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December 05, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-05

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?ublished every morning except Monday during the University year
he Board- in Control of Student--Publications."
Uember of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for. re-'
icatio of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ted in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Officz at Ann Arbor, Michigarn as second
a matter. Specials rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
ma ter GeneraL.
ubscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.5'0
ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
igan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
ralaI' re(tor .............. ............Beach Congaer, Jr.;
Editor....................................Carl Forsythe.
I Ed!tor .... . .......... ..David M. Niohol
bE Editor.............................Sheldon 0. Fullerton
en's' Editor . ... .. .........argaret M. 'Thompson
Aanit News Editor...................Robert L. Pierce

B. Gilbreth \
Karl Seilfert

J. Cullen Kenn

neS James Inglis
Jerry E.. Rosenthal
Gearge A. Stauter

Sports Assistants
J. Myers Jobw W. Thomas

ey W. Arulin
on F .Becker
Das Connellan
*el G. ElS
el L. Finkle
s B. Gascoigne
thy Brockman
.m Carver
ice Collins
e Crandall
ence Foster

Fred A. Huber
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
Henry Meyer
Marion A. Milezewski
Albert H. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Longs
Frances Ma.nchester
Elizabeth Mann
Telephone 21214

John £l. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret- 'Br ef,
Hillary Rarden.
Dorothy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

2LES T. KLINE..........................Business Manager
US P. JOHNSON .......................Assistant Manager
Department Managers'
tising .. .. ..... ........... . .......Vernon Bishop
tising Contracts...........................,.Robert Callahan
tising Service............................Byron C. Vedder
ations...................................William T.'. Brown
ation ............. .....................Harry R. Begley
nts ...................................Richard Stratemeir
n's Business Manager ........................Ann W. Verner

t E. Bursley
t Finn
a Becker
a Jane Cissel
ieve- Field
ie Fisehgrund

Joha Keysee
Arthur F. Kohn'
James L e
Bernard .Schnacke
Anne Harsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin;
Virginia McComb
Carolin Mosher
Ile t~en Olsen

Grafton W. Sharp
Donal Jdhnson
Don Lyon
Bernard .H. Good.
May Seefried.
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
K athryn Stork
Clare Unger
Mary Elizabeth Watts

That it was actually taking a risk is indicated by the
victory of Purdue. Had Northwestern played an easy
schedule it might be said that it was not entitled tp
the regular-season championship; but quite the con-
trary was the case.
Back in 1925 Michigan, having beaten Indiana,
Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and Minnesota, was defeated
by Northwestern, 3 to 2, in a game played under
abominable weather conditions. Following that game,
Northwestern,'despite its victory over Michigan, con-
ceded the title to the Maize and Blue.
In view of that interesting bit of history, the
undisputed leadership of Northwestern in the regular
Conference season and the concession it made for
charity, why wouldn't it be a fitting display of sports-
manship for Michigan and Purdue to now waive all
1931 title claims in favor of Northwestern? We recog-
nize that some may resent this suggestion as being
impertinent in view of the actual statistics for the
season, including the charity games. But there is
something to be said for generous sportsmanship.
(The Daily Princetonian)
The honor systei is one of the most integral and
highly valued institutions in Princeton's body of tra-
dition and it should certainly not \ie used by the
Faculty to serve any special purpose not generally
intended to be included in it. Yet last week one of
the, questions on an hour test in Ancient Oriental
Literature 303 asked how many pages of outside read-
ing the student had done. The answer to this question
was to count 20 percent of the total mark.
Not only is this no- means of judging a student's
knowledge but it involves at the same time an ex-
tension of the honor system which we believe might
lead to unfortunate results, distinctly dangerous to
this highly 4easured undergraduate. privilege. No
particular phrase in the pledge itself would forbi
cheating on such 'a question, and it is indeed possi
ble that some men might feel rationally justified in
a partially dishonest reply because. of the peculiar
nature of a question of this type.
In all events, the honor system is too valuable to
be trifled with. If it can be "honorably" disregarded
at one time, it may very easily come to be dishonor-
ably disregarded at others. Certainly it seems highly
uIndesirable that any professor errdanger it by mak-
ing it operate in such unusual circumstances.
Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselves to less than 300 words if
To The Editor:
There are many things more important than foot-
ball championships always, particularly at a time of
economic stress, but seldom are there things more
important than good sportsmanship. It is my firm
belief that Michigan by all rules of good sportsman-
ship should recognize Northwestern University as the
Big Ten champions of 1931 football. They won that
championship in the regular schedule beating by big
scores such teams as Minnesota and Ohio State. Be-
cause a post-season game was lost they say the Wild-
cats must share the title. In 1925 Northwestern after
beating Michigan recognized the Wolverines as vic-
tors. So I join with the proposal of the Grand Rapids
Herald and other papers in asking that Michigan act
as a good sport in giving Northwestern the cham-
pionship she would have won had not conditions
been entirely different than they had been before.
Surely Michigan wins enough to stand aside for once
in this unique situation. My study here in the North-
western graduate school shows me that Northwest'ern
always stresses good sportsmanship and I hope my
university of undergraduate days can also look as
fine. James W. McKnight, '26.
To The Editor:
The following is a copy of a letter I am lending to
Fielding H. Yost, which I believe is of interest to all
Michigan students:
As an alumnus who has attended football games
faithfully year after year, I feel that I, as well as

