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December 09, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-09

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Pubiished every morning except Monday( during the University yea
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
zbliiatiOn of all news dispatches c(redited to it or not otherwise
edited in this paper amd the local iiws p ublished herein.
Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secondl
ne mItter. snecial rate of stage,granted by Third kssistat
qtmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $500; br mail, $4. 6
Offices: A-m Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann- Arbor,
higan. Phnnes: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. -
Tclep;hone 4925
ty Editor......,......... ... ,...........Carl Forsythe
toral Director .............................e3.h conger, Jr.
wa Editor................. ...............0Qv4d M. 4chol
orts Editor ..... ............... Shedon O. Fullerton
men' "Editor.......'.................. rgtaret 14. T b rson
sistant News rd for........... ........... ..Robert L. Pif rce

enoughl for mnany billions of Pcop'le. i aet
rnignty rivers which flowed through fertile vaalleys.
I furnished You with mineral deposits Ci u.liitleS D R A MA' I
value. I provided You with natural resources
which, cared ftw, can last forever. Around you-.
hae built a system of physical phenomena which JUNO AN 'T AY_ C
cahi be utilized acid contrOlled to aid the society A Review by Barbara Wright
of the People. Because the Man I made was in-
.The Abbey P.layers' mterpretation
telligent and could use his reason to develop in-
tricate structures to add to his comfort ald make of Sen ey's trasedy, JUNO


Lflk lB. Lilbrth
Luwd 1oQdnuun
Karl Seifert

J. lutlen Kennedy .ames inglip
Jerry . Roseanai
George A. Stauter

er J.Myers
.n /one

Stanley W. Arnheim0#
Lawson E. Bekior
lEdward c. Campbell.
f. Williams Carpenter
Thomas Connelan
Samuel G. Ellis
Dorothy Brockman
Mriam Carver
Beatrice Collins
Louise Crandall A
Elsie Felduiwn
Prudence Foser

Sports Assistants,
Jolin W. 'ttomas
Fred A. Huer
Norman Kraft
RoleNd Martiu
Ilery Meyer
Albr t I. Newman
B. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Gei nau
A:iec Gibert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Franees kbnehester
Elizabeth Mainn

John I,.Towvnsend
Ciairles kSanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. hart 1aa
Bracley s1mw
Parker R. snyder
G.. i. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary R;Arden
IU rothy Ru d all
Elma Wadsworth
Jusephine Woodhaine

his life more pleasant.
"But for years the People have quarrelled with
one another. Many terrible wars have been cul.
minated by a horrid conflict in which all nations
struggled. This is not right. The People have in
their stupidity created problems with which they
are not fit to cope. Concerned with devastating
carnage they overloolk many of the earth's benefits.
Experience alone will teach them to cease theirj
bestial foolishness.
"But some of the problems can be solved more
simply. In economy they must observe the prin-
ciples which. Man mind has already revealed. Peo-
ple must not fail to recognize the limits laid down
on the amount of credit which can be extended in
trade and investment activities; while at the. same
time they must preserve the necessary amount for
free intercourse. Now VMan scrambles for profits
grossly out of proportion to that which the ini
dividual deserves. This can mean only inevitable
destruction of his society.
"Man must learn that the benefits of Earth arc
placed there for all to share. One being dare not
usurp more than a reasonable portion lest he do
cruel injustice to his neighbor. Correct principles
of distribution have been manifest to Man. He
must apply them."
The message concluded with: 'But Human
kind has reached so low an ebb that immediate
assistance is imperative. Truly Great Men are
needed to lead the People in courageous fortItude
to point the way to economic acjustrrcnt ; to acl-
ministrate universal charity; to mold opinion until
War has no place in the Human heart.
"I am sending these Great Men."
Health Education

Trlephone 23214
CHARLES T. Kinc... ................. . . Business Manager
NORRIS P. JOH NSON........................Assistant Manager
Department Njanagers
Advertisi .............................. . .. Vernon ii aihp
Advrertising Conracts4......... .................... Roblert Calilaban
Advertising Service........................... .l. iron C. Vedder
Publications .................................... Vliam T. Brown
Circulation ........ .........harry R. Begley
Accounts ... ..... .........................Richard Stra cmeir
Women's.Business Manager ......................Ann W.Verner

vil Aronson
Ibert E. Burtley
lien Clark
bert Finn
nna Becker
rtha Jane Cissel
nevieve Field
Wine Fischgrund
n Gallmeyer
.ry Harriman

