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December 06, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-06

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I p trl t gan tt g

Published ever morning except Monday during the University year
the Board :An Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press iA exclusively entitled to the use for re-
blication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
as matter. Special rate of postage grantes by Third Assistant
stmaster General.

week to present a highly developed concert organ-
At a football game, spectators enjoy seeing
well-drilled bands perforrh between the halves.
They believe, quite wrongly, that the larger bands
are the better but it true that large bands are more
colorful and can execute more intricate maneuvers.
The band is the most colorful part of the game and
some cynics have even remarked that it is more
interesting. Certainly a game without a band
would be dull.


The Secession Movement, 1860 -
1861, by Prof. Dwight L. Dumond
of the history department. 294 pp.
The Macmillan Company. $2.50.
Southern Editorials on Secession,
by the same author. 529 pp. The
Century Company. $4.00.

Subsc'ription by carrier, $4.00; b mall, $4.6 4

Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
'.shigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Aitorlal Director.......................... Beach Conger, Jr.
Ity Editor...................................Carl Forsythe
ow. Ed!tor ....,.............David M. Nichol
(portsEditor ...... ..... .......-....Sheldon O. Fullerton
Vomen's Editor..........................Margaret M. Thompson
sistant News Editor......... ...............Robert L. Pierce

In the interests, then, of keeping Michigan's
football games as entertaining as possible and
colorful, we urge the officials of the band to drop
the proposal. Michigan looks on its band as one
of its finest and most representative institutions.
And we firmly believe there is no organization
which more faithfully portrays Michigan's char-
acter. We do not ask for a large band because it
will be a better band-we ask for one in the inter-
ests of the student body which wants a large,
efficient organization that can provide color and
interest to the great football circus which has
come to be characteristic of collegiate football.

ik B. G0lbreth
xd Goodman
Karl Sefert

J. Cullen Kennedy Jiane Inglis
Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

I s

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas

.T. Myers
ine .

nley w. -RArnheim
wson E. Becker
omas Connellan
muel G. Ellis
ward C. Campbell
Williams Carpenter
othy Brockman
11a Carver
Ltrice Collins
uise Crandall
ae Feldman
dence Foster

Fred A. Huber
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
Henry Meyer
Albert H. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Man

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
.1oseph Renihan
0. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R.sSnyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Barden
Dorothy Rndell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams



Telephone 21214
ARLES T. Kline..........................Business Manager
RIS P. JOHNSON ....... .. ......Assistant Manager
Department Managers
rertising ......... .....................Vernon Bishop
ertising Contracts.......................o.. bert Callahan
ertising Service ............................ Byron C. Vedder
ications................... ...........William T. Brown
ulation................................Harry R. Begley
aunts............. ........ ..... ..Richard Straterneir
men's Business Manager........... ........ ..Ann W. Verner

rvil Aonson
ilbert R. Bursley
l1en Clark
obert Finn
onns Becker
lartba Jane CMosel
snevieve Field
laxine Fischgrund
nn Gallmeyer
ary Harriman

John Keyser
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
Bernard E. Schnack
Anne Harsba
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Helen OlsenI

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald Johnson
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts


