.1 Ais~ aiI J k MENIBE) ASSOCITl PRESS A rlED ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1931 PRICE FIVE BINGHAMPH PREARS FOR NTION1 L POLL'' ON LIQUOR SUBJECT The Detroit police are shown arresting a resisting communist. The arrest was the result of an attempt by the "Reds" to hold a demonstra- tion in i downtown park, the second riot of its kind/within a week. Statement of Referendum Plan Comes During Discussion by Party Leaders DRYS SCOFF 'AT IDEA Early Vote Expected to Assist Anti-Prohibitionists in , Repeal Attempt WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. - (P) - The persistent prohibition problem today moved into line with others waiting for Congressional doors to 1 >pen as a resolution for a Nationa, referendum on the subject wasz drafted.t Prepared by Sen. Bingham, Re- publican, Conecticut, who has long thought there was little good in' the liquor laws, it came just as wets and drys were having an 'exchange of statements on the subject. Drys Scoff at Poll. The latest of countless wordy wais over the Eighteenth, Amend-] ment and Volstead Act was precipi- tated by an announcement from the women's organization for Na- tional prohibition reform that 149 members of Congress favored a popular vote on the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. tt In quickly forthcoming rebuttals, the drys said in effect that the pollt meant nothing, or if it had signifi- cance it showed that the Amend- ment and the Volstead Act were here to stay. Dry leaders in Con- gress also showed no concern, and althoughhtherewas no open com- ment, their feeling has been for some time that economic problemsf at the coming session will keep pro- hibition out of debate most of thel time. Sen. Robinson, the Democratic leader, said recently that he did not look, for action .o pr.hibltion. ' Bingham Wants Early Vote. Bingham and some other Sena-t tors, as well as a determined groupY in the House, see the situation differently. The Connecticut Sera- tor wants a vote as soon as possible1 and said he would seek one "in every waypossible under Senate rules." House wets are hoping that liber-t alization of their rigid rules will enable them to get the question up in such a fashion thatevery mem- ber will have to commit himself one way or the other before next year's election. Three dry comments today all called attention to the fact that the 149 were not enough to sendl the question to the people. December Edition of Gargoyle Will ' Appear Tomorrow Merry Christmas will be the theme of the December issue of1 Gargoyle which will appear on cam- pus Thursday morning. Not only will new features relating to thej Xmas spirit be included but old ones as well. The cover of the magazine willt be one of the typical puzzles which Gargoyle has succeeded in arous-- ng comment with on the campus Iand according to Thomas M. Cool- ey. '32, managing editor, ought to appeal to -the student imagination. Four colors are used in the cover drawing. More short jokes than have ap- peared previously will be present' ed in the issue as well as choice exchanges from other college hu- mor publications. Tom Powers, cartoonist, whose sketches in Gargoyle have aroused considerable comment, has drawn The Revelers, popular radio quartet which will give a concert Thurs- day night, for the issue. An ap- peal to contributors is also includ- ed. Fans Are Blamed for Numerous Grid Deaths NEW YORK, Dec. 1.-(RP)-John W. Heisman, one of those stalwarts who pioneered football and has lived to see it flourish beyond his fondest hopes, has a ready expla- Gilmore Calls Gum Chewing, American Even the Indians Did Not Use Essence of Spearmint. Qum chewing is strictly an Amer- ican iabit and is by no means a modern fad, according to Prof. Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of eth nologiy, who says that the Indians started.it all long before Columbus claimed America for Queen Isabel. The original inhabitants of North America didn't use essences of spearmint, or licorice to flavor their cud, says Professor Gilmore, but they obtained their gum straight from nature. The resins exuded by pine and spruce trees afforded them large quantities of chewable sub- stance which they obtained by merely breaking it off the trees. So important did the Indians find their gum, that it was a com- mon source of barter, particularly among tribes dwelling in locations where no such thing could be ob- tained, says Professor Gilmore. SHERIFF EXPLODES Importance of Clothing Found' in River Is Discredited by Andres.* Belief that the discovery of sev- eral articles of women's clothing yesterday morning in the Huronl river might be a clue to some mys- tery was exploded late last night whn Sheriff Jacob B. Andres said he attached no significance to the find, and that the river would not be dragged. Earlier, in the day authorities at-] tempted to connect the discovery with the disappearance of Victoria Niedzweici, 19, missing for the lasti two weeks from the home of John F. Dunn, 903 Dewey street, where she was employed as a maid. Mrs. Dunn was unable to identify the{ apparel. Charles Coob, Ann Arbor trapper, found the bundle of clothing yes terday morning in shallow wter near the end of Huron River drive. It contained a dress, undergar- mnents, new shoes, and a powder- puff and lipstick. The nature and condition of the articles indicateq thal# they might have been stolen and later disposed of by throwing them into the river. HELLERDISCUSSE JE2WS ANDJUDISM Rabbi Says Hebrew Religion Has No Creed But Rather Is Spiritual Culture. "Judaism represents Israel's and the Jew's quest for God and the God-like life," said Rabbi Heller of Hillel foundation at the second Student