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December 05, 1931 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-05

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By Lichty

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Replicas of 'Greater Detroit,' "Greater Cleveland' Are- Minutely

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President Arturo Arauja Flees
R epublic Following Revolt
1 Before Election.

SAN SALVADOR, Republic of Sal-
vador, Dec. 4.-/-P)-A military jun-I
tagoverned the republic of Salva-
tdo rh itod y f l o w n - a s h o r t -l v e
r ~r evolIt, which resi. ted? in-- -harp
fighting and flightofnPresident
Arturo Araujo from th country.
The military group a ssumec' com-
plete control after the fighting
ceased and prepay; d tod'ai to ob-
tain the -ratification of th congress
until elections can be held. Flec-
tions were anticipated within tpe
" x m -next 48 hours.
Asociated Press Photo The new milit ry directorate,
S ohn McDuffie, represen ative to wihich includes six otficrs and four
cn ig 's from Alabama, is one of subalterns, ann~ounc^, t t he re-
t1he xaders of the Southern forces, organization of the ;.vcrnment
'e is a member of the Democratic would be conducted entirely in ac-
party" cord with the dictates of Salvador-
can law. They also declared that
the people have accepted the new
regime "with jubilftion."
_TLE_ A large crowd, which massed
Thursday in the streets of the capi-
Visitor Suspected of Stealing tal, covering several blocks, shout-
Snake's Dinner. ed an enthusiastic ovation as the
soldier-governors took control.
"Lost, strayed, or stolen. One The six officers in charge are
small brown mouse. Last seen in Col. Osmin Aguirre, Col. Joaquin
snake cage in University Museums." Valdes, Lieut.-Col. Juan S. Vidal,
Two long'-nosed snakes whose Capt. Manuel Urgina, Lieut. Joa-
chief diet - consists of small ani- quin Castro Canizales and Lieut.
mals were given a mouse to eat last Carlos Rodriguez. The subalterns
week. For tll'ce days the little fel- are Higuel Hernandez Zaldina, Al-
lei" cro shed in the conler of the fonso Heso, Juan Ramon Nunes
glass ca ke, trembling,; avoiding the and Julio Canes. ~
snakes, apparently aware of his .,It was believed it would be pos-
predicament. - .ible to hold elections immediately,'
On the fourth day he was still perhaps within 48 hours, to select
there. A nice elderly lady who a permanent government to succeed
that of Presidnt Araujo, who had,
was visiting th~e bu idhg saw 'the held office since '.st January.
trio, and asked, "Do they always
live like that?" TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, Dec.
On being answered negatively, 4.-(AP)-President Araujo of the re-
the nice elderly lady was terribly public .of Salvador was barricaded
shocked to hear that the sweet 1 in his palace at San Salvador dur-
mouse was being fed to the hungry - ing the fierce fighting that preced-
snakes. ed his flight and the oecupation of
A little later the mouse was gone. the government by a military junta,
Where? No one knows, but there is reports received here said.
tbody o ther OOP
~'~~~ oo.Ne; e onder . Atiiu Law;'{e ai. were

Exact in Relation to Origin
Out; Faucets, Doors
A model of the "Greater Detroit"
and the "Greater Cleveland," sis-
ter steamboats of the Detroit and
Cleveland Navigation company, has
been placed upon exhibition for the
winter in the lower fByer of the
East Engineering building.
The model is an exact scale re-
plica of the two 550-foot sidewheel-
er ships which daily sail Lake Erie
between Detroit and Buffalo. Every
detail of construction in the larger
boats is carefully carried out in the
model. . .
There are 26 tiny parlors with
baths, \130 staterooms with toilets,
and 600 staterooms all minutely
reproduced, even to the metal fau-
cets in the bathtubs.
One side of the model is cut
away allowing the construction and
inner details of the ship to be ob-
served. Rafters and supporting
beams are in place, and the res-
taurant with its miniature stools
and shiny coffee dispenser are
In the parlors there are rugs,,
chairs, pictures, and divans. The
banister of the stairway leading,
down into the hull of the boat is
reproduced and the mighty en-
gines, the coal bin, and the storage
rooms there are all carefully de-
On the first floor the ticket office
with its grated window and iron
railings, gold gilted, are in a little
room lighted by the grey light of
artificially glassed portholes. State-
rooms with tiny bunks, upper and
lowers, open off this room by doors
with pinheads for knobs.
On the outside of the boat, life
preservers,'rafts, lifeboats, whistles,
searchlights and rigging are labor-
ously constructed in Lilliputian
style. Deck chairs of lazy back
and simple collapsable types are
placed near the wire deck rail.
On the deck, too, there are tiny
ventilators, coils or rope, minia-
ture fire axes and games tables.;
The smokestacks of the model,
painted a shiny black, rise below
the rigging which includes rope'
Rev. Marley to Speak
Before S.C.A. Forum
Rev. H. P. Marley, pastor of the
Unitarian church will be the speak-
-er at the third of a series of reli-
gious foruis conducted by the Stur
dent Christian association at 4:15,
Tuesday afternoon in Lane hall.
His topic will be "The Unitarian
Objective in Christianity." Stu-
dents and townspeople are cordially

