsors of the "I like' your theatre here," she-___ _ movement said evidence had been said, "and I think that it will help uncovered indicating Best's inno- very much in developing the art in NEW TERM cence. Ann Arbor." JANUARY 4 F NCH CH RISTMAS IS PRIMARILY Shorthand DAY FOR CHILREN, SAYS DIRECTOR Stenotypy -_Typewriting Mile. Fournier Describes Quaint Eve are for the gown-ups. The Bookkeeping Old-World Customs and parents usually go to midnight Calculator mass or to the theatre and then gn Traditions. to an after-midnight party, kno n Dictaphone as the reveillon. All the hotels and Secretarial ,"Christmas day in France is en- cafes in Paris and all parts - ofTraining tirely a children's festival. Gifts France advertise these midnight DAY AND EVENING ot this day are solely for the little parties soamP e weeks beore the holo- tots, and are from Pere Noel onyi," day season much as the New Year's amiltoa s-siness stated Mlle. Eveline Fournier, as- parties are advertised in America," College sistant director of Jordan hall, in - - ,tats a-n--- i a recent interview. State and Wiam Streets "The French children don't hang Ann Arbor, Michigan up stockings as American children Phone___ 31 do but instead they put their shoes REPAIRING before the fireplace, *down which, of course, Pere Noel or Father For service and quality at Christmas, as te American Santa low rates. Claus is known there, is supposed to come. New Year's morning at 3011 2 South State Street breakfast there is a' general 6x- Next to Wagner change of gifts between all the members of the family," she con-- -___--___- -___c< tinued. "Christmas Eve and New Year's MAJESTIC SAT. HIT OF ALL TIME SLCOND FLOOR - "FRANKENSTEIN" THRILLING-CHILLING ALORED MODELS ons cf Individuality for Street, Day and Evening Wear. ':ms)taching and A te'ratlns s 620 East Liberty , Iv4.' DES KIDS lJINE REPTALE! $ge50 ed in this stock cing sale....but ts I MiSimplicity! J2 at So inexpensive, yet it's the I exact copy of much more expensive MisSimplicity gar- ments... Featuring the some converging cross - strap or- A rangement that creates the diagonal puli"-which raises the bust,slenderizes the waist, and smooths away the dia-h 1 "