THE MICHIGAN DAILY Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN cation in the .e University. 'resident until XLII. Bulletin is constructive notice to all members Copy received at the office of the Assistant to 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1931 No. 59 NOTICES President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from 4 to 6 o'clock on first two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the ilties, their friends, and other residents of Ann Arbor. Faculty Concert: The attention of music lovers is called to the fact the song recital S'unday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock by Laura Little- , Assistant Professor of Voice in the School of Music, will take place ydia Mendelssohn Theatre instead 'of Hill Auditorium as previously ounced. The public with the exception of small children is invited tout admission charge but is respectfully requested to be seated on as the doors will be closed during numbers. Piano accompaniments be played by Mabel Ross Rhead, Associate Professor of Piano. The ram is as follows: Handel: Recit. ar d Air, "Aure soavi e liete"; Wolf- ari: Un Verde Praticello; Wolf-Ferrari: Quando ti Vidi; Schubert: die Musik; Taubert: Klaus ist in den Wald Gigangen; Schubert: Du die Ruh; Strauss: Standchen; Duparc: Phydile; Hue: L'Ane Blanc; n: La Paix; Hure: La Petite Lingere; Grovlez; Guitares et Mando- s; Song of the Hebrides: Sea Gull of the Land Under Waves; The itingale (Folk Song from the Kentucky Mountains; Rachmaninoff: the Children; Stravinsky: Pastorale; Lehmann: No Candle Was re; Hageman: At the Well. "The Effect of the Depression on Student Life": Those students in ology 162 who made this study last semester may secure copies of it 7y office. R. C. Angell. Senior Mechanical Engineers: If you have not signed a list in Class e Dec..2, kindly do so at once in Room 221. This is very important. EVENTS TODAY* University Broadcasting-8 p. m.: "Fundamental Research and Busi- by Prof. Albert E. White. "Manchuria" by Prof. Robert B. Hall. History 11, Lectu-e II (Professor Dunham's): The Make-up examina- will be held at 11 o'clock in Room 1018 A. H. Alumnae and former women students of the University of Michigan ig in Ann Abror are invited to a reception and tea in honor of Mrs. 1. Ruthven, Mrs. Beach Conger, and Miss Marguerite Chapin at the .e of Mrs. James Inglis, 2301 Highland Road, from 3 to 6 p. m. Russian Students meet today at 1:30 in the Board Room, Lane Hall. Masonic Students: Meeting of thse Craftsmen at 7:30 p. m., at the onic Temple. Cosmopolitan Club meeting at 1 p. m., at Lane-Hall. There will be ort musical program followed by the lecture of Prof. Price. Members urged to attend. Usual social hour and refreshments. j GANDHI PROCLAIMS NEW BRITISH LAS Ordinances Put Life Penalties on Subversive Acts Against Crown. INDIANS DISSATISFIED Mahatma Retains Belief That Parting of Ways Has Been Reached. LONDON, Dec. 4.-(P)-Mahatma Gandhi, in a farewell interview be- fore his return to India after the secondi roundtable conference, de- clared he regards the new British government ordinances in Bengal "as a cause of war unless they re- main on paper and are not en- forc'ed." The new ordinances, promulgat- ed last Monday, give the Bengal government power to impose sen- tences of death or life exile upon persons convicted of subversive acts against the crown. The measures were decided upon, it was stated at the time, after it became apparent that the ex- treme Indian Nationalists would not achileve their demands at the roundtable conference, creating the prospect of a new fight for Indian independence. "Legalized Martial Law." Ordinary laws, the Mahatma said,. would have been adequate for dealing with the Bengal situa- tion. "These areunworthy of a strong civilized government." Asked for definite decision on whether he would renew his civil disobedience campaign when he returns to India, the Mahatma said: "I have had further talks with Prime Minister MacDonald, Sir Samuel Hoare and others, but I have heard nothing to cause me to change my provisional opinion that we have reached the parting of the ways." In any event, he said, the decision will rest with the Na- tionalist congress. The congress, he explained, would be justified in instituting civil dis- obedience in given districts if the Natonalists were unable to obtain redress by other means. Fears Ordinances Effect. "The terribly repressive ordin- ances introduced by the viceroy in Bengal, however, may upset all cal- culations," he added, "and may precipitate civil disobedience, even on a national. scale. We cannot stand by and see a whole province emasculated by such measures." He said he regarded the confer- ence as a "complete failure," but that his coming to England was decidedly worth-while. "My work outside the conference has been far more valuable to me than my work inside it," he said. The house of commons indorsed the government's