John K Ta rt>; t
Arthur F. Kohn
ame CS Lowe
Bernard E. Schpacke
. Anne ila sba
l:athiirine Jackson
U orothy Layin
Virginia MeComb
Carohin Mosher
helkn Olen

Gorafton W. Sharo
oI ij! ,) A. .l l ton
Don Lyon
Bernard It. Good
.May Seefried
Miinnie Seng
hielen Spencer
hnthryn Stork
Mlare Unger
Hary Elizabeth Watts

Faculty anid
Tine Clocks
FACULTY opposition of the Literary College to
the plan- of the administration requesting a
report as to the number 6f hours that are being
spent in the preparation of classes and for lec-
tures and other details relative to the use of faculty
time during the year does not come as a surprise.
such a "report card" system is as unwise as it is
absurd. Reasons for the inovation are vague;
and whatever purpose it is intended to serve, it is
certain to be a source of irritation.
the opposition seems to be directed not at the
questions asked by the aidmistration, but the
principle involved. To ask a menber of the faculty
the amount of time spent in preparing for classes
and lectures, in holding student conferences, in
grading papers, in conducting graduate work, in
doing research,--these and other questions aimed
at ascertaining the extent to which one spends his
time, would not only be impossible, but would.
savor too much of the ridiculous. The administra-
tion cannot request professors to carry with them
a stop-watch, and that time spent in work relating
to the University be recorded minute by minute.
The professor who is ranked among leaders in his
field has not spent two or three or four hours in
preparing for a class or a lecture. He h.,s spent
many years, perhaps twenty or thirty or forty, in
order that he might be better able to place before
his classes the knowledge which they are seeking.
One may ask, What of the time spent in social
functions? Should such time be considered as
time spent' in working-if one must take it this
way-for the administration? Our answer is that
it should, for attendance at social functions serves
to bring the University into relationship not only
with those immediately connected with it as the
bjdy proper, such as the students, but with those
outside its academic domain. The body politic
looks to the Universityfor leadership. If, then, as
President Ruthven has said, the University is be-
coming "the brain of society," how can such lead-
ership, continue to grow if the members of the
faculty do not spend time in social functions with
those on The outside, so to speak? A representa-
tive of the University, whether an administrativeI
officer, faculty member, or student, is an ambass-
dor, is it were, bringing before the public the
purpose, the aims, and the reasons of the. Univer-
sity as such for existence.
In the present order, specialization has made
its presence known in no uncertain degree. It has
found its way into the University, for the various
public services of the institution are extending to
those not on the campus. But universities should
not be placed on an equality with factories. They
are in no way related. Factories have time-clocks.
But there is no need for them in educational insti-

Appendicitis is a disease of young people, 50 pez
cent of the cases occurring before the twontieth year.
At the Health Service during the year 1930-31 there
were 3,6 students operated upon for appendicitis. Dur-
ing the same period, 65 other students were under
observation for the condition but operation vas not
Sudden pain in the abdomen, usually localizing in
'the right lower side, is the main symptom. VThen i
occurs, a physician should be consulted immediately.
Other symptoms are nausea, vomit~ing and f - _r.
When the appendix is acutely inflammed, any-
thing which increases intestinal motion may increase
the inflammation or cause the appendix to rupture.
So food and laxatives are decidedly contra indicated
at that time.
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, emphasizes
this in one of his axioms. He wrote, "In sharpe
diseases and in their beginning we ought seldom to
use a purging medicine. Neither must it be done
without great advice and judgment."
With all that has been written and spoken about
the dangers of taking cathartics in the presence of
abdominal pain, it is most distressing to find that it
is still being done. Every year a number of deaths
from acute appendicitis occur and the large majority
of these cases had taken a laxative to relieve their
However, the constant haranguing against this
custom has educated many people and this is reflect-
ed in the student attitude. On the whole, student
cases are seen early and they have not medicated
themselves. This allows for prompt diagnosis and
operation if it is indicated. Since they have not ag-
gravated the existing inflammation by taking any
cathartics, there are few cases of ruptured appendices
and recovery after operation is very rapid and satis-
For the students seem to have absorbed the essen-
tial fact that with any kind of abdominal pain, one
does not treat oneself. They do the proper thing in
reporting to a physician proynptly and make no at-
tempt to treat themselves.
Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 300. words if
To The Editor:
As one of the audieine attending the lecture given
by Dr. Chang, visiting professor at the University of
Chicago last Friday, on the question of the Manchur-
ian situation, I should like to express my appreciation
for his interesting, humorous and appealin talk.
We were carried away by his enthusiasm, but since
the problem of Manchuria is a matter of considerable
significance not only to the parties concerned, but
to the world at large, the lecturer should have given
this affair an impartial and fair judgment.

