I TNE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNE M1Y SQ IRT: BACK TO THE BUSHES _ ~By Licht y _.. .. r- yAS= A.W-COUT IT QOUT, N. TL }' "STOt + ~5Ci > O SM~.)c.KYV t SN4CEtJ ynj 4ATeR tJS ocLJv _TA, NGI4ACR~OS~SP ~?Q~JR ~~ T- W~ 6TT~a~ tT OPEN STRETCt-A 4 .N 'Too ouc GET&THESE b-Wke UP 44 ! FT Y'ET ,, cN .. .. .. . .... . ... .... .: : t\-V_ CU CE-#-1t7(t. tat ---- . OIcVt. S T0 Tk+AA~T .s&P I N T O T NIS U&N IS____ .U (2 sc -i . W . - yu CsA N T 'S O e-.- - -C3UT -roo ____, t e F (achine Shortha nd4) AEDSIREU Demonstration NOTICE 1 by World's Fastest St enotypest at 8 LANE HALL State and Washington Sts. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday ]December 2 MWO WilimH. Hobbs (Continued from, age 4) His later writings include such top- ics as "Earth Features and Their Meaning,"' "The Glacial, Anticy- clones," and "Exploring About the North Pole of the Winds." Not content with c z nfining, his 1 activities to the scientific field, hei is also noted for his works on na- tional defense and his biography of the late Leonard Wood; adminis- trator, soldier, and citizen, as Pro'- ±fesr Hobbs termed the foxrmerC Governor-General of the Philip- pines. Hehas been honored on'innum- erable occasions. In 1924 he was m~adea Chevalier of the. Legion of, Honor;he is a. Fellow of the Geo- loia ociety of America, and a, Memb~er of thie American Philoso- phical Society. Hle has been a member of the Michigan ifaculty since '1906, comn- ing here fromn the University of Wisconsin- to accept the headship of~ the department of geology and th~e direct~orship of the Geology Laboratory. In August~ of this year he went abroad ors leave of absence. While away he miade a 13-day excursion into the Sahara and numerou.s other side-trips, of interest. Though his leave, will not expire until F'eb- ruary, he returned last month to Ann Arbor in order, he sa.ys, to. "do, a bit. of writing." His closer friends insis that there were other rea- sos, ~toprompnpt his ea>rly return, suchj as a very de~ep affection forr h is litt~le grand-daughter. This, P~q eso Hobbs would find hard to dnsince he pays daily visits to th, "lile la.dy." Often in the mingns. ef ore class,certainly, ii the late, afternoons, he may be found, with the youngster. Students have always found it esy to like t h i s kind-hearted' teaher, who, though stern, hasal- was shon a great respect for the v g~points and\,a1ilities of his pu.- pand they never pass the f am-' iliar camipus figure~ without exper- iencing a deep feeling of awe and, a imiration for one who has set a s rema~rkable standard for all students of life. . :, . r 4 . k .tl IN RUTCHINS HAL (Ca)ntinued from Page One) named in honor of Harry Burns Hutchins, former dean of the lawj school and president of the Uni- versity, has been made possible by the provisions of the will of the later William W Cook, well known at-j torney and benefactor of the Uni-, versity. Individual flat topped desks are. being planned for the. recitation rooms. Drawers and compartments, inside the desks will be provided for papers and books. Considerable pains have been taken in the seat- ing arrangements so that these desks, which approacha real office furniture in appearance, may 'be used. Material for the exterior is a seam~ faced granite taken from quarries at Weymouth, Mass., while- Indiana limestone is being used for the trimming.i A conventional arrangement of rooms is planned. for the iniside with the first two floors being devoted to class 'rooms, the third floor to a f1- ministration 'quarters .and.offices for individual professors,J while the, fourth floor will be used by, the' Michigan Law Review, the Michi- gan State Bar association-, and the. American. Judicature society. Un,- derground aconnections are being provided to the Legal. Research, building on one side and. to the Law club on the other. Lor ch1 A tnS Forumt of The Nation magazine., will speak' BEST SHOE SHINE in town. San- fords. Sundays, evenings. 121 E. Ann:, 514 E. William. 231c YNCRO MOTORS CO. of Eattle Creep will have their rere3Q)t<_- tivo at Union, rcom 319, from 10 a. mn. to G p. m. to interview stu- dents to sell their product at Christmas vacation. 290 TARS. H.1R. -OR -r epresentin, Syncro Motor Co. of Batt ,- Creek, Mich., will interview stu.- dents at Barber Gyma from 11- 12:30 a;ndi 1-2:350, P'riday, Dec. , 193E. 29, FOR SALE A REPOSSESSED CARS-Buy from finance comnpany for balanc due. 311 W. Huron. Phone 22001 235 FOR SALE-Standard Royal type- writer. Office modlel. Complete,. $10. Call 3582. 292 SAND~ Phone- 7112, Killins Gravel Co. 292c Prof. Emil Lorch, director of the School of Architecture, has left for Washington, D.. C-., where he, will attend the President's conference on "Home Building and Home Own- ership" which will be :held from Dec. 2 to 5. Daily. Official Bulletin IG ~ AIJ4' . 