Our muckraking contemporary.
The Gargoyle,-to use a term orig-
inated in the Dean's office-has
been caught in grievous error. It
seems that they went and printed
an article to the effect that a mem-
ber of the Administration had for-
bidden the hiring of a colored band
for the Dance to be given by the
Pan Hell girls. As almost anyone
might expect, the story was com-
pletely without foundation. Haw
Haw. We'll bet they feel pretty silly
It may be just possible that
the Camnpus was so grateful for
the opportunity to see a cam-
pus journalistic effort 'in' the
wrong that they chose to re-
ward the editors with a sellout,
however. There doesn't seem to
be any other explanation of the
phenomenon.' They really did
sell every one.
The Michigan Interscolastic Press
Association is in town these days,
and seeing all these poor innocents
wandering around in awe of the
Great University seems to have
aroused the worst passions in the
hearts of the Daily Staff. As the
various groups came around on
tours of inspection, President Ruth-
ven was killed for their benefit, and
a wonderful imitation of a Paper
'FacedWith A Crisis was staged.
People running around the office
and scattering huge handfulls of
copy' paper around and shouting
have been annoying'us all day, and
once we had to pretend we were
a reporter and dash off out of the
door with a cheery "OK Chief!" to
get all the dope on the big interur-
ban car rash down on Packard St.
All very thrilling, but hardly con-
ductive to good column-writing.
Incidentally, they g a v e a
dance for the Interscliolastic
pressers night before last which
is said to have been a great suc-
cess for the advisers. One of
them-a female member of the
Daily Staff-was dancing with
one of the highschool fellows
and told him she was an advi-
ser. "Is that so?" he exclaim-
ed, "I never would have thought
it. You're much too beautiful
to be as old as that!"
And that, surely, is enough room
to devote to high-school affairs and
furthermore it is all the room we
have today, thank you, and how
are you? A fond farewell and just
oodles of love to all youse darlings..

