THE MICHIGAN DAILYWEN MERRIL Y WE ROLL ALONG 0 4Vf4 ,&rSTER Q c t W 4U4L3-. 74c DEPRNO 4zc' t } I 'II ~ ~-~Ir G~u__ By Liehty w5o2IS LAST TIMES TODAY "MAMA LOVES PNAPA" S" -e... / _-O i . . ! ..aryl Ir - 4 pw -- ' l 1. - __ rte :: i . _i t f 't Boy Friends Comedy "THE VILLAGE SPECIALIST" Flip the Frog Cartoon Paramount News 4 ,_:;. ON FgM OUS R1H Co-Holder of Endurance Title to Lecture Here T'' m;rsday I f c L oxFrederick Brossy, co-pilot, of the airplane which c,.tablishedc a necw wol ark for .sustahed flig; t -wthout ref ueling-,l-ast YIar,)waitll spa concerning aeronautic,. a 12 P. M. Thursday, Dec. 10i, in Na- tural Science auditoriun. . Efs s being brought here un- der thne auspices of the Ae ronau .ti- ca~l Society of the schoc4 of gi nerig With himi on tho endur- ance test was Pilot Walter Lees, en- gtieer and test flyer of the Pack- ~ard Mdotor company, and tbe re cord they etalshed which b~r-ought thc mark back to United St ates 'irom~ F~rance is appix~x mate ,y $6 hours. Brossy's talk will be ilJlu.,trated by7 movies taken at the SGcene of the ir nuance tests and showing in- cidets in preparation for and dur - ing the flight. The suce'essful flight was mae only after two less for- tuaeatemi-pts and these trips are also pihotographed. The lecture is !open to students and faculty members who are in- terested. On the program with Brsyis C. R. Parker of the Wayne County Airport, who will discuss the organization of a flying divi- .lo of the Aeronautical Society, wit trining of students by actual husin the air. At th~e conclusion of the program membership appicatio~n card; will be distributed to the students wish- ing to become connected with the socety. A report of the Activities of the OGlde lub will also be given. The meeting was planned by the offcers of the society who are: Pres. Howard R. Boys, '22; Vice- pre. HarodIm. Emmons, '3; Treas. ,Ho n . Kaapp, '32F; S&cy. Don- Daily O3 ficia1lleIt i n a N TIS LASSIFCOLUMN CLOSES ~LS ATS3 P.M.A~V R ISN AT 3 P.. (Continued From Page 6),. tic Club, to be addressed by F. A. Magee of Chicago on "The FAM System in Industry." Tech bnical ses- sion at8 1p. in., preceded by dinner at 6:30. All interested arec welcome. Animcrhan Irstifute of Gci Enagineercn; (Student JBranuhl) will mciet with Iota Alpha on Thurs- day.,, Dec,. 10, at 7:30 p. mn., in 3201 Ea ngineer ng bldg. All chemical engineering students are invited to att endl. 'The speakers -of the eveningI will be Prof essor A. E. White, Direc- ttLr of the Department of Engineer-I ing, Researci, who will talk on some' phla c of Industrial Eesearch and Profess;or R. 11. Sherlock who will spea k on Depicting the Structure of Wind Gusts. All graduate' stu- denits interested in Iota Alpha are invited to be Present. tcroniautical Society; _Friederic A. Bro;sesy and Adolf Widmann of the Packard Miator Car Company will present a film of the recent Iendur- ance flight at Jacksonville, Fla., and speak, on the Diesel Engine, in Natural Science -auditrium, Thurs- clay evening, at 7:30. *Mmnbership Cards will be available following the meeting. Glider Club: Meeting of the club members following the Aero'Society meeting. Room to be announced Thursday evening. All Women Interested in.Educa- t ion are invited to attend a meeting in the Librar 'y of the Elementary School at 7:U0 p. in., Thursday, Dec. 10. Miss Ethel Hedrick will talk and there will be a discussion after- wards of magazines that have a professional interest for ,the women who are interested in education. Le Cercle Francais will meet on Thursday, ]Dec. 20, at 7:30 in Room 408 R. L. Program, refreshments. League. Important business will be discussed and it, is obligatory that- all dues be paidl. TUnles;s excused, all old and new mxembers must be pre-' sent. HMieMdical Cass: The class on "J,_-w1s and TMedicine during the ! 