THE MI~CIAN DfAILY YYRDHn flRILflURU GOES TORECEIVERS Disaster Is First Major Rail Casualty of Present Depression. Robinson Directs 'Whiteheaded Boy' With Irishmen, Not Students, Now Teaching Field Still Open, Says Carrot hers There is still a great demand for real teachers, said Prof. George E. Carrothers, director of high school' inspection, in a radio talk yesterday{ addressed primarily to high school seniors throughout the state. The teaching field is crowded now, said Professor Carrothers, but so are all professional fields. One Cornell Professor Will Offer Two Speech Courses at Summer Session. Dr. Harry Caplin, professor of classics at Cornell University, is to Daily Official Bulletin Sunday, Dec. 6, at 4 p. m. A ance is required at all meetin (Continued from ]Page Eight) Junior Girls' Play Finance Corn- Phi Delta Kappa: The fall mittee: Meeting at 5 p. n., in Con- tion and banquet will be held course of League building. Michigan Union Saturday, E The initiation ceremony wil COMING EVENTS place at 4 and the banquet wi low at 6 p. m. The price is $] Uxiversity Lecture: Friday, Dec. servations may be made by w 4, at 4:15 p. m., Natural Science au- to the Secretary, F. G. W, ditorium. Prof. Peng-Chun Chang, University High School. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2.-(I)-Failing in last-minute effort to obtain fi- nancial aid, the Wabash Railway Co. today was in the hands of re- ceivers-the first major business casualty in railroadcircles sinc the stock market crash and subse- quent business lull. Unable to meet its operating ex- penses in the face of drastic cuts in freight revenue, the road con- sented Tuesday to the appointment in federal court of two receivers, Walter S. Franklin, St. Louis, new- ly-elected president of the system, and Frank C..Nicodemus, jr., New York, assistant general counsel of the road. The receivers were named on pe- tition of the T. J. Moss Tie Co.,. which claimed the road was "com- pletely insolvent" and based its ac- tion on a claim of $49,651. The road likewise defaulted on large interest payments. The automobile industry, from which it derived much of its rev- enue by hauling automobiles and parts from Detroit, w a s partly blamed in rail circles for its plight. This falling off in automobile man- ufacture and the use of trailers to haul new automobiles on the high- ways by Detroit nanufacturers cut drastically into the road's revenues. Before accepting rec ivership the Wabash management made strenu- ous efforts to obtain aid from the Pennsylvania railroad, its present owner, its New York banking af- filiations and from the government, but met with refusals on all sides. The failure also cost the road any benefit it might have gained from the interstate commerce coi-. mission's plan for a national rev- enue pool to help weaker roads. Gross earnings of the railroad for ten months ending last Oct. 31 were said in the bill of complaint to have been $11,290,000 less than the same period of 1930 and that the liabilities of the company ex- ceeded the book values of its as- sets by more than $6,000,000. reason is the return of many teach- be a member of the speech depart- of Nankai University, Tientsin, China, and at present a member of the Department of Philosophy at, the University of Chicago: "Tradi- tions and Technique of the Chinese Teatr." ers to their profession after having spent several years in the business world. Also, many schools have cut down on their teaching stalls which has lowered the total number of teachers now employed. "The profession needs courageous men and women now a's never be- fore." said Professor Carrothers. directing dramatics in Flint. "The Whiteheaded Boy" will come to the Mendelssohn theatre next week' with a group~ of players in. whose repertoire it has been for nearly 20 years. The Abb>y Theatre, of Dublin, Ireland, is one of the foremost theatres of its kind in the world, it, has been stated. It has maintained' a following of important play- wrights and actors since- its organ- ment during the 1932 Summer Ses- sion, it was announced yesterday by Prof. James M. O'Neill, department Lennox Here Two Years Ago. A year and a half ago, Lennox Robinson, here as guest director of Play Production, produced out of native collegiate talent his own best-known comedy, "The White- headed Boy." There was much lisp- ing of Irish brogue from the actors that Mr. Robinson cast in his play, and thosed'on the inside' swore that Play Production had 'gone Irish'.' again, and this time has brought a whole troupe of Irish actors, the Abbey Theatre players. They are showing "The Whiteheaded Boy" (with three other plays) with all the geniality of Irish disposition that Michigan tried so hard to imi- tate in their production. "The Whiteheaded Boy" at Mich- igan had in its cast some of our favorite players: Tennent, Todd, Adams, Gregory, and Holden were in the production. They have all gone now, excepting Todd. (The i campus is eagerly awaiting to see her in a show this season. Florence Tennent, '30, who played 1rs. Geoghegan, the favoring moth- er who makes all the family give up for her darling, her "whiteheaded boy," has long left us. She played last in Play Production in Somer- set Maugham's comedy, "The Con- stant Wife," in the 1930 summer session. Charles Holden, '29, the selfish son, is now director of