The Size
of The Band


RUMORS have been spreading around the cam-
pus that Michigan's Varsity band, which for
the past two years has numbered close to 100
pieces, will return to its old size of 72 men next)
year. Nicholas Falcone, director, is known* to be
in favor of such a move as he feels that the band
at present is more unwieldy and harder to manage
than a smaller one. He is also of the opinion that
better results as far as playing is concerned can be
achieved with a smaller organization.
We Mtake issue with Mr. Falcone's opinion. It is
true that a band numbering 72 pieces is more com-
pact and more easily handled than an outfit of the
present size and we do not doubt his word that a
better quality of music might result from such an
arrangement. It is, however, also true that Mich-
igan's band, in the last two years, has proven a,
vastly better organization than any other the Uni-
versity has ever had before, especially on the foot-
ball field.,
Previous to 1929, when a special drill-master
from the R. 0. T. C. department was detailed to
coach the band and freshmen were allowed to par-
ticipate, the band was a small, badly outfitted, and
ill-drilled organization. Since Falcone's arrival,
the musical ability has never been doubted. In
1929, speetators at the games saw a marvellously
improved band, going through maneuvers never
before executed and giving an added touch of color
to the games.
Last fall, with its new uniforms and still more
improved marching, the band presented an even
more colorful appearance and the organization
clinched its place in the collegiate musical world.
Its trip to Boston, the first lengthy trip it ever
took, established its reputation as being nation-
wide and laid the "foundations for an even more
successful season for this year.
This year, in the football season just passed,
few are the spectators at Michigan games who
have not praised the organization for its remark-
able playing and marching as well as its clever
maneuvers. Eastern fans who saw the band march
down 42nd street in New York City and perform
as only a really well-drilled and finished outfit can
at the Princeton game again voiced their approva
and lauded Michigan's "fighting" organization to
the skies. Students, alumni and outsiders who have
followed Michigan's football teams and bands have
praised the band and are proud of its standing and
The news that it is to be curtailed next year
comes as a real blow. We realize that the size of
the band does not detract from the musical ability
and are fully aware of the fact that many small
bands are as good and often better than larger
ones. We do know, however, that Michigan's
band appears well to the outsider and it seems
entirely unreasonable to cut the band's size if it
can still be good. We do not believe that the band
is unwieldy, contrary to Mr. Falcone's opinion.
We haye seen Frank Riley, its drum major and
Lieut. 1A. R. Coursey, the drillmaster, rehearse the
- - . --. e

(Daily Kansan) f
The national advisory committee on education,
composed of fifty-one leaders of learning appointedi
by President Hoover two years ago, has reported in
favor of a reversal of the present federal education
policy. The report recommends no interference with2
the autonomy of the states in matters of education,x
making all aid given to the states for education gen-
eral, and the creation of a department of education
confined to research.-
Most states will welcome this report; for thex
varied and perplexing conditions of education in the
various states makes federal control undesirable.t
There are some things which state governments cant
do better than the federal government. The promo-
tion of education is one of them, as is shown by the
complex and inconsistent way in which the federalt
educational activities are handled. However, more
centralization of education in the -individual states
is essential to the best interests of our school system.
In one school district in central Kansas there is
a teacher who, although he receives a substantial
salary, has only one pupil in his care. The members
of this district may save some money by failing to
consolidate with the adjoining district, but the edu-
cational system of the state as a whole suffers by
this lack of centralization. In order to provide the
youth of Kansas with the best educational facilities,
co-operation and a certain degree of local and state1
centralization is necessary.
Minnesota students may now own their own examn
questions. Under a new plan approved by the dean
of the college, the campus book stores will sell exam-
ination questions formerly used in several English
courses. If the experiment proves to be a success,
copies will be mimeographed for all courses possible.
The price has not yet been set.
Here's an idea. It really is the only fair thing to
do, according to Dean Thomas of Minnesota, who
says, "A long as some students have copies available
and others do not, under the present system, it will
be fairer to make them available to all. If the stu-
dent knows the type of questions the instructor
expects him to answer, he can do justice to both him-
self and the course."'
If our university instructors knew that their pet
questions were kept not only by some student groups,
but also were on sale at Rowlands, there might result
some startling changes-in the standard exams. We
might get a 1932 model for our coming finals, rather
than the old "model T" we are expecting.
(Minnesota Daily)
A proposal has recently come before the university
senate asking the abaadonment of present attend-
ance rules and to adopt a policy which will allow
r separate colleges to make their own regulations. Such
a step would be one more factor tending towards the
liberation of educational institutions from their pre-
sent traditional systems.
The original policy leads one to wonder if the
university's attitude has not long been at fault. The
institution's purpose is not to give education to those
who do not want it, but to see that those who are
eager for knowledge are satisfied. A student comes
to the university with the avowed purpose of obtain-
ing an education. If this were true in all cases there
would be no reason for compulsory attendance. Un-
fortunately, certain people come here because they
have nothing better to do. If a student is not in
earnest the quicker he is dropped the better. An
unlimited cuts plan would encourage him to stay
- away from class and consequently his marks would
suffer. On the other hand a person who is a good
student would realize where knowledge could be best
attained, and if he believed it to be of value to attend
class he would do so.
The present system in vogue generally is based on
the supposition that class attendance is good for the
student whether he realizes it or not. Such is cer-
tainly not the case, as some students have often
advanced further than the others and are wasting
their time in class. For them and their profesors
the present system is entirely unsatisfactory.
(Stanford Daily)
When Old Man Depression stalks over the college
campuses, students are forced to devise ingenious
methods of saving a few nickels. Here are a few of
the different practices that are being tried at various