Christian Association open forum. "Present D a y Judaism" formed the subject of Rabbi Hel- ler's talk. He explained that his religion is not simple, and is a whole apart from the old Testament. Accord- ing to Rabbi Heller, this complicity is so great that, "If two Jews get together, three opinions will arise.' COLOMBO SELECTED AS 'MM WILLIAMSON PICKED AS CAPTAIN OF FOOTBALL TEMABNQE Major John L. Griffith Heads Sp 4 List at Annual Function; Yost, Kipke, Conklin Speak. By S. Beach Conger, jr. Ivan Williamson, '33, of Toledo, Ohio, was named 1932 footb captain of the Wolveritie squad at the annual football banquet h at the Union last night. Louis Colombo, .'33, of Detroit, was z nounced as football manager for the next season. Climaxing a season marred by only one defeat, which land Michigan in another tie for the Western Conference championslh the members of the team were honored by members of the studi body and coaches, who termed the team "the greatest come-ba team" in the history of Michigan, and as "having finished strong at the end of the season than 1 year's squad." Irish Players Best Nearly 300 guests heard the nouncements as well as talks' Coman Yin W orld Major John L. Griffith, comn 9 sioner of the Western Conferer Hugh Conklin, '32, president of' Says O. J. Campbell Union, Fielding H. Yost, Direc of Athletics, and Harry Kipke, h( Definitely characterizing the Ir- coach. Prof. O. J. Campbell, of ish players asp the best repertory English department, acted as toa +vin th wrld Pronf n_ T master. ilU Compelnyn ew 11.ut u~ , . . . d Campbell stated in an interview yesterday that the Abbey Irish players were outstanding and that their appearance here was, the greatest theatrical event to occur in Ann Arbor within the,/past five years. Besides being responsible for the development of numerous well known playwrights and actors, the Abbey theatre of Dublin has done more than any other single group in the furtherance of the repertory idea of production. Questioned as to whether these plays scheduled for next week at the Mendelssohn theatre were pop- ular or whether they tended to be "high. brow," Professor Campbell stated that they were decidedly of a popular appeal. NEW CNSTITUTION APPROVED_ B'YSPAI1N' Formal Adoption rs Expected to Follow Action of Assembly. M A D R I D, Dec. 1.-(/P)-Spain's new Republican constitution, up- setting traditions of centuries and altering drastically the legal status of the church, women, divorce, and education, was approved today by the National Assembly.- Formal -adoption as a whole is ,expected Friday. Next will be the Assembly's elec- tion of a president for the nation on Dec. 8, it was officially announc- ed. The new executive-probably Niceto Alcala Zamora, former pro- visional president-will taIse office the next day. Then the Assembly will be ready to work on laws elaborating the constitution which calls Spain a "republic of workers of all classes in a regime of liberty and justice." Three Factors Blamed. Three factors were blamed criticism of intercollegiate att by Major Griffiths in his sp "Criticism of football especiall said, "is sometimes the rest unintelligent thinking. It is ft the result of starting with wrong premise, and consequ drawing, of course impossible clusions. We make the troub generalizing from insufficient This third factor is one of greatest faults. Other conch are wrong because we start the prejudiced viewpoint. "We cannot settle all these letic questions by logic. We not agree witha man whose tions have 'been aroused. Foc is a young man's game. As we get ' older, we do not see the game through the eyes ยง of the men near- est and most in- . timately connect-. $ ed with it. The man who looks for bad only in college athletics Will find it. Bout (there is hm HUTCHINS HALL WILL INCORPORATE MODERN FEATURES IN CLASSROOMS, A number of innovations in cuss room design have been incorporat- ed in Hutchins Hall, the law school class room building now in the pro- cess" of construction. boud speaker arrangements are' being installed in the three prin- cipal recitation rooms of the build- professors, however, depends on how the plan /works out according to Prof. E. Blythe Stason, faculty member in charge of the new build- ing. In order that students may be heard in the large recitation halls, acoustic engineers from New York good than bad. In the Carnegie Bul- Williamson letin they were looking only for bad. They found it. "We can develop better by an derly process than by revolutiona methods. This principle applies those who criticize college athle and advance their pet schemes substitutes after the present s tern is torn down." Assistaot Managers Named. Al Piper, Jack Beal, Richa White and Ray Fish were nan as assistant football manage Robert Muzzy was selected as ternate. Williamson played end on Varsity all this season and was o standing in his work against pas and punts. He played 471 mint out of :a possible 540 this seas and scored 14 points. He block a punt during the Ohio State ga: falling on it for a touchdown a thus preventing a shout-out gar and caught a pass in the India game, running 25 yards for a tou down. HEFLIN TO, BATTI 'FORSENA4TESEI Alabama's Former Congressn Prepares to Fight for Lost Position. WASHINGTON, D e c. 1.- (A Another battle over a, Senate s -this time between Alabama's f turesque former senator, J. Thon Heflin, and John H. Bankhead, regular Democrat wh o defea him ;or re-election-is impend Senate leaders were lining 'their forces today on informat that Chairman Hastings,, of elections- sub-committee, char with hearing the contest, was p ...v,.r..s: }.i1. i'ti ..ti a ...'' ;$::: ".a..x ',n ::.hv: i}.:.-,.".sA:..:.: :k ,.