3, conducted by Drs. Isaac,, and Friod-ood, will meet at the Hillel Foundation, Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. Open to all interested. Jewi h IStudeta s: The tea and in- formal social to bie held at the Foundation Txhur~sday, Dec. 10, 3:30 to 5 p).in., will be under the sp.on- sorship of Alpaha Eps)ilon Phai Boror- ity, who willf act as hostesses. You are -cordially invited. jj MasOicX St. ,denrts: Dress rehear- sal Thurs,.day at 7: 30 p. a, n the Mas cnic Temaple. M . M. Degree will be conferr~ed by" Craftsmen Satur- jday, Deco. 12, at 7:30 p. in. A full attendance at both meetings is re-E quested. Wesley Jial: Wesley Founidation is holding an Interna Ac 'aaiChrist- mas Party Friday at 8 p. in. Every- one welcome. Faculty Women's Club : The De- cember meeting will be a formal dancing and card party at the Mich- igan League Thursday evening, Dec. 10, from 9 until 12. Members are invited to bring their hausbands or -escorts. An oppor:tunity will be given those who wiSh to pay their annual dues at this time. Hurrey to Give Talk at Lan je Hall Tonight TOMORROW "6THE BELOVD BACHELOR," WITH PAUL LUKAS AND DOROTHAY JO)RDAN NOTICE fBOARD--Choice of meatq and dessert..Three v( -salads. $5.50 for three $4.75 for two meals pee the week.* One half bic rcanmuts at .213 South T] phonle 5150. yTYPEWRITFING AE.ND MIMEOG-RAPB: Promptly and neat ly< 0. D. IMORRILL 314 South.State Stre BEST SHOE SHINE in "tc fords. Sundays, evenii E. Ann, 514 E. William. WOULD like to exchange banj o for a camera or sn Elex. Westonfeld, 411 Tl TYPEWRITERS, all make. sold, rented, exchanged ed. 0._ D. MORRILL, 3; State. FOR RENT sdrinks, ,egetables, - ~ --- _____ e meals, FURNISHED apartment with con- .r day by necting ba th and shower. Also lock from front singtle and doubic room. 'bar St. Steam heat, shower,' . 3 frciend husband my Chrlist'ina . clUb Check, he Tht-'ifty." Being a tightwad to the tune of $1 a w'eek is great when my, bank hiands me a nice chec at Christ. FOR SALE GRAVEL Phone 7112, Killins Gra FOR. SALE--Ford roadstE A,, 19J29, 4 new tires, nm reconditioned tnd gu $150, terms. Call Bilk FOR SALE-:.Bargain ! M -1n, 14r-3na ow a, u 3 1 1 , a th-is Year, anld sex-t Christ- maS, we'll have a great lark lowis~g in" our- accL'mulz fated wealtah! Why tdon't p'oi tread the tgta 1 F tra ck the 1932 Club Is Now.on~u Far ?ers and Mechanics aa ? Huron at M-ain Street 330 South State Street Charles D: Hurrey, secretary of Brussles rug, 9x12, over the national committee on friendlyl Phone 23843. relations among foreign students, - ---~ will speak at Lane Hal1l auiditorium REPOSSESSED CARS-B' at 71:15 this evening. All foreign finance company for students on campus are urged to be due. 311 W. Huron. Pih present. 'or ley Will Discuss Trans port Inventions Origins of modern transportation ventions will be discussed by rof. John S. Worley of the engi- eering depaftrnent, at a meeting Fth~e Transportat'ion club' tonight lthe East Engineering building. As curator of the transportation bnMry, Professor Worley has done xch reearch work which -has ought to light many prototypes modern inventions. He described me of these in a -recent article 1 the Detroit News, mentioning, nnother things, a submarine 1624 that actually worked. ~A4J TIC SAT. 1-1T OF111LL. 'MI3 THIRILLING- CHfR-LJNG; I Pi Lambda Theta: Short business rmeeting, Thursday evening, at 7:15, in the Library of the Elementary ' School. Please be prompt as this is to be followed by a meeting open to all women interested in Educa- tion. Phi Delta Kappa: Business meet- ing at the Union Thursday at 7 p. m. The topic for discussion will be issues which will be raised at the National' council meeting in Chicago this month. Both student and faculty members are urged to be present. Pegasus -will hold its last business and social meceting of thbe semester at 7 o'clock Thursday night in the MAJESTIC SAT. IT 0O1AA, L [M -I--- MICHLGANENIS7A