THE MITHICAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEC] 7.1 v _WYI_ _ IE PATRONS' 1aRSBPU PROi ident Ruthven, Mrs. Ruthven ,ead List of Faculty Men and Wives Announced. )MPACTS ARE FAVORS higan Seal in Silver Will Feature Gifts; Will Have Simple Decora tions. itron s and patronesses for the hionore Prom, to be held next lay night in the Union, were ounced last night by the dance mittee. President Ruthven, and Ruthven, as is customary, lead list. he other members of the facul- re Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and' Bursley, Dean Alice Lloyd, n John R. Effinger and Mrs. Ef- er, Dean Wilber R. Humphries Mrs. Humphries, Dean H. C. ler and Mrs. Sadler, Prof. Field- H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, Dean ritus Allen S. Whitney, and Whitney, Dr. Margaret Bell, s Ethel McCcrmick, Mrs. Byri Bacher, Dr. M. N. McGarvy and * McGarvy, Prof. Philip E. Burs- Dr. Harley R. Haynes and Mrs. nes, Dr. F. A. Coller and Mrs. er, Registrar Ira Smith and Mrs. th. rof. Lewis M. Cram and Mrs. m, Prof. Russell F. Hussey and Hussey, Prof. James H. Cissell Mrs. Cissel, Prof. Waldo Abbot Mrs. Abbot, Coach Harry Kip- and Mrs. Kipke, Prof. W. B. w and Mrs. Shaw, Prof. J. C. r and Mrs. Brier, Prof. P. M. cannon, Prof. A. D. Moore and Moore, Coach J. K. Dougherty Mrs. Dougherty, Walter B. Rea, stant to the dean, Prof. Carl Lit- urg and Mrs. Litzenburg, Karl :eichenbach, Prof. R. K. Horner Mrs. Horner, Prof. William .d and Mrs. Hoad, Prof. W. O. ge and Mrs. Menge, and Roland ;obinson. mmy Joy and his orchestra will iish the music. Favors will be der compacts done in modern- silver and black enamels. They be rectangular and will have Michigan seal in silver in the ter. Decorations will be compar- ely simple, consisting of flowers palms. ~RA LITT LEFEL 0 'CONER With Irish Players SAMMY SQUIRT: TWO'S COMPANY By Lichty - -. -, - ___ / -~ c~t ..ppp 1SP.-L-OTTA. ~KQOe'/ /r _ ~- K 7 N s ~ t~5a - F~-- - C~O(4~- ~SN - ,.. ~Y l 4 1 FOR G RE A TEST CON T RACT T OURN E Y o* h be rs iyrRIVAL BRIDGE EXPERTS AWAIT BELL CHITNLtfILI F. J. McCormick, leading nplayerIN of the Abbey Irish company, which NEW YORK, Dec. 5. - (/P) - Ely get more pupils because of the I II is presenting four plays here on Culbertson, who has stolen the match, and the sale of their books Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. golden goose of the old bridge picks up, that is only what is gross-F McCormick plays the title role of marsters, refuses them even the ly called additional gravy.- John Ferguson in the play to be neck and has rocketed into czar- The rules: Widow of President Roosevelt given Wednesday night. dom at contract in three years, and 1. Four matches a week on Presides at Launching of Sidney S. Lenz, for 25 years regard- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and ed the best whister in the United Saturday nights at 8 o'clock, Biggest American Ship. [91 LUB FORM41States in playing the hand after Eastern time, until Jan, 15. The- dummy is down, begin 1,050 hands last rubber must be started ie- CAMDEN, N. Y, Dec. 5.-()- - of contract Monday to decide three)fore 12:30 a. m. Net results will The s eanship Manhattan, the TOBE H;tU h .is which of the r respective 2. Rubbers, 150. An average of in the United St ates, w s launched dynasties shall prevail-the Cul- seven hands to the rubber gives into the historic Delaware today. bertson School or Bridge Headquar- an estimated total of 1,050 hands. Accompanied by the cheers of Elaborate Preparations Being ters, Inc.