' AND THE PAYCOKi as attained
a degree of perfection hardly war-
ranted by tho play itself, which, at
its best, is not great drama. This
exceedingly flexible cast not only t
succeeded in bringing some rather
flabby literature into vivid life, but
projected so much of their own
genius and feeling into the produc-
tion that the acting was by far
the more remarkable part of last l
night's performance than any in-
herent excellence in the book. It is
by no means an inferior drama,
and its high points are magnificent,
but the author has failed to retain
even a consistent tenor to his piece.
For instance.. the many soliloquies
are a technical gaucherie which ne-
eessarily inhibit smoothness an
;ive a defnite rense of unrahlity to
the audienc. But of greater signi-
fica . sini
ficance is Che excessive melod-rama
of ,pa is of the play, which by and
large, purports to be realistic. In
scenes such as the lamentation of
fir,. Tancred, repeated by Juno, de-
part from the otherwise consistent
realism' it must be admitted to
Eileen Crowe's credit, however, that
she played this scene yth a re-
straint and feeling that raised it
lefinitely above the plane of melo-
lrama. Minor faults of the vehicle
are the irrelevancies bro ,ht in
by the character of Johnny, whose
part involved the reference to a
political situation-of-the-moment
obscure to an American audience,
and for this reason necessarily at-
tended with some -awkwardness
Instead of revealing any deep na-
tional feeling, it cast a rather
distracting aura of Chicago gang-
dom about the scenes in which it
Though it is classifled by the au-
thor as a tragedy, the comic ele-
ments of JUNO AND THE PAY-
COCK were emphasized in the first
two asts. The atmosphere of Act I
might possibly be termed as semi-
tragic in view of the poverty of the
environr ent and of Juno's futile
nggle against it; the ride of the
Boyle family to comparative afflu-
ence becaide high comedy, broken _
rudely by Mrs. Tancred. From this
peak the action drops gradually in-
to tragedy, each event succeeding
its predecessor in intensity. A last
touch of comic relief, in which Cap-
tain Boyle returns drunk to the -
shattered home in which he had
strutted so proudly, serves to in-
tensify the tragedy without sending
the audience away in too black
despair. The clarity of form and
theme are ample evidence of Mr.
O'Casey's genius in conception of
idea; it is his faulty execution of
details that mars the piece.
The chief contribution of the
cast was their interpretation and
intensification of this theme which
the author did not perfectly ex-
press. This they did with a sym-
pathy and emphasis on essentials
that was remarkable. They display-
ed an ability to harmonize and un-
ify diverse elements, and to give
the whole an intensity seldom
achieved on the American stage,
which seems to run toward super-
ficial treatment of complicated ma-
terial Tather than deeply-studied
presentation of the elemental pas-
The performance as a whole was
noteworthy for its restraint. Em-
phasis has been laid on attainment
of this quality by directors since
the inception of the Abbey Players

as an Irish national institution.
The comic scenes did not in any
instance degenerate in t o farce,
neither was the tragedy allowed to
become mawkish. Rather than lim-
iting the effects, as might be ex-
pected, they were emphasized and
heightened by the quiet manner in
which they were produced. Captain
Boyle was the instrument of most
of the comedy, yet he was consis-
tently harmonious and never guilty
of burlesque. It is exceedingly grat-
ifying to see a part like that of Ju-
'o taken with dignity, after the!1
garbled interpretation of melodra- -
matic characters which are com-
mon to plays locally produced. The
finish and sympathy of her acting
made the bad drama she had to
overcome seem incidental; she did
not make the mistake of intruding
her own personality, but subjected
herself to her part with true The-
spian artistry. The cast as a whole
were part of this harmony, which

Great Men to
Lead Us Forth

T HOUSANDS of years after God created the
Earth all Heavens became deeply concerned
with its welfare. The people there had through

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