1-iiL14 0:~01. Club Sunday, Dec. 6, in the, Natural Science auditorium at 2 b* . .T'here will be a twenty-five cent admis- sion charge. The topic will be "Mili- taristic Uncle Sam'" ISophomore Cabaret Hostesses : ,A meeting at Mosher Drawing Room, Mosher-Jordan Halls. Miss Inez THE STATE For any particuilar peo ple Located at 301'2 South State Street, next to Wagner's. All Work Guaranteed. FUL~L SOLhES 4N LADIES' WOK-OU SP 'CI TY, ';;1 :,' : _ : a . ;. ,'. Hamilton Business ,i ;, 'i,, ; 'f II I College Ann~ Arbor, MBchi. '' ,: _- - - -- - -- - - - -- I 7 i (Continued from page 6) iILU.bbL1~UJ J VUI~ UU1 IHalls, has 'complimented the host- distances,. dimensions, and space esses by inviting them to tea Thurs- distribution of open star clusters" day, Dec. 3, at 4 p. in. Hostesses by R. J. Trumnpler. Tea will be serv- must not miss this meeting as it ed from 3 :45 to 4:t15-p. in., is very important and isrcin ___i will be given. Phi1 Delta Kappa: The, fall, initia- Faculty Women's Club: A formal, tion and banquet will be held at the card and dancing party for memn- Michigan Union Saturday, Dcc. 5. bers and their, husbands or escorts The ini}tiation ceremony, will takeI will be held at the Michigan League placee at 4 and the banquet will fol- Thursday evening, Dec. 10, from 9 low at 6 p. mn. The price is $1. Re- until 12 o'clock. servations may be madec by writing to the. Secretary, F. Q . tVA lcott, Youngstown MVichigan' Club will gan Union. -Important meeting. T es op i a u ne icu"s sR i raion aoit : p n Iowa State college will spend ap-' th ujc 1,Ricrain" rxmtl 6,6 esfrpractical philosophy" will be heldI ies this school year than, in the Thursday, Dec. 3, at 3 p. in., in the 1930-3 1 terms. Chapel of the League. The public -- is cordially invited. to come and take part in the discussion. raaIW OwRRVs COLONIAL, FOOD. 609, East Ungiversity Phone 3607 Food at Reasonab~e Prices. Lunches ..35c Dinm.ners , 5 Try our Special steak at 40c -wa 7 \K > -. r"' I s r , ;. , _7 .. 4 i t 'l ti Y _.d J WAN ED For Goodness S ako. Straighten that Tiet RIm herself, to the smallest detail, no wonder little points of careless-. ness in dress become glaring crudities in her eyes. SWAN K COLLAR- HOLDER (looks like a pin-but jsn't)-.holds the collar correctly anid keeps the tie where it het longs. See the new designs at, smart men's shops and jewelers-priced 50c to $5.00. SWANK SETS of matched designs, Collar Holder and Tie Klip, make a wonderful gift for any man. STUDENT LAUJNDRY WANTE~D- Called for and delivered. Phone 4863. 150 IDEAL LAUNDRY CO. 204 North Main Phone 391G (aundry .drop box_- at Barbecue opposite Angell1 Hall. 200c LOST iLOST-A )-notv-ie camera in front of 1215 Hill St. Reward. Call 4121, extension 721, between o and 5 or 6602 after 5 p. in. 291 LOST-Cigar lighter-watch. In En- gineering Building. Mon1day. In- formation concerning, or return will be rewarded by Carlo F. White. Phone 4602.- 293 A a.. OM - om MM Oswald Garrison Villard, editor TYP WR'ITERS - PORTABLE Snitb-oroaNoseles s, It4 S. Stae G t., A.n A bor m WILL RGR in :!!,BA S DO BL TOAY lN aarith Greta NISSEN Marguerite CHURCHILL MONEY MAKERS OF ,MANHATTAN Dress Assets for. Men Masculine as an old briar pipe, useful as a sus- pendber button, smart; as a bridegroom beside a potted fern-add that touch of correctness that keeps a man at ease under the most critical inspection, Collar Holders, Tie Klips, Dress Sets, Collar 1ut- tons, Cuff Links--all SWANK,. made by Baer & Wilde Co. - jewelersr to men exclusively, E . i makers of famnous y.~ - KUM-APART-the Nation's Cuff fbtton. .' r .. F ,,,.. 1 FOR R~ENT FOR SALT OR RENT--440 Highland Rd. Prof. Gingerich, on account of poor health, being compelled to go west, authorizes us to \sell his strictly modern, exclusively lo- cated, high class eight room resi- dence at a great sacrifice. For ~particulars and an appointment to see this, call D. S. M~cComb, 4812 or 21534. 286 NAJ reaiDr'a ia Played 9,fl' 4 Great Stars!. "ONCE A HERO" COMEDY 11' III PARAMOUNT NEWS 6, RR i c =: f . , , } i ADOLPHE NW ENJOU' LILY J, "Friends 'and lgiffv'e ?S,99 WITH ERIC VON STROHEIMJ . LAURENCE OL IVIER Qratorica1 Asso~cation Pre'entsf TRAND . - , - . t Na ,: :;, ,. , aG r TOk "? : s and, don't forget to kisabl6 fHifl Auditoiim flavorings that burn *Into cling- W 'Pi THO G 0 L D S in%' staining, and breath-taint- L ing vapors. Lect- ure Sizbje-ct' "TePhilosoph yf The marriage ceremony doesn't demand it. But the Newlyweds who take OLD. GOLDS as their wedded choice in cigarettes are vs LU 6. z r To prolong that. honeymoon charm, smoke pure-tobacco OLD GOLDS. No throat rasp, no smoker's cough can comne from