policy on India Thursday night by a vote of 369 to 43 against an amendment offered by Winston Churchill which would have committed parliament against extending further, dominion status in India as it is now defined. The government's policy, as an- nounced by the prime minister at the close of the roundtable confer- ence Tuesday, calls for eventual establishment of a federation of autonomous provinces and states in India. Liberal Students Union: Sunday evening Miss Florence Pollock will speak on "The Professional Woman in Modern Life." Refreshments and dancing. _ Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will preachI ' Sunday morning at 10:30 on "Sav- ing Our Civilization." At 7:30 he will speak on the topic "Climbing Mt. kveret." (Continued from Page One) d is being presented here, "The Far- the expectance creted by 'The Off Hills," shows how a group of Whiteheaded Boy'; with an entirely people suddenly set free to realize jfresh pot and hcharacters, it gives their ambitions find that their again to the theatre in as high or former way of life was happier higher degree the qualities which after all, in other words they dis- have made 'The Whiteheaded Boy' cover that the proverbial green- so enjoyed." ness of the far-off hills diminishes The combination of humor and as it is brought closer. tragedy was pointed out by Profes- Further illustrating the talent of sor Rowe in connection with "Juno Robinson for comedy Professor and the Paycock," a story dealing Rowe said, "'The Far-Off Hills,' to With a crippled son and a disgraced be given Tuesday, fulfills exactly daughter set in the sordid cordi- Repertory of Irish Players Represents Tendency in Modern Drama, Rowe Says MA UREEN DELANY ANDf BARPZY FITZGER A LI) /In Lennox Robinson's "The Whliteheaded Boy" i . 4 l tions of the Dublin slums. Concerning "Juno and the Pay- cock" Professor Rowe says, "Sean O'Casey's plays/contain a juxta- position of humor that borders on the farcical and the bitterest tra- gedy, which is a new experience in the theatre. Only genius could make the reader or audience realize that this apparent sensationalism is not for "good theatre," but the most sincere striving for stark realism in terms of the background he pre- sents." Questioned about the kind ofY tragedy presented'in "John Fergu- son"- Professor Rowe said, "'John Ferguson' is a moving and powerful drama of a man whose character maintains itself under blow after blow of fate." SPECAL LECTIONI CALED Y0MRRA DETROIT REDSNMAY ''-r Mayor Takes Stand of Year Ago in Regard to Communist Public Assemblies. WILL LET THEM TALK' Traffic Rules Are Only Barrier Which Radicals Must / Recognize. DETROIT, Dec. 4.-(AP)-An out- break of hostilities between Com- munists and police after more than a year of quiet has brought from Detroit's young red-haired mayor a declaration that he still believes in free speech and that any one who has anything to say can say it in Detroit. Mayor Frank Murphy, who at- tracted national attention last spring with his "let them talk" policy, wants the world at large and the Communists in particular to know ghat it's a matter of traf- fic regulation that brings on fist fights and broken heads. Schmies Serves Sentence. So while John Schmies, Commun- ist leader and perpetual candidate for mayor and other offices, was serving the first day of a 60-day term for fighting policemen, Mur- phy announced regulat ons which he declared "preserve the rights of free speech and free assembly. The regulations effective today, distinguish between large demon- stration meetings and small, im- promptu gatherings. The latter will not be regulated at all. If any one feels the urge to make a public speech, he can go ahead and make it, provided he doesn't block traf- fic or infringe on the rights of oth- ers. klfalfa Bill' Banks on Citizens to Pass Four Measures of Reform Program. , t MRS. BIDDLE WILL EXPLORE ALASKA IN SEARCH OF MATERIAL FOR STORY COMING EVENTS Triangles: Meeting in the Union, Sunday, Dec. 6, at 4 p. m. Attend- is required at all meetings. Electrical Engineering: (To all undergraduate and graduate students others interested)-Mr. A. D. McLay, Senior Power Sales Engineer, Detroit Edison Company, will speak on "Commercial Aspects of a lic Utility" in Natural Science auditorium, Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 7:30. s is the second Preliminary Contact Pragram. Russian Students are cordially invited to a social gathering to be l at Wesley Hall at_8 p. m. Sunday. Philippine-Miphigan Club meets at 3 p. m., Sunday in Lane Hall. Membership Committee wil consider applications for membership. Social and Program Committees will prepare and make arrange- its for the annual Rizal Day Banquet., Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club will t at the home of Mrs. W. E. Bachmann, 1231 Olivia Ave., Dec. 7, at o'clock. All Students considering attending the Quadrennial Convention of Student Volunteer