stage design in the State Normal college of Iowa. Evelyn Gregory, the "sweet little Delia" of the production, is head. He will offer two courses to grad- uate students, one on the theory of speech composition and debate, em- phasizing the medieval period, and the other seminar in rhetoric and oratory of the classical period. Dr. Caplin for many years was a member of the department of speech at Cornell. Later he turned to ,instruction in Greek subjects and has continued ever since. For the past few years, in connection with the classics, he has conducted advanced courses in classical rhet- oric to graduate students in public speaking. He also has been a holder of a fellowship granted by the Guggen- heim Foundation. Under this grant he spent a year abroad studying medieval rhetoric. Professor O'Neill, in commenting on the courses, said Dr. Caplin com- bines in a unique way a knowledge of Latin and Greek with an appre- ciation of the needs and problem: of the graduate student. Public Lecture: Dr. P. C. Chang., Exchange Professor at the Univer-' sity of Chicago, and Dean of Tsing I Hua University, will lecture on "The Meaning of the Crisis in the Far [East," Friday, Dec. 4, at 8 p. in., in the Natural Science auditorium un- der the auspices of the Chinese Students Club. The public is invited. College of Pharmacy: Next Tues- day, Dec. 8, at 4:15 p. in., in Room 300, Chemistry and Pharmacy bldg., Dr. Myron Heyn and Mr. W. H. Blome of Frederick Stearns and Company, Detroit, will speak on Newer Medicinals and Patents in Relation to Medicinals. Students of Pharmacy are urged to attend this meeting. Others who may be inter- ested, are cordially invited. Shop 4 Students: The trip to the Cadillac Motor Car Company sched- uled for Friday afternoon, Dec. 4, has been postponed indefinitely. Section I of Shop 4 will meet as usual in Room 1300 East Engineer- ing building. A. P. Gwiazdowski. Triangles: .Meeting in the Union All-Campus Forum: "The Chun and the World Economic Cris will be held Sunday, Dec. 6, at p; in., in Natural Science audito im, under the auspices of V H Foundation. Prof. RoyI Sellars will act as chairman, a Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Rab Bernard Heller, Rev. Henry Lew and Rev. H. P. Marley will spew No charge. Public is invited. Cosmopolitan Club regular me ing Saturday, Dec. 5, at 8 p. m., Lane Hall. Prof. Jones will leetor Short musical program. Membe please be prompt. Usual nomin fee will be charged non-memhber Alumnae and former women sti dents of the University of Michig living in.iAnn Arbor are invited a reception and tea in, honor Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Mrs. Bea Conger, and Miss Marguerite Ch, pin at the home of Mrs. Jam Inglis, 2301 Highland Road, Satt day, Dec. 5, from 3 to 6 p. m. Wesley Players: Meeting chang to Friday evening at '7:15. It especially important that everyo be present. Hofse of Representatives of t League will meet Dec. 4, at 4 o'clv in committee room of the Leagu -vri 5 ts. inc i a t 111g. L,.7its V nra 1- living in Ann Arbor, having made ization early in the century, and her last success (a howling one) in has developed a realistic technique' "The Well"-a commedia del' Arte I which is individually its own. play-last spring.. The persistent love of John Duffy, MOUNT HOLYOKE-Eight stu- Esquire, for Aunt Ellen of the Geo-idents already have been given free hegans brings about a very amusing tuition at Mount Holyoke college, concoction of Irish humour. Mildred;where authorities refuse to turn Todd, '32, still on the campus, was away upperclasswomen whose par- the Aunt Ellen; and Robert Adams, ents are unable to pay their tuition '30, who played Mr. Duffy, now is because of the depression. i y incomiteromofth La 4. r BR A S S -there's something about it that fairly breathes PERMANENCY. I s -JMM __ _ _ f beca se theyre fres CAMELS are never parched or toasted! FOLKS who smoke really fresh cigarettes made from choice sun-ripened tobaccos never have to give a thought to their throats. That's because such fresh cigarettes retain natural moisture - and are gratefully smooth, cool, throat- friendly, mild. Camels are the fresh cigarette- everyone knows that now-they're blended from the finest Turkish and mild Domestic tobaccos that money and skill can buy. We would never dream of parching or toasting these choice sun-ripened tobaccos-that would only drive off or destroy the natural moisture that makes Camels fresh in nature's own mild way. The Camel Humidor Pack protects a fine cigarette fresh with natural moisture - it could do little or nothing to freshen a cigarette that is dried-out or factory-stale. If you smoke for pleasure, see for yourself what freshness means in mildness and flavor -switch to Camels for just one day-then leave them, if you can1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C. a R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company's Coast-to-Coast Radio Programs CAMEL QUARTER HOUR, Morton Downey, Tony PRINCE ALBERT QUARTER HOURAlice joy,401 Wons, and Camel Orchestra, direction Jacques Hunch,'2 and Prince Albert Orchestra, diree- Renard, every night except Sunday, Columbia tion Paul Van Loan, every night except Sun. Broadcasting System day, N.B.C. Red Network See local paper for time C am l J 'AA P° " 21 (m ) u167. Made FRE HmKjt FESH IMINOMINI rJawl"llooor