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December 02, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-12-02

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Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Meniber of the Western Conference Editorial Associatto
The A4ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the e for re-
bublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
redited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
!lass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Asistant
Postmnaster General-.r .s~tn
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.50
Offices Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
IFlchigan. Phones~: Editorial, 4825; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
EdItoria Director..................... ........Beach Conger, Jr.
Cay Editor ................... ................Carl Forsythe
News Ed'tor................................David M. Niohol
E orts Editor...............................Sheldon 0. Fullerton
Womena Editor ..,.......................Margaret M. Thompson
Issistant News Editor ..4....... . .......Robert L. Pierce

community into a superior, cooperating body. Yet it
has about as much reason as fire: when suddenly set
off by a spark of "National Honor" it can get out of
control and ruin everyt'hing. That we call war.
Kirby Page gave a good example of the methods
of "National Honor." A business man from out East
goes to Chicago to start up an enterprise; racketeers
take his money and finally shoot him. "He was a
fool to go to Chicago," everyone says. No one thinks
of calling out the New York State Guard to intervene
in Chicago. But another man goes to Mexico. Some
bandits take his property and shoot him. Immedi-
ately some military fire-bug shouts "National Honor"
and starts a great flare-up. "The United States must
protect the property of its citizens." But the recent
rise of nationalism in most small countries has made
armed intervention no longer safe. In any case it
is an unnecessary and unsound policy; it must be
abandoned. Why should a person travelling or in-
vesting abroad not take his chances along with the
people of the other country?
Excessive nationalism is associated with an insti-
tution of recent origin, the "National State"-artifi-
cial, sovereign, proud and touchy. In medieval times
there was no such thing. May we look forward to
a new world where again political divisions will fall
less sharply and more naturally, where the patriotic
spirit will attach to a world community as well as
the local. In fact we have in the League of Nations
the possible beginnings of a new order, but it is being
thwarted on every hand by intensely nationalistic,
narrow states, which refuse to cooperate, be it about
armaments, tariffs, unemployment, overproduction
or underconsumption. It is hopeful, however, that
these states, including the United States and the
Soviet Union, are learning to cooperate through the
League on a host of less important matters. come
truly democratic governments in the leading coun-
tries would soon build up some form of world gov-
ernment. But if we continue to tolerate governments
by the rich in the interest of certain of the rich,
which persist in such policies as armed intervention
like small beys playing with fire, then the political
and industrial system is going to collapse before our
eyes. One can see the signs. Charles A. Orr.

i1m HWA%-4. HbbsAVI
\AWiIliar H. H'obbs


Editor's Note: This is the fourth
of a series of articles on outstand-
ing members of the University fac-
ulty. Others will apear in this col-
umn on Wednesday of each week.
By E. Jerome Pettit
During that period ~of the year
1918 which climaxed the World I
F War, one of the leading men who
were employed with the assembling
of material for the use of the Amer-
ican delegates at the Peace Confer-
ence, was an eminent geologist.
One of the leading publications
concerning the results of the War
was "The World War and Its Con-
sequences" with an introduction by
Theodore Roosevelt, w hi i c h was
written by this same geologist.
That the .war work of this man
should stand out with that of lead-
ing political scientists, historians,
and sociologists, although the mat-
ter is somewhat apart from the
field of geology, is only an excellent
illustration of the versatility of the
man, Prof. William Herbert Hobbs,
head of the department of geology
of the University.
Although his work in the geologi-
cal field has been of such a nature
as to mark him as one of the lead-
ers in that branch of science, the

k B. Gilbreth
ad Goodman
Karl Seiffert

J. Culen KenD e dy James Inglis
GerryorgA Rosvinthal
George A. Stauter

ber J. Myers
in Jones

anley W. Arnheini
wson E. Becker
omas Connellan
muel GI. Ellis
meet .l L. Finkle
uis B. Gascoigne

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A. fluber
Normai Kraft
Roland Martin
lledfry Meyer
Marion A. Milezewski
Albert I1. Newman
1;. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Eliz~abeth Long
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann

John . Towns td
Oharles A. Sanford
John W. Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. Ihrt Schaaf
lirackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. R. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Hillary Rarden
Dorothy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhamis

thy Brockman
m Carver
rice Collins
e Crandall
ence -foster

Telephone 21224'
CHARLES T. KLTNE ........................Business .Manager
NORRIS P. JOHNSON......................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising. .............. ...............Vernon Bishop
Advertising Contracts ... ......Robert Callahan
Advertising Service.............. .......... Byron C. Vedder
Publications ......... . . ................... .." illiam T. Brown
Circulation............................. .. Harry R. Begley
Accounts .........................Richard Stratemeir
Women's IBusiness Manager......... ............Ann W. Verner

. Aronson
rt E. Buraley
. Clark
rt Finn
t 'Becker
,ha Jane Clesel
vieve Field
ne Fischgrund

John Keysee.
Arthur F. Kohn
James Lowe
Bernard E. Schnacke
Anne I rsha
Katharine Jackson
Dorothy Layin
Virginia Mcomb
Carolin Mosher'
MHt' en Olsen

Grafton W. Sharp.
Donald Johnson
Don Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
Helen Spencer
Kathryn Stork
Clare Eanger
Mary Elizabeth Watt.-

Qi The News
INDIVIDUALLY, this morning's Daily will be'
read with varying shades and viewpoints on,
the .news. Ivan Williamson will see his name in
headlines and will probably be the proudest man
on the'campus-and rightly. He's the new foot-;
ball captain. But somebody else, perhaps two or\
thre 'others who thought they had a chance, will
read the same story and, while accepting the ver- I
dict and wishing Michigan's star end a great
season next year, will put the paper down, glad
that those same headlines aren't going to appear
in tomorrow's issue, tOo.
The news-hawk's eyes will pop open when he
sees the new mystery story brewing in Ann Arbor
following the discovery of a woman's clothing in
the Huron late yesterday. What a story, he thinks!
And this same clew may deepen the sorrow of
some other individual who remembers the nau-
seating horror with which he or she read of a
similar event long ago. Congress opens up next
Monday, another story tells us, and everyone is'
anxious to see which Democrat accepts the seik-
er's chair. What does the Republican candidate
for the post, defeated after years of ttiumphs, feel
when he reads that story?
"Who cares if the famous Chinese philosopher
is going to lecture here," says the disriterested
reader at this iriorning's table ; and yt oe of hi
fellow countrymen, reading the same story at the
same time, has already clipped it out and sent it
home. .To him it is the week's greatest event.
The Daily prints an editorial on a controversial
issue; it is read, discussed, and huiled bck, torn
to bits by friend and foe alike. 'He's dead wrong',
shouts one reader. 'You're wrong ! He's dead
right' says another. And both look into the mirror
and are surer than ever of their viewpoints.
It's being voiced around the conference that
Michigan should concede the Big Ten title to
Northwestern this year as a reciprocal gesture for
the 1925 sportsmanship thC Wildcats displayed.
The opinion is based on the fact that during the
normal schedule the Evanston team won five and
lost no games, only to be beaten when they were
stale and on the down grade in a charity struggle.
But there may be another side to it, and Michi-
gan's "sportsmanship" in such a concession is
It takes all kinds of news to make a world.
Letters published in this column should not
be construed as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
fining themselvesN to less than 300 words if
I was struck by a recent contribution to your
column concerning the armed intervention of the