Movement to be held in Buffalo, Dec. 30-Jan. 3, t will meet in Harris Hall, State and Huron, at 9:30 a. m., Sunday. aard O. Anprews will explain the conference program and Professor' C. Rufus will discuss some of the leaders. Religious Forum: Rev. H. P. Marley of the Unitarian Church will ik at Lane Hall, Tuesday, at 4:15 p. m. His topic will be: "The Unit- n Objective in Christianity." Baptist Students Guild, Sunday, 12 o'clock noon. Discussion on w Christian is our Economic System?" Students' House, 503 E. Huron. Wesley Hall: 12 o'clock. The regular Sunday noon classes will be, I as usual with separate groups for freshmen, undergrads anal grad- e students. At 6 p. m., Rev. Duncan Mahn will speak on "Realizing Spiritual Today."t St. Andrew's Church Services: Sunday at 8 a. m., 9:30 a. m., 11 a. m., y Communion, 5:30 p. m., Evensong. The Rev. Henry Lewis will preach he 11 o'clock service on "A Living Book in a Living Age." Harris Hall: The class in "The Christian Philosophy of Life" con-' ted by Rev. Henry Lewis will meet at 9:30 a. m., at the Hall Sunday. per at 6:15 Sunday evening. Rabbi Bernard Heller will speak to the dents at the Hall Sunday evening on "Criticism of Religions on the nipus" at 7 o'clock. NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-(A)-"It's the darned old name of Biddle," sighed Mrs. Edward M. Biddle of' "the Philadelphia Biddles," gloom- ily squinting down the barrel of a business-like rifle. "If I didn't have that tagged onto me, I could get away without all th~is fuss." 'Mrs. Biddle will leave next week for Alaska on a trek that will take her alone-save for a guide and 17 dogs-to a point nearly 500 miles north of the last outpost of civil- ization, to get material for a book. It will be her first book, and she is somewhat flustered over all thel publicity it has received before she' has even started out to get the ma- terial. "I didn't know it wts going to be like this," she said. "I thought I could get away without any fuss. Suppose the whole thing is a fail- Ure-then, won't I feel foolish?" Mrs. Biddle, daughter of a weal- thy Philadelphia lawyer and wife of a member of one of Philadel- phia's oldest and most prominent families, is going on this trip, she said, for two reasons. First, because she likes the nortkg, "where all the men are he-men, and the dogs bark at strangers." And secondly, because she wants to do something. A. A. R'ailroad Thrown IntoReceivers' Hands TOLEDO, Dec. 4.-UP)-Receivers for the Ann Arbor railroad were named in federal court here today on application of the Jennison- Wright Co. The Ann Arbor is part of the Wabash railroad, which was placed in the hands of a receiver this week at St. Louis. The Jennison-Wright Co., of To- ledo' alleged in its application that the railroad owes the firm $17,- 169.43 for -ties and materials and canot pay. Mrs. Biddle said her husband thoroughly aproves of her project, "although he doesn't like this pub- licity a bit." And her children, Lydia, aged 6, Teddy, 4, and Rich- ard Dale, 2, are delighted. She has1 promised to bring back to them a live Teddy bear. While making her preparations Mrs. Biddle has had the advice of Vilhajalmur Stefansson and Harold McCracken, Arctic explorers, and Dr. Gaston Burke, medical mission- ary at Fort Yukon. Mrs. Biddle will leave Philadel- phia the middle of next week and expects to spend Christmas in Ne- nana, Alaska, with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cooney. Cooney is going to be her guide on the trip further north. Assembled in the Park Ave apart- ment of a friend today she had a high-priced camera, a large duffie bag and two rifles. Her parkah and fur moccasins she will buy in Alas- ka. "I was going to take a revolver," she said, "but I was afraid up there they'd think it was too rah-rah." State Checker Expert Will Offer Exhibition Louis T. de Bearn of Detroit, the' checker champion of Michigan, will give an exhibition' of simultaneous chess and heckers in room 319-21 of the Union this evening at 7:30, De Bearn was the former checker champion of Canada, and is one f the leading chess experts of the state. The exhibition will, be under the auspices pf the University Chess and Checker club. The Detroit expert will play from twenty to thirty-five or forty boards at once, the tables being arranged in a hollow square so that de Bearn may easily ~make the circuit of the boards. Officers of the local club look forward to having a consider- able number of students take part in the exhibition. OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 4.