-and which can go to 3. Culbertson will play his ap- thousands of persons, the shrieks- Made f PrChiwood-cutting at Door. proach-forcing system, with the of river craft and ringing of tells,V Invior Are-ristmas One is to determine which of the "one-over-one" variation. the 30,000-ton ship plunged into Invitation Affair-.rival systems, between which some 4. Lenz, one of the originators the river from the New York Ship- 20,000,000 bridge players in America of the "official" system agreed to building plant at 10:25 a. ml. Three hundred members of the grope and bungle, is most likely to by professors at Bridge Head- Mrs. Edith Kermit Roosevelt, Law club will gather next Friday put the load of writing checks upon quarters, Inc., will play the "one- w i d o w of President Roosevelt, for the annual pre-Christmas invi- your adversary, two-three" variation of the same christened the ship as she stood The third is whether, with Mr. system. surrounded by olicers of the Unit- tation formal, the outstanding so-Culbertson betting 5 to 1 on his 5. Culbertson will play 75 rub- ed States Lines for which corpora-- cial event for the members of the plan of play, Mr. Lenz shall pass bers with his wife as partner. He tion the Manhattan was built. club. over a check of $1,000, if he loses, will then continue with the match The launching, the biggest un-- More elaborate preparations than to the New York Infirmary for paired with Baron Waldemar von d::taking of that kind ever at-1 ever before are being made for this Women and Children, or Mr. Cul- Zedtwitz and Theodore A. Light- tempted in the United States, was bertson, should he be beaten, pay ner, Detroit Athletic Club. entirely successful. Many n e w year's ball, which will be attended $5,00 into the Emergency Unem- 6. Lenz will have as partner wrinkles had to be devised to slip by a long and imposing list of emi- ployment Relief Fund. for the first half Oswald Jacoby, the great hull into the water with-F nent members of the legal profes- A fourth incident-to be men- member of the Four Horsemen out sticking on the ways. sion from Ann Arbor and the state tioned, of course, under the breath team. which recently won the As the ship quivered and began -is the promotional value of the Vanderbilt Cup. After that, he to move, Mrs. Roosevelt swung a at large. Russ Morgan's WXYZ band stunt to both contestants. If they can select any partner he wishes. red, white and blue be-ribboned has been engaged to play from 9- bottle against the prow. It did not until 2 o'clock, according to. Edward rekLaTLEAGUEt Dily O butBulletin b ea ab a second try M. Welch, '32L, chairman of the TOLSTOI L A U Daily Official Bulti( crashed it into little bits and some committee. TO HOLD BANQUET. - of the contents splashed over the Invitations have been sent to (Continued from Page 8) sponsor.s e Gov. Wilber M. Brucker, Mayor Vi Creek Sanitarium, will lecture on It was not the sparkling import- Frank Murphy of Detroit, .and Dr. Battle Creek Vegetarian W Thursday Dec. 10, at 4:15, in Na- ed champagne of other days that Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. Address Members Thursday. tural Science auditorium on "The ristened the great ship, but a Rutven IBattle Creek Way to Health-Veg"e- I >oe product of water, said to- Eminent members of the bar to "The Battle Creek Way to Health" have been gathered from streams whom invitations have been sent in- is the subject of a lecture to be tarianism." On th9 same day at 6 in all the states of the Union. clude Henry M. Butzel of Detroit, given by Dr. A. B. Olsen, of the p. in., the Tolstoy League is arrang-- president of the board of governors Battle Creek sanitarium, under the I ing a Vegetarian supper in honor Hillel Presents Forum of the club, John S. McDonald, also . of Dr. Olsen in Lane Hall Tavern... of the board, James O. Murfin, Re- auspices of the Tolstoi league, at Battle Creek products having been on Church and Crisis gent of the University, Prof. Grover 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon, donated, tickets