To The Editor:
In the able and well-sustained discussion between
Mr. Gillette and his critics, both sides have made
strong and logical arguments, but there is one point
which might bear a little more stressing. Granting
the natural combativeness of man, does it follow that
war as it exists today is necessarily an eternal insti-
tution? In the middle ages neighborhood wars be-
tween one baron and another, in the old Scottish
highlands clan wars between one family and another,
in the Italy f the fifteenth century municipal wars
between one city and another, in the sixteenth cen-
tury religious 'wars between one church and another
seemed altogether natural and "inevitable." Yet they
have all ceased to exist and it requires an effort even
to reconstruct them in imagination. There is nothing
about national wars that promises greater perman-
ence. The step from our huge national states (one
of which, the British Empire, already contains in
comparative peace a fourth of the whole human race,
and another, the United States of America, covers an
area comparable to that of all Europe) to an inter-
national world state is a much shorter one than has
already been taken from the feudal anarchy of the
tenth century France with its hundred local "wars"
to the peace and public order of France today.
Preston W.,Sosson.
Of "Ambassador Bill" little more need be said
than that Will Rogers plays the lead, which has be-
come virtually as eloquent as all the glittering praise
so unanimously showered by critics upon past per-
formances of the famous corn-fed political commen-
tator, humorist; and, what applies more directly here,
With the exception of one or two spots where the
action b come what might be termed soggy-and
what could one expect with an eight-year old boy
king in the script-the show is good enough so that
it is only by exercising all our restraint that we re-
frain from terihirig it brilliant.
Even Margaret Churchill, who so often has been
the weak spot of an otherwise good cast, does well
as the youthful queen-mother, while the mere pres-
ence-and what more need she offer--of Greta Nissen
helps the bed-room scene immeasurably. Miss Nissen
doesn't have to be able to act.
The action, of which there is an abundance, con-
cerns the foibles of a sagebrush diplomat in a royal
court of the Balkans. The situation is ideal as a
backgrouAd for the verbal rapier thrusts of Mr. Will
Rogers, who, it appears, still is an' ardent Democrat.
His lines are extremely well-written, while his de-_
portmnent throughout the film, is, of course, prime.
The love story-oh, yes, there is a love story-is
not nearly as sickeninf as one might expect in a pic-
ture where.it is secondary to a comedy theme. Ray
Milland as the deposed king is just ardent enough
toward the queen, Margaret Churchill, so that the
audience doesn't get that bloated feeling so frequent-
ly created by the lesser lovers of the screen.

-Rentschler Photy'
unusual Ithing a b o u t Professor
Hobbs has been his widespread in-
terest in all things affecting hu-
This tall figure, with his sharp
yet kindly glance, possessing a full
ruddy beard, is one of khe most pic-
turesque characters on the Michi-
gan campus. Students of former
years remember him as the indi-
vidual who was always accompan-
ied by Sandy, the tawny handsome
collie who died last December.
Professor Hobbs, who has had
three glaciers named in his honor,
is one of the most widely-traveled
men of the country. In 1921 he
made an extended trip through the
Orient, visiting many islands and
carrying on research work wherev-
er he went. He stopped at Hawaii
and Japan, where he studied moun-
tain range formations, and then
sailed for the Coral Islands on a
Japanese gunboat, the first foreign
civilian to travel on a Japanese war
vessel. On this voyage the ship ex-
perienced many storms,all0of
which the grey-haired profecsso-i
took with a smile.
In January of the following year
he sent this message to Pres. M. L.
Burton of the University, "I am
now on a 4,000-mile cruise skirt-
ing North Borneo-thence through
the Straits and past Flores into th'
Indian Ocean. The scientific prob-
lem on which I am working has se
developed as to make it'necessary
for me to extend my trip."-The an-
swer to this letter of course advis-
ed Professor ;Hobbs to continue his
Another experience of this trip
was the discovery of a marooned
isailor on the shoals of Kusai Is-
lands. The man had been there for
twenty years, and Professor Hobbs
laid his case before the Acting-
Governor of the Philippines and so
arranged for the sailor's return to
his home in Utica, Ohio.
His next important venture was
in connection with the famous
Koch of Copenhagen, in the form
f a scientific expedition to Green-
.and during the years 1926, 1927,
and 1928. His work there was laud-
ed by Admiral Byrd in the follow-
ing statement, "The -work of Pro-
fessor Hobbs in the North was most
valuable, and what he has done
there must be done in the South.
When I reach the age which he has
attained, I am mighty sure that I
shall beglad to retire. Not he. He


Maid-In-Waiting, by John Galsworthy. (Scrib-
ner's) $2.50.
A White Bird Flying, by Bess Streeter Aldrich.
(Appleton) $2.00.,
Hatter's Castle, by A. J. Cronin. (Little Brown
& Co.) $2.50.
Westward Passage, Margaret A. Barnes. (Hough-
ton Mifflin) $2.50.
Cold, by Prof. Lawrence Gould. (Brewer, Warren
& Putnam) $3.50.


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