-(A)- Gov. W. H. "Alfalfa Bill" Murray,' the victor in fights to curb over- production of Oklahoma's oil fields and to open a free bridge spanning the Red river between Texas and Oklahoma, figuratively has rolled up his sleeves again. This time his objective is an. early election for voters of the state to pass upon four of the seven measures in his "reform"program which was spurned by the legisla- ture last winter. Opponents charg- ed passage of the proposals would give the governor "dictatorial pow- er. The governors Thursday night is- sued a proclamation callirig a spe- cial election for Dec. 18 on his bill to] revise income taxes and an- nounced he would issue a;separate call for a vote the same day on his measures to provide free text- books for school children, to change the method of making budget ap- propriations and to provide for escheat to the state of certain cor- poration land holdings. Opponents of the measures had, protested the sufficiency of the pe- tions for some ofrthem an ter state supreme court.' set Dec. 9 for a hearing. In issuing his proclamation the governor said he intended no dis- respect to the court, but that "no' court can interfere. He charged the moneyed- interests were massed against his bills. - 1 The 'Alfumnus' Features Permit Not Necessary. A meeting planned in advance, moreover, does not require a police permit. The mayor believes that the permit to hold a meeting was granted by the constitution- of the United States, but he wants the authorities to know when a meet- ing is to be held. All that is ne- cessary is that the police commis- sioner be notified if the meeting is to 'be inside the one-mile circle (from the 'city hall). Outside the circle, .only the police precinct in- spector need be told. Grand Circus park, in the cen- tr of the shopping district, how- ever, is banned. It was in this park that Communists on two recent oc- casions battled police. "Due to the area available - and the peculiar conditions of traffic," Murphy said, permits must be obtained for meet- ings in that park. The mayor gave out a long list of other places Where gatherings may be held. Southwestern Michigan Dental So- ciety, 'he First District Dental So- ciety of Michigan, and the Michi- gan State Dental Society. He is also an honorary member of the Dental Forum of Milwaukee and has been Director of Porcelain in the Detroit Dental Clinic Club for ten years. He is a member of var- ious other professional and social organizations, including Omicron Kappa Epsilon and Delta Sigma Delta. He was, married in 1908 to Golden Filer and their three chil- dren are Mrs. Arthur H. Buhl, Jr., Frank J. and Barbara. i Albert Leland LeGro, '95D, has. lectured ana given dental clinics in every major city of the United States and Canada, as well as in Vienna, Bern ana Paris. He is a native of California, but since grad- 'uation has made his home in Mich- igan, and has practiced in Detroit since 1905. In addition to having written numerous scientific articles for leading dental magazines, he is author of the text book, "Ceramics in Dentistry" now in the second re- vised edition and adopted by most dental colleges 'throughout the world. Dr. Legro has served on both the national and state boards of Dental Examiners, and is a Fel- low of American College of Dent- ists. He is a past president of the - Ii , - ---____..___.___.' ___a Oswald Garrison Villard, Editor of the Nation Magazine will speak under the auspices of the Social; Science Club, Sunday, Dec. 6, at 2 p. in., in the Natural Science audi- torium. His topic will be Militaristic Uncle Sam. There will be an ad- mission charge of twenty-five cents. Since the auditorium must be va- cated at 3:45 to make way for the Hillel forum, you are .respectfully requested to be on time so that the meeting can begin promptly at 2 o'clock. Once A Life-lime Baptist Guild, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. Rev. C. W. Carpenter, Pastor of Second. Baptist Church, will speak on "The American Negro, an' et or a Liability?" Cordial welcome to all interested.s FOR CHRISTPIAS LET IT lE *. . We have heard a Great Deal about Repertory Companies and Ensemble Acting and now comes the Opportunity of Seeing the most Famous of its Kind.. Abbey Theatre Players PLAYING DECEMBER 7, 8 ,nd 9 ... Presenting Comedy and Tragedy in the Inimitable Irish Manner that has given the Abbey a World Place among Art Theatres . . "THE WHITEHEADED BOY" LENNOX ROBINSON "JUNO AND THE PAYCOCK" SEAN O'CASEY , l All Tlhos. Heath' S UITS 1 TOPCOA TS O'COATS TUXEDO'S On Sale at . . Here are a few of this year's best titles- WELLINGTON-By Guedella ...............................................$4.00 BERNARD SHAW-By Frank Harris........................................4.00 LINCOLN STEFFENS-Autobiography........................................ 3.75 GEORGE WASHINGTON-By Fay......................................... 4.00 EPIC OF AMERICA-Jas. Thurslow Adan*s..................................3.00 SORRY BUT YOU'RE WRONG ABOUT IT-Wiggam........................ 3.00 GIFTS OF LIFE-Ludwig ..........................4.00 MAN'S OWN SHOW! CIVILIZATION-Dorsey............................. 5.00 ONLY YESTERDAY-Allen . . .. $ ...........................................3.00 X31 t X36. "THE FAR-OFF HILLS" LENNOX ROBINSON "'OHN FERGUSON" ST. JOHN ERVINE IN I L