looney Case
N 1916, Tom Mooney was alleged to have
thrown a bomb in a preparedness day parade..
fter a series of long trials, many appeals clouded
th suspicious politics and multivarious ways and
eans of politicians and narrow-minded jurists
d severe agitation on the'part of the-American'
ople, he ended up in San Quentin penitentiary
rving a life term.
Year after year appeals have been made to have
e California governor pardon him but always'
ere has been the mysterious delay and ultimate'
fusal for any action on the part of the executive
the state. Now, when the details of the case
e muddled and obscure, when people have sub-
led in their concern for his welfare, the possibil-
r that Mooney may again see' liberty is decidedly1
Mayor "Jimiy" Walker, in response to an
iotional letter from the imprisoned man's mother
s gone to the coast to attempt to set him free.
terest has been stirred up'again and reports,
ve come east that the chances of his being set
ee are good. Let us hope so.
There is more than just the case at stake.
nerican justice is' being tried. There is no doubt
at Mooney was sentenced on purely circumstan-
it evidence, that dirty politics and unfair treat-
ent all entered into the case. Should America
ntence a man to life in this way? Should a man"
"r in believing in his scruples living in a land!
here freedom of speech and right to live are the
sence of its foundation spend all his life behind
e bars when another person who has spent the
st ten years in undermining the very basis of
r country serves 14 years as Al Capone is doing?
It is no new question we are raising. The jus-
:e in the United States is old and rather trite but
vertheless, there has been nothing done about
Our system of values is wrong. Something
tal has been left out of civilization and we are
lying too great a price.
We hear optimists say that things are getting
tter as far as our government is concerned-that
e trcnd is toward )more honesty in judicial prac-
p We regret to take a pessimistic attitude but
1til it can be proven that the United States has
ached a stage of civilization when the people
ithin its confines can say, print, go and do what
ey please within the bounds of law and order,
en we will continue as static reactionaries. As
allege students we idealistically hope for a better
ate of affairs but realism is, after all, the only'I
gical outlook in this respect.

Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair


10:30 A.
7:30 P.
Both s

M.-Morning Worship.
M.-Evening Worship.
ermons by Dr. Fisher

Rev. Duncan Mann is going to speak
at 6 P. M. on the topic "Real-
izing the Spiritual Today."'
12:00 P. M.-The regular classes for
Freshmen, Undergrads and Grad-



A New Yorker

at Large

By Mark Barron
NEW YORK, Dec. 5.-(A)---Signor
Grandi has gone back to Rome,
and must report that he found only.

thousands of others (who no doubt feel the same way peace and brotherly love in this,
I do) am entitled to an answer from you in regard the second largest city in the world.
to the following questions, the heading of which I I encountered him several times
would entitle: during his visit here, and the only
"IS MICHIGAN AFRAID?" demonstrations shown w e r e re-
1-Why has Michigan not played Northwestern in strained to polite handclapping and
the last three or four years? The same applies to a a few decorous huzzahs. He was
meeting with Purdue. given extraordinary- protection. An
2-Why is Michigan afraid to play Notre Dame? open carfalled with detectives fol
3--Why is the Michigan-Ohio State 'game so early lowed him everywhere.
in the season when both teams are not at their high True in Union Square a group of
pitch? anti-fascists placed Grandi on tria
4-Why is the 1932 schedule so arranged that in effigy, condemned hi and then
Michigan- will play probably only one hard Confer- exceuted the effigy. By this timie
ence game, i.e., Ohio State? it was dinner hour, so all hurried
The abo e questions are raised not with the idea 'home without, further excitement.
of "Overemphasizing" football, but with the purpose The only complaints heard were
of developing more interest and attendance at the those of street cleaners who had
games. as- well- as stopping criticism of Michigan's just itc Union Square spick and
ability to win championships by playing weak teams. span.
Is it not logical that had Michigan played North- They had their work 'to do aL
western instead of Wisconsin in last week's charity ,over again after the crowd left a
games that attendance would have been nearer 30, litter of paper pamphlets about.
000 than 10,000? Why did the entire stadium boo
when it was announced between halves at the Min- This Grandi visit is only another
nesota game that tickets for the Michigan-Wisconsin bit of evidence to uphold that long
charity game would be on sale that day? existing contention that "New York
I feel that Michigan alumni in general are very is not America." Every happening
much interested to know why a University of the I in Italian politics means ,another
size, past records, reputation and ability such as demonstration here by both fascists
Michigan should have to maintain a continued policy and anti-fascists.
of playing weak teams. Political movements in India con-
With the best interests of Michigan at heart, stantly cause excitement in New
C. H. Harpst, '20E. York. There are here two different
_*groups of Hindus, each disputing
,Michigan is not afraid to play any team, within the other's claims to being the offi-
the Conference or outside of it, we think. However cial representatives of Gandhi.
when the toaches convene for the scheduling session Two years ago Raymond Duncan,
a round robin principal rules the selection of teams wearing a Grecian robe, led a pa-
for each university. When it come time for Michigan 1rade of Gandhi sympathizers to