colleges to balance the decreased allowances.
Men at Wichita University have refused to date
girls who smoke, claiming that it is hard enough to'
buy their own cigarettes. Consequently, the co-eds
I are forced either to stop smoking or remain at home.
Many girls at Wellesley College have given up rid-
4ia hi-voanna rl a nwm monrine eForerly evelnne

A Review by
E. Jerome Pettit
The first of these volumes traces
he process of the secession move-
vent-and explains the arguments
y which the various groups of
outherners justified their action
n withdrawing from the Union.
iberal portions of the book are
levoted to the controversy between
he two wings of the Democratic
arty represented by Douglas and
Davis respectively, and to the many
ttempts at compromise and con-
ciliation after Lincoln's election.
The spirit of the work is indicat-
ed in the preface, in which Profes-
sor Dumond says, "It has been my ,
constant concern to detach myself \
from the tradition that the Civil
War was irrepressible. That idea
implies that the American people
were incapable of solving a difficult
problem except by bloodletting,
and confuses the design of party
politicians with the acts of states-
The author also contends that
the election of 1860 assumed the
nature of a revolutionary move-
ment- in the North as well as in
the South. "Not slavery aylone nor
the question of what party was to
administer the government for the
conservation of e x i s t in g institu-
tions were to constitute the nature
of the test. A Southern political
organization was in the making for
a contest against an existing North-
ern party organization. In a broad
sense each was a revolutionary
agent; each regarded the existing
government as having failed to per-
form its functions.
"A victory for the one would be
regarded by the successful contest-
ant as a mandate from the people
to institute far-reaching social re-
forms, by the other as an exigency
requiring sweeping political reforms
or a dissolution of the Union."
(page 32.)
The second of these volumes is
the first publication in a series
sponsored by the American Histor-
ical Association, and dedicated to
the memory of the famous histor-
ian and state man, Albert J. Bever-
idge. The vo ume' contains nearly
t w o hundred editorials selected
from leading Southern newspapers,
i n c l u d i n g. among others, the
Charleston Mercury, Richmond Ex-
aminer, Louisville Journal, Nash-
ville Patriot, and New Orleans Pi-
They. were written by such fa-
mous newspaper editors as Robert
Barnwell Rhett, George Wilkins
Kendall, George D. Prentice, Henry
Cleveland, and William Old. The
several editorials are written in an
inimitable style and represent edi-
torial writing of the finest quality.
The selection is so arranged as to
carry in a chronological Vrder the
bitter controversy which raged be-
tween opposing parties in the South
during the period of secession.
The second volume of the series
is to present editorials from North-
ern newspapers during the same
period. Other volumes in prepara-
tion by Professor Dumond and Prof.
Gilbert H. Barnes of Ohio Wesleyan
University, will include recently
discovered correspondence of fa-
mous Anti-slavery leaders during
the decades of the 1830's and 1840's.
NIGHTLIFE. Charles, G. Shaw.
John Day. A guide to speakeasies,
night clubs, theatres and restau-
rants in New York.
Villiers. Henry Holt and Company.
True tales of ships and men.

THE WAVES. Virginia Woolf.
Harcourt, Brace and Co. Literary
caviar feast for the intelligencia.
Konrad Bercovici. C e n t u r y. A
sparkling parade of New York per-
sonalities and celebrities.
Schuyler. Brewer, Warren and Put-
man. Slavery in Liberia.
bouis. McGraw-Hill Book Co. A
Frenchwoman does a splendid piece
of research work.
Dunsany. G. P. Putman's Sons.
When Lord Dunsany writes, many
read. His latest creation is Joseph
J o r k e n s, traveler extraordinary.
Jorkens is easily inspired to story

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