can be obtained for C. Grismore, and Prof. Edwin C. Dec. 10, in Natural Science audi- a nominal fee at Wahr's bookstore. In an attempt to acquaint the Goddard. torium. Dr. Olson will approach the --- student body with the social and Besides these Henry M. Bates, subject from the health standpoirgt, Sir Denison Ross, Director of the economic, philosophies and activi- dean of the law school, Prof. John and will attempt to prove that a Institute of Oriental Studies in ties of some of the leading religious Tracy and Prof. Homer F. Carey diet which excludes meat is vastly London, will lecture on "Persian .sects of the world, Hillel Founda- have been sent invitations. more healthful than one which ad- Poetry in its Relation to Persian tion is to sponsor an open forum The lounge of the law club build- mits it. Miniatures," on Tuesday, Dec. 8, at on "The Church and the World ing will be used for dancing while The lecture is to be followed by 8 p. m., in the Detroit Institute of Economic Crisis" at 4 o'clock this' the large dining room will be fur- a vegetarian banquet at Lane Hall, Art. The lecture will be free afternoon in Natural Science audi- nished as a lounge, it was announc- at which foods typical of those con- _P__t me torium. eel. Guests at the ball will be serveds sumed at the Battle Creek rani- Soph Prom Committee meets on Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the Philo- a meal during the course of the tarium will be served. Tickets for Monday at 4:30, Room 306 Michi- sophy department will conduct the dance. this dinner maybe purchased at gan Union. discussion as the chairman of the Other members of the committee Wahr's book store. {- foum include: Wilfred Steiner, '32L, Har- Adherents to the vegetarian creed Woman's Research Club: Meeting Preceding the floor discussion ldr er , are ever becoming more numerous,Monday, Dec. 7, at 7:30 p. in., in different aspects and view-points 'old, Winston Hathaway, 'Robert Simond, according to members of the Tols- Room 110 Library. Miss Eunice of the subject vill be presented by Henry Y. Morrison, '33L, toi league, who staterthat vegetar- Wead will speak on "Notes for Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Rev. Henry HenrY. __rrin, ___L ians, although they have always Book Collectors." Lewis, Rabbi Bernard Heller, and been a minority, have included Rev. H. P. Marley, representing re- Sample to Ask Parole oamong them many renowned lead- Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting in spectively the Methodist, Episco- for Murder Suspect ers of the intellectual world, such the Michigan Union at 6:15 p. i., palian, Jewish, and the Unitarian as George Bernard Shaw, Leonardo Tuesday, Dec. 8, religions Judge George W. Sample an-.k da Vinci, Thoreau, Maeterlinck, ~- ~ -~-~_... nounced yesterday that he would and, of course, Count Leo Tolstoi. recommeh~d a par ole for Paul Keene,?41 one of the first suspects arrested in Lee County, Ala., farmers h v the famou torch murder cas'e, who pur chased 85 ,000 p ounds of Aus- A1 now is serving saix month to two trian winter peas for planting. year term in Jackson prison on a JON-AF O L liquor law charge. F0U IN P js Keene's minimum term has now expired and the state parole com- Paker, Sheaffer, Katernan, mission has said that it will release Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up. him as soon as Judge Sample, A. laxge and choice asorit wishes. The parole will be on lthe I a condition that Paul Keene pays $50 t . . . The beautiful star costs during the time of the parole. 314 S. State St., Ann AX.r. in the arms of the ' 4 - ---.~ £.... I NOTICE TYPEWRITING G AND MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State Street 3,08c BEST SHOE SHINE in town. San- fords. Sundays, evenings. 121 E. Ann, 514 E. William. 261c WOULD like to exchange a tenor banjo for a camera or small graf- lex. Westonfeld, 411 Thompson. 309 TYPEWRITERS, all makes, bought sold, rented, exchanged, repair- ed. 0. D. MORRILL, 314 South State. 307c FOR SALE BANK RUN GRAVEL--$1per yard delivered. Phone 7112, Killins Gravel Co. 296c FOR, SALE-Ford roadster, model A, 1929, 4 new tires, motor just reconditioned and guaranteed. $150, terms. Call Bishop 6017. i FOR SALE-Very cheap. A slightly worn high grade dress suit. Size. 39 or 40. Max Krutsch, tailor. 121 Liberty. 302 F O R SALE-$100 dental instru- ment cabinet, $15. Antique furni- - ture, spinning wheel, glass ware, bottles, coverlets. 2122 D o r s e t Road. 301 FOR SALE-$100 Fur Coat-Bear pelt with Coonskin collar, $35. See at 1319 S. University. 303 FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment with con- necting bath and shower. Also front single and double room. Steam heat, shower, garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 312c WANTED WANTED-Student laundry. Also bedding. Reasonable pri s. Soft water. Call for and deliver. Family Washings. Phone 707- F-31. 53c LAUNDRY -Soft water. 21044. Towels, socks free. Socks darned. 271c A FOR SALE-Bargain! Man's. 18- inch leather lined cowhide bag. Brussles rug, 9x12, over draped. Phone 23843. 3101 REPOSSESSED CARS-Buy from finance company for balance due. 311 W. Huron. Phone 22001 235 FOR SALE OR RENT-440 Highland Rd. Prof. Gingerich, on account of poor health, being compelled to go west, authorizes us to sell his strictly modern, exclusively lo- cated, high class eight room resi- dence at a great sacrifice. For particulars and an appointment to see this, call D. S. McComb, 4812 or 21534: 286 LOST LOST-A ladies' yellow gold watch, Wednesday. 415 Mosher. 23281. 304 BLACK and white Sheafer life- time pen. Finder please return to 224 South Thayer or phone 4972. 311 WANT ADS PAY __._ -_______ I Recital to Be Given 4:15 Today in Lydia Mendelssohn. at rof. Laura Littlefield, of the ool of Music, will give a voice ital in the faculty concert series 15 o'clock, Sunday, in the Lydia ndelssohn theatre. She will be isted at the piano by Prof. Mabel as Rhead. Ars. Littlefield had prepared a gram of songs which are chosen portray the quality of her voice i art. She came to Ann Arbor t year after a brilliant profes- aal musical career in Boston ere she sang', on many occasions, ,h the Boston Symphony orches- under Dr. Kousscvitzky. Che programn will be as follows. cit. and Air, 'Aure soavi c. lie te" Handel; "Unz Verde Pratiecllo" by )If-Ferrari; "Quando~ ti Vidi" by If-Ferrari; "An die Musik" by aubert; "Klaus ist in din Wald ;angen" by Tanbert; "Du Bist Ruh" by Schubert; "Standchen" Strauss. Phydile" by Dupare; "L'Ane inc" by Hue; "La Paix" by Hahn; L Petite Lingers" by Ilure; "Gui- es et Mandolines" by Grovlez. Sea Gull of the Land under ves," a song of the Hebrides; he Nightingale," a folk song from Kentucky Mountains; "To the ildren" by Rachmaninoff. Pastorale" by Stravinsky; "No' ndle Was There" by Lehmann; d "At the Well" by Hageman. NO BLOO Carpinski Loses to Chicago Student in Chess Contest. )ne university professor got what s coming to him at the hands of student yesterday when A. B. her, of the Untversity of Chicago, mmed Prof. Louis C. Karpinski the mathematics department in chess match between Michigan d Chicago. 'o blood was drawn betwen the inn _ hnwe or in the -illinrr For that Most Important GIFT May We Suggest JEWELRY For Both Men and Women I NOW PLAYING! The Screens Greatest TODAY! 1;30 to . 11:00 P.M. Watches Bracelets Necklaces I 11 Rings Cigarette Lighters Smoking Sets I Beaded Bags Powder Boxes Dresser Sets Pocket Knives Fraternity and College Jewelry JAMuS SA.LY SDIINNEILERS ,"_ m N y I -% Nor T v all of 1