Cor, East University-Ave. & Oakland
4 abbi Bernard Heller, Director
Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the
Sunday, December 6
11:15 A. M.-Chanukah services in
the Chapel of the Women's League
Building. Rabbi Heller will speak
on "Chanukah and Its Application
to Us."
3:00 P. M.-Musicale at the Foun-
4:00 P. M.-All Campus Forum on
"The Church- and the World Eco-
nomic Crisis."
8:00 P. M.-Open Forum. Profes-
sor Riley will speak .on "By Acci-
dent of Birth."
Conservative services each Friday
evening 7:30 P. M. at the Founda-
E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
9:30 A. M.-The Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Mr. Sayles will preach. Topic:
12:00 M-The student group meets
at Guild House, 503 E. Huron.
"How Christian is our Economic
System?" will be subject for dis-
5:30 P. M.-Friendship hour for
students, 503 E. Huron.
6:30 P. M.-Rev. C. W. Carpenter,
Pastor of Second Baptist Church,
will speak on, "The American
Negro, an, Asset or Liability,-
Washington Street and 5th Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Bible School. Lesson
topic: "Faithful to the End.?'
9:00 A. M.-Service in German
language. ..
10:30 A. M.-Service with advent

South Fourth Avenue
Theodore R., Schmale, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Trumpets of Warning."
11:00 A. M.-Worship in German.
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship and
Discussion Hour.
7:30 P. M.-Concert, by Elmhurst
College Glee Club.
For all "Michigan" Men. The
Class that is "Different."
Every Saturday Evening, from
Seven to Eight O'clock.
"Discussion" Section meets Sun-
day Morning at 9:30.

9:30 A. M.-Bible Class for Fresh-
' men Students at the Church House,
1432 Washtenaw Avenue.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "The Astonishing Tale by
the Unknown Shepherd."
12:00 Noon-Discussion class for
Upperclassmen "Ethical Issues in
Current Events."
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing. Speaker: Prof. W. D. Hender-
son on "Science and the Bible."
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday,.December 6
10.:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Religion as Experi-
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Kindergarten and
Primary Department.
5:30 P. M.-Ariston League in Pil-
grim Hall. Illustrated talk by Mr.
5:-30 P. M.-Student Fellowship.
6:00 P. M.-Supper.
6:30. P. M.-Prof. L. C. Karpinski,
Ph.D. will speak on "Representing
the University at an International
409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "God the Only
Cause and Creator."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening
Testimonial Meeting.
The Reading Room, 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Building, is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal holidays.
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor<
. 9:30 A. M.-German Service.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Service.
"The Day Spring from. on High,
Hath Visited Us."





(Grand Rapids Herald)
Western Conference charity football games raised
voc with the standings of teams for the regular
tson. The dopesters are going to be able to figure
cchigan in a tie for Conference leadership, in which
cision we should like to rejoice. But there is in
is set-up an element of unfairness which should
recognized and eliminated.


to play Northwestern again, the Maize and Blue will the Battery where they took some
1 i~ V~n + , , ,a to ,"11hrnut tha im i tjfantiny, of salt from the sea and sent; it-.to- II



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