als; Every Detail Carried.
knobs Reproduced.
ladders and a radio aerial wiih
lead-in wires.
The crows nest, with a pilot's
wheel and navigating table within
it, is built well up to the top and
the gold letters, "Greater Detroit"
are printed across its front.
The whole model is carefully
painted a bright orange below the
water line and a black above it,
The name of the steamship com-
pany and other detail is printed1
in gold upon the b6w.. 'The paddle:s
of the two side wheels are tinted
red-orange which is set off by the
shiny metal connections of the
One of the most painstaking job-;
in building this model was the
construction of the tiny block and
tackle setups for raising and low-
eri the miniature life boats. This
was hone by using string for ,rope
and very small, but operating pul-
leys, so that the tiny boat hangs
ready for. instant use in exactly
the same manner as do the life
boats upon the mother ship.
The model boat was shipped to
the Transport library of the engin-
eering school from New York where
it had been on exhibit during the
past summer, and docking an~d
handling of the model was in the
hands of Prof._ John S. Worley,
curator of the library.
Rum Runners Wounded
in Lake Erie Skirmish
TOLEDO, O., Dec. 4.-(P)-Two
reputed rum runners who attemgpt-
ed to outrace a coast guard cutter
on. Lake Erie Thursday night were
shot and 780 cases of what govern-
ment agents said were assorted
liquors and beer were seized.
The two wounded men, sailing: a
65-foot cabin cruiser, were chased
two miles before the coast guards
opened fire with rifles and pistols
and put an end to the race.
One of them, who said he was
Ed Zess, 28, of Port Clinton; O.,-was
shot in the neck, but was expected
to recover. The other, booked -as
George Welch, 30, Detroit, -received
a shattered. elbow and cuts from a
broken window glass.
The capture was, made two miles
southeast of the Toledo . harbor
light when the cruiser reached wa-
ters too shallow for the government
boat and was fired upon. It Was
the first clash on Lake Erie in re-
cent months and came at a time
when lake smuggling was believed
to have been virtually halted.
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Vigilance of Ann Arbor police-
men yesterday resulted in he re
owner _in J ckson. An Esser sed n

ha been seen par ed withou '. ghts
for two nights on Grand View dre. d S
At 3:30 yestr ay nornmig he
squad ir in passing noticed the u %f:'f Pact Soutror
automobile's lights ' on and doo-s
open. They found nobody about DETROIT--Chris Benoff, 26, and
and towed the car to the station, Dorothy Brown, .18, were found
where investigation revealed that s'riously wounded by bullets in the
it had been stolen Wednesday from reL1r of the girl's father's candy
Chester Chase, 239 Palmer street, store late today. Police saw. the-
Jackson. ,posibility of a sucide pact.
-- - - -

hi attack by the irst
ofSalvadorean infantry.

aide in






BEST SHOE SHINE in town. San-
fords. Sundays, evenings. 121
E. Ann, 514 E. William. 261c
204 North Main Phone 3916
Laundry drop box at Barbecue
opposite Angell Hall. 200c
Phone 7112, Killins Gravel Co.
POR SALE--Ford ro dster, model
A. 1929. 4 new ti s, motor just
recondftidoned and. guaranteead
$150 tems.Call Bishonp60-17
finance company for balance
due. 311 W. Huron. Phone 22001
FOR SALE-Very cheap. A slightly
worn high grade dre s -suit. size
39 or 40. Max Krutsch, tailor. 121
Liberty. 32
F 0 R SALE-$100 dental instru-
ment cabinet, $15. Antique furni-
ture, spinning wheel, glass wae,
bottles, cov-erlets. 2122 Dorset
Road. -
FOR SALE-$100 Fur Coat_-Bar
pelt with Coonskin. collar, $;35
See at 1319 S. University. 303
- . ~FOR' !RENT. -
FOR RENT--Single room and suie
for two or three. Private enter-
ance, steam heat, near campi .
Very reasonable. Phone 4354.
WANTED-Ride fo r three fellows
to New York for Christmas vaca-
tion. Phone 6674. 305
Rd. Prof. Gingerich, on accounIt
of poor health, being compelled
to go west, authorizes us to sell
_his strictiv modiern. eluivel l..